HB 1009CS


1The Commerce Council recommends the following:
2     Council/Committee Substitute
3     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
5An act relating to real estate profession regulation;
6amending s. 475.161, F.S.; providing for broker associate
7or sales associate licensure as a professional limited
8liability company; amending s. 475.181, F.S.; revising and
9adding conditions for licensure; amending s. 475.183,
10F.S.; providing continuing education requirements for
11certain license renewal; requiring the Florida Real Estate
12Commission to prescribe certain continuing education
13courses; amending s. 475.25, F.S.; increasing a maximum
14disciplinary administrative fine; providing additional
15grounds for discipline for brokers; providing filing
16limitations for administrative complaints against sales
17associates; requiring the Department of Business and
18Professional Regulation or the commission to provide
19notification to certain persons upon the department's or
20commission's filing of a formal complaint against a
21licensee; amending s. 475.278, F.S.; revising the required
22information on a transaction broker notice, a single agent
23notice, and a no brokerage relationship notice; amending
24s. 475.42, F.S.; removing a cross-reference to conform to
25changes made by the act; amending s. 475.451, F.S.;
26requiring schools teaching real estate practice to keep
27certain records and documents and make them available to
28the department; requiring certain personnel of schools
29teaching real estate practice to deliver course rosters to
30the department by a certain date; specifying the
31information required in a course roster; amending s.
32475.453, F.S.; revising a provision relating to rental
33information given by a broker or sales associate to a
34prospective tenant; amending s. 475.701, F.S.; revising
35definitions; amending s. 475.707, F.S.; revising a
36provision relating to commission notice recording;
37amending s. 475.709, F.S.; clarifying provisions relating
38to claim of commission; amending s. 475.711, F.S.;
39clarifying provisions relating to actions involving
40disputed reserved proceeds; amending s. 475.713, F.S.;
41revising the award of costs and attorney's fees in civil
42actions concerning commission; amending s. 475.715, F.S.;
43revising the method by which an owner's net proceeds are
44computed; amending s. 475.719, F.S.; removing an exception
45from a buyer's broker provision shielding the rights and
46remedies available to an owner, a buyer, or a buyer's
47broker; amending s. 475.807, F.S.; revising a provision
48relating to the recordation of lien notices; providing
49that the recording of a broker's lien notice or any
50extension thereof and any lis pendens shall not constitute
51notice of the existence of any lease; amending s. 721.20,
52F.S.; removing a cross-reference to conform to changes
53made by the act; repealing s. 475.452, F.S., relating to
54advance fees, deposit, accounting, penalty, and damages;
55providing an effective date.
57Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
59     Section 1.  Section 475.161, Florida Statutes, is amended
60to read:
61     475.161  Licensing of broker associates and sales
62associates.--The commission shall license a broker associate or
63sales associate as an individual or, upon the licensee providing
64the commission with authorization from the Department of State,
65as a professional corporation, limited liability company, or
66professional limited liability company. A license shall be
67issued in the licensee's legal name only and, when appropriate,
68shall include the entity designation. This section shall not
69operate to permit a broker associate or sales associate to
70register or be licensed as a general partner, member, manager,
71officer, or director of a brokerage firm under s. 475.15.
72     Section 2.  Subsection (2) of section 475.181, Florida
73Statutes, is amended to read:
74     475.181  Licensure.--
75     (2)  The commission shall certify for licensure any
76applicant who satisfies the requirements of ss. 475.17, 475.175,
77and 475.180. The commission may refuse to certify any applicant
78who has violated any of the provisions of s. 475.42 or who is
79subject to discipline under s. 475.25. The application shall
80expire 2 years 1 year after the date received if the applicant
81does not pass fails to take the appropriate examination.
82Additionally, if an applicant does not pass the licensing
83examination within 2 years after the successful course
84completion date, the applicant's successful course completion is
85invalid for licensure.
86     Section 3.  Subsection (2) of section 475.183, Florida
87Statutes, is amended to read:
88     475.183  Inactive status.--
89     (2)(a)  A licensee may reactivate a license that has been
90involuntarily inactive for 12 months or less by satisfactorily
91completing at least 14 hours of a commission-prescribed
92continuing education course. Notwithstanding the provisions of
93s. 455.271, a licensee may reactivate a license that has been
94involuntarily inactive for more than 12 months but fewer than 24
95months by satisfactorily completing 28 hours of a commission-
96prescribed education course.
97     (b)  Any license that which has been involuntarily inactive
98for more than 2 years shall automatically expire. Once a license
99expires, it becomes null and void without any further action by
100the commission or department. Ninety days prior to expiration of
101the license, the department shall give notice to the licensee.
102The commission shall prescribe by rule a fee not to exceed $100
103for the late renewal of an involuntarily inactive license. The
104department shall collect the current renewal fee for each
105renewal period in which the license was involuntarily inactive
106in addition to any applicable late renewal fee.
107     Section 4.  Subsections (1) and (5) of section 475.25,
108Florida Statutes, are amended, subsection (6) is renumbered as
109subsection (7), and a new subsection (6) is added to that
110section, to read:
111     475.25  Discipline.--
112     (1)  The commission may deny an application for licensure,
113registration, or permit, or renewal thereof; may place a
114licensee, registrant, or permittee on probation; may suspend a
115license, registration, or permit for a period not exceeding 10
116years; may revoke a license, registration, or permit; may impose
117an administrative fine not to exceed $5,000 $1,000 for each
118count or separate offense; and may issue a reprimand, and any or
119all of the foregoing, if it finds that the licensee, registrant,
120permittee, or applicant:
121     (a)  Has violated any provision of s. 455.227(1) or s.
122475.42. However, licensees under this part are exempt from the
123provisions of s. 455.227(1)(i).
124     (b)  Has been guilty of fraud, misrepresentation,
125concealment, false promises, false pretenses, dishonest dealing
126by trick, scheme, or device, culpable negligence, or breach of
127trust in any business transaction in this state or any other
128state, nation, or territory; has violated a duty imposed upon
129her or him by law or by the terms of a listing contract,
130written, oral, express, or implied, in a real estate
131transaction; has aided, assisted, or conspired with any other
132person engaged in any such misconduct and in furtherance
133thereof; or has formed an intent, design, or scheme to engage in
134any such misconduct and committed an overt act in furtherance of
135such intent, design, or scheme. It is immaterial to the guilt of
136the licensee that the victim or intended victim of the
137misconduct has sustained no damage or loss; that the damage or
138loss has been settled and paid after discovery of the
139misconduct; or that such victim or intended victim was a
140customer or a person in confidential relation with the licensee
141or was an identified member of the general public.
142     (c)  Has advertised property or services in a manner which
143is fraudulent, false, deceptive, or misleading in form or
144content. The commission may adopt rules defining methods of
145advertising that violate this paragraph.
146     (d)1.  Has failed to account or deliver to any person,
147including a licensee under this chapter, at the time which has
148been agreed upon or is required by law or, in the absence of a
149fixed time, upon demand of the person entitled to such
150accounting and delivery, any personal property such as money,
151fund, deposit, check, draft, abstract of title, mortgage,
152conveyance, lease, or other document or thing of value,
153including a share of a real estate commission if a civil
154judgment relating to the practice of the licensee's profession
155has been obtained against the licensee and said judgment has not
156been satisfied in accordance with the terms of the judgment
157within a reasonable time, or any secret or illegal profit, or
158any divisible share or portion thereof, which has come into the
159licensee's hands and which is not the licensee's property or
160which the licensee is not in law or equity entitled to retain
161under the circumstances. However, if the licensee, in good
162faith, entertains doubt as to what person is entitled to the
163accounting and delivery of the escrowed property, or if
164conflicting demands have been made upon the licensee for the
165escrowed property, which property she or he still maintains in
166her or his escrow or trust account, the licensee shall promptly
167notify the commission of such doubts or conflicting demands and
168shall promptly:
169     a.  Request that the commission issue an escrow
170disbursement order determining who is entitled to the escrowed
172     b.  With the consent of all parties, submit the matter to
174     c.  By interpleader or otherwise, seek adjudication of the
175matter by a court; or
176     d.  With the written consent of all parties, submit the
177matter to mediation. The department may conduct mediation or may
178contract with public or private entities for mediation services.
179However, the mediation process must be successfully completed
180within 90 days following the last demand or the licensee shall
181promptly employ one of the other escape procedures contained in
182this section. Payment for mediation will be as agreed to in
183writing by the parties. The department may adopt rules to
184implement this section.
186If the licensee promptly employs one of the escape procedures
187contained herein and abides by the order or judgment resulting
188therefrom, no administrative complaint may be filed against the
189licensee for failure to account for, deliver, or maintain the
190escrowed property. Under certain circumstances, which the
191commission shall set forth by rule, a licensee may disburse
192property from the licensee's escrow account without notifying
193the commission or employing one of the procedures listed in sub-
194subparagraphs a.-d. If the buyer of a residential condominium
195unit delivers to a licensee written notice of the buyer's intent
196to cancel the contract for sale and purchase, as authorized by
197s. 718.503, or if the buyer of real property in good faith fails
198to satisfy the terms in the financing clause of a contract for
199sale and purchase, the licensee may return the escrowed property
200to the purchaser without notifying the commission or initiating
201any of the procedures listed in sub-subparagraphs a.-d.
202     2.  Has failed to deposit money in an escrow account when
203the licensee is the purchaser of real estate under a contract
204where the contract requires the purchaser to place deposit money
205in an escrow account to be applied to the purchase price if the
206sale is consummated.
207     (e)  Has violated any of the provisions of this chapter or
208any lawful order or rule made or issued under the provisions of
209this chapter or chapter 455.
210     (f)  Has been convicted or found guilty of, or entered a
211plea of nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a crime
212in any jurisdiction which directly relates to the activities of
213a licensed broker or sales associate, or involves moral
214turpitude or fraudulent or dishonest dealing. The record of a
215conviction certified or authenticated in such form as to be
216admissible in evidence under the laws of the state shall be
217admissible as prima facie evidence of such guilt.
218     (g)  Has had a broker's or sales associate's license
219revoked, suspended, or otherwise acted against, or has had an
220application for such licensure denied, by the real estate
221licensing agency of another state, territory, or country.
222     (h)  Has shared a commission with, or paid a fee or other
223compensation to, a person not properly licensed as a broker,
224broker associate, or sales associate under the laws of this
225state, for the referral of real estate business, clients,
226prospects, or customers, or for any one or more of the services
227set forth in s. 475.01(1)(a). For the purposes of this section,
228it is immaterial that the person to whom such payment or
229compensation is given made the referral or performed the service
230from within this state or elsewhere; however, a licensed broker
231of this state may pay a referral fee or share a real estate
232brokerage commission with a broker licensed or registered under
233the laws of a foreign state so long as the foreign broker does
234not violate any law of this state.
235     (i)  Has become temporarily incapacitated from acting as a
236broker or sales associate with safety to investors or those in a
237fiduciary relation with her or him because of drunkenness, use
238of drugs, or temporary mental derangement; but suspension of a
239license in such a case shall be only for the period of such
241     (j)  Has rendered an opinion that the title to any property
242sold is good or merchantable, except when correctly based upon a
243current opinion of a licensed attorney at law, or has failed to
244advise a prospective purchaser to consult her or his attorney on
245the merchantability of the title or to obtain title insurance.
246     (k)  Has failed, if a broker, to immediately place, upon
247receipt, any money, fund, deposit, check, or draft entrusted to
248her or him by any person dealing with her or him as a broker in
249escrow with a title company, banking institution, credit union,
250or savings and loan association located and doing business in
251this state, or to deposit such funds in a trust or escrow
252account maintained by her or him with some bank, credit union,
253or savings and loan association located and doing business in
254this state, wherein the funds shall be kept until disbursement
255thereof is properly authorized; or has failed, if a sales
256associate, to immediately place with her or his registered
257employer any money, fund, deposit, check, or draft entrusted to
258her or him by any person dealing with her or him as agent of the
259registered employer. The commission shall establish rules to
260provide for records to be maintained by the broker and the
261manner in which such deposits shall be made. A broker may place
262and maintain up to $5,000 of personal or brokerage funds in the
263broker's property management escrow account and up to $1,000 of
264personal or brokerage funds in the broker's sales escrow
265account. A broker shall be provided a reasonable amount of time
266to correct escrow errors if there is no shortage of funds and
267such errors pose no significant threat to economically harm the
268public. It is the intent of the Legislature that, in the event
269of legal proceedings concerning a broker's escrow account, the
270disbursement of escrowed funds not be delayed due to any dispute
271over the personal or brokerage funds that may be present in the
272escrow account.
273     (l)  Has made or filed a report or record which the
274licensee knows to be false, has willfully failed to file a
275report or record required by state or federal law, has willfully
276impeded or obstructed such filing, or has induced another person
277to impede or obstruct such filing; but such reports or records
278shall include only those which are signed in the capacity of a
279licensed broker or sales associate.
280     (m)  Has obtained a license by means of fraud,
281misrepresentation, or concealment.
282     (n)  Is confined in any county jail, postadjudication; is
283confined in any state or federal prison or mental institution;
284is under home confinement ordered in lieu of institutional
285confinement; or, through mental disease or deterioration, can no
286longer safely be entrusted to competently deal with the public.
287     (o)  Has been found guilty, for a second time, of any
288misconduct that warrants her or his suspension or has been found
289guilty of a course of conduct or practices which show that she
290or he is so incompetent, negligent, dishonest, or untruthful
291that the money, property, transactions, and rights of investors,
292or those with whom she or he may sustain a confidential
293relation, may not safely be entrusted to her or him.
294     (p)  Has failed to inform the commission in writing within
29530 days after pleading guilty or nolo contendere to, or being
296convicted or found guilty of, any felony.
297     (q)  Has violated any provision of s. 475.2755 or s.
298475.278, including the duties owed under those sections.
299     (r)  Has failed in any written listing agreement to include
300a definite expiration date, description of the property, price
301and terms, fee or commission, and a proper signature of the
302principal(s); and has failed to give the principal(s) a legible,
303signed, true and correct copy of the listing agreement within 24
304hours of obtaining the written listing agreement. The written
305listing agreement shall contain no provision requiring the
306person signing the listing to notify the broker of the intention
307to cancel the listing after such definite expiration date.
308     (s)  Has had a registration suspended, revoked, or
309otherwise acted against in any jurisdiction. The record of the
310disciplinary action certified or authenticated in such form as
311to be admissible in evidence under the laws of the state shall
312be admissible as prima facie evidence of such disciplinary
314     (t)  Has violated any standard for the development or
315communication of a real estate appraisal or other provision of
316the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, as
317defined in s. 475.611, as approved and adopted by the Appraisal
318Standards Board of the Appraisal Foundation, as defined in s.
319475.611. This paragraph does not apply to a real estate broker
320or sales associate who, in the ordinary course of business,
321performs a comparative market analysis, gives a broker price
322opinion, or gives an opinion of value of real estate. However,
323in no event may this comparative market analysis, broker price
324opinion, or opinion of value of real estate be referred to as an
325appraisal, as defined in s. 475.611.
326     (u)  Has failed, if a broker, to manage or supervise a
327broker associate or sales associate who is employed by such
328broker or who is registered with the department as employed by
329such broker.
330     (v)  Has failed, if a broker, to review the brokerage's
331trust accounting procedures in order to ensure compliance with
332this chapter.
333     (5)  An administrative complaint against a broker, or
334broker associate, or sales associate shall must be filed within
3355 years after the time of the act giving rise to the complaint
336or within 5 years after the time the act is discovered or should
337have been discovered with the exercise of due diligence.
338     (6)  The department or commission shall promptly notify a
339licensee's broker or employer, as defined in this part, in
340writing, when a formal complaint is filed against the licensee
341alleging violations of this chapter or chapter 455. The
342department shall not issue a notification to the broker or
343employer until 10 days after a finding of probable cause has
344been found to exist by the probable cause panel or by the
345department, or until the licensee waives his or her privilege of
346confidentiality under s. 455.225, whichever occurs first.
347     (7)(6)  The commission shall promptly report to the proper
348prosecuting authority any criminal violation of any statute
349relating to the practice of a real estate profession regulated
350by the commission.
351     Section 5.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2), paragraph (c)
352of subsection (3), and paragraph (c) of subsection (4) of
353section 475.278, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
354     475.278  Authorized brokerage relationships; presumption of
355transaction brokerage; required disclosures.--
357     (c)  Contents of disclosure.--The required notice given
358under paragraph (b) must include the following information in
359the following form:
366You should not assume that any real estate broker or sales
367associate represents you unless you agree to engage a real
368estate licensee in an authorized brokerage relationship, either
369as a single agent or as a transaction broker. You are advised
370not to disclose any information you want to be held in
371confidence until you make a decision on representation.
379As a transaction broker,   (insert name of Real Estate Firm and
380its Associates)  , provides to you a limited form of
381representation that includes the following duties:
382     1.  Dealing honestly and fairly;
383     2.  Accounting for all funds;
384     3.  Using skill, care, and diligence in the transaction;
385     4.  Disclosing all known facts that materially affect the
386value of residential real property and are not readily
387observable to the buyer;
388     5.  Presenting all offers and counteroffers in a timely
389manner, unless a party has previously directed the licensee
390otherwise in writing;
391     6.  Limited confidentiality, unless waived in writing by a
392party. This limited confidentiality will prevent disclosure that
393the seller will accept a price less than the asking or listed
394price, that the buyer will pay a price greater than the price
395submitted in a written offer, of the motivation of any party for
396selling or buying property, that a seller or buyer will agree to
397financing terms other than those offered, or of any other
398information requested by a party to remain confidential; and
399     7.  Any additional duties that are entered into by this or
400by separate written agreement.
402Limited representation means that a buyer or seller is not
403responsible for the acts of the licensee. Additionally, parties
404are giving up their rights to the undivided loyalty of the
405licensee. This aspect of limited representation allows a
406licensee to facilitate a real estate transaction by assisting
407both the buyer and the seller, but a licensee will not work to
408represent one party to the detriment of the other party when
409acting as a transaction broker to both parties.
__________Date______________________________ Signature

______________________________ Signature
413This paragraph expires July 1, 2008.
415     (c)  Contents of disclosure.--
416     1.  Single agent duties disclosure.--The notice required
417under subparagraph (b)1. must include the following information
418in the following form:
425You should not assume that any real estate broker or sales
426associate represents you unless you agree to engage a real
427estate licensee in an authorized brokerage relationship, either
428as a single agent or as a transaction broker. You are advised
429not to disclose any information you want to be held in
430confidence until you make a decision on representation.
437     As a single agent,   (insert name of Real Estate Entity and
438its Associates)   owe to you the following duties:
439     1.  Dealing honestly and fairly;
440     2.  Loyalty;
441     3.  Confidentiality;
442     4.  Obedience;
443     5.  Full disclosure;
444     6.  Accounting for all funds;
445     7.  Skill, care, and diligence in the transaction;
446     8.  Presenting all offers and counteroffers in a timely
447manner, unless a party has previously directed the licensee
448otherwise in writing; and
449     9.  Disclosing all known facts that materially affect the
450value of residential real property and are not readily
__________Date______________________________ Signature
454     2.  Transition disclosure.--To gain the principal's written
455consent to a change in relationship, a licensee must use the
456following disclosure:
469As a transaction broker,   (insert name of Real Estate Firm and
470its Associates)  , provides to you a limited form of
471representation that includes the following duties:
472     1.  Dealing honestly and fairly;
473     2.  Accounting for all funds;
474     3.  Using skill, care, and diligence in the transaction;
475     4.  Disclosing all known facts that materially affect the
476value of residential real property and are not readily
477observable to the buyer;
478     5.  Presenting all offers and counteroffers in a timely
479manner, unless a party has previously directed the licensee
480otherwise in writing;
481     6.  Limited confidentiality, unless waived in writing by a
482party. This limited confidentiality will prevent disclosure that
483the seller will accept a price less than the asking or listed
484price, that the buyer will pay a price greater than the price
485submitted in a written offer, of the motivation of any party for
486selling or buying property, that a seller or buyer will agree to
487financing terms other than those offered, or of any other
488information requested by a party to remain confidential; and
489     7.  Any additional duties that are entered into by this or
490by separate written agreement.
492Limited representation means that a buyer or seller is not
493responsible for the acts of the licensee. Additionally, parties
494are giving up their rights to the undivided loyalty of the
495licensee. This aspect of limited representation allows a
496licensee to facilitate a real estate transaction by assisting
497both the buyer and the seller, but a licensee will not work to
498represent one party to the detriment of the other party when
499acting as a transaction broker to both parties.
501____________________I agree that my agent may assume the role
502and duties of a transaction broker. [must be initialed or
505     (c)  Contents of disclosure.--The notice required under
506paragraph (b) must include the following information in the
507following form:
514You should not assume that any real estate broker or sales
515associate represents you unless you agree to engage a real
516estate licensee in an authorized brokerage relationship, either
517as a single agent or as a transaction broker. You are advised
518not to disclose any information you want to be held in
519confidence until you decide on representation.
527     As a real estate licensee who has no brokerage relationship
528with you,   (insert name of Real Estate Entity and its
529Associates)   owe to you the following duties:
531     1.  Dealing honestly and fairly;
532     2.  Disclosing all known facts that materially affect the
533value of residential real property which are not readily
534observable to the buyer.
535     3.  Accounting for all funds entrusted to the licensee.
537  (Date)         (Signature)
539     Section 6.  Paragraph (n) of subsection (1) of section
540475.42, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
541     475.42  Violations and penalties.--
542     (1)  VIOLATIONS.--
543     (n)  A broker or sales associate may not enter into any
544listing or other agreement regarding her or his services in
545connection with the resale of a timeshare period unless the
546broker or sales associate fully and fairly discloses all
547material aspects of the agreement to the owner of the timeshare
548period and fully complies with the provisions of s. 475.452.
549Further, a broker or sales associate may not use any form of
550contract or purchase and sale agreement in connection with the
551resale of a timeshare period unless the contract or purchase and
552sale agreement fully and fairly discloses all material aspects
553of the timeshare plan and the rights and obligations of both
554buyer and seller. The commission is authorized to adopt rules
555pursuant to chapter 120 as necessary to implement, enforce, and
556interpret this paragraph.
557     Section 7.  Subsections (8) and (9) are added to section
558475.451, Florida Statutes, to read:
559     475.451  Schools teaching real estate practice.--
560     (8)  Beginning October 1, 2006, each person, school, or
561institution permitted under this section is required to keep
562registration records, course rosters, attendance records, a file
563copy of each examination and progress test, and all student
564answer sheets for a period of at least 3 years subsequent to the
565beginning of each course and make them available to the
566department for inspection and copying upon request.
567     (9)(a)  Each school permitholder of a proprietary real
568estate school, each chief administrative person of such an
569institution, or each course sponsor shall deliver to the
570department, in a format acceptable to the department, a copy of
571the classroom course roster of courses that require satisfactory
572completion of an examination no later than 30 days beyond the
573end of the calendar month in which the course was completed.
574     (b)  The course roster shall consist of the institution or
575school name and permit number, if applicable, the instructor's
576name and permit number, if applicable, course title, beginning
577and ending dates of the course, number of course hours, course
578location, if applicable, each student's full name and license
579number, if applicable, each student's mailing address, and the
580numerical grade each student achieved. The course roster shall
581also include the signature of the school permitholder, the chief
582administrative person, or the course sponsor.
583     Section 8.  Subsection (1) of section 475.453, Florida
584Statutes, is amended to read:
585     475.453  Rental information; contract or receipt; refund;
587     (1)  Each broker or sales associate who attempts to
588negotiate a rental, or who furnishes a rental information list
589to a prospective tenant, for a fee paid by the prospective
590tenant, shall provide such prospective tenant with a contract or
591receipt, which contract or receipt contains a provision for the
592repayment of any amount over 25 percent of the fee to the
593prospective tenant if the prospective tenant does not obtain a
594rental. If the rental information list provided by the broker or
595sales associate to a prospective tenant is not current or
596accurate in any material respect, the full fee shall be repaid
597to the prospective tenant upon demand. A demand from the
598prospective tenant for the return of the fee, or any part
599thereof, shall be made within 30 days following the day on which
600the real estate broker or sales associate has contracted to
601perform services to the prospective tenant. The contract or
602receipt shall also conform to the guidelines adopted by the
603commission in order to effect disclosure of material information
604regarding the service to be provided to the prospective tenant.
605     Section 9.  Subsections (10) and (12) of section 475.701,
606Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
607     475.701  Definitions.--As used in this part:
608     (10)  "Disputed reserved proceeds" means the portion of the
609owner's net proceeds reserved by a closing agent under s.
610475.709 that the owner disputes the broker's right to receive
611such reserved proceeds under s. 475.709(5).
612     (12)  "Owner's net proceeds" means the gross sales proceeds
613that the owner is entitled to receive from the disposition of
614any commercial real estate specified in a brokerage agreement,
615less all of the following:
616     (a)  The amount of Any money secured by that is required to
617pay any encumbrance, claim, or lien that has priority over the
618recorded commission notice as provided in s. 475.715 other than
619an encumbrance, claim, or lien that the buyer of the commercial
620real estate authorizes to remain after the disposition.
621     (b)  Any costs incurred by the owner to close the
622disposition, including, but not limited to, real estate transfer
623tax, title insurance premiums, ad valorem taxes and assessments,
624and escrow fees payable by the owner pursuant to an agreement
625with the buyer.
626     Section 10.  Subsection (3) of section 475.707, Florida
627Statutes, is amended to read:
628     475.707  Recording commission notice; effectiveness.--
629     (3)  A commission notice recorded under this part expires 1
630year after the date of recording, unless the owner remains
631obligated to pay a commission to the broker brokerage agreement
632remains effective after the expiration date of the commission
633notice and the broker records an extension notice in the same
634public records within the last 60 days before such expiration
635date. An extension notice shall refer to the recording
636information of the original commission notice, shall state that
637the owner remains obligated to pay a commission to the broker
638brokerage agreement remains effective, and shall include the
639information and be executed in the manner as required by s.
640475.705(1) for the original commission notice. A timely recorded
641extension notice shall extend the expiration date of the
642original recorded commission notice by 1 additional year.
643Successive extension notices may be recorded for so long as the
644owner remains obligated to pay a commission to the broker
645brokerage agreement remains effective between the broker and the
646owner. Within 10 days after recording an extension notice, the
647broker shall deliver a copy thereof to the owner.
648     Section 11.  Subsection (6) of section 475.709, Florida
649Statutes, is amended to read:
650     475.709  Duties of closing agent; reservation of owner's
651net proceeds.--
652     (6)  The commission claimed in the commission notice shall
653be deemed confirmed by the owner, and the closing agent shall
654release the reserved proceeds to the broker, if the closing
655agent is required pursuant to subsection (1) to reserve any or
656all of the owner's net proceeds, and if all of the following
657conditions have been met:
658     (a)  Five days have passed after the closing.
659     (b)  The owner has neither confirmed nor disputed the
660claimed commission to the closing agent.
661     (c)  The closing agent receives reasonably satisfactory
662evidence that the broker delivered a copy of the commission
663notice to the owner in accordance with s. 475.705.
664     Section 12.  Subsection (1) of section 475.711, Florida
665Statutes, is amended to read:
666     475.711  Interpleader or other proceedings; deposit of
667reserved proceeds in court registry; discharge of closing agent
668from further liability.--
669     (1)  The closing agent shall, by interpleader action or
670other legal proceeding, seek adjudication of the rights of the
671parties with respect to disputed reserved proceeds by the county
672court or circuit court, whichever may have jurisdiction of
673controversies in the amount of the disputed reserved proceeds,
674in a county where all or a portion of the commercial real estate
675is located if, after the closing of a transaction for the
676disposition of the commercial real estate, all of the following
677conditions are met:
678     (a)  The closing agent has reserved all or a portion of the
679owner's net proceeds pursuant to s. 475.709 and the owner
680disputes the release to the broker of all or any portion of the
681reserved proceeds.
682     (b)  The owner and the broker have not agreed in writing,
683within 5 days after the closing, regarding the closing agent's
684release of the disputed reserved proceeds.
685     (c)  Neither the owner nor the broker have commenced a
686civil action to determine the rights of the parties with respect
687to the disputed reserved proceeds.
688     Section 13.  Subsection (5) of section 475.713, Florida
689Statutes, is amended to read:
690     475.713  Civil action concerning commission; order to show
691cause; hearing; release of proceeds; award of costs and
692attorney's fees.--
693     (5)(a)  In a civil action commenced by the owner or the
694broker under this section or in an interpleader action or other
695proceeding commenced by the closing agent under s. 475.711, the
696owner or the broker that is not the prevailing party shall be
697required to pay:
698     1.  The costs and reasonable attorney's fees incurred in
699the action by the prevailing party.
700     2.  The costs and reasonable attorney's fees incurred in
701the action by the closing agent.
702     3.  The amount of any costs, recording charges, and service
703charges of the clerk of court that were deducted from the
704disputed reserved proceeds under s. 475.711(2) in determining
705the net amount thereof deposited into the registry of the court.
706     (b)  If the court determines that neither the owner nor the
707broker is the prevailing party, the amounts set forth in
708subparagraphs (a)2.1. and 3.2. shall be divided equally between
709and paid by the owner and the broker.
710     Section 14.  Section 475.715, Florida Statutes, is amended
711to read:
712     475.715  Priority of recorded commission notice.--All
713statutory liens, consensual liens, mortgages, deeds of trust,
714assignments of rents, and other encumbrances, including all
715advances or charges made or accruing thereunder, whether
716voluntary or obligatory, and all modifications, extensions,
717renewals, and replacements thereof, recorded prior to the
718recording of a commission notice pursuant to the provisions of
719s. 475.707, have priority over the commission notice. The
720closing agent shall compute the owner's net proceeds by
721subtracting from the gross sales proceeds, and the amount
722required to discharge any such prior recorded lien and the
723amount of money secured by any such prior recorded lien that
724liens shall be subtracted from gross sales proceeds in computing
725the owner's net proceeds unless the buyer permits the same to
726remain a lien against the title to the commercial real estate. A
727prior recorded lien includes, without limitation, a valid
728construction lien claim that is recorded after the recording of
729the broker's commission notice but which relates back to a
730notice of commencement recorded under s. 713.13 prior to the
731recording date of the broker's commission notice.
732     Section 15.  Subsection (3) of section 475.719, Florida
733Statutes, is amended to read:
734     475.719  Buyer's broker.--As used in this section, the term
735"buyer's broker" means a broker that is entitled to receive
736payment from the buyer of commercial real estate of any fee or
737other compensation for licensed services, as specified in a
738written contract made between the buyer and the broker on or
739after the effective date of this act relating to the buyer's
740purchase of the commercial real estate.
741     (3)  No such notice given by the buyer's broker pursuant to
742subsection (2) shall constitute a tortious interference with the
743sale or disposition or financing of the commercial real estate,
744except this section shall not affect the rights and remedies
745otherwise available to the owner, the buyer, or the buyer's
746broker under other applicable law.
747     Section 16.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (8) of section
748475.807, Florida Statutes, is amended, and subsection (9) is
749added to that section, to read:
750     475.807  Recording lien notice; effectiveness.--
751     (8)
752     (b)  To the extent that a lien notice recorded by a broker
753under this part claims an automatic renewal commission that is
754earned but not then payable, the lien notice expires 10 years
755after the date of recording, unless within that time the broker
756commences an action to foreclose the lien under s. 475.809 and
757records a notice of lis pendens in the public records of the
758county where the lien notice was recorded. If the owner remains
759obligated to pay a commission to the broker brokerage agreement
760remains effective, the broker may extend the expiration date of
761a lien notice for an automatic renewal commission by recording
762an extension notice in the same public records within the last 6
763months before such expiration date. An extension notice shall
764refer to the recording information of the original lien notice,
765shall state that the owner remains obligated to pay a commission
766to the broker brokerage agreement remains effective, and shall
767include the same information and be executed in the same manner
768as required by s. 475.805(1) for the original lien notice. A
769timely recorded extension notice shall extend the expiration
770date of the original recorded lien notice by 10 additional
771years. Successive extension notices may be recorded for so long
772as the owner remains obligated to pay a commission to the broker
773brokerage agreement remains effective between the broker and the
774owner. Within 10 days after recording an extension notice, the
775broker shall deliver a copy thereof to the owner.
776     (9)  Neither the recording of a broker's lien notice or any
777extension thereof nor the recording of any lis pendens to
778foreclose a broker's lien thereunder shall constitute notice to
779any creditor or subsequent purchaser pursuant to s. 695.01 or
780chapter 712 of the existence of any lease described in the lien
781notice, extension notice, or lis pendens.
782     Section 17.  Subsection (6) of section 721.20, Florida
783Statutes, is amended to read:
784     721.20  Licensing requirements; suspension or revocation of
785license; exceptions to applicability; collection of advance fees
786for listings unlawful.--
787     (6)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 475.452, It is
788unlawful for any real estate broker, broker associate, or sales
789associate to collect any advance fee for the listing of any
790timeshare estate or timeshare license.
791     Section 18.  Section 475.452, Florida Statutes, is
793     Section 19.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.