Bill No. 1039
Amendment No. 876823
Senate House

1Representative Machek offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendments)
4     Between lines 203 and 204 insert:
5     Section 3.  Fran Reich Preserve designated; South Florida
6Water Management District to erect suitable markers.--
7     (1)  The Site 1 Impoundment project of the Comprehensive
8Everglades Restoration Plan sponsored by the South Florida Water
9Management District is designated the "Fran Reich Preserve."
10     (2)  The South Florida Water Management District is
11directed to erect suitable markers designating the Fran Reich
12Preserve as described in subsection (1).
14======= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =======
15     Remove the entire title and insert:
A bill to be entitled
17An act relating to the planned east coast buffer water
18resources management plan of the South Florida Water
19Management District; amending s. 373.4149, F.S.; revising
20the geographic boundaries of the Miami-Dade County Lake
21Belt Area; amending s. 373.41492, F.S.; revising the
22geographic boundaries for mining areas subject to
23mitigation fees under the Miami-Dade County Lake Belt
24Mitigation Plan; providing for mitigation fee increases
25and imposing a water treatment plant upgrade fee;
26authorizing proceeds of mitigation fees to be allocated to
27the South Florida Water Management District and Miami-Dade
28County for specific purposes; authorizing the proceeds of
29the water treatment plant upgrade fee to be used for
30updating a water treatment plant near the Lake Belt Area;
31revising the reporting requirements for the interagency
32committee; designating the Site 1 Impoundment project of
33the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan sponsored by
34the South Florida Water Management District as the Fran
35Reich Preserve; directing the South Florida Water
36Management District to erect suitable markers; providing
37an effective date.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.