HB 1105

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to health insurance; requiring health
3benefit plans, as defined, to offer coverage for prostate
4cancer early detection screening for certain men;
5providing an effective date.
7Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
9     Section 1.  (1)(a)  A health benefit plan that is offered,
10issued, or renewed in this state on or after January 1, 2007,
11which provides coverage to men age 40 or older must offer
12coverage for annual screening for prostate cancer for such men,
13according to the prostate cancer early detection guidelines of
14the National Comprehensive Cancer Network. The coverage may not
15be subject to plan deductibles.
16     (b)  The prostate cancer screening coverage shall consist,
17at a minimum, of the following tests:
18     1.  A prostate-specific antigen blood test.
19     2.  A digital rectal examination.
20     (c)  If a medical practitioner recommends that an insured,
21a subscriber, or an enrollee undergo a prostate-specific antigen
22blood test, coverage may not be denied because that person
23previously had a digital rectal exam and the exam results were
25     (2)  The benefits required by this section do not limit
26diagnostic benefits otherwise allowable under a health benefit
28     (3)  As used in this section, the term "health benefit
29plan" means group hospital or medical insurance coverage, a not-
30for-profit hospital or medical service or indemnity plan, a
31prepaid health plan, a health maintenance organization plan, a
32preferred provider organization plan, a state or municipal
33employee health insurance plan, a program funded under Title XIX
34of the Social Security Act or other publicly funded program, a
35Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement, or an employee self-
36insured plan, except as exempt under federal ERISA provisions.
37The term does not include short-term, accident, fixed indemnity,
38or specified disease policies, disability income contracts,
39limited benefit or credit disability insurance, workers'
40compensation insurance, automobile medical payment insurance, or
41insurance under which benefits are payable without regard to
42fault and which is required by law to be included in a liability
43insurance policy or equivalent self-insurance.
44     Section 2.  This act shall take effect January 1, 2007.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.