Florida Senate - 2006                        SENATOR AMENDMENT
    Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng.
                        Barcode 170338
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .                    
 2                                 .                    
 3         Floor: 1/AD/2R          .                    
       05/05/2006 01:04 PM         .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senator Posey moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         Delete everything after the enacting clause
16  and insert:  
17         Section 1.  Section 11.901, Florida Statutes, is
18  created to read:
19         11.901  Short title.--Sections 11.901-11.920 may be
20  cited as the "Florida Government Accountability Act."
21         Section 2.  Section 11.902, Florida Statutes, is
22  created to read:
23         11.902  Definitions.--As used in ss. 11.901-11.920, the
24  term:
25         (1)  "State agency" or "agency" means a department as
26  defined in s. 20.03(2) or any other administrative unit of
27  state government scheduled for termination and prior review
28  under this chapter.
29         (2)  "Advisory committee" means any examining and
30  licensing board, council, advisory council, committee, task
31  force, coordinating council, commission, or board of trustees
    10:57 AM   05/04/06                          h112304e1d-24-2k5

Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng. Barcode 170338 1 as defined in s. 20.03(3), (7), (8), (9), (10), or (12) or any 2 group, by whatever name, created to provide advice or 3 recommendations to one or more agencies, departments, 4 divisions, bureaus, boards, sections, or other units or 5 entities of state government. 6 (3) "Committee" means any Legislative Sunset Advisory 7 Committee appointed pursuant to s. 11.903. 8 Section 3. Section 11.903, Florida Statutes, is 9 created to read: 10 11.903 Legislative Sunset Advisory Committees.-- 11 (1) The Senate and House of Representatives may, 12 pursuant to the rules of each house, appoint one or more 13 standing or select committees as a Legislative Sunset Advisory 14 Committee to advise the Legislature regarding the agency 15 sunsets required by ss. 11.901-11.920. 16 (2) The Senate and House of Representatives may, 17 pursuant to the joint rules of both houses, appoint one or 18 more joint committees as a Legislative Sunset Advisory 19 Committee to advise the Legislature regarding the agency 20 sunsets required by ss. 11.901-11.920. 21 (3) Members shall serve terms of 2 years. 22 (4) Initial appointments shall be made not later than 23 November 30, 2006, and subsequent appointments shall be made 24 not later than January 15 of the year following each 25 organization session of the Legislature. 26 (5) If a legislative member ceases to be a member of 27 the house from which he or she was appointed, the member 28 vacates his or her membership on the committee. 29 Section 4. Section 11.904, Florida Statutes, is 30 created to read: 31 11.904 Staff.--The Senate and the House of 2 10:57 AM 05/04/06 h112304e1d-24-2k5
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng. Barcode 170338 1 Representatives may each employ staff to work for the chair 2 and vice chair of the committee on matters related to 3 committee activities. The Auditor General and the Office of 4 Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability shall 5 assist the committee in conducting its review under s. 11.910. 6 Section 5. Section 11.905, Florida Statutes, is 7 created to read: 8 11.905 Schedule for reviewing state agencies and 9 advisory committees.--The following state agencies, including 10 their advisory committees, or the following advisory 11 committees of agencies shall be reviewed according to the 12 following schedule: 13 (1) Reviewed July 1, 2008: 14 (a) Statutorily created responsibilities of the Fish 15 and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 16 (b) Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. 17 (c) Department of Citrus, including the Citrus 18 Commission. 19 (d) Department of Environmental Protection. 20 (e) Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. 21 (f) Water management districts. 22 (2) Reviewed July 1, 2009: 23 (a) Department of Children and Family Services. 24 (b) Department of Community Affairs. 25 (c) Department of Management Services. 26 (d) Department of State. 27 (3) Reviewed July 1, 2010: 28 (a) Advisory committees for the Florida Community 29 College System. 30 (b) Advisory committees for the State University 31 System. 3 10:57 AM 05/04/06 h112304e1d-24-2k5
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng. Barcode 170338 1 (c) Agency for Workforce Innovation. 2 (d) Department of Education. 3 (e) Department of the Lottery. 4 (4) Reviewed July 1, 2011: 5 (a) Agency for Health Care Administration. 6 (b) Agency for Persons with Disabilities. 7 (c) Department of Elderly Affairs. 8 (d) Department of Health. 9 (5) Reviewed July 1, 2012: 10 (a) Department of Business and Professional 11 Regulation. 12 (b) Department of Transportation. 13 (c) Department of Veterans' Affairs. 14 (6) Reviewed July 1, 2013: 15 (a) Advisory committees for the State Board of 16 Administration. 17 (b) Department of Financial Services, including the 18 Financial Services Commission. 19 (c) Department of Revenue. 20 (7) Reviewed July 1, 2014: 21 (a) Department of Corrections. 22 (b) Department of Juvenile Justice. 23 (c) Department of Law Enforcement. 24 (d) Department of Legal Affairs. 25 (e) Justice Administrative Commission. 26 (f) Parole Commission. 27 (8) Reviewed July 1, 2015: 28 (a) Executive Office of the Governor. 29 (b) Florida Public Service Commission. 30 Section 6. Section 11.9055, Florida Statutes, is 31 amended to read: 4 10:57 AM 05/04/06 h112304e1d-24-2k5
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng. Barcode 170338 1 Section 11.9055 Abolition of state agencies and 2 advisory committees.-- 3 (1) An agency subject to review by the Legislative 4 Committee on Sunset Review shall be abolished on June 30 5 following the date of review specified in s.11.905, unless the 6 Legislature continues the agency or advisory committee; 7 however, an agency may not be abolished unless the Legislature 8 finds, pursuant to law, that all state laws the agency had 9 responsibility to implement or enforce have been repealed, 10 revised, or reassigned to another remaining agency and that 11 adequate provision has been made for the transfer to a 12 successor agency of all duties and obligations relating to 13 bonds, loans, promissory notes, lease purchase agreements, 14 installment sales contracts, certificates of participation, 15 master equipment financing agreements, or any other form of 16 indebtedness such that security therefor and the rights of 17 bondholders or holders of other indebtedness are not impaired. 18 (2) If the Legislature does not take action before the 19 date of review to continue the agency or advisory committee, 20 the agency shall submit its legislative budget request 21 consistent with recommendations of the appropriate Legislative 22 Committee on Sunset Review or any law transferring the 23 agency's functions to other entities. 24 Section 7. Section 11.906, Florida Statutes, is 25 created to read: 26 11.906 Agency report to committee.--Not later than 27 January 1 of the year preceding the year in which a state 28 agency and its advisory committees are scheduled to be 29 reviewed, the agency shall provide the committee with a report 30 that includes: 31 (1) The performance measures for each program and 5 10:57 AM 05/04/06 h112304e1d-24-2k5
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng. Barcode 170338 1 activity as provided in s. 216.011 and 3 years of data for 2 each measure that provides actual results for the immediately 3 preceding 2 years and projected results for the current fiscal 4 year. 5 (2) An explanation of factors that have contributed to 6 any failure to achieve the legislative standards. 7 (3) The promptness and effectiveness with which the 8 agency disposes of complaints concerning persons affected by 9 the agency. 10 (4) The extent to which the agency has encouraged 11 participation by the public in making its rules and decisions 12 as opposed to participation solely by those it regulates and 13 the extent to which public participation has resulted in rules 14 compatible with the objectives of the agency. 15 (5) The extent to which the agency has complied with 16 applicable requirements of state law and applicable rules 17 regarding purchasing goals and programs for historically 18 underutilized businesses. 19 (6) A statement of any statutory objectives intended 20 for each program and activity, the problem or need that the 21 program and activity were intended to address, and the extent 22 to which these objectives have been achieved. 23 (7) An assessment of the extent to which the 24 jurisdiction of the agency and its programs overlap or 25 duplicate those of other agencies and the extent to which the 26 programs can be consolidated with those of other agencies. 27 (8) An assessment of less restrictive or alternative 28 methods of providing services for which the agency is 29 responsible which would reduce costs or improve performance 30 while adequately protecting the public. 31 (9) An assessment of the extent to which the agency 6 10:57 AM 05/04/06 h112304e1d-24-2k5
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng. Barcode 170338 1 has corrected deficiencies and implemented recommendations 2 contained in reports of the Auditor General, the Office of 3 Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability, 4 legislative interim studies, and federal audit entities. 5 (10) The extent to which the agency enforces laws 6 relating to potential conflicts of interest of its employees. 7 (11) The extent to which the agency complies with 8 public records and public meetings requirements under chapters 9 119 and 286 and s. 24, Art. I of the State Constitution. 10 (12) The extent to which alternative program-delivery 11 options, such as privatization or insourcing, have been 12 considered to reduce costs or improve services to state 13 residents. 14 (13) Recommendations to the committee for statutory or 15 budgetary changes that would improve program operations, 16 reduce costs, or reduce duplication. 17 (14) The effect of federal intervention or loss of 18 federal funds if the agency, program, or activity is 19 abolished. 20 (15) A list of all advisory committees, including 21 those established in statute and those established by 22 managerial initiative; their purpose, activities, composition, 23 and related expenses; the extent to which their purposes have 24 been achieved; and the rationale for continuing or eliminating 25 each advisory committee. 26 (16) Agency programs or functions that are performed 27 without specific statutory authority. 28 (17) Other information requested by the committee. 29 30 Information and data reported by the agency shall be validated 31 by its agency head and inspector general before submission to 7 10:57 AM 05/04/06 h112304e1d-24-2k5
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng. Barcode 170338 1 the committee. 2 Section 8. Section 11.907, Florida Statutes, is 3 created to read: 4 11.907 Legislative review.--Upon receipt of an agency 5 report pursuant to s. 11.906, the Office of Program Policy 6 Analysis and Government Accountability shall conduct a program 7 evaluation and justification review, as defined in s. 11.513, 8 of the agency and its advisory committees. The review shall be 9 comprehensive in its scope and consider the information 10 provided by the agency report in addition to information 11 deemed necessary by the office and the Legislative Sunset 12 Advisory Committee. The Office of Program Policy Analysis and 13 Government Accountability shall submit its report to the 14 committee and to the President of the Senate and the Speaker 15 of the House of Representatives by October 31 of the year in 16 which the agency submits its report. The Office of Program 17 Policy Analysis and Government Accountability shall include in 18 its report recommendations for consideration by the committee. 19 Section 9. Section 11.908, Florida Statutes, is 20 created to read: 21 11.908 Committee duties.--No later than March 1 of the 22 year in which a state agency or its advisory committees are 23 scheduled to be reviewed, the committee shall: 24 (1) Review the information submitted by the agency and 25 the report of the Office of Program Policy Analysis and 26 Government Accountability. 27 (2) Consult with the Legislative Budget Commission, 28 relevant substantive and appropriations committees of the 29 Senate and the House of Representatives, the Governor's Office 30 of Policy and Budgeting, the Auditor General, and the Chief 31 Financial Officer, or their successors, on the application to 8 10:57 AM 05/04/06 h112304e1d-24-2k5
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng. Barcode 170338 1 the agency and its advisory committees of the criteria 2 provided in s. 11.910. 3 (3) Hold public hearings to consider this information 4 as well as other information and testimony that the committee 5 deems necessary. 6 (4) Present to the President of the Senate and the 7 Speaker of the House of Representatives a report on the 8 agencies and advisory committees scheduled to be reviewed that 9 year by the committee. In the report, the committee shall 10 include its specific findings and recommendations regarding 11 each of the criteria prescribed by s. 11.910 and shall also 12 make recommendations as described in s. 11.911. 13 Section 10. Section 11.910, Florida Statutes, is 14 created to read: 15 11.910 Criteria for review.--The committee shall 16 consider the following criteria in determining whether a 17 public need exists for the continuation of a state agency or 18 its advisory committees or for the performance of the 19 functions of the agency or its advisory committees: 20 (1) Agency compliance with the accountability 21 measures, as analyzed by the Auditor General, the Office of 22 Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability, and the 23 Office of Policy and Budget within the Executive Office of the 24 Governor, pursuant to ss. 216.013 and 216.023(4) and (5). 25 (2) The efficiency with which the agency or advisory 26 committee operates. 27 (3) The statutory objectives of the agency or advisory 28 committee and the problem or need that the agency or advisory 29 committee is intended to address, the extent to which the 30 objectives have been achieved, and any activities of the 31 agency in addition to those granted by statute and the 9 10:57 AM 05/04/06 h112304e1d-24-2k5
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng. Barcode 170338 1 authority for these activities. 2 (4) An assessment of less restrictive or alternative 3 methods of providing any regulatory function for which the 4 agency is responsible while adequately protecting the public. 5 (5) The extent to which the advisory committee is 6 needed and is used. 7 (6) The extent to which the jurisdiction of the agency 8 and the programs administered by the agency overlap or 9 duplicate those of other agencies and the extent to which the 10 programs administered by the agency can be consolidated with 11 the programs of other state agencies. 12 (7) Whether the agency has recommended to the 13 Legislature statutory changes calculated to be of benefit to 14 the public rather than to an occupation, business, or 15 institution that the agency regulates. 16 (8) The promptness and effectiveness with which the 17 agency disposes of complaints concerning persons affected by 18 the agency. 19 (9) The extent to which the agency has encouraged 20 participation by the public in making its rules and decisions 21 as opposed to participation solely by those it regulates and 22 the extent to which the public participation has resulted in 23 rules compatible with the objectives of the agency. 24 (10) The extent to which the agency has complied with 25 applicable requirements of state law and applicable rules of 26 any state agency regarding purchasing goals and programs for 27 historically underutilized businesses. 28 (11) The extent to which changes are necessary in the 29 enabling statutes of the agency so that the agency can 30 adequately comply with the criteria listed in this section. 31 (12) The extent to which the agency adopts and 10 10:57 AM 05/04/06 h112304e1d-24-2k5
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng. Barcode 170338 1 enforces rules relating to potential conflicts of interest of 2 its employees. 3 (13) The extent to which the agency complies with 4 public records and public meetings requirements under chapters 5 119 and 287 and s. 24, Art. I of the State Constitution and 6 follows records management practices that enable the agency to 7 respond efficiently to requests for public information. 8 (14) The extent to which the agency accurately reports 9 performance measures used to justify state spending on each of 10 its activities, services, and programs. 11 (15) The effect of federal intervention or loss of 12 federal funds if the agency is abolished. 13 (16) Whether any advisory committee or any other part 14 of the agency exercises its powers and duties independently of 15 the direct supervision of the agency head in violation of s. 16 6, Art. IV of the State Constitution. 17 Section 11. Section 11.911, Florida Statutes, is 18 created to read: 19 11.911 Recommendations.--In its report on a state 20 agency, the committee shall: 21 (1) Make recommendations on the abolition, 22 continuation, or reorganization of each state agency and its 23 advisory committees and on the need for the performance of the 24 functions of the agency and its advisory committees. 25 (2) Make recommendations on the consolidation, 26 transfer, or reorganization of programs within state agencies 27 not under review when the programs duplicate functions 28 performed in agencies under review. 29 (3) Include drafts of legislation necessary to carry 30 out the committee's recommendations under subsection (1) or 31 subsection (2). 11 10:57 AM 05/04/06 h112304e1d-24-2k5
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng. Barcode 170338 1 Section 12. Section 11.917, Florida Statutes, is 2 created to read: 3 11.917 Procedure after termination.-- 4 (1) Any unobligated and unexpended appropriations of 5 an abolished agency or advisory committee shall revert on the 6 date of abolition. 7 (2) Except as provided in subsection (4) or as 8 otherwise provided by law, all money in a trust fund of an 9 abolished state agency or advisory committee is transferred to 10 the General Revenue Fund. Any provision of law dedicating the 11 money to a trust fund of an abolished agency becomes void on 12 the date of abolition. 13 (3)(a) If not otherwise provided by law, property in 14 the custody of an abolished state agency or advisory committee 15 shall be transferred to the Department of Management Services. 16 (b) If not otherwise provided by law, records in the 17 custody of an abolished state agency or advisory committee 18 shall be transferred to the Department of State. 19 (4) The Legislature recognizes the state's continuing 20 obligation to pay bonds and all other financial obligations, 21 including contracts, loans, promissory notes, lease purchase 22 agreements, certificates of participation, installment sales 23 contracts, master equipment financing agreements, and any 24 other form of indebtedness, incurred by the state or any state 25 agency or public entity abolished under ss. 11.910-11.920, and 26 ss. 11.910-ll.920 do not impair or impede the payment of bonds 27 and other financial obligations, or any other covenant 28 contained in the legal documents authorizing the issuance of 29 debt or the execution of any other financial obligation in 30 accordance with their terms. If the state or an abolished 31 state agency has outstanding bonds or other outstanding 12 10:57 AM 05/04/06 h112304e1d-24-2k5
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng. Barcode 170338 1 financial obligations, the bonds and all other financial 2 obligations remain valid and enforceable in accordance with 3 their terms and subject to all applicable terms and 4 requirements contained in the legal documents authorizing the 5 issuance of debt or the execution of any other financial 6 obligation. If not otherwise provided by law, the Division of 7 Bond Finance of the State Board of Administration shall carry 8 out all covenants contained in the bonds and in the 9 resolutions authorizing the issuance of bonds, and perform all 10 obligations required thereby. The state or a designated state 11 agency shall provide for the payment of the bonds and all 12 other financial obligations from the sources of payment 13 specified in the resolution or legal documents authorizing the 14 issuance or execution thereof in accordance with the terms of 15 the bonds or other financial obligations, whether from taxes, 16 specified revenues, or otherwise, until the bonds and interest 17 on the bonds are paid in full and all other financial 18 obligations are performed and paid in full. All funds or 19 accounts established by laws or legal documents authorizing 20 the issuance of bonds, or the execution of other financial 21 obligations, shall remain with the previously designated 22 party, agency, or trustee. Any funds or accounts held by an 23 abolished state agency shall be transferred to a designated 24 successor agency or trustee in compliance with the resolution 25 or legal documents applicable to the outstanding bonds or 26 other financial obligations. 27 Section 13. Section 11.918, Florida Statutes, is 28 created to read: 29 11.918 Subpoena power.--Any Legislative Sunset 30 Advisory Committee may take under investigation any matter 31 within the scope of a sunset review either completed or then 13 10:57 AM 05/04/06 h112304e1d-24-2k5
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng. Barcode 170338 1 being conducted by the committee, and, in connection with such 2 investigation, may exercise the powers of subpoena by law 3 vested in a standing committee of the Legislature pursuant to 4 s. 11.143. 5 Section 14. Section 11.919, Florida Statutes, is 6 created to read: 7 11.919 Assistance of and access to state agencies.-- 8 (1) The committee may request the assistance of state 9 agencies and officers. When assistance is requested, a state 10 agency or officer shall assist the committee. 11 (2) In carrying out its functions under ss. 12 11.901-11.920, the committee or its designated staff member 13 may inspect the records, documents, and files of any state 14 agency. 15 Section 15. Section 11.920, Florida Statutes, is 16 created to read: 17 11.920 Saving provision.--Except as otherwise 18 expressly provided by law, abolition of a state agency does 19 not affect rights and duties that matured, penalties that were 20 incurred, civil or criminal liabilities that arose, or 21 proceedings that were begun before the abolition. 22 Section 16. Paragraphs (h), (i), (j), and (k) are 23 added to subsection (1) of section 216.013, Florida Statutes, 24 and subsection (5) of that section is amended, to read: 25 216.013 Long-range program plan.--State agencies and 26 the judicial branch shall develop long-range program plans to 27 achieve state goals using an interagency planning process that 28 includes the development of integrated agency program service 29 outcomes. The plans shall be policy based, priority driven, 30 accountable, and developed through careful examination and 31 justification of all agency and judicial branch programs. 14 10:57 AM 05/04/06 h112304e1d-24-2k5
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng. Barcode 170338 1 (1) Long-range program plans shall provide the 2 framework for the development of budget requests and shall 3 identify or update: 4 (h) Legislatively approved output and outcome 5 performance measures. Each performance measure must identify 6 the associated activity contributing to the measure from those 7 identified in accordance with s. 216.023(4)(b). 8 (i) Performance standards for each performance measure 9 and justification for the standards and the sources of data to 10 be used for measurement. Performance standards must include 11 standards for each affected activity and be expressed in terms 12 of the associated unit of activity. 13 (j) Prior-year performance data on approved 14 performance measures and an explanation of deviation from 15 expected performance. Performance data must be assessed for 16 reliability in accordance with s. 20.055. 17 (k) Proposed performance incentives and disincentives. 18 (5) Following the adoption of the annual General 19 Appropriations Act, The state agencies and the judicial branch 20 shall make appropriate adjustments to their long-range program 21 plans, excluding adjustments to performance measures and 22 standards, to be consistent with the appropriations and 23 performance measures in the General Appropriations Act and 24 legislation implementing the General Appropriations Act. 25 Agencies and the judicial branch have 30 days subsequent to 26 the effective date of the General Appropriations Act and 27 implementing legislation until June 30 to make adjustments to 28 their plans as posted on their Internet websites. 29 Section 17. Subsections (4) of section 216.023, 30 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 31 216.023 Legislative budget requests to be furnished to 15 10:57 AM 05/04/06 h112304e1d-24-2k5
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng. Barcode 170338 1 Legislature by agencies.-- 2 (4)(a) The legislative budget request must contain for 3 each program: 4 1. The constitutional or statutory authority for a 5 program, a brief purpose statement, and approved program 6 components. 7 2. Information on expenditures for 3 fiscal years 8 (actual prior-year expenditures, current-year estimated 9 expenditures, and agency budget requested expenditures for the 10 next fiscal year) by appropriation category. 11 3. Details on trust funds and fees. 12 4. The total number of positions (authorized, fixed, 13 and requested). 14 5. An issue narrative describing and justifying 15 changes in amounts and positions requested for current and 16 proposed programs for the next fiscal year. 17 6. Information resource requests. 18 7. Legislatively approved output and outcome 19 performance measures and any proposed revisions to measures. 20 8. Proposed performance standards for each performance 21 measure and justification for the standards and the sources of 22 data to be used for measurement. 23 9. Prior-year performance data on approved performance 24 measures and an explanation of deviation from expected 25 performance. Performance data must be assessed for reliability 26 in accordance with s. 20.055. 27 10. Proposed performance incentives and disincentives. 28 7.11. Supporting information, including applicable 29 cost-benefit analyses, business case analyses, performance 30 contracting procedures, service comparisons, and impacts on 31 performance standards for any request to outsource or 16 10:57 AM 05/04/06 h112304e1d-24-2k5
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng. Barcode 170338 1 privatize agency functions. The cost-benefit and business case 2 analyses must include an assessment of the impact on each 3 affected activity from those identified in accordance with 4 paragraph (b). Performance standards must include standards 5 for each affected activity and be expressed in terms of the 6 associated unit of activity. 7 8.12. An evaluation of any major outsourcing and 8 privatization initiatives undertaken during the last 5 fiscal 9 years having aggregate expenditures exceeding $10 million 10 during the term of the contract. The evaluation shall include 11 an assessment of contractor performance, a comparison of 12 anticipated service levels to actual service levels, and a 13 comparison of estimated savings to actual savings achieved. 14 Consolidated reports issued by the Department of Management 15 Services may be used to satisfy this requirement. 16 (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that total 17 accountability measures, including unit-cost data, serve not 18 only as a budgeting tool but also as a policymaking tool and 19 an accountability tool. Therefore, each state agency and the 20 judicial branch must submit a one-page summary of information 21 for the preceding year in accordance with the legislative 22 budget instructions. Each one-page summary must provide a 23 one-page overview and must contain: 24 1. The final budget for the agency and the judicial 25 branch. 26 2. Total funds from the General Appropriations Act. 27 3. Adjustments to the General Appropriations Act. 28 4. The line-item listings of all activities. 29 5. The number of activity units performed or 30 accomplished. 31 6. Total expenditures for each activity, including 17 10:57 AM 05/04/06 h112304e1d-24-2k5
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng. Barcode 170338 1 amounts paid to contractors and subordinate entities. 2 Expenditures related to administrative activities not aligned 3 with output measures must consistently be allocated to 4 activities with output measures prior to computing unit costs. 5 7. The cost per unit for each activity, including the 6 costs allocated to contractors and subordinate entities. 7 8. The total amount of reversions and pass-through 8 expenditures omitted from unit-cost calculations. 9 10 At the regular session immediately following the submission of 11 the agency unit cost summary, the Legislature shall reduce in 12 the General Appropriations Act for the ensuing fiscal year, by 13 an amount equal to at least 10 percent of the allocation for 14 the fiscal year preceding the current fiscal year, the funding 15 of each state agency that fails to submit the report required 16 under this paragraph. 17 Section 18. To assist in the development of 18 legislative budget request instructions for agencies regarding 19 the computation of activity and unit cost information required 20 to be included in legislative budget requests under s. 21 216.023(4)(b), Florida Statutes, a working group consisting of 22 representatives from the Executive Office of the Governor, the 23 Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government 24 Accountability, the Auditor General, the Department of 25 Financial Services, and legislative appropriations committees 26 shall be created, effective July 1, 2006, to develop a 27 cost-allocation methodology for agencies to use in the 28 computation of activity and unit costs. The working group, in 29 developing the cost-allocation methodology, shall consider the 30 standards and guidelines identified in the Federal Office of 31 Management and Budget Circular A-87. In addition, this working 18 10:57 AM 05/04/06 h112304e1d-24-2k5
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng. Barcode 170338 1 group shall recommend procedures to ensure that the 2 recommended cost-allocation methodology produces auditable 3 activity and unit cost information that can be produced 4 currently by the state accounting system and that can be used 5 to compare the performance of each reported activity over time 6 and of agencies and private entities that perform similar 7 activities. The working group shall submit its 8 recommendations, including the associated implementation and 9 operating costs, to the Governor, the President of the Senate, 10 and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by December 11 31, 2006. 12 Section 19. The sum of $400,000 is appropriated from 13 the General Revenue Fund to the Office of Program Policy 14 Analysis and Government Accountability for the purpose of 15 carrying out the provisions of this act during the 2006-2007 16 fiscal year. 17 Section 20. For the purposes of carrying out the 18 provisions of this act during the 2006-2007 fiscal year, the 19 sum of $400,000 is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund 20 and five full-time equivalent positions and associated rate 21 are authorized in a lump-sum category in Administered Funds. 22 Section 21. This act shall take effect July 1, 2006. 23 24 25 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 26 And the title is amended as follows: 27 Delete everything before the enacting clause 28 29 and insert: 30 A bill to be entitled 31 An act relating to government accountability; 19 10:57 AM 05/04/06 h112304e1d-24-2k5
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng. Barcode 170338 1 creating s. 11.901, F.S., the Florida 2 Government Accountability Act; creating s. 3 11.902, F.S.; providing definitions; creating 4 s. 11.903, F.S.; authorizing the Legislature to 5 create one or more Legislative Sunset Advisory 6 Committees; providing for appointment, 7 qualifications, and terms of committee members; 8 providing for organization and procedure; 9 creating s. 11.904, F.S.; providing for the 10 employment of staff; creating s. 11.905, F.S.; 11 providing a schedule for abolishing state 12 agencies and advisory committees; creating s. 13 11.9055, F.S.; providing for the abolition of 14 state agencies under certain circumstances; 15 requiring legislative findings; providing 16 requirements for certain legislative budget 17 requests; creating s. 11.906, F.S.; prescribing 18 required content for agency reports to the 19 committee; amending s. 11.907, F.S.; providing 20 for review of agencies and their advisory 21 committees by the Office of Program Policy 22 Analysis and Government Accountability; 23 creating s. 11.908, F.S.; prescribing duties of 24 the committee in reviewing reports, consulting 25 with other legislative entities, holding public 26 hearings, and making a report and 27 recommendations to the legislative leadership 28 with respect to agencies scheduled for 29 abolition; creating s. 11.910, F.S.; providing 30 review criteria; creating s. 11.911, F.S.; 31 specifying recommendation options; creating s. 20 10:57 AM 05/04/06 h112304e1d-24-2k5
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 1123, 1st Eng. Barcode 170338 1 11.917, F.S.; providing procedures after 2 termination; providing for issuance of 3 subpoenas; creating s. 11.919, F.S.; providing 4 for assistance of and access to state agencies; 5 creating s. 11.920, F.S.; providing 6 applicability with respect to certain rights, 7 penalties, liabilities, and proceedings; 8 amending s. 216.013, F.S.; providing 9 requirements with respect to performance 10 measures and standards identified as part of 11 long-range program plans; amending s. 216.023, 12 F.S.; requiring that performance measures and 13 standards and outsourcing cost-benefit and 14 business case analyses identify impacts on 15 agency activities; creating a working group to 16 develop instructions for agencies regarding the 17 computation of activity and unit cost 18 information required to be included in 19 legislative budget requests; providing 20 appropriations; providing an effective date. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 21 10:57 AM 05/04/06 h112304e1d-24-2k5