HB 1141CS


1The Justice Council recommends the following:
3     Council/Committee Substitute
4     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
6An act relating to conveyances of land; creating s.
7689.072, F.S.; providing for the transfer and creation of
8custodial property in an individual retirement account or
9certain qualified plans; incorporating statutory
10provisions into such transfer; providing powers to the
11custodian or trustee of such custodial property; providing
12protections for persons dealing with the custodian or
13trustee; exempting certain transfers from specific claims;
14providing for the disposition of custodial property held
15in an account, plan or custodianship that is terminated;
16providing a standard of care for the custodian or trustee;
17providing for certain declarations to control in specific
18legal proceedings; providing that provisions relating to
19deeds under statute of uses are not applicable to a
20transfer by a custodian or trustee under the act;
21providing for liberal construction; creating s. 694.17,
22F.S.; providing that certain recorded instruments
23transferring certain interests in real property to a
24custodian or trustee are ratified, confirmed, and
25validated; specifying vesting of such interests in the
26custodian or trustee; specifying nonapplication of
27provisions relating to deeds under statute of uses;
28providing an effective date.
30Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
32     Section 1.  Section 689.072, Florida Statutes, is created
33to read:
34     689.072  Real estate interests transferred to or by a
35custodian or trustee of an individual retirement account or
36qualified plan.--
37     (1)(a)  A conveyance, deed, mortgage, lease assignment, or
38other recorded instrument that transfers an interest in real
39property in this state, including a leasehold or mortgagee
40interest, to a person who is qualified to act as a custodian or
41trustee for an individual retirement account under 26 U.S.C. s.
42408(a)(2), as amended, in which instrument the transferee is
43designated "custodian," "as custodian," "trustee," or "as
44trustee" and the account owner or beneficiary of the
45custodianship in the individual retirement account is named,
46creates custodial property and transfers title to the custodian
47or trustee when an interest in real property is recorded in the
48name of the custodian or trustee, followed by the words "as
49custodian or trustee for the benefit of (name of individual
50retirement account owner or beneficiary) individual retirement
52     (b)  This section also applies to a qualified stock bonus,
53pension, or profit-sharing plan created under 26 U.S.C. s.
54401(a), as amended, in which instrument a person is designated
55"custodian," "as custodian," "trustee," or "as trustee" and the
56plan, plan participant, or plan beneficiary of the custodianship
57in the plan also creates custodial property and transfers title
58to the custodian or trustee when an interest in real property is
59recorded in the name of the custodian or trustee, followed by
60the words "as custodian, or trustee of the (name of plan) for
61the benefit of (name of plan participant or beneficiary)."
62     (2)  A transfer to a custodian or trustee of an individual
63retirement account or qualified plan pursuant to this section
64incorporates the provisions of this section into the disposition
65and grants to the custodian or trustee the power to protect,
66conserve, sell, lease, encumber, or otherwise manage and dispose
67of the real property described in the recorded instrument
68without joinder of the named individual retirement account
69owner, plan participant, or beneficiary, except as provided in
70subsection (5).
71     (3)  A person dealing with the custodian or trustee does
72not have a duty to inquire as to the qualifications of the
73custodian or trustee and may rely on the powers of the custodian
74or trustee for the custodial property created under this section
75regardless of whether such powers are specified in the recorded
76instrument. A grantee, mortgagee, lessee, transferee, assignee,
77or person obtaining a satisfaction or release or otherwise
78dealing with the custodian or trustee regarding such custodial
79property is not required to inquire into:
80     (a)  The identification or status of any named individual
81retirement account owner, plan participant, or beneficiary of
82the individual retirement account or qualified plan or his or
83her heirs or assigns to whom a custodian or trustee may be
84accountable under the terms of the individual retirement account
85agreement or qualified plan document;
86     (b)  The authority of the custodian or trustee to act
87within and exercise the powers granted under the individual
88retirement account agreement or qualified plan document;
89     (c)  The adequacy or disposition or any consideration
90provided to the custodian or trustee in connection with any
91interest acquired from such custodian or trustee; or
92     (d)  Any provision of an individual retirement account
93agreement or qualified plan document.
94     (4)  A person dealing with the custodian or trustee under
95the recorded instrument takes any interest transferred by such
96custodian or trustee, within the authority provided under this
97section, free of claims of the named owner, plan participant, or
98beneficiary of the individual retirement account or qualified
99plan or of anyone claiming by, through, or under such owner,
100plan participant, or beneficiary.
101     (5)  If notice of the revocation or termination of the
102individual retirement account agreement, qualified plan, or
103custodianship established under such individual retirement
104account agreement or qualified plan is recorded, any disposition
105or encumbrance of the custodial property must be by an
106instrument executed by the custodian or trustee or the successor
107and the respective owner, plan participant, or beneficiary of
108the individual retirement account or qualified plan.
109     (6)  In dealing with custodial property created under this
110section, a custodian or trustee shall observe the standard of
111care of a prudent person dealing with property of another
112person. This section does not relieve the custodian or trustee
113from liability for breach of the individual retirement account
114agreement, custodial agreement, or qualified plan document.
115     (7)  A provision of the recorded instrument that defines
116and declares the interest of the owner, plan participant, or
117beneficiary of the individual retirement account or qualified
118plan to be personal property controls only if a determination
119becomes an issue in any legal proceeding.
120     (8)  As used in this section, the term "beneficiary"
121applies only when the individual retirement account owner or
122qualified plan participant is deceased.
123     (9)(a)  This section does not apply to any deed, mortgage,
124or instrument to which s. 689.071 applies.
125     (b)  Section 689.09 does not apply to transfers of real
126property interests to a custodian or trustee under this section.
127     (10)  This section is remedial and shall be liberally
128construed to effectively carry out its purposes.
129     Section 2.  Section 694.17, Florida Statutes, is created to
131     694.17  Validation of conveyances to custodian or trustee
132of an individual retirement account or qualified plan.--All
133conveyances, deeds, mortgages, lease assignments, or other
134recorded instruments transferring an interest in real property
135in this state to a custodian or trustee, which were recorded
136before July 1, 2006, but would be within the scope of s. 689.072
137if recorded after July 1, 2006, are ratified, confirmed, and
138validated in all respects and shall be deemed to have vested
139such interest in the custodian or trustee without reversion or
140impairment, as if such instruments had been recorded after July
1411, 2006, and s. 689.09 shall not apply to any such instruments
142regardless of when recorded.
143     Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.