Florida Senate - 2006                      COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
    Bill No. SB 1174
                        Barcode 852096
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1           Comm: FAV             .                    
       02/07/2006 11:25 AM         .                    
 2                                 .                    
 3                                 .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  The Committee on Education (Wilson) recommended the following
12  amendment:
14         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
15         On page 1, line 16, through page 3, line 9, delete
16  those lines
18  and insert:  
19         Section 1.  Subsections (2) and (8) of section 1002.23,
20  Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection (10) is added to
21  that section, to read:
22         1002.23  Family and School Partnership for Student
23  Achievement Act.--
24         (2)  To facilitate meaningful parent and family
25  involvement, the Department of Education shall develop
26  guidelines for a parent guide to successful student
27  achievement which describes what parents need to know about
28  their child's educational progress and how they can help their
29  child to succeed in school. The guidelines shall include, but
30  need not be limited to:
31         (a)  Parental information regarding:
    10:15 AM   02/06/06                             s1174.ed33.ajg

Florida Senate - 2006 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1174 Barcode 852096 1 1. Requirements for their child to be promoted to the 2 next grade, as provided for in s. 1008.25; 3 2. Progress of their child toward achieving state and 4 district expectations for academic proficiency; 5 3. Assessment results, including report cards and 6 progress reports; and 7 4. Qualifications of their child's teachers; and 8 5. Information included in their child's permanent 9 record and the legal right of access to their child's 10 permanent record, including rights of challenge and rights of 11 privacy with respect to such records. 12 (b) Services available for parents and their children, 13 such as family literacy services; mentoring, tutorial, and 14 other academic reinforcement programs; college planning, 15 academic advisement, and student counseling services; and 16 after-school programs; 17 (c) Opportunities for parental participation, such as 18 parenting classes, adult education, school advisory councils, 19 and school volunteer programs; 20 (d) Opportunities for parents to learn about rigorous 21 academic programs that may be available for their child, such 22 as honors programs, dual enrollment, advanced placement, 23 International Baccalaureate, International General Certificate 24 of Secondary Education (pre-AICE), Advanced International 25 Certificate of Education, Florida Virtual High School courses, 26 and accelerated access to postsecondary education; 27 (e) Educational choices, as provided for in s. 28 1002.20(6), and corporate income tax credit scholarships, as 29 provided for in s. 220.187; 30 (f) Classroom and test accommodations available for 31 students with disabilities; and 2 10:15 AM 02/06/06 s1174.ed33.ajg
Florida Senate - 2006 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1174 Barcode 852096 1 (g) School board rules, policies, and procedures for 2 student promotion and retention, academic standards, student 3 assessment, courses of study, instructional materials, and 4 contact information for school and district offices. 5 (8) Each school district shall develop and disseminate 6 a checklist of parental actions that can strengthen parental 7 involvement in their child's educational progress, consistent 8 with the requirements in subsection (3). The checklist shall 9 be provided each school year to all parents of students in 10 kindergarten through grade 12 and shall focus on academics, 11 especially reading, high expectations for students, 12 citizenship, and communication. This checklist must be 13 reviewed during parent-teacher conferences. 14 (10) In order to enhance parental communication and 15 increase parental understanding of their child's academic 16 performance and behavior in school, beginning in the 2006-2007 17 school year, each school district shall include in the rules 18 developed under subsection (5), the following requirements: 19 (a) Parents shall be notified by phone or in writing 20 each time their child is seen in a school office regarding 21 matters related to a problem with discipline, behavior, or the 22 academic performance of their child; and 23 (b) The contents of a student's cumulative folder will 24 be reviewed with a parent when a teacher, counselor, school 25 administrator, or other instructional staff member requests 26 and conducts a conference with a parent concerning a problem 27 with their child's behavior or academic performance. 28 29 30 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 31 And the title is amended as follows: 3 10:15 AM 02/06/06 s1174.ed33.ajg
Florida Senate - 2006 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1174 Barcode 852096 1 On page 1, line 11, after the semicolon, 2 3 insert: 4 requiring school districts to include, when 5 adopting specified rules, certain requirements 6 requiring notification of parents concerning 7 the academic performance or behavior of their 8 child in school; 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4 10:15 AM 02/06/06 s1174.ed33.ajg