Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1208
Barcode 401154
Senate House
1 .
2 .
3 Floor: 1/AD/2R .
05/03/2006 01:38 PM .
4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 Senator Lawson moved the following amendment:
13 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
14 On page 1, line 23, through page 4, line 6, delete
15 those lines
17 and insert:
18 Section 1. Paragraph (e) of subsection (1), paragraph
19 (a) of subsection (2), and subsection (11) of section 201.15,
20 Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
21 201.15 Distribution of taxes collected.--All taxes
22 collected under this chapter shall be distributed as follows
23 and shall be subject to the service charge imposed in s.
24 215.20(1), except that such service charge shall not be levied
25 against any portion of taxes pledged to debt service on bonds
26 to the extent that the amount of the service charge is
27 required to pay any amounts relating to the bonds:
28 (1) Sixty-two and sixty-three hundredths percent of
29 the remaining taxes collected under this chapter shall be used
30 for the following purposes:
31 (e) The remainder of the moneys distributed under this
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Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1208
Barcode 401154
1 subsection, after the required payments under paragraphs (a),
2 (b), (c), and (d), shall be paid into the State Treasury to
3 the credit of the General Revenue Fund of the state to be used
4 and expended for the purposes for which the General Revenue
5 Fund was created and exists by law or to the Ecosystem
6 Management and Restoration Trust Fund, or to the Marine
7 Resources Conservation Trust Fund, or the General Inspection
8 Trust Fund as provided in subsection (11).
9 (2) Seven and fifty-six hundredths percent of the
10 remaining taxes collected under this chapter shall be used for
11 the following purposes:
12 (a) Beginning in the month following the final payment
13 for a fiscal year under paragraph (1)(c), available moneys
14 shall be paid into the State Treasury to the credit of the
15 General Revenue Fund of the state to be used and expended for
16 the purposes for which the General Revenue Fund was created
17 and exists by law or to the Ecosystem Management and
18 Restoration Trust Fund, or to the Marine Resources
19 Conservation Trust Fund, or the General Inspection Trust Fund
20 as provided in subsection (11). Payments made under this
21 paragraph shall continue until the cumulative amount credited
22 to the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year under this
23 paragraph equals the cumulative payments made under paragraph
24 (1)(c) for the same fiscal year.
25 (11) From the moneys specified in paragraphs (1)(e)
26 (1)(d) and (2)(a) and prior to deposit of any moneys into the
27 General Revenue Fund, $30 million shall be paid into the State
28 Treasury to the credit of the Ecosystem Management and
29 Restoration Trust Fund in fiscal year 2000-2001 and each
30 fiscal year thereafter, to be used for the preservation and
31 repair of the state's beaches as provided in ss.
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Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1208
Barcode 401154
1 161.091-161.212, $2 million shall be paid into the State
2 Treasury to the credit of the Marine Resources Conservation
3 Trust Fund to be used for marine mammal care as provided in s.
4 370.0603(3), and $300,000 shall be paid into the State
5 Treasury to the credit of the General Inspection Trust Fund in
6 fiscal year 2006-2007 and each fiscal year thereafter, to be
7 used to fund oyster management and restoration programs as
8 provided in s. 370.07(3).
9 Section 2. Effective July 1, 2007, paragraph (e) of
10 subsection (1) of section 201.15, Florida Statutes, as amended
11 by section 26 of chapter 2005-290, Laws of Florida, and
12 subsections (2), (11), and (13) of section 201.15, Florida
13 Statutes, as amended by section 1 of chapter 2005-92, Laws of
14 Florida, are amended to read:
15 201.15 Distribution of taxes collected.--All taxes
16 collected under this chapter shall be distributed as follows
17 and shall be subject to the service charge imposed in s.
18 215.20(1), except that such service charge shall not be levied
19 against any portion of taxes pledged to debt service on bonds
20 to the extent that the amount of the service charge is
21 required to pay any amounts relating to the bonds:
22 (1) Sixty-two and sixty-three hundredths percent of
23 the remaining taxes collected under this chapter shall be used
24 for the following purposes:
25 (e) The remainder of the moneys distributed under this
26 subsection, after the required payments under paragraphs (a),
27 (b), (c), and (d) shall be paid into the State Treasury to the
28 credit of the General Revenue Fund to be used and expended for
29 the purposes for which the General Revenue Fund was created
30 and exists by law or to the Ecosystem Management and
31 Restoration Trust Fund, or to the Marine Resources
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Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1208
Barcode 401154
1 Conservation Trust Fund, or the General Inspection Trust Fund
2 as provided in subsection (11).
3 (2) The lesser of seven and fifty-six hundredths
4 percent of the remaining taxes collected under this chapter or
5 $84.9 million in each fiscal year shall be used for the
6 following purposes:
7 (a) Beginning in the month following the final payment
8 for a fiscal year under paragraph (1)(c), available moneys
9 shall be paid into the State Treasury to the credit of the
10 General Revenue Fund to be used and expended for the purposes
11 for which the General Revenue Fund was created and exists by
12 law or to the Ecosystem Management and Restoration Trust Fund,
13 or to the Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund, or the
14 General Inspection Trust Fund as provided in subsection (11).
15 Payments made under this paragraph shall continue until the
16 cumulative amount credited to the General Revenue Fund for the
17 fiscal year under this paragraph equals the cumulative
18 payments made under paragraph (1)(c) for the same fiscal year.
19 (b) The remainder of the moneys distributed under this
20 subsection shall be paid into the State Treasury to the credit
21 of the Land Acquisition Trust Fund. Sums deposited in the fund
22 pursuant to this subsection may be used for any purpose for
23 which funds deposited in the Land Acquisition Trust Fund may
24 lawfully be used.
25 (11) From the moneys specified in paragraphs (1)(e)
26 (1)(d) and (2)(a) and prior to deposit of any moneys into the
27 General Revenue Fund, $30 million shall be paid into the State
28 Treasury to the credit of the Ecosystem Management and
29 Restoration Trust Fund in fiscal year 2000-2001 and each
30 fiscal year thereafter, to be used for the preservation and
31 repair of the state's beaches as provided in ss.
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Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1208
Barcode 401154
1 161.091-161.212, and $2 million shall be paid into the State
2 Treasury to the credit of the Marine Resources Conservation
3 Trust Fund to be used for marine mammal care as provided in s.
4 370.0603(3), and $300,000 shall be paid into the State
5 Treasury to the credit of the General Inspection Trust Fund in
6 fiscal year 2006-2007 and each fiscal year thereafter, to be
7 used to fund oyster management and restoration programs as
8 provided in s. 370.07(3).
9 (13) The distribution of proceeds deposited into the
10 Water Management Lands Trust Fund and the Conservation and
11 Recreation Lands Trust Fund, pursuant to subsections (4) and
12 (5), shall not be used for land acquisition, but may be used
13 for preacquisition costs associated with land purchases. The
14 Legislature intends that the Florida Forever program supplant
15 the acquisition programs formerly authorized under ss. 259.032
16 and 373.59. Prior to the 2005 Regular Session of the
17 Legislature, the Acquisition and Restoration Council shall
18 review and make recommendations to the Legislature concerning
19 the need to repeal this provision. Based on these
20 recommendations, the Legislature shall review the need to
21 repeal this provision during the 2005 Regular Session.
24 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
25 And the title is amended as follows:
26 On page 1, lines 5 though 8, delete those lines
28 and insert:
29 201.15, F.S.; increasing the distribution of
30 certain revenues from the excise tax on
31 documents; authorizing the distribution of such
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Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1208
Barcode 401154
1 revenues to the General Inspection Trust Fund
2 in the Department of Agriculture and Consumer
3 Services; providing for such funds to be used
4 for oyster management and restoration programs
5 in Apalachicola Bay and other areas; amending
6 s.
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