Florida Senate - 2006                        SENATOR AMENDMENT
    Bill No. HB 121, 1st Eng.
                        Barcode 761332
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .         C/2R       
                                   .         05/04/2006 12:21:12
 2                                 .                    
 3         Floor: 1/AD/2R          .                    
       04/21/2006 10:51 AM         .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senators Dockery and Sebesta moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         Delete everything after the enacting clause
16  and insert:  
17         Section 1.  Osun's Village designated; Department of
18  Transportationt suitable markers.--
19         (1)  That portion of N.W. 7th Avenue between N.W. 54th
20  Street and N.W. 60th Street in Miami-Dade County is designated
21  as "Osun's Village."
22         (2)  The Department of Transportation is directed to
23  erect suitable markers designating Osun's Village as described
24  in subsection (1).
25         Section 2.  African Caribbean Cultural Arts Corridor
26  designated; Department of Transportation to erect suitable
27  markers.--
28         (1)  That portion of N.W. 7th Avenue between N.W. 36th
29  Street and N.W. 79th Street in Miami-Dade County is designated
30  as "African Caribbean Cultural Arts Corridor."
31         (2)  The Department of Transportation is directed to
    3:36 PM   04/19/06                              h0121.15tr.aab

Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 121, 1st Eng. Barcode 761332 1 erect suitable markers designating African Caribbean Cultural 2 Arts Corridor as described in subsection (1). 3 Section 3. Burl Marler Walkway designated; Department 4 of Transportation to erect suitable markers.-- 5 (1) The pedestrian overpass on John Sims Parkway in 6 the City of Niceville in Okaloosa County is designated as 7 "Burl Marler Walkway." 8 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 9 erect suitable markers designating Burl Marler Walkway as 10 described in subsection (1). 11 Section 4. Dr. Phillip A. Payne Bridge designated; 12 Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers.-- 13 (1) The Cervantes Street Bridge on U.S. Highway 90 14 over Bayou Texar in the City of Pensacola in Escambia County 15 is designated as "Dr. Phillip A. Payne Bridge." 16 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 17 erect suitable markers designating Dr. Phillip A. Payne Bridge 18 as described in subsection (1). 19 Section 5. Carlos C. Lopez-Aguiar Way designated; 20 Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers.-- 21 (1) That portion of S.W. 1st Street between 8th Avenue 22 and 12th Avenue in Miami-Dade County is designated as "Carlos 23 C. Lopez-Aguiar Way." 24 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 25 erect suitable markers designating Carlos C. Lopez-Aguiar Way 26 as described in subsection (1). 27 Section 6. Reverend Samuel Atchison Boulevard 28 designated; Department of Transportation to erect suitable 29 markers.-- 30 (1) That portion of N.W. 7th Avenue between N.W. 62nd 31 Street and N.W. 95th Street in Miami-Dade County is designated 2 3:36 PM 04/19/06 h0121.15tr.aab
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 121, 1st Eng. Barcode 761332 1 as "Reverend Samuel Atchison Boulevard." 2 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 3 erect suitable markers designating Reverend Samuel Atchison 4 Boulevard as described in subsection (1). 5 Section 7. Adam Leigh Cann Building designated; 6 Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers.-- 7 (1) That portion of the Department of Transportation 8 District Six Headquarters commonly known as the Main Building, 9 which is located at 1000 N.W. 111th Avenue in the City of 10 Miami, is designated as the "Adam Leigh Cann Building." 11 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 12 erect suitable markers designating the Adam Leigh Cann 13 Building as described in subsection (1). 14 Section 8. Senator N. Ray Carroll Memorial Interchange 15 designated; Department of Transportation to erect suitable 16 markers.-- 17 (1) The Florida Turnpike interchange being constructed 18 at Milepost 240 and Kissimmee Park Road in Osceola County is 19 designated as "Senator N. Ray Carroll Memorial Interchange." 20 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 21 erect suitable markers designating Senator N. Ray Carroll 22 Memorial Interchange as described in subsection (1). 23 Section 9. Toussaint L'Ouverture Boulevard designated; 24 Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers; repeal 25 of prior designation.-- 26 (1) That portion of State Road 944 on N.W. 54th Street 27 between U.S. Highway 1 and N.E. 2nd Avenue in Miami-Dade 28 County is designated as "Toussaint L'Ouverture Boulevard." 29 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 30 erect suitable markers designating Toussaint L'Ouverture 31 Boulevard as described in subsection (1). 3 3:36 PM 04/19/06 h0121.15tr.aab
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 121, 1st Eng. Barcode 761332 1 (3) Section 6 of chapter 2003-296, Laws of Florida, is 2 repealed. 3 Section 10. A.B. Martin Street designated; Department 4 of Transportation to erect suitable markers.-- 5 (1) That portion of N.W. 135th Street between N.W. 6 27th Avenue and N.W. 37th Avenue in Miami-Dade County is 7 designated as "A.B. Martin Street." 8 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 9 erect suitable markers designating A.B. Martin Street as 10 described in subsection (1). 11 Section 11. Leighton Lee Baker Memorial Highway 12 designated; Department of Transportation to erect suitable 13 markers.-- 14 (1) That portion of Old U.S. Highway 441 between David 15 Walker Drive and Eudora Road in Lake County is designated as 16 "Leighton Lee Baker Memorial Highway." 17 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 18 erect suitable markers designating Leighton Lee Baker Memorial 19 Highway as described in subsection (1). 20 Section 12. Trinchitella Boulevard designated; 21 Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers.-- 22 (1) That portion of S.W. 10th Street between F.A.U. 23 Research Park Boulevard and the Sawgrass Expressway in the 24 City of Deerfield Beach in Broward County is designated as 25 "Trinchitella Boulevard." 26 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 27 erect suitable markers designating Trinchitella Boulevard as 28 described in subsection (1). 29 Section 13. John Van Waters Memorial Highway 30 designated; Department of Transportation to erect suitable 31 markers.-- 4 3:36 PM 04/19/06 h0121.15tr.aab
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 121, 1st Eng. Barcode 761332 1 (1) That portion of State Road 35 from County Road 35A 2 north to the Pasco County line in Pasco County is designated 3 as "John Van Waters Memorial Highway." 4 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 5 erect suitable markers designating John Van Waters Memorial 6 Highway as described in subsection (1). 7 Section 14. Emilio Ochoa Boulevard designated; 8 Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers.-- 9 (1) That portion of Calle Ocho (S.W. 8th Street) 10 between S.W. 87th Avenue and S.W. 97th Avenue in Miami-Dade 11 County is designated as "Emilio Ochoa Boulevard." 12 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 13 erect suitable markers designating Emilio Ochoa Boulevard as 14 described in subsection (1). 15 Section 15. Eddie Mae Steward Avenue designated; 16 Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers.-- 17 (1) That portion of Main Street between West 6th 18 Street and West 8th Street in Duval County is designated as 19 "Eddie Mae Steward Avenue." 20 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 21 erect suitable markers designating Eddie Mae Steward Avenue as 22 described in subsection (1). 23 Section 16. Mary L. Austin Jones Avenue designated; 24 Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers.-- 25 (1) That portion of Main Street between West 37th 26 Street and West 46th Street in Duval County is designated as 27 "Mary L. Austin Jones Avenue." 28 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 29 erect suitable markers designating Mary L. Austin Jones Avenue 30 as described in subsection (1). 31 Section 17. Flossie Brunson Avenue designated; 5 3:36 PM 04/19/06 h0121.15tr.aab
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 121, 1st Eng. Barcode 761332 1 Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers.-- 2 (1) That portion of Main Street between West 8th 3 Street and West 18th Street in Duval County is designated as 4 "Flossie Brunson Avenue." 5 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 6 erect suitable markers designating Flossie Brunson Avenue as 7 described in subsection (1). 8 Section 18. Robert L. Brown, Sr., Highway designated; 9 Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers.-- 10 (1) That portion of U.S. Highway 1 between Finch 11 Avenue and Trout River Boulevard in Duval County is designated 12 as "Robert L. Brown, Sr., Highway." 13 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 14 erect suitable markers designating Robert L. Brown, Sr., 15 Highway as described in subsection (1). 16 Section 19. Barbara Van Blake Parkway designated; 17 Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers.-- 18 (1) That portion of Lem Turner Road between Interstate 19 95 and Edgewood Avenue in Duval County is designated as 20 "Barbara Van Blake Parkway." 21 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 22 erect suitable markers designating Barbara Van Blake Parkway 23 as described in subsection (1). 24 Section 20. MaVynne "The Beach Lady" Betsch Highway 25 designated; Department of Transportation to erect suitable 26 markers.-- 27 (1) That portion of Florida First Coast Highway 28 beginning at Burney Road and continuing north through the 5500 29 block of Florida First Coast Highway in Nassau County is 30 designated as "MaVynne 'The Beach Lady' Betsch Highway." 31 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 6 3:36 PM 04/19/06 h0121.15tr.aab
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 121, 1st Eng. Barcode 761332 1 erect suitable markers designating MaVynne "The Beach Lady" 2 Betsch Highway as described in subsection (1). 3 Section 21. Brian D. Little Road designated; 4 Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers.-- 5 (1) That portion of State Road 188 between State Road 6 189 and State Road 85 in Okaloosa County is designated as 7 "Brian D. Little Road." 8 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 9 erect suitable markers designating Brian D. Little Road as 10 described in subsection (1). 11 Section 22. John Land Apopka Expressway designated; 12 Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers.-- 13 (1) That portion of State Road 414 known as Maitland 14 Boulevard that extends west from U.S. Highway 441 to the City 15 of Apopka before heading north to U.S. Highway 441 near County 16 Road 437, which is commonly known as Maitland Boulevard 17 Extension, is designated as "John Land Apopka Expressway." 18 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 19 erect suitable markers designating John Land Apopka Expressway 20 as described in subsection (1). 21 Section 23. George C. Means Memorial Bridge 22 designated; Department of Transportation to erect suitable 23 markers.-- 24 (1) The replacement bridge over Lake Jesup on State 25 Road 46 near Sanford designated as the "George C. Means 26 Memorial Bridge." 27 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 28 erect suitable markers designating the George C. Means 29 Memorial Bridge as described in subsection (1). 30 Section 24. Patrick D. Smith Causeway designated; 31 Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers.-- 7 3:36 PM 04/19/06 h0121.15tr.aab
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 121, 1st Eng. Barcode 761332 1 (1) The portion of State Road 520 in Brevard County 2 which is between mile post 13.2 and mile post 15.3 and lies 3 approximately between the West Banana River and Cape Canaveral 4 Hospital is designated as the "Patrick D. Smith Causeway." 5 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 6 erect suitable markers designating the Patrick D. Smith 7 Causeway as described in subsection (1). 8 Section 25. Charles M. Parker Bridge designated; 9 Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers.-- 10 (1) The Canal Park Bridge on U.S. Highway 98 in the 11 City of Mexico Beach in Bay County is designated as the 12 "Charles M. Parker Bridge." 13 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 14 erect suitable markers designating the Charles M. Parker 15 Bridge as described in subsection (1). 16 Section 26. Rosa Parks Memorial Highway designated; 17 Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers.-- 18 (1) That portion of U.S. Highway 301 from State Road 19 40 in Marion County through the City of Waldo in Alachua 20 County is designated as "Rosa Parks Memorial Highway." 21 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 22 erect suitable markers designating Rosa Parks Memorial Highway 23 as described in subsection (1). 24 Section 27. Veterans Memorial Parkway designated; 25 Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers.-- 26 (1) That portion of U.S. 41 in the City of Jasper in 27 Hamilton County from its intersection with U.S. 129 to the 28 southern city limit is designated as "Veterans Memorial 29 Parkway." 30 (2) The Department of Transportation is directed to 31 erect suitable markers designating Veterans Memorial Parkway 8 3:36 PM 04/19/06 h0121.15tr.aab
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 121, 1st Eng. Barcode 761332 1 as described in subsection (1). 2 Section 28. Austin Dewey Gay Memorial Agricultural 3 Inspection Station designated; Department of Agriculture and 4 Consumer Services to erect suitable markers.-- 5 (1) The inspection station of the Department of 6 Agriculture and Consumer Services which is located at the 7 1-mile marker on Interstate Highway 10 in Escambia County is 8 designated as the "Austin Dewey Gay Memorial Agricultural 9 Inspection Station." 10 (2) The Department of Agriculture and Consumer 11 Services is directed to erect suitable markers designating the 12 Austin Dewey Gay Memorial Agricultural Inspection Station as 13 described in subsection (1). 14 Section 29. This act shall take effect July 1, 2006. 15 16 17 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 18 And the title is amended as follows: 19 Delete everything before the enacting clause 20 21 and insert: 22 A bill to be entitled 23 An act relating to transportation facility 24 designations; designating Osun's Village and 25 African Caribbean Cultural Arts Corridor in 26 Miami-Dade County; designating Burl Marler 27 Walkway in Okaloosa County; designating Dr. 28 Phillip A. Payne Bridge in Escambia County; 29 designating Carlos C. Lopez-Aguiar Way, 30 Reverend Samuel Atchison Boulevard, Toussaint 31 L'Ouverture Boulevard, and the Adam Leigh Cann 9 3:36 PM 04/19/06 h0121.15tr.aab
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 121, 1st Eng. Barcode 761332 1 Building in Miami-Dade County; repealing s. 6, 2 ch. 2003-296, Laws of Florida, relating to a 3 prior designation of Toussaint L'Ouverture 4 Boulevard; designating A.B. Martin Street in 5 Miami-Dade County; designating Senator N. Ray 6 Carroll Memorial Interchange in Osceola County; 7 designating Leighton Lee Baker Memorial Highway 8 in Lake County; designating Trinchitella 9 Boulevard in Broward County; designating John 10 Van Waters Memorial Highway in Pasco County; 11 designating Emilio Ochoa Boulevard in 12 Miami-Dade County; designating Eddie Mae 13 Steward Avenue, Mary L. Austin Jones Avenue, 14 Flossie Brunson Avenue, Robert L. Brown, Sr., 15 Highway, and Barbara Van Blake Parkway in Duval 16 County; designating MaVynne "The Beach Lady" 17 Betsch Highway in Nassau County; designating 18 Brian D. Little Road in Okaloosa County; 19 designating John Land Apopka Expressway in 20 Orange County; designating the replacement 21 bridge over Lake Jesup on State Road 46 near 22 Sanford as the "George C. Means Memorial 23 Bridge"; designating a portion of State Road 24 520 in Brevard County as the "Patrick D. Smith 25 Causeway"; designating the Charles M. Parker 26 Bridge in Bay County; designating Rosa Parks 27 Memorial Highway in Alachua and Marion 28 Counties; designating Veterans Memorial Parkway 29 in Hamilton County; directing the Department of 30 Transportation to erect suitable markers; 31 designating the Austin Dewey Gay Memorial 10 3:36 PM 04/19/06 h0121.15tr.aab
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 121, 1st Eng. Barcode 761332 1 Agricultural Inspection Station in Escambia 2 County; directing the Department of Agriculture 3 and Consumer Services to erect markers; 4 providing an effective date. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 11 3:36 PM 04/19/06 h0121.15tr.aab