HB 1221

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to district school boards; creating s.
31001.364, F.S.; providing for an alternate procedure for
4the election of a district school board chair in any
5school district that does not have a district school board
6member elected at large; requiring a referendum and
7providing requirements for submitting such referendum to
8the electors; creating s. 1001.365, F.S.; providing for
9resolution of a tie vote by the district school board
10chair and district school board members; amending s.
111001.371, F.S., relating to organization of district
12school boards, to conform; providing an effective date.
14Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
16     Section 1.  Section 1001.364, Florida Statutes, is created
17to read:
18     1001.364  Alternate procedure for election of district
19school board chair.--
20     (1)  The district school board chair shall be elected in
21accordance with the provisions of s. 1001.371 unless a
22proposition calling for the district school board chair to be
23elected as an additional school board member by districtwide
24vote is submitted to and approved by a majority of the
25qualified electors voting on such proposition in the manner
26provided in subsection (2).
27     (2)  A proposition calling for the district school board
28chair to be elected by districtwide vote shall be submitted to
29the electors of the school district at any primary, general, or
30otherwise-called special election in either of the following
32     (a)  The district school board may adopt a formal
33resolution directing that the proposition be placed on the
34ballot; or
35     (b)  The electors of the school district may petition to
36have the proposition placed on the ballot by presenting to the
37district school board petitions signed by not less than 10
38percent of the duly qualified electors residing within the
39school district. The number of signatures required shall be
40determined by the supervisor of elections according to the
41number of registered electors in the school district as of the
42date the petitioning electors register as a political committee
43as provided in subsection (3).
44     (3)  The electors petitioning to have the proposition
45placed on the ballot shall register as a political committee
46pursuant to s. 106.03, and a specific person shall be
47designated therein as chair of the committee to act for the
49     (4)  Each petition form circulated shall include the
50following wording:
52As a registered elector of the school district of ____
53County, Florida, I am petitioning for a referendum
54election to determine whether the district school board
55chair shall be elected by districtwide vote.
57The petition shall also include space for the signature and
58address of the elector. Each signature obtained shall be dated
59when made and is valid for a period of 4 years after that date.
60     (5)  Upon the filing of the petitions with the district
61school board by the chair of the committee, the district school
62board shall submit the petitions to the supervisor of elections
63for verification of the signatures. Within a period of not more
64than 30 days, the supervisor of elections shall determine
65whether the petitions contain the required number of valid
66signatures. The supervisor of elections shall be paid by the
67committee seeking verification the sum of 10 cents for each
68signature checked.
69     (6)  If it is determined that the petitions have the
70required signatures, the supervisor of elections shall certify
71the petitions to the district school board, which shall adopt a
72formal resolution requesting that an election date be set to
73conform to the earliest primary, general, or otherwise-called
74special election that occurs not less than 30 days after
75certification of the petitions. If it is determined that the
76petitions do not contain the required signatures, the
77supervisor of elections shall so notify the district school
78board, which shall file the petitions without taking further
79action, and the matter shall be at an end. No additional
80signatures may be added to the petitions, and the petitions may
81not be used in any other proceeding.
82     (7)  No special election may be called for the sole
83purpose of presenting the proposition to the vote of the
85     (8)  Any school district adopting the proposition set
86forth in this section may thereafter return to the procedure
87otherwise provided by law by following the same procedure
88outlined in subsection (2).
89     (9)  If a proposition submitted to the electors under
90subsection (2) calling for the district school board chair to
91be elected by districtwide vote is approved by vote of the
92qualified electors, the office of district school board chair
93shall be filled at the next general election.
94     (10)  The vice chair of the district school board shall be
95elected by the members of the district school board as provided
96in s. 1001.371.
97     (11)  This section does not apply to school districts with
98district school board members elected at large.
99     Section 2.  Section 1001.365, Florida Statutes, is created
100to read:
101     1001.365  Votes by district school board chair and
102district school board members.--Unless otherwise provided by
103law, in the event of a tie vote of the district school board
104chair and district school board members acting in any capacity,
105the side on which the district school board chair voted shall
106be deemed to prevail. For purposes of any vote of the district
107school board chair and district school board members acting in
108any capacity, action taken pursuant to that side of a tie vote
109on which the district school board chair voted satisfies the
110requirement that action be taken by a "majority" vote or a
111"simple majority" vote.
112     Section 3.  Section 1001.371, Florida Statutes, is amended
113to read:
114     1001.371  Organization of district school board.--On the
115third Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each year,
116the district school board shall organize by electing a chair. It
117may elect a vice chair, and the district school superintendent
118shall act ex officio as the secretary. If a vacancy should occur
119in the position of chair, the district school board shall
120proceed to elect a chair at the next ensuing regular or special
121meeting. At the organization meeting, the district school
122superintendent shall act as chair until the organization is
123completed. The chair and secretary shall then make and sign a
124copy of the proceedings of organization, including the schedule
125for regular meetings and the names and addresses of all district
126school officers, and annex their affidavits that the same is a
127true and correct copy of the original, and the secretary shall
128file the document within 2 weeks with the Department of
129Education. This section does not apply to any school district
130with a district school board chair who is elected by
131districtwide vote.
132     Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.