HB 1233

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to early learning; establishing the Early
3Learning Quality Incentives Task Force to be
4administratively housed in the Agency for Workforce
5Innovation; providing duties and membership; requiring
6recommendations to the Governor and Legislature; providing
7for termination of the task force; requiring the
8Department of Children and Family Services, in cooperation
9with the Agency for Workforce Innovation, to contract for
10a study relating to the administration and regulation of
11child care services; requiring submission of findings to
12the task force for purposes of its final recommendations;
13providing an effective date.
15Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
17     Section 1.  Early Learning Quality Incentives Task Force.--
18     (1)  There is established the Early Learning Quality
19Incentives Task Force to be administratively housed in the
20Agency for Workforce Innovation. The Agency for Workforce
21Innovation is authorized to contract with one or more nationally
22known experts on quality incentives and rating systems to serve
23as facilitators and resources in directing the task force. The
24task force shall perform all of the following duties:
25     (a)  Identify and examine existing early learning quality
26incentives and rating systems in the state.
27     (b)  Identify and examine early learning quality incentives
28and rating systems in other states, including, but not limited
29to, systems in North Carolina and Oklahoma.
30     (c)  Develop a recommended early learning quality
31incentives and rating system that includes uniform standards and
32levels of financial quality incentives for participating
34     (d)  Recommend appropriate levels of financial commitment
35of state resources to ensure quality early learning programs.
36     (e)  Recommend initial investment of quality incentive
37dollars for pilot programs in five counties.
38     (2)(a)  The task force shall consist of representatives
39appointed by the Governor from each of the following categories:
40     1.  One member each from a large, medium, and small
41children's services council with an appropriate mix from urban
42and rural counties.
43     2.  One chair each from a large, medium, and small early
44learning coalition with an appropriate mix from urban and rural
46     3.  One member from an early learning services provider.
47     4.  One member from a private child care provider
49     5.  One member from a faith-based child care provider
51     6.  One member each from a community college and a state
52university with a child care training component.
53     7.  One parent who currently has a child in an early
54learning program.
55     (b)  The task force shall also consist of the following
57     1.  A member of the Senate appointed by the President of
58the Senate.
59     2.  A member of the House of Representatives appointed by
60the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
61     3.  A member appointed by the Secretary of Children and
62Family Services who has expertise in child care licensing and
64     4.  A member appointed by the Commissioner of Education who
65has expertise in the education of young children.
66     (3)  The members of the task force shall serve without
67compensation but shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for
68per diem and travel expenses as provided in s. 112.061, Florida
70     (4)  The task force shall submit its recommendations to the
71Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the
72House of Representatives by February 15, 2007, at which time the
73task force shall be terminated.
74     Section 2.  The Department of Children and Family Services,
75in cooperation with the Agency for Workforce Innovation, shall
76contract with an independent research institution to conduct a
77study of the administrative and operational structure of the
78Child Care Services Program Office of the Department of Children
79and Family Services that will include a review of all resources
80supporting the office as well as a review of child care services
81offices in other states. The findings of the study shall include
82a recommendation regarding the appropriate administrative and
83operational structures and the appropriate state agency to
84administer child care regulation functions. The findings of the
85study shall be submitted to the Early Learning Quality
86Incentives Task Force by January 1, 2007, for incorporation into
87the final recommendations of the task force.
88     Section 3.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.