Senate Bill sb1240
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Florida Senate - 2006 SM 1240
By Senator Haridopolos
1 Senate Memorial
2 A memorial to the Congress of the United
3 States, urging Congress to repeal the federal
4 excise tax on telephone and other
5 communications services.
7 WHEREAS, the federal telephone excise tax was
8 instituted in 1898 during the Spanish-American War to help
9 finance the military conflict with Spain, and
10 WHEREAS, at that time, the tax was in the amount of 1
11 cent per telephone call and was designed as a luxury tax that
12 would affect only the wealthiest of Americans, and
13 WHEREAS, although the Spanish-American War continued
14 for only a few months, the telephone excise tax continues to
15 be levied today and has increased to a total of 3 percent of
16 the consumer's telephone bill, including call waiting, caller
17 ID, local toll charges, long-distance charges, wireless
18 services, and directory assistance, and
19 WHEREAS, in the year 2000, the United States Congress
20 attempted to repeal this tax, but President Clinton vetoed the
21 legislation, and
22 WHEREAS, the telephone excise tax is no longer a luxury
23 tax, since nearly everyone in the United States has a
24 telephone, and
25 WHEREAS, since the tax is levied at a fixed percent of
26 the cost of telecommunications services, it is a regressive
27 tax, because lower-income individuals spend a higher
28 percentage of their wages on this tax than do higher-income
29 individuals, and
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Florida Senate - 2006 SM 1240
1 WHEREAS, the tax is also an "invisible" tax, in that it
2 is collected by the telephone companies rather than by the
3 government, NOW, THEREFORE,
5 Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
7 That the Congress of the United States is requested to
8 repeal the federal excise tax on telephone and other
9 communications services, by passing Senate Bill 1321,
10 sponsored by Senator Rick Santorum (R-Pennsylvania), House
11 Resolution 1898, sponsored by Representative Gary Miller
12 (R-California), each of which is entitled the "Telephone
13 Excise Tax Repeal Act of 2005," or similar legislation.
14 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be
15 dispatched to the President of the United States, to the
16 President of the United States Senate, to the Speaker of the
17 United States House of Representatives, and to each member of
18 the Florida delegation to the United States Congress.
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