Senate Bill sb1286

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
    Florida Senate - 2006                                  SB 1286

    By Senator Lynn


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Substance Abuse and

  3         Mental Health Corporation; amending s. 394.655,

  4         F.S.; requiring that the corporation review and

  5         assess the recovery and resiliency-based system

  6         for mental health care; requiring that the

  7         corporation review and assess the activities

  8         relating to the transformation of the substance

  9         abuse and mental health system; revising the

10         expiration date of the corporation; providing

11         an effective date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) and

16  subsection (11) of section 394.655, Florida Statutes, are

17  amended to read:

18         394.655  The Substance Abuse and Mental Health

19  Corporation; powers and duties; composition; evaluation and

20  reporting requirements.--

21         (3)(a)  The Florida Substance Abuse and Mental Health

22  Corporation shall be responsible for oversight of the publicly

23  funded substance abuse and mental health systems and for

24  making policy and resources recommendations which will improve

25  the coordination, quality, and efficiency of the system.

26  Subject to and consistent with direction set by the

27  Legislature, the corporation shall exercise the following

28  responsibilities:

29         1.  Review and assess the status of the recovery and

30  resiliency-based system for comprehensive mental health care.



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    Florida Senate - 2006                                  SB 1286

 1         2.  Review and assess the activities relating to the

 2  transformation of the substance abuse and mental health system

 3  to ensure that a recovery and resiliency-based system of care

 4  is maintained.

 5         3.1.  Review and assess the collection and analysis of

 6  needs assessment data as described in s. 394.82.

 7         4.2.  Review and assess the status of the publicly

 8  funded mental health and substance abuse systems and recommend

 9  policy designed to improve coordination and effectiveness.

10         5.3.  Provide mechanisms for substance abuse and mental

11  health stakeholders, including consumers, family members,

12  providers, and advocates to provide input concerning the

13  management of the overall system.

14         6.4.  Recommend priorities for service expansion.

15         7.5.  Prepare budget recommendations to be submitted to

16  the appropriate departments for consideration in the

17  development of their legislative budget requests and provide

18  copies to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the

19  Speaker of the House of Representatives for their

20  consideration.

21         8.6.  Review data regarding the performance of the

22  publicly funded substance abuse and mental health systems.

23         9.7.  Make recommendations concerning strategies for

24  improving  the performance of the systems.

25         10.8.  Review, assess, and forecast substance abuse and

26  mental health manpower needs and work with the department and

27  the educational system to establish policies, consistent with

28  the direction of the Legislature, which will ensure that the

29  state has the personnel it needs to continuously implement and

30  improve its services.



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    Florida Senate - 2006                                  SB 1286

 1         (11)  This section expires on October 1, 2011 2006,

 2  unless reviewed and reenacted by the Legislature before that

 3  date.

 4         Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

 5  law.


 7            *****************************************

 8                          SENATE SUMMARY

 9    Requires that the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
      Corporation review and assess the recovery and
10    resiliency-based system for mental health care. Requires
      that the corporation review and assess the activities
11    relating to the transformation of the substance abuse and
      mental health system. Revises the expiration date of the
12    corporation.





















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.