HB 1323

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to actions involving free speech or
3defamation; creating s. 770.09, F.S.; clarifying criteria
4for liability for publishing a matter concerning an
5individual which places that individual before the public
6in a false light; providing for a civil action to recover
7damages; requiring that the person bringing the action
8plead and prove by clear and convincing evidence the
9elements of the claim; providing that certain privileged
10publications are not subject to liability under the act;
11limiting the period in which to commence an action;
12providing that the Legislature intends that the act apply
13retroactively; providing an effective date.
15Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
17     Section 1.  Section 770.09, Florida Statutes, is created to
19     770.09  Publicity placing a person in a false light.--
20     (1)  A person may not be held liable for publishing a
21matter concerning an individual which places that individual
22before the public in a false light, unless:
23     (a)  The matter published relates to a fact that is false;
24     (b)  The false fact placed the individual in a false light
25that is highly offensive to a reasonable person;
26     (c)  The person making the publication acted knowingly or
27in reckless disregard as to the falsity of the fact publicized;
29     (d)  The person making the publication acted knowingly or
30in reckless disregard as to the false light in which the
31individual would be placed.
32     (2)  A person may bring a civil action under this section
33to recover damages sustained by reason of the false light in
34which he or she was placed, except that ss. 770.01 and 770.02
35apply to all actions under this section.
36     (3)  In any action under this section, the person bringing
37the action has the burden to plead and prove by clear and
38convincing evidence the elements set forth in subsection (1).
39     (4)  A publication that is privileged or otherwise
40protected from liability under the common law of defamation, the
41First Amendment to the United States Constitution, or s. 4, Art.
42I of the State Constitution is not subject to liability under
43this section.
44     (5)  An action may not be brought or maintained under this
45section if a claim based upon the same published fact or facts
46is, or could be, brought under the common law of defamation.
47     (6)  A cause of action for damages founded upon a single
48publication as described in this section accrues at the time of
49the first publication or exhibition or utterance thereof in this
50state. A judgment in any jurisdiction for or against the
51plaintiff upon the substantive merits of any action for damages
52founded upon a single publication as described in this section
53bars any other action for damages by the same plaintiff against
54the same defendant founded upon the same publication.
55     (7)  An action may not be brought or maintained under this
56section by, or on behalf of, a person who is deceased.
57     (8)  An action under this section must be commenced within
582 years after the first publication of the matter that forms the
59basis of the claim.
60     (9)  It is the expressed intent of the Legislature that
61this section applies retroactively.
62     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.