Bill No. 1347
Amendment No. 362353
Senate House

1Representative(s) Williams offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Between lines 92 and 93 insert:
5     Section 1.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) and subsections
6(11) and (13) of section 201.15, Florida Statutes, are amended
7to read:
8     201.15  Distribution of taxes collected.--All taxes
9collected under this chapter shall be distributed as follows and
10shall be subject to the service charge imposed in s. 215.20(1),
11except that such service charge shall not be levied against any
12portion of taxes pledged to debt service on bonds to the extent
13that the amount of the service charge is required to pay any
14amounts relating to the bonds:
15     (1)  Sixty-two and sixty-three hundredths percent of the
16remaining taxes collected under this chapter shall be used for
17the following purposes:
18     (b)  Moneys The remainder of the moneys distributed under
19this subsection, after the required payment under paragraph (a),
20shall be paid into the State Treasury to the credit of the Save
21Our Everglades Trust Fund in amounts necessary to pay debt
22service, provide reserves, and pay rebate obligations and other
23amounts due with respect to bonds issued under s. 215.619. Taxes
24distributed under paragraph (a) and this paragraph must be
25collectively distributed on a pro rata basis when the available
26moneys under this subsection are not sufficient to cover the
27amounts required under paragraph (a) and this paragraph.
28     (11)  From the moneys specified in paragraphs (1)(e)
29paragraphs (1)(d) and (2)(a) and prior to deposit of any moneys
30into the General Revenue Fund, $30 million shall be paid into
31the State Treasury to the credit of the Ecosystem Management and
32Restoration Trust Fund in fiscal year 2000-2001 and each fiscal
33year thereafter, to be used for the preservation and repair of
34the state's beaches as provided in ss. 161.091-161.212, and $2
35million shall be paid into the State Treasury to the credit of
36the Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund to be used for
37marine mammal care as provided in s. 370.0603(3).
38     (13)  The distribution of proceeds deposited into the Water
39Management Lands Trust Fund and the Conservation and Recreation
40Lands Trust Fund, pursuant to subsections (4) and (5), shall not
41be used for land acquisition, but may be used for preacquisition
42costs associated with land purchases. The Legislature intends
43that the Florida Forever program supplant the acquisition
44programs formerly authorized under ss. 259.032 and 373.59. Prior
45to the 2005 Regular Session of the Legislature, the Acquisition
46and Restoration Council shall review and make recommendations to
47the Legislature concerning the need to repeal this provision.
48Based on these recommendations, the Legislature shall review the
49need to repeal this provision during the 2005 Regular Session.
50     Section 2.  Effective July 1, 2007, paragraph (b) of
51subsection (1) and subsections (11) and (13) of section 201.15,
52Florida Statutes, as amended by section 1 of chapter 2005-92,
53Laws of Florida, are amended to read:
54     201.15  Distribution of taxes collected.--All taxes
55collected under this chapter shall be distributed as follows and
56shall be subject to the service charge imposed in s. 215.20(1),
57except that such service charge shall not be levied against any
58portion of taxes pledged to debt service on bonds to the extent
59that the amount of the service charge is required to pay any
60amounts relating to the bonds:
61     (1)  Sixty-two and sixty-three hundredths percent of the
62remaining taxes collected under this chapter shall be used for
63the following purposes:
64     (b)  Moneys The remainder of the moneys distributed under
65this subsection, after the required payment under paragraph (a),
66shall be paid into the State Treasury to the credit of the Save
67Our Everglades Trust Fund in amounts necessary to pay debt
68service, provide reserves, and pay rebate obligations and other
69amounts due with respect to bonds issued under s. 215.619. Taxes
70distributed under paragraph (a) and this paragraph must be
71collectively distributed on a pro rata basis when the available
72moneys under this subsection are not sufficient to cover the
73amounts required under paragraph (a) and this paragraph.
74     (11)  From the moneys specified in paragraphs (1)(e)
75paragraphs (1)(d) and (2)(a) and prior to deposit of any moneys
76into the General Revenue Fund, $30 million shall be paid into
77the State Treasury to the credit of the Ecosystem Management and
78Restoration Trust Fund in fiscal year 2000-2001 and each fiscal
79year thereafter, to be used for the preservation and repair of
80the state's beaches as provided in ss. 161.091-161.212, and $2
81million shall be paid into the State Treasury to the credit of
82the Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund to be used for
83marine mammal care as provided in s. 370.0603(3).
84     (13)  The distribution of proceeds deposited into the Water
85Management Lands Trust Fund and the Conservation and Recreation
86Lands Trust Fund, pursuant to subsections (4) and (5), shall not
87be used for land acquisition, but may be used for preacquisition
88costs associated with land purchases. The Legislature intends
89that the Florida Forever program supplant the acquisition
90programs formerly authorized under ss. 259.032 and 373.59. Prior
91to the 2005 Regular Session of the Legislature, the Acquisition
92and Restoration Council shall review and make recommendations to
93the Legislature concerning the need to repeal this provision.
94Based on these recommendations, the Legislature shall review the
95need to repeal this provision during the 2005 Regular Session.
96     Section 3.  Subsection (3) of section 215.619, Florida
97Statutes, is amended to read:
98     215.619  Bonds for Everglades restoration.--
99     (3)  Everglades restoration bonds are payable from, and
100secured by a first lien on, taxes distributable under s.
101201.15(1)(b) and do not constitute a general obligation of, or a
102pledge of the full faith and credit of, the state. Everglades
103restoration bonds shall be secured on a parity basis with are
104junior and subordinate to bonds secured by moneys distributable
105under s. 201.15(1)(a).
106     Section 4.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (2), paragraphs (e)
107and (f) of subsection (9), paragraph (d) of subsection (10), and
108paragraph (b) of subsection (11) of section 259.032, Florida
109Statutes, are amended to read:
110     259.032  Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund;
112     (2)
113     (b)  There shall annually be transferred from the
114Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund to the Land
115Acquisition Trust Fund that amount, not to exceed $20 million
116annually, as shall be necessary to pay the debt service on, or
117fund debt service reserve funds, rebate obligations, or other
118amounts with respect to bonds issued pursuant to s. 375.051 to
119acquire lands on the established priority list developed
120pursuant to ss. 259.101(4) and 259.105 this section; however, no
121moneys transferred to the Land Acquisition Trust Fund pursuant
122to this paragraph, or earnings thereon, shall be used or made
123available to pay debt service on the Save Our Coast revenue
124bonds. Amounts transferred annually from the Conservation and
125Recreation Lands Trust Fund to the Land Acquisition Trust Fund
126pursuant to this paragraph shall have the highest priority over
127other payments or transfers from the Conservation and Recreation
128Lands Trust Fund, and no other payments or transfers shall be
129made from the Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund until
130such transfers to the Land Acquisition Trust Fund have been
131made. Effective July 1, 2001, Moneys in the Conservation and
132Recreation Lands Trust Fund also shall be used to manage lands
133and to pay for related costs, activities, and functions pursuant
134to the provisions of this section.
135     (9)  All lands managed under this chapter and s. 253.034
136shall be:
137     (e)  Concurrent with the approval of the acquisition
138contract pursuant to s. 259.041(3)(c) for any interest in lands
139except those lands being acquired under the provisions of s.
140259.1052, the board of trustees shall designate an agency or
141agencies to manage such lands. The board and shall evaluate and
142amend, as appropriate, the management policy statement for the
143project as provided by s. 259.035, consistent with the purposes
144for which the lands are acquired. For any fee simple acquisition
145of a parcel which is or will be leased back for agricultural
146purposes, or any acquisition of a less-than-fee interest in land
147that is or will be used for agricultural purposes, the Board of
148Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund shall first
149consider having a soil and water conservation district, created
150pursuant to chapter 582, manage and monitor such interests.
151     (f)  State agencies designated to manage lands acquired
152under this chapter except those lands acquired under s. 259.1052
153may contract with local governments and soil and water
154conservation districts to assist in management activities,
155including the responsibility of being the lead land manager.
156Such land management contracts may include a provision for the
157transfer of management funding to the local government or soil
158and water conservation district from the Conservation and
159Recreation Lands Trust Fund in an amount adequate for the local
160government or soil and water conservation district to perform
161its contractual land management responsibilities and
162proportionate to its responsibilities, and which otherwise would
163have been expended by the state agency to manage the property.
164     (10)
165     (d)1.  For each project for which lands are acquired after
166July 1, 1995, an individual management plan shall be adopted and
167in place no later than 1 year after the essential parcel or
168parcels identified in the priority list developed pursuant to
169ss. 259.101(4) and 259.105 in the annual Conservation and
170Recreation Lands report prepared pursuant to s. 259.035(2)(a)
171have been acquired. Beginning in fiscal year 1998-1999, The
172Department of Environmental Protection shall distribute only 75
173percent of the acquisition funds to which a budget entity or
174water management district would otherwise be entitled from the
175Preservation 2000 Trust Fund to any budget entity or any water
176management district that has more than one-third of its
177management plans overdue.
178     2.  The requirements of subparagraph 1. do not apply to the
179individual management plan for the Babcock Crescent B Ranch
180being acquired pursuant to s. 259.1052.
181     (11)
182     (b)  An amount up to 1.5 percent of the cumulative total of
183funds ever deposited into the Florida Preservation 2000 Trust
184Fund and the Florida Forever Trust Fund shall be made available
185for the purposes of management, maintenance, and capital
186improvements not eligible for funding pursuant to s. 11(e), Art.
187VII of the State Constitution, and for associated contractual
188services, for lands acquired pursuant to this section, s.
189259.101, s. 259.105, s. 259.1052, or previous programs for the
190acquisition of lands for conservation and recreation, including
191state forests, to which title is vested in the board of trustees
192and other conservation and recreation lands managed by a state
193agency. Of this amount, $250,000 shall be transferred annually
194to the Plant Industry Trust Fund within the Department of
195Agriculture and Consumer Services for the purpose of
196implementing the Endangered or Threatened Native Flora
197Conservation Grants Program pursuant to s. 581.185(11). Each
198agency with management responsibilities shall annually request
199from the Legislature funds sufficient to fulfill such
200responsibilities. For the purposes of this paragraph, capital
201improvements shall include, but need not be limited to,
202perimeter fencing, signs, firelanes, access roads and trails,
203and minimal public accommodations, such as primitive campsites,
204garbage receptacles, and toilets. Any equipment purchased with
205funds provided pursuant to this paragraph may be used for the
206purposes described in this paragraph on any conservation and
207recreation lands managed by a state agency.
208     Section 5.  Subsections (2) and (10) of section 259.105,
209Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
210     259.105  The Florida Forever Act.--
211     (2)(a)  The Legislature finds and declares that:
212     1.  The Preservation 2000 program provided tremendous
213financial resources for purchasing environmentally significant
214lands to protect those lands from imminent development, thereby
215assuring present and future generations access to important open
216spaces and recreation and conservation lands.
217     2.  The continued alteration and development of Florida's
218natural areas to accommodate the state's rapidly growing
219population have contributed to the degradation of water
220resources, the fragmentation and destruction of wildlife
221habitats, the loss of outdoor recreation space, and the
222diminishment of wetlands, forests, and public beaches.
223     3.  The potential development of Florida's remaining
224natural areas and escalation of land values require a
225continuation of government efforts to restore, bring under
226public protection, or acquire lands and water areas to preserve
227the state's invaluable quality of life.
228     4.  Florida's groundwater, surface waters, and springs are
229under tremendous pressure due to population growth and economic
230expansion and require special protection and restoration
231efforts. To ensure that sufficient quantities of water are
232available to meet the current and future needs of the natural
233systems and citizens of the state, and assist in achieving the
234planning goals of the department and the water management
235districts, water resource development projects on public lands,
236where compatible with the resource values of and management
237objectives for the lands, are appropriate.
238     5.  The needs of urban Florida for high-quality outdoor
239recreational opportunities, greenways, trails, and open space
240have not been fully met by previous acquisition programs.
241Through such programs as the Florida Communities Trust and the
242Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program, the state
243shall place additional emphasis on acquiring, protecting,
244preserving, and restoring open space, greenways, and recreation
245properties within urban areas where pristine natural communities
246or water bodies no longer exist because of the proximity of
247developed property.
248     6.  Many of Florida's unique ecosystems, such as the
249Florida Everglades, are facing ecological collapse due to
250Florida's burgeoning population. To preserve these valuable
251ecosystems for future generations, parcels of land must be
252acquired to facilitate ecosystem restoration.
253     7.  Access to public lands to support a broad range of
254outdoor recreational opportunities and the development of
255necessary infrastructure, where compatible with the resource
256values of and management objectives for such lands, promotes an
257appreciation for Florida's natural assets and improves the
258quality of life.
259     8.  Acquisition of lands, in fee simple or in any lesser
260interest, should be based on a comprehensive assessment of
261Florida's natural resources and planned so as to protect the
262integrity of ecological systems and provide multiple benefits,
263including preservation of fish and wildlife habitat, recreation
264space for urban as well as rural areas, and water recharge.
265     9.  The state has embraced performance-based program
266budgeting as a tool to evaluate the achievements of publicly
267funded agencies, build in accountability, and reward those
268agencies which are able to consistently achieve quantifiable
269goals. While previous and existing state environmental programs
270have achieved varying degrees of success, few of these programs
271can be evaluated as to the extent of their achievements,
272primarily because performance measures, standards, outcomes, and
273goals were not established at the outset. Therefore, the Florida
274Forever program shall be developed and implemented in the
275context of measurable state goals and objectives.
276     10.  It is the intent of the Legislature to change the
277focus and direction of the state's major land acquisition
278programs and to extend funding and bonding capabilities, so that
279future generations may enjoy the natural resources of Florida.
280     (b)  The Legislature recognizes that acquisition is only
281one way to achieve the aforementioned goals and encourages the
282development of creative partnerships between governmental
283agencies and private landowners. Land protection agreements and
284similar tools should be used, where appropriate, to bring
285environmentally sensitive tracts under an acceptable level of
286protection at a lower financial cost to the public, and to
287provide private landowners with the opportunity to enjoy and
288benefit from their property.
289     (c)  Public agencies or other entities that receive funds
290under this section are encouraged to better coordinate their
291expenditures so that project acquisitions, when combined with
292acquisitions under Preservation 2000, Save Our Rivers, the
293Florida Communities Trust, and other public land acquisition
294programs, will form more complete patterns of protection for
295natural areas and functioning ecosystems, to better accomplish
296the intent of this section.
297     (d)  A long-term financial commitment to managing Florida's
298public lands must accompany any new land acquisition program to
299ensure that the natural resource values of such lands are
300protected, that the public has the opportunity to enjoy the
301lands to their fullest potential, and that the state achieves
302the full benefits of its investment of public dollars.
303     (e)  With limited dollars available for restoration and
304acquisition of land and water areas and for providing long-term
305management and capital improvements, a competitive selection
306process can select those projects best able to meet the goals of
307Florida Forever and maximize the efficient use of the program's
309     (f)  To ensure success and provide accountability to the
310citizens of this state, it is the intent of the Legislature that
311any bond proceeds used pursuant to this section be used to
312implement the goals and objectives recommended by the Florida
313Forever Advisory Council as approved by the Board of Trustees of
314the Internal Improvement Trust Fund and the Legislature.
315     (g)  As it has with previous land acquisition programs, the
316Legislature recognizes the desires of the citizens of this state
317to prosper through economic development and to preserve the
318natural areas and recreational open space of Florida. The
319Legislature further recognizes the urgency of restoring the
320natural functions of public lands or water bodies before they
321are degraded to a point where recovery may never occur, yet
322acknowledges the difficulty of ensuring adequate funding for
323restoration efforts in light of other equally critical financial
324needs of the state. It is the Legislature's desire and intent to
325fund the implementation of this section and to do so in a
326fiscally responsible manner, by issuing bonds to be repaid with
327documentary stamp tax revenue.
328     (h)  The Legislature further recognizes the important role
329that many of our state and federal military installations
330contribute to protecting and preserving Florida's natural
331resources as well as our economic prosperity. Where the state's
332land conservation plans overlap with the military's need to
333protect lands, waters, and habitat to ensure the sustainability
334of military missions, it is the Legislature's intent that
335agencies receiving funds under this program cooperate with our
336military partners to protect and buffer military installations
337and military airspace, by:
338     1.  Protecting habitat on nonmilitary land for any species
339found on military land that is designated as threatened or
340endangered, or is a candidate for such designation under the
341Endangered Species Act or any Florida statute.
342     2.  Protecting areas underlying low-level military air
343corridors or operating areas.
344     3.  Protecting areas identified as clear zones, accident
345potential zones, and air installation compatible use buffer
346zones delineated by our military partners.
347     (10)  The Acquisition and Restoration Council shall give
348increased priority to those projects for which matching funds
349are available and to project elements previously identified on
350an acquisition list pursuant to this section that can be
351acquired at 80 percent or less of appraised value. The council
352shall also give increased priority to those projects where the
353state's land conservation plans overlap with the military's need
354to protect lands, water, and habitat to ensure the
355sustainability of military missions, including:
356     (a)  Protecting habitat on nonmilitary land for any species
357found on military land that is designated as threatened or
358endangered, or is a candidate for such designation under the
359Endangered Species Act or any Florida statute.
360     (b)  Protecting areas underlying low-level military air
361corridors or operating areas.
362     (c)  Protecting areas identified as clear zones, accident
363potential zones, and air installation compatible use buffer
364zones delineated by our military partners, and for which federal
365or other funding is available to assist with the project.
366     Section 6.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section 259.1051,
367Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
368     259.1051  Florida Forever Trust Fund.--
369     (1)  There is created the Florida Forever Trust Fund to
370carry out the purposes of ss. 259.032, 259.105, 259.1052, and
371375.031. The Florida Forever Trust Fund shall be held and
372administered by the Department of Environmental Protection.
373Proceeds from the sale of bonds, except proceeds of refunding
374bonds, issued under s. 215.618 and payable from moneys
375transferred to the Land Acquisition Trust Fund under s.
376201.15(1)(a), not to exceed $3 billion, must be deposited into
377this trust fund to be distributed and used as provided in s.
378259.105(3). The bond resolution adopted by the governing board
379of the Division of Bond Finance of the State Board of
380Administration may provide for additional provisions that govern
381the disbursement of the bond proceeds.
382     (2)  The Department of Environmental Protection shall
383distribute revenues from the Florida Forever Trust Fund only to
384programs of state agencies or local governments as set out in s.
385259.105(3) or as provided in s. 259.1052. Excluding
386distributions to the Save Our Everglades Trust Fund and
387distributions for the acquisition of the Babcock Crescent B
388Ranch Florida Forever acquisition as provided in s. 259.1052,
389the distributions shall be spent by the recipient within 90 days
390after the date on which the Department of Environmental
391Protection initiates the transfer.
392     Section 7.  Section 259.1052, Florida Statutes, is created
393to read:
394     259.1052  Babcock Crescent B Ranch Florida Forever
395acquisition; conditions for purchase.--
396     (1)  The acquisition of the state's portion of the Babcock
397Crescent B Ranch by the Board of Trustees of the Internal
398Improvement Trust Fund is a conservation acquisition under the
399Florida Forever program created in s. 259.105, with a goal of
400sustaining the ecological and economic integrity of the property
401being acquired while allowing the business of the ranch to
402operate and prosper. The management of the preserve shall be as
403provided in s. 259.106, notwithstanding any other provision of
404law to the contrary.
405     (2)  The Legislature recognizes that the acquisition of the
406state's portion of the Babcock Crescent B Ranch represents a
407unique opportunity to assist in preserving the largest private
408and undeveloped single-ownership tract of land in Charlotte
409County. The Legislature further recognizes Lee County as a
410partner in the acquisition of the ranch.
411     (3)  This section authorizes the acquisition of the state's
412portion of the Babcock Crescent B Ranch in order to protect and
413preserve for future generations the scientific, scenic,
414historic, and natural values of the ranch, including rivers and
415ecosystems; to protect and preserve the archaeological,
416geological, and cultural resources of the ranch; to provide for
417species recovery; and to provide opportunities for public
419     (4)  In addition to distributions authorized under s.
420259.105(3), the Department of Environmental Protection is
421authorized to distribute $310 million in revenues from the
422Florida Forever Trust Fund. This distribution shall represent
423payment in full for the portion of the Babcock Crescent B Ranch
424to be acquired by the state under this section.
425     (5)  As used in this section, the term "state's portion of
426the Babcock Crescent B Ranch" means those lands conveyed by
427special warranty deed to the Board of Trustees of the Internal
428Improvement Trust Fund under the provisions of the agreement for
429sale and purchase executed by the Board of Trustees of the
430Internal Improvement Trust Fund, the Fish and Wildlife
431Conservation Commission, the Department of Agriculture and
432Consumer Services, and the participating local government, as
433purchaser, and MSKP, III, a Florida corporation, as seller.
436======= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =======
437     Remove line 2 and insert:
438An act relating to land acquisition and management;
439amending s. 201.15, F.S.; providing that taxes distributed
440to pay debt service on Preservation 2000 bonds, Florida
441Forever bonds, and Save Our Everglades bonds shall, under
442specified circumstances, be collectively distributed on a
443pro rata basis; correcting a cross-reference; deleting
444obsolete provisions; amending s. 215.619, F.S.; providing
445that Everglades restoration bonds are on a parity basis
446with other land acquisition bonds; amending s. 259.032,
447F.S.; authorizing the use of funds in the Conservation and
448Recreation Lands Trust Fund for management, maintenance,
449and capital improvements for conservation and recreation
450lands, including lands acquired under the Babcock Crescent
451B Ranch Florida Forever acquisition; revising requirements
452for the development of an individual land management plan;
453amending s. 259.105, F.S.; establishing the Legislature's
454intent that the protection and buffering of military
455installations is of great importance; directing the
456Acquisition and Restoration Council to also give priority
457consideration to the acquisition of lands that protect and
458buffer military installations; amending s. 259.1051, F.S.;
459conforming the distribution of funds from the Florida
460Forever Trust Fund; creating s. 259.1052, F.S.; providing
461for the acquisition of the state's portion of the Babcock
462Crescent B Ranch; providing a definition; granting
463authority to the Department of Environmental Protection to
464distribute funds for the acquisition of the Babcock
465Crescent B Ranch; creating s. 259.106,

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.