HB 1365

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the Florida Healthy Kids Corporation
3Act; amending s. 624.91, F.S.; removing a limitation on
4eligibility for state-funded assistance in paying Florida
5Healthy Kids premiums; revising the date by which the
6corporation must provide certain notification of the local
7match amount to be remitted for the following year;
8revising basis for calculation of a county's local match
9contribution; amending s. 409.814, F.S.; conforming a
10cross-reference; providing an effective date.
12Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
14     Section 1.  Subsections (5) through (8) of section 624.91,
15Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (4) through (7),
16respectively, and present subsections (3) and (5) of that
17section are amended to read:
18     624.91  The Florida Healthy Kids Corporation Act.--
20following individuals are eligible for state-funded assistance
21in paying Florida Healthy Kids premiums:
22     (a)  Residents of this state who are eligible for the
23Florida KidCare program pursuant to s. 409.814.
24     (b)  Notwithstanding s. 409.814, legal aliens who are
25enrolled in the Florida Healthy Kids program as of January 31,
262004, who do not qualify for Title XXI federal funds because
27they are not qualified aliens as defined in s. 409.811.
28     (c)  Notwithstanding s. 409.814, individuals who have
29attained the age of 19 as of March 31, 2004, who were receiving
30Florida Healthy Kids benefits prior to the enactment of the
31Florida KidCare program. This paragraph shall be repealed March
3231, 2005.
33     (d)  Notwithstanding s. 409.814, state employee dependents
34who were enrolled in the Florida Healthy Kids program as of
35January 31, 2004. Such individuals shall remain eligible until
36January 1, 2005.
38     (b)  The Florida Healthy Kids Corporation shall:
39     1.  Arrange for the collection of any family, local
40contributions, or employer payment or premium, in an amount to
41be determined by the board of directors, to provide for payment
42of premiums for comprehensive insurance coverage and for the
43actual or estimated administrative expenses.
44     2.  Arrange for the collection of any voluntary
45contributions to provide for payment of premiums for children
46who are not eligible for medical assistance under Title XXI of
47the Social Security Act. Each fiscal year, the corporation shall
48establish a local match policy for the enrollment of non-Title-
49XXI-eligible children in the Healthy Kids program. By June May 1
50of each year, the corporation shall provide written notification
51of the local match amount to be remitted to the corporation for
52the following fiscal year under that policy. Local match sources
53may include, but are not limited to, funds provided by
54municipalities, counties, school boards, hospitals, health care
55providers, charitable organizations, special taxing districts,
56and private organizations. The minimum local match cash
57contributions required each fiscal year and local match credits
58shall be determined by the General Appropriations Act. The
59corporation shall calculate a county's local match rate based
60upon that county's enrollment of non-Title-XXI-eligible children
61as of March 1, 2004. The local match contribution for any county
62shall not exceed 30 percent of the monthly premium after the
63family premium is deducted, and 70 percent of the remaining
64premium is taken from the General Appropriations Act. If local
65match amounts collected exceed expenditures during any fiscal
66year, the corporation shall apply any year-end surpluses as a
67credit to the contributing entity's local match obligation for
68the subsequent fiscal year percentage of the state's total non-
69Title-XXI expenditures as reported in the corporation's most
70recently audited financial statement. In awarding the local
71match credits, the corporation may consider factors including,
72but not limited to, population density, per capita income, and
73existing child-health-related expenditures and services.
74     3.  Subject to the provisions of s. 409.8134, accept
75voluntary supplemental local match contributions that comply
76with the requirements of Title XXI of the Social Security Act
77for the purpose of providing additional coverage in contributing
78counties under Title XXI.
79     4.  Establish the administrative and accounting procedures
80for the operation of the corporation.
81     5.  Establish, with consultation from appropriate
82professional organizations, standards for preventive health
83services and providers and comprehensive insurance benefits
84appropriate to children, provided that such standards for rural
85areas shall not limit primary care providers to board-certified
87     6.  Determine eligibility for children seeking to
88participate in the Title XXI-funded components of the Florida
89KidCare program consistent with the requirements specified in s.
90409.814, as well as the non-Title-XXI-eligible children as
91provided in subsection (3).
92     7.  Establish procedures under which providers of local
93match to, applicants to and participants in the program may have
94grievances reviewed by an impartial body and reported to the
95board of directors of the corporation.
96     8.  Establish participation criteria and, if appropriate,
97contract with an authorized insurer, health maintenance
98organization, or third-party administrator to provide
99administrative services to the corporation.
100     9.  Establish enrollment criteria which shall include
101penalties or waiting periods of not fewer than 60 days for
102reinstatement of coverage upon voluntary cancellation for
103nonpayment of family premiums.
104     10.  Contract with authorized insurers or any provider of
105health care services, meeting standards established by the
106corporation, for the provision of comprehensive insurance
107coverage to participants. Such standards shall include criteria
108under which the corporation may contract with more than one
109provider of health care services in program sites. Health plans
110shall be selected through a competitive bid process. The Florida
111Healthy Kids Corporation shall purchase goods and services in
112the most cost-effective manner consistent with the delivery of
113quality medical care. The maximum administrative cost for a
114Florida Healthy Kids Corporation contract shall be 15 percent.
115For health care contracts, the minimum medical loss ratio for a
116Florida Healthy Kids Corporation contract shall be 85 percent.
117For dental contracts, the remaining compensation to be paid to
118the authorized insurer or provider under a Florida Healthy Kids
119Corporation contract shall be no less than an amount which is 85
120percent of premium; to the extent any contract provision does
121not provide for this minimum compensation, this section shall
122prevail. The health plan selection criteria and scoring system,
123and the scoring results, shall be available upon request for
124inspection after the bids have been awarded.
125     11.  Establish disenrollment criteria in the event local
126matching funds are insufficient to cover enrollments.
127     12.  Develop and implement a plan to publicize the Florida
128Healthy Kids Corporation, the eligibility requirements of the
129program, and the procedures for enrollment in the program and to
130maintain public awareness of the corporation and the program.
131     13.  Secure staff necessary to properly administer the
132corporation. Staff costs shall be funded from state and local
133matching funds and such other private or public funds as become
134available. The board of directors shall determine the number of
135staff members necessary to administer the corporation.
136     14.  Provide a report annually to the Governor, Chief
137Financial Officer, Commissioner of Education, Senate President,
138Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Minority Leaders of
139the Senate and the House of Representatives.
140     15.  Establish benefit packages which conform to the
141provisions of the Florida KidCare program, as created in ss.
143     Section 2.  Subsection (9) of section 409.814, Florida
144Statutes, is amended to read:
145     409.814  Eligibility.--A child who has not reached 19 years
146of age whose family income is equal to or below 200 percent of
147the federal poverty level is eligible for the Florida KidCare
148program as provided in this section. For enrollment in the
149Children's Medical Services Network, a complete application
150includes the medical or behavioral health screening. If,
151subsequently, an individual is determined to be ineligible for
152coverage, he or she must immediately be disenrolled from the
153respective Florida KidCare program component.
154     (9)  Subject to paragraph (4)(b) and s. 624.91(3), the
155Florida KidCare program shall withhold benefits from an enrollee
156if the program obtains evidence that the enrollee is no longer
157eligible, submitted incorrect or fraudulent information in order
158to establish eligibility, or failed to provide verification of
159eligibility. The applicant or enrollee shall be notified that
160because of such evidence program benefits will be withheld
161unless the applicant or enrollee contacts a designated
162representative of the program by a specified date, which must be
163within 10 days after the date of notice, to discuss and resolve
164the matter. The program shall make every effort to resolve the
165matter within a timeframe that will not cause benefits to be
166withheld from an eligible enrollee.
167     Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.