HB 1377

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to district school boards; amending s.
31003.02, F.S.; requiring each district school board that
4selects a vendor to market student class rings to select a
5vendor that meets certain criteria; requiring each
6district school board to notify students and parents that
7the purchase of a class ring may be through any vendor
8marketing class rings and that a student may participate
9in related ceremonies or activities regardless of the
10vendor through which the purchase was made; providing an
11effective date.
13Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
15     Section 1.  Subsection (5) is added to section 1003.02,
16Florida Statutes, to read:
17     1003.02  District school board operation and control of
18public K-12 education within the school district.--As provided
19in part II of chapter 1001, district school boards are
20constitutionally and statutorily charged with the operation and
21control of public K-12 education within their school district.
22The district school boards must establish, organize, and operate
23their public K-12 schools and educational programs, employees,
24and facilities. Their responsibilities include staff
25development, public K-12 school student education including
26education for exceptional students and students in juvenile
27justice programs, special programs, adult education programs,
28and career education programs. Additionally, district school
29boards must:
30     (5)(a)  If selecting a vendor to market class rings to
31students, select a vendor that does not intimidate students with
32respect to the purchase of class rings or discriminate against a
33student who purchases a class ring from another vendor by
34excluding the student from participating in any ceremony or
35activity relating to the receipt of a class ring.
36     (b)  Notify in writing each student and his or her parent
37that the student may purchase his or her class ring through any
38vendor regardless of the fact that the district school board may
39contract with a vendor for marketing class rings. The
40notification must include an explanation of the right of each
41student purchasing a class ring to participate in any ceremony
42or activity relating to the receipt of a class ring.
43     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.