HB 1391

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to small employer health insurance;
3amending s. 627.6699, F.S.; establishing the Healthy
4Florida Small Employer Health Insurance Program for
5certain purposes; providing requirements for small
6employer carriers; describing qualifying small employers;
7providing requirements for small employers; providing wage
8level criteria for small employers; providing for
9reimbursement of small employer carriers for portions of
10claims paid from the Healthy Florida Small Employer Stop
11Loss Fund; providing procedures, requirements, and
12limitations on reimbursements from the fund; requiring the
13Financial Services Commission to adopt rules; providing
14duties of the Office of Insurance Regulation in
15administering and making reimbursement payments; providing
16for eligibility and criteria for reimbursement;
17authorizing the office to hire an organization to
18administer the fund; providing for a proposal submittal
19process for organizations to administer the fund;
20providing fund administration requirements; authorizing
21the administration organization to purchase insurance for
22certain purposes; providing for payment from the fund for
23such insurance; authorizing the office to use fund moneys
24for certain purposes; providing a limitation; authorizing
25the office to contract with marketing organizations to
26assist in such purposes; requiring the office to report on
27the program to the Governor and Legislature; providing for
28future repeal of the program; providing an effective date.
30Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
32     Section 1.  Subsection (17) of section 627.6699, Florida
33Statutes, is renumbered as subsection (18) and a new subsection
34(17) is added to that section to read:
35     627.6699  Employee Health Care Access Act.--
37PROGRAM.--The Healthy Florida Small Employer Health Insurance
38Program is established for the purpose of making small employer
39health insurance available to qualifying small employers as
40defined in this subsection. The program is designed to encourage
41small employers to offer health insurance coverage to their
42employees. All small employer carriers shall offer high
43deductible plans as referenced in subsection (12) to all
44qualified small employers, at rates which incorporate the
45savings provided by the stop loss fund established in s.
46627.66991, and the provisions of this subsection.
47     (a)1.  A qualifying small employer is a small employer
49     a.  No health benefit plan covering employees in effect
50during the previous 12-month period prior to application.
51     b.  At least 30 percent of its eligible employees receiving
52annual wages from the employer at a level equal to or less than
53$33,000. The $33,000 figure shall be adjusted annually pursuant
54to paragraph (b).
55     2.  A qualifying small employer must pay at least 50
56percent of the premium for covered employees under the basic
57plan and must offer coverage to all employees receiving annual
58wages at a level of $33,000 or less, and at least one such
59employee shall accept such coverage. The employer premium
60contribution must be the same percentage for all covered
62     (b)  The wage levels used in paragraph (a) shall be
63adjusted annually, beginning in 2008. The adjustment shall take
64effect on July 1 of each year. For July 1, 2008, the adjustment
65shall be a percentage of the annual wage figure specified in
66paragraph (a). For subsequent years, the adjustment shall be a
67percentage of the annual wage figure which took effect on July 1
68of the immediately preceding year. The percentage adjustment
69shall be the same percentage by which the current year's nonfarm
70federal poverty level, as defined and updated by the United
71States Department of Health and Human Services, for a family
72unit of two persons for the 48 contiguous states and Washington,
73D.C., changed from the same level established for the prior
75     (c)  A small employer carrier shall obtain from the
76employer written certification at the time of initial
77application and annually thereafter in conjunction with the
78contract renewal that such employer meets the requirements of a
79qualifying small employer. A small employer carrier may require
80the submission of appropriate documentation in support of the
82     (d)  The commissioner, by order, may require small employer
83carriers to give preference to qualifying small employers whose
84eligible employees have the lowest average salaries.
85     (e)  A small employer carrier shall submit reports to the
86office in a format and at times as may be reasonably required in
87order to evaluate the operations and results of the program
88established by this subsection.
89     (f)1.  Commencing on January 1, 2007, small employer
90carriers shall be eligible to receive reimbursement for 90
91percent of aggregate claims paid, under the plans issued
92pursuant to this subsection, between $5,000 and $75,000 in a
93calendar year for any covered lives under a qualified small
94employer contract issued pursuant to this subsection. Claims
95paid for covered lives under qualifying small employer contracts
96issued pursuant to this subsection shall be reimbursable from
97the Healthy Florida Small Employer Stop Loss Fund created in s.
99     2.  The premiums for qualifying small employer contracts
100must factor in the availability of reimbursement from the fund.
101     3.  The commission shall adopt rules pursuant to ss.
102120.536(1) and 120.54 that set forth procedures for the
103operation of the fund and distribution of moneys from the fund.
104     4.  Claims shall be reported and funds shall be distributed
105from the fund on a calendar-year basis. Claims shall be eligible
106for reimbursement only for the calendar year in which the claims
107are paid.
108     5.  Each small employer carrier shall submit a request for
109reimbursement from the fund on forms prescribed by the
110commission. The request for reimbursement shall be submitted no
111later than April 1, following the end of the calendar year for
112which the reimbursement request is made. The office may require
113small employer carriers to submit such claims data in connection
114with reimbursement requests as the office deems necessary to
115enable the office to distribute moneys and oversee the operation
116of the fund. The office may require that such data be submitted
117on a per member, aggregate, or categorical basis. Data shall be
118reported separately for each qualifying small employer plan
119issued under this subsection.
120     6.  The office shall calculate the total claims
121reimbursement amount for all small employer carriers for the
122calendar year for which claims are being reported.
123     a.  If the total amount requested for reimbursement for a
124calendar year exceeds funds available for distribution from the
125fund for claims paid during that same calendar year, the
126commissioner shall provide for a pro rata distribution of the
127available funds. Each small employer carrier shall be eligible
128to receive only such proportionate amount of the available funds
129as the small employer carrier's total eligible claims paid bears
130to the total eligible claims paid by all small employer
131carriers. Any claims for reimbursement that cannot be made due
132to a deficit for a particular calendar year may be carried over
133to a subsequent calendar year.
134     b.  If funds available for distribution for claims paid by
135all small employer carriers during a calendar year exceeds the
136total amount requested for reimbursement by all small employer
137carriers during that same calendar year, any excess funds shall
138be carried forward in the fund and made available for
139distribution from the fund in the next calendar year. Such
140excess funds shall be in addition to the moneys appropriated for
141the fund in the subsequent calendar year.
142     7.a.  Upon the request of the office, each small employer
143carrier shall be required to furnish such data in a format and
144at times as the office deems necessary to oversee the operation
145of the fund. Each small employer carrier shall provide the
146office with monthly reports of the total enrollment under the
147qualifying small employer contracts issued pursuant to this
149     b.  The office shall estimate the per member annual cost of
150total claims reimbursement from the fund for qualifying small
151employer contracts based upon available data and appropriate
152actuarial assumptions. Upon request, each small employer carrier
153shall furnish to the office claims experience data for use in
154such estimations.
155     c.  The office shall determine total eligible enrollment
156under qualifying small employer contracts. For qualifying small
157employer contracts, the total eligible enrollment shall be
158determined by dividing the total funds available for
159distribution from the fund by the estimated per member annual
160cost of total claims reimbursement from the fund.
161     d.  The office shall suspend the enrollment of new
162employers under qualifying small employer contracts if the
163office determines that the total enrollment reported by all
164small employer carriers exceeds the total eligible enrollment
165causing anticipated annual expenditures from the fund to exceed
166the total funds available for distribution from the fund.
167     e.  The office shall provide the small employer carriers
168with notification of any enrollment suspension.
169     f.  If at any point during a suspension of enrollment of
170new qualifying small employers the office determines that funds
171are sufficient to provide for the addition of new enrollments,
172the office may reactivate new enrollments and notify all small
173employer carriers that enrollment of new employers may again
175     g.  The suspension of issuance of qualifying small employer
176contracts to new qualifying small employers shall not preclude
177the addition of new employees of an employer already covered
178under such a contract or new dependents of employees already
179covered under such contracts.
180     8.  The office may obtain the services of an organization
181to administer the fund. The office shall establish guidelines
182for the submission of proposals by organizations for the
183purposes of administering the fund and make a determination
184whether to approve, disapprove, or recommend modification to the
185proposal of an applicant to administer the fund. An organization
186approved to administer the fund shall submit reports to the
187office in such format and at times as may be required by the
188office in order to facilitate evaluation and ensure orderly
189operation of the fund. An organization approved to administer
190the fund shall maintain records in a format as designated by the
191office and which shall be available for inspection by or at the
192request of the office. The office shall determine the amount of
193compensation to be allocated to an approved organization as
194payment for fund administration. Compensation of the
195organization shall be payable from the fund. An organization
196approved to administer the fund may be removed by the office and
197must cooperate in the orderly transition of services to another
198approved organization or to the office.
199     9.  If the office deems it appropriate for the proper
200administration of the fund, the administrator of the fund, on
201behalf of and with the prior approval of the office, shall be
202authorized to purchase stop loss insurance or reinsurance from
203an insurer licensed to write such type of insurance in this
204state. Such stop loss insurance or reinsurance may be purchased
205to the extent moneys are available in the fund.
206     10.  The office may use moneys in the fund for purposes of
207developing and implementing public education, outreach, and
208facilitated enrollment strategies targeted to small employers.
209The office may contract with marketing organizations to perform
210or provide assistance with such education, outreach, and
211enrollment strategies. The office shall determine the amount of
212funding available for the purposes of this subparagraph, which
213in no event shall exceed 10 percent of the annual funding
214amounts for the fund.
215     (g)  By September 1, 2007, and annually thereafter, the
216office shall submit to the Governor, the President of the
217Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives a report
218summarizing the activities of the program, including enrollment
219and claims paid and an estimate of the required funding for the
220next program year.
221     (h)  This subsection is repealed July 1, 2010.
222     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.