1 | The Local Government Council recommends the following: |
2 |
3 | Council/Committee Substitute |
4 | Remove the entire bill and insert: |
5 | A bill to be entitled |
6 | An act relating to the North Naples Fire Control and |
7 | Rescue District, Collier County; amending chapter 99-450, |
8 | Laws of Florida; providing for the applicability of s. |
9 | 171.093, F.S., in the event of annexation by a |
10 | municipality within the boundaries of the district; |
11 | authorizing the district to provide housing or housing |
12 | assistance for district employees; providing an effective |
13 | date. |
14 |
15 | Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: |
16 |
17 | Section 1. Section 3 of Article III and section 1 of |
18 | Article IV of section 3 of chapter 99-450, Laws of Florida, are |
19 | amended to read: |
21 | Boundaries of the District |
22 | Section 3. Section 171.093, Florida Statutes, applies to |
23 | annexations by a municipality within the boundaries of the |
24 | district. In the event that property in the district is annexed |
25 | by the City of Naples between January 1 and July 1 of any year, |
26 | the property shall be regarded as removed from the North Naples |
27 | Fire Control and Rescue District as of January 1 of that year |
28 | for the purpose of the levy of general ad valorem taxes by the |
29 | district. If annexation occurs after July 1, the property shall |
30 | be assessed by the district for ad valorem taxes for that year. |
31 | On and after the effective date of annexation, the district |
32 | shall be relieved of providing fire service to the annexed area. |
33 | The city and the district may reach an agreement to determine |
34 | what portion, if any, of the existing indebtedness or property |
35 | of the district shall be assumed by the municipality of which |
36 | the annexed territory will become a part, the fair value of such |
37 | indebtedness or property, and the manner of transfer and |
38 | financing. Nothing herein shall relieve the property annexed |
39 | from the payment of general obligation debt service incurred by |
40 | the district before annexation. |
42 | Powers of the District |
43 | Section 1. The district shall have the authority to |
44 | establish, equip, operate, and maintain a fire department and |
45 | rescue squad within the district and may buy, lease, sell, |
46 | exchange, or otherwise acquire and dispose of firefighting and |
47 | rescue equipment and other property, real, personal, or mixed, |
48 | that it may from time to time deem necessary to prevent and |
49 | extinguish fires or provide rescue services. This shall include, |
50 | but is not limited to, the authority to hire and fire necessary |
51 | firefighters and other personnel; to provide water, water |
52 | supply, water stations, and other necessary buildings; to accept |
53 | gifts or donations of equipment or money for the use of the |
54 | district; and to do all things necessary to provide adequate |
55 | water supply, fire prevention, and proper fire protection for |
56 | the district. Recognizing that the dramatically increasing |
57 | housing costs in Collier County may have a detrimental impact on |
58 | the ability to hire and retain personnel needed for the |
59 | provision of fire protection services to district residents, the |
60 | district shall also have the authority to provide housing or |
61 | housing assistance for its employed personnel, with use of such |
62 | funds being deemed to be in the public interest. In addition, |
63 | the board shall have the authority to extend its services |
64 | outside the district when provided in cooperation with another |
65 | governmental entity. |
66 | Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law. |