HB 1425

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to the Advisory Council on Condominiums;
3requiring the Advisory Council on Condominiums to review
4certain provisions related to protections for purchasers
5of condominium conversions; requiring a report to the
6Legislature; providing an effective date.
8Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
10     Section 1.  (1)  The Advisory Council on Condominiums,
11created by s. 718.50151, Florida Statutes, shall review part VI
12of chapter 718, Florida Statutes, concerning condominium
13conversions, and shall submit a report to the Legislature by
14November 30, 2006, which evaluates whether such provisions
15provide adequate postpurchase protection for purchasers of
16condominium conversion properties and recommends any proposed
17legislation needed to improve the protection provided by part VI
18of chapter 718, Florida Statutes.
19     (2)  The report must examine the existing provisions,
20particularly ss. 718.616 and 718.618, Florida Statutes, as they
21relate to the following issues:
22     (a)  Whether the disclosures required by s. 718.616,
23Florida Statutes, provide adequate information to the purchaser;
24whether more specific guidelines regarding the contents of such
25reports should be established; and whether the creation of
26privity or potential liability between persons who certify such
27disclosure reports and the unit owners should be addressed; and
28     (b)  Whether the provisions of s. 718.618, Florida
29Statutes, which require developers to fund reserve accounts or
30alternatives to such accounts, are adequate or should be
32     Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.