HB 1431CS


1The Fiscal Council recommends the following:
3     Council/Committee Substitute
4     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
7An act relating to impact fees; creating s. 163.31801,
8F.S.; creating the "Florida Impact Fee Act"; providing
9legislative intent; requiring that an impact fee meet
10specified requirements; requiring certain audits to
11include a report on compliance with laws relating to
12impact fees; requiring local governments imposing impact
13fees to provide certain revenue credits; providing an
14effective date.
16Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
18     Section 1.  Section 163.31801, Florida Statutes, is created
19to read:
20     163.31801  Impact fees; short title; intent; minimum
21requirements; audits; credits.--
22     (1)  SHORT TITLE.--This section may be cited as the
23"Florida Impact Fee Act."
24     (2)  FINDINGS AND INTENT.--The Legislature finds that
25impact fees are an important source of revenue for local
26governments to fund the infrastructure necessitated by new
27growth. The Legislature further finds that impact fees are an
28outgrowth of local governments' home rule powers to provide
29certain services within their jurisdictions. Due to the growth
30of impact fee collections and local governments' reliance on
31impact fees to fund infrastructure necessitated by new growth,
32it is the intent of the Legislature to ensure that when a county
33or municipality enacts an impact fee by ordinance, or a special
34district enacts an impact fee by resolution, the governing
35authority complies with this section.
36     (3)  MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS.--An impact fee ordinance or
37resolution must:
38     (a)  Premise its impact fee calculations upon the most
39recent and localized data.
40     (b)  Significantly address affordable housing by either
41waiving, exempting, deferring, or paying impact fees for
42affordable housing units out of another revenue source or
43establishing a significant affordable housing program.
44     (c)  Provide for accounting and reporting of impact fee
45collections and expenditures. Specifically, each local
46governmental entity that imposes an impact fee to address
47infrastructure needs shall account for the revenues and
48expenditures of each impact fee within a separate accounting
50     (d)  Limit administrative charges for impact fee
51collections to actual cost.
52     (e)  Provide notice of not less than 90 days before the
53effective date of a new impact fee ordinance or resolution or an
54amendment to an existing impact fee ordinance or resolution.
55     (4)  AUDITS.--Certified public accountants conducting
56audits of local governmental entities and district school boards
57shall report, as part of the audit, whether or not the local
58governmental entity or district school board has complied with
59this section and local laws pertaining to impact fees.
60     (5)  REVENUE CREDITS.--A local government imposing an
61impact fee shall also provide a credit for all taxes or other
62payments of any kind through state, federal, or other revenues
63anticipated to be expended to construct capital outlay projects
64of the same type for which the impact fee is imposed.
65     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.