HB 1471CS


1The Utilities & Telecommunications Committee recommends the
4     Council/Committee Substitute
5     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
7An act relating to energy diversity and efficiency;
8providing a short title; providing purpose; providing
9definitions; providing requirements for the authorization,
10certification, and siting of nuclear power plants;
11providing for a Nuclear Power Plant Siting Board;
12enumerating the related powers and duties of the
13Department of Environmental Protection, including
14rulemaking authority; requiring certain application,
15certification, and licensure of nuclear power plants;
16specifying applicability to certain nuclear power plants;
17providing for distribution of certain applications and
18schedules; directing the Division of Administrative
19Hearings to appoint an administrative judge to conduct
20certain hearings; providing for the determination of
21application and amendment completeness; requiring a review
22of land use and zoning consistency; requiring affected
23agencies to submit certain reports; providing requirements
24and procedures with respect thereto; requiring public
25notice of department recommendation and petition for
26certification hearings; providing for land use and
27certification hearings; providing requirements and
28procedures with respect thereto; authorizing the board to
29have final disposition on certification applications;
30providing that this act supersedes certain laws and
31regulations; providing for effect of certification;
32requiring certain public notice; providing responsibility
33for certain costs; providing for revocation or suspension
34of certification; providing for appeal and review of
35proceedings under the act; providing for compliance
36enforcement; requiring the department to make certain
37information relating to power plant siting available to
38the public; providing requirements and procedures for
39modification of certification; providing for supplemental
40applications for sites certified for ultimate site
41capacity; requiring certain fees; providing for deposit
42into the Florida Permit Fee Trust Fund and subsequent
43distribution; requiring the Public Service Commission to
44hold hearings on determination of need; providing
45requirements and procedures with respect thereto; creating
46s. 366.93, F.S.; providing definitions; requiring the
47Public Service Commission to implement rules related to
48nuclear power plant cost recovery; requiring a report;
49providing an effective date.
51     WHEREAS, the extraordinary and unprecedented global
52increases in the cost of fuel oil and natural gas, coupled with
53the state's rapidly growing population and increasing demands
54for electric energy, have brought into sharp focus the need to
55enhance fuel diversity, and
56     WHEREAS, the world growth in demand for fuel oil and
57natural gas may continue to have further impact on the cost and
58supply of these resources, and
59     WHEREAS, the impact of Hurricane Katrina on supplies of
60natural gas and fuel oil further substantiates the need to alter
61the balance of fuel diversity in connection with the generation
62of electricity in the state, and
63     WHEREAS, the federal Energy Policy Act of 2005 encourages
64the siting and operation of new nuclear generation by providing
65tax and other incentives to reduce the costs of such plants, and
66     WHEREAS, significant federally funded benefits and
67incentives available under the federal Energy Policy Act of 2005
68are available to only the first 6,000 megawatts of new advanced
69nuclear reactor generating capacity licensed in the United
70States, and
71     WHEREAS, operation of new nuclear power generation within
72the state, particularly if such generation is eligible for the
73tax and other incentives available under the federal Energy
74Policy Act of 2005, will benefit the state's electric customers,
76     WHEREAS, existing provisions of the Florida Electrical
77Power Plant Siting Act are inadequate to address the unique
78issues of siting nuclear power generation within the state and
79securing benefits under the federal Energy Policy Act of 2005,
82Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
84     Section 1.  Short title.--This act may be cited as the
85"Florida Energy Diversity and Efficiency Act."
86     Section 2.  Purpose.--The Legislature finds that the state,
87its residents, and its economy benefit from diverse sources of
88fuel for the generation of electricity. Diversity of fuel
89sources contributes to lower cost electricity and improved
90reliability of electric supply, as the state will not be
91dependent upon a particular source of fuel. Nuclear power plants
92are important sources of electric generation that contribute to
93the diversity of fuel sources within the state. The state has
94five operating nuclear power plants that have operated reliably
95for the benefit of the state, and contributed a stable supply of
96electricity, with minimal impacts on the state's environment.
97The citizens of the state and electric power consumers have
98benefited from the operation of existing nuclear power plants
99within the state through low-cost and reliable energy
100production, electric grid reliability, and economic and
101environmental benefits. The Legislature further finds and
102declares it is in the public interest and critical to the
103health, prosperity, and general welfare of the state and its
104citizens to promote the expansion of nuclear generation by the
105siting of new nuclear power plants within the state so as to
106continue these benefits and further ensure the state's access to
107safe, reliable, efficient, and affordable electric service,
108thereby enhancing the state's economic future while protecting
109the environment. Recent events have shown the state's
110vulnerability to disruptions and price volatility in its
111electric supplies from the importation of natural gas and fuel
112oil from domestic and foreign sources. The federal Energy Policy
113Act of 2005 contains important provisions to promote the
114construction and operation of new nuclear power plants in the
115United States, including financial incentives for qualifying
116advanced nuclear power plants and incentives that are limited to
117the first 6,000 megawatts of advanced nuclear power plant
118generating capacity licensed in the United States. The state
119would benefit from timely siting of a qualifying advanced
120nuclear power plant as a source of low-cost electricity. In
121consideration of the present and predicted growth in electric
122power needs in this state, and the potential for additional
123reliable sources of electricity from nuclear power plants, the
124Legislature finds that there is a need to develop a procedure
125for the selection and utilization of sites for electrical
126generating facilities utilizing nuclear energy and for the
127identification of a state position with respect to each proposed
128site and nuclear power plant. The Legislature recognizes that
129the selection of sites for new or expanded nuclear-powered
130electrical generating plants, including any associated linear
131facilities, will have a significant impact upon the welfare of
132the population, the location and growth of industry, and the use
133of the natural resources of the state. The Legislature finds
134that the efficiency of the permit application and review process
135at both the state and local level would be improved with the
136implementation of a process in which a permit application for
137nuclear power plants would be centrally coordinated and all
138permit decisions could be reviewed on the basis of adopted
139standards and recommendations of the deciding agencies. A
140centrally coordinated permitting process would also enhance the
141state's ability to become the location of a qualifying advanced
142nuclear power plant. Nuclear power plants may also be the
143location of or otherwise promote other public benefits for water
144supply projects, industrial development, or other activities.
145Legislation that addresses issues unique to the siting of
146nuclear power plants is required to encourage electric utilities
147to site and operate new nuclear power plant facilities within
148the state and to take advantage of provisions of the federal
149Energy Policy Act of 2005 that operate to reduce the overall
150costs of such plants. The state shall promote and approve new
151nuclear-powered electrical generating facilities that will
152reasonably balance the increasing demands for reliable, cost-
153effective electric power and decisions about electrical power
154plant location, construction, and operation with the broad
155interests of the public.
156     Section 3.  Definitions.--As used in this act:
157     (1)  "Act" means the Florida Energy Diversity and
158Efficiency Act.
159     (2)  "Agency," as the context requires, means an official,
160officer, commission, authority, council, committee, department,
161division, bureau, board, section, or other unit or entity of
162government, including a regional or local governmental entity.
163     (3)  "Amendment" means a change in the information provided
164by the applicant to the application for certification made after
165the initial application filing.
166     (4)  "Applicant" means any electric utility as defined
167under s. 366.8255(1)(a), Florida Statutes, city, town, county,
168public utility district, electric cooperative, or joint
169operating agency, or combination thereof, authorized under
170Florida law to engage in the business of generating,
171transmitting, or distributing electric energy to retail electric
172customers in the state.
173     (5)  "Application" means the documents required by the
174department to be filed to initiate a certification proceeding
175and shall include the documents necessary for the department to
176render a decision on any permit required pursuant to any
177federally delegated or approved permit program.
178     (6)  "Associated facility" means any facility that directly
179supports the construction and operation of the nuclear power
180plant, including, but not limited to, any substation,
181transmission line that connects the electrical power plant to an
182electrical transmission network, and right-of-way to which the
183applicant intends to connect.
184     (7)  "Associated transmission line" means any new or
185upgraded transmission line that is owned by the applicant and
186connects the electrical power plant to a electrical transmission
187network or right-of-way to which the applicant intends to
188connect, including, at the applicant's option, any proposed
189terminal or intermediate substation, substation expansion
190connected to the associated transmission line to be certified,
191or new transmission line, upgrade, or improvement of an existing
192transmission line that is owned by the applicant on any portion
193of the state's electrical transmission system necessary to
194support the generation injected into the system from the
195proposed nuclear power plant.
196     (8)  "Board" means the Governor and Cabinet sitting as the
197Nuclear Power Plant Siting Board.
198     (9)  "Certification" means the written order of the board
199approving an application in whole or with such changes or
200conditions as the board may deem appropriate.
201     (10)  "Completeness" means that the application has
202addressed all applicable sections of the prescribed application
203format and that those sections are sufficient in
204comprehensiveness of data or in quality of information provided
205to allow the department to determine whether the application
206provides the reviewing agencies adequate information to prepare
207the reports required by this act.
208     (11)  "Corridor" means the proposed area within which an
209associated linear facility right-of-way is to be located. The
210width of the corridor proposed for certification as an
211associated facility, at the option of the applicant, may be the
212width of the right-of-way or a wider boundary, not to exceed a
213width of 1 mile, within which the right-of-way will be located.
214The area within the corridor in which a right-of-way may be
215located may be further restricted by a condition of
216certification. After all property interests required for the
217right-of-way have been acquired by the applicant, the boundaries
218of the area certified shall narrow to only that land within the
219boundaries of the right-of-way.
220     (12)  "Department" means the Department of Environmental
222     (13)  "Designated administrative law judge" means the
223administrative law judge assigned by the Division of
224Administrative Hearings pursuant to chapter 120, Florida
225Statutes, to conduct the hearings required by this act.
226     (14)  "Federally delegated or approved permit program"
227means any environmental regulatory program approved by an agency
228of the Federal Government so as to authorize the department to
229administer and issue licenses pursuant to federal law,
230including, but not limited to, new source review permits,
231operation permits for major sources of air pollution, and
232prevention of significant deterioration permits under the Clean
233Air Act (42 U.S.C. ss. 7401 et seq.), permits under ss. 402 and
234404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. ss. 1251 et seq.), and
235permits under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42
236U.S.C. ss. 6901 et seq.).
237     (15)  "License" means a franchise, permit, certification,
238registration, charter, comprehensive plan amendment, development
239order, or permit as defined in chapters 163 and 380, Florida
240Statutes, or similar form of authorization required by law,
241including permits issued under federally delegated or approved
242permit programs, but it does not include a license required
243primarily for revenue purposes when issuance of the license is a
244ministerial act.
245     (16)  "Local government" means a municipality or county in
246the jurisdiction of which the nuclear power generating facility
247is proposed to be located, unless the term is expressly stated
248to also include the local governments in the jurisdiction of
249which associated facilities or associated transmission lines are
251     (17)  "Modification" means any change in the certification
252order after issuance, including a change in the conditions of
254     (18)  "Nonprocedural requirements of agencies" means any
255agency's regulatory requirements established by statute, rule,
256ordinance, or comprehensive plan, excluding any provisions
257prescribing forms, fees, procedures, or time limits for the
258review or processing of information submitted to demonstrate
259compliance with such regulatory requirements.
260     (19)  "Notice of intent" means that notice which is filed
261with the department on behalf of an applicant prior to
262submission of an application pursuant to this act and which
263notifies the department of an intent to file an application.
264     (20)  "Nuclear power generating facility" means the
265nuclear-fueled electrical generating facility within a nuclear
266power plant but, for purposes of this act, excludes any
267associated facility or associated transmission line.
268     (21)  "Nuclear power plant" means, for the purpose of
269certification, any electrical generating facility using any
270process involving nuclear materials, fuels, or processes and, at
271the applicant's election, includes associated facilities and
272associated transmission lines.
273     (22)  "Preliminary statement of issues" means a listing and
274explanation of those issues within the agency's jurisdiction
275which are of major concern to the agency in relation to the
276proposed nuclear power plant.
277     (23)  "Public Service Commission" or "commission" means the
278agency created pursuant to chapter 350, Florida Statutes.
279     (24)  "Regional planning council" means a regional planning
280council as defined in s. 186.503(4), Florida Statutes, in the
281jurisdiction of which the nuclear power generating facility is
282proposed to be located.
283     (25)  "Right-of-way" means land necessary for the
284construction and maintenance of an associated linear facility,
285such as a railroad line, pipeline, or transmission line,
286including associated facilities and associated transmission
287lines. The typical width of the right-of-way shall be identified
288in the application. The right-of-way shall be located within the
289certified corridor and shall be identified by the applicant
290subsequent to certification in documents filed with the
291department prior to construction.
292     (26)  "Site" means any proposed location wherein a nuclear
293power generating facility, or a nuclear power generating
294facility alteration or addition resulting in an increase in
295generating capacity, will be located within state jurisdiction.
296The site may include appropriate buffers and may accommodate
297facilities constructed by the applicant or an agency to further
298an objective of an adopted water management district water
299supply plan. For purposes of this act, the term "site" does not
300include any associated facilities or associated transmission
302     (27)  "Site certification" means the final order issued by
303the board approving with any conditions or modifications a
304proposed nuclear power plant.
305     (28)  "State comprehensive plan" means that plan set forth
306in chapter 187, Florida Statutes.
307     (29)  "Water management district" means a water management
308district, created pursuant to chapter 373, Florida Statutes, in
309the jurisdiction of which the nuclear power plant is proposed to
310be located.
311     Section 4.  Department of Environmental Protection; powers
312and duties enumerated.--The department shall have the following
313powers and duties in relation to this act:
314     (1)  To adopt rules within 6 months of the effective date
315of this act pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54, Florida
316Statutes, to implement the provisions of this act.
317     (2)  To prescribe the form and content of the public
318notices and the notice of intent and the form, content, and
319necessary supporting documentation and studies to be prepared by
320the applicant for nuclear power plant site certification
321applications. The department shall utilize any existing site
322certification application forms and instructions adopted
323pursuant to the Florida Electrical Power Plant Siting Act, ss.
324403.501-403.518, Florida Statutes, until such new forms are
325adopted by the department.
326     (3)  To receive applications for nuclear power plant site
327certifications and to determine the completeness thereof.
328     (4)  To make, or contract for, studies of nuclear power
329plant site certification applications.
330     (5)  To administer the processing of applications for
331nuclear power plant site certifications and to ensure that the
332applications are processed as expeditiously as possible.
333     (6)  To require such fees as allowed by this act.
334     (7)  To conduct studies and prepare a written analysis.
335     (8)  To prescribe the means for monitoring continued
336compliance with terms of the certification.
337     (9)  To notify all affected agencies of the filing of a
338notice of intent within 15 days after receipt of the notice.
339     (10)  To issue, with the nuclear power plant certification,
340any license required pursuant to any federally delegated or
341approved permit program.
342     Section 5.  Applicability and certification.--
343     (1)  The provisions of this act shall apply exclusively to
344any nuclear power plant as defined in this act and to any
345expansion in steam-generating capacity of any existing nuclear
346power plant. No construction of any new nuclear power plant or
347expansion in steam-generating capacity of any existing nuclear
348power plant may be undertaken after the effective date of this
349act without first obtaining certification as provided in this
350act. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, this act
351shall not apply to any such nuclear power plant that is
352presently operating or that has, upon the effective date of this
353act, applied for a permit or certification under requirements in
354force prior to the effective date of such act.
355     (2)  Except as provided in the certification, modification
356of nuclear fuels, internal-related hardware, or operating
357conditions not in conflict with certification, which increase
358the electrical output of a unit to no greater capacity than the
359maximum operating capacity of the existing electrical generator,
360shall not constitute an alteration or addition to generating
361capacity which requires certification pursuant to this act.
362     (3)  The application for any related department license
363which is required pursuant to any federally delegated or
364approved permit program shall be processed within the time
365periods allowed by this act, in lieu of those specified in s.
366120.60, Florida Statutes.
367     Section 6.  Distribution of application; schedules.--
368     (1)  Within 7 days after the filing of an application, the
369department shall provide to the applicant and the Division of
370Administrative Hearings the names and addresses of those
371affected or other agencies entitled to notice and copies of the
372application and any amendments.
373     (2)  Within 7 days after the filing of an application, the
374department shall prepare a schedule of dates for submission of
375statements of issues, determination of completeness, and
376submittal of final reports from affected and other agencies,
377petition for a certification hearing, and other significant
378dates to be followed during the certification process, including
379dates for filing notices of appearance to be a party pursuant to
380section 12(3)(c). The schedule shall establish the date for
381conduct of any certification hearing as provided for in this
382act. This schedule shall be timely provided by the department to
383the applicant, the administrative law judge, all agencies
384identified pursuant to subsection (1), and all parties.
385     (3)  Within 7 days after the department issues the names
386and addresses of those affected or other agencies entitled to
387notice and copies of the application and any amendments, the
388applicant shall distribute copies of the application to all
389agencies identified by the department. Copies of changes and
390amendments to the application shall be timely distributed by the
391applicant to all affected agencies and parties.
392     Section 7.  Appointment of administrative law
393judge.--Within 7 days after receipt of an application, the
394department shall request the Division of Administrative Hearings
395to designate an administrative law judge to conduct the hearings
396required by this act. The division director shall designate an
397administrative law judge within 7 days after receipt of the
398request from the department.
399     Section 8.  Determination of completeness.--
400     (1)  Within 45 days after the distribution of the
401application or amendment to a pending application, the
402department shall file a statement with the Division of
403Administrative Hearings and with the applicant declaring its
404position with regard to the completeness of the application or
405amendment. The department's statement shall be based upon
406consultation with the affected agencies, which shall submit to
407the department recommendations on the completeness of the
408application within 30 days after distribution of the
410     (2)  If the department declares the application or
411amendment incomplete, the applicant may withdraw the application
412or amendment. If the applicant declines to withdraw the
413application or amendment, the applicant may, at its option:
414     (a)  Within 40 days after the department filed its
415statement of incompleteness or such later date as authorized by
416department rules, file additional information necessary to make
417the application or amendment complete. If the applicant makes
418its application or amendment complete within this time period,
419the time schedules under this act shall not be tolled by the
420department's statement of incompleteness.
421     (b)  Advise the department and the administrative law judge
422that the information necessary to make the application or
423amendment complete cannot be supplied within the time period
424authorized in paragraph (a). The time schedules under this act
425shall be tolled from the date of the notice of incompleteness
426until the application or amendment is determined complete.
427     (c)  Contest the statement of incompleteness by filing a
428request for a hearing with the administrative law judge within
42915 days after the filing of the statement of incompleteness. If
430a hearing is requested by the applicant, all time schedules
431under this act shall be tolled as of the department's statement
432of incompleteness, pending the administrative law judge's
433decision concerning the dispute. A hearing shall be held no
434later than 21 days after the filing of the statement by the
435department, and a final decision shall be rendered by the
436administrative law judge within 10 days after the hearing.
437     (3)(a)  If the administrative law judge determines,
438contrary to the department, that an application or amendment is
439complete, all time schedules under this act shall resume as of
440the date of the administrative law judge's determination.
441     (b)  If the administrative law judge agrees that the
442application is incomplete, all time schedules under this act
443shall remain tolled until the applicant files additional
444information and the application or amendment is determined
445complete by the department or the administrative law judge.
446     (4)  If, within 30 days after receipt of the additional
447information submitted pursuant to paragraph (2)(a), paragraph
448(2)(b), or paragraph (3)(b), based upon the recommendations of
449the affected agencies, the department determines that the
450additional information supplied by an applicant does not render
451the application or amendment complete, the applicant may
452exercise any of the options specified in subsection (2) as often
453as may be necessary to resolve the dispute.
454     Section 9.  Land use and zoning consistency.--
455     (1)  The applicant shall include in the application a
456statement on the consistency of the site or any directly
457associated facilities with existing land use plans and zoning
458ordinances which were in effect on the date the application was
459filed, and a full description of such consistency.
460     (2)  Within 80 days after the filing of the application,
461each local government shall file a determination with the
462department, applicant, administrative law judge, and all parties
463on the consistency of the site or any directly associated
464facilities with existing land use plans and zoning ordinances
465which were in effect on the date the application was filed,
466based on the information provided in the application. The
467applicant shall publish notice of the consistency determination
468in accordance with the requirements of section 17(1)(b).
469     (3)  If any substantially affected person wishes to dispute
470the local government's determination, he or she shall file a
471petition with the department within 15 days after the
472publication of notice of the local government's determination.
473If a hearing is requested, the provisions of s. 403.508(1),
474Florida Statutes, shall apply.
475     (4)  The dates in this section may be altered upon
476agreement between the applicant, the local government, and the
477department pursuant to s. 403.5095, Florida Statutes.
478     (5)  If it is determined by the local government that the
479proposed site or directly associated facility conforms with
480existing land use plans and zoning ordinances in effect as of
481the date of the application and no petition has been filed, the
482responsible zoning or planning authority shall not thereafter
483change such land use plans or zoning ordinances so as to
484foreclose construction and operation of the proposed site or
485directly associated facilities unless certification is
486subsequently denied or withdrawn.
487     Section 10.  Preliminary statements of issues, reports, and
489     (1)  Each affected agency identified in paragraph (2)(a)
490shall submit a preliminary statement of issues to the department
491and the applicant no later than 45 days after the distribution
492of the application. The failure to raise an issue in this
493statement shall not preclude the issue from being raised in the
494agency's report.
495     (2)(a)  The following agencies shall prepare reports as
496provided below and shall submit them to the department and the
497applicant within 60 days after the application is determined
499     1.  The Department of Community Affairs shall prepare a
500report containing recommendations which address the impact upon
501the public of the proposed nuclear power plant, based on the
502degree to which the nuclear power plant is consistent with the
503applicable portions of the state comprehensive plan and other
504such matters within its jurisdiction.
505     2.  The Public Service Commission shall prepare a report as
506to the present and future need for the electrical generating
507capacity to be supplied by the proposed nuclear power plant. The
508report shall include the commission's determination pursuant to
509section 25(4) and may include the commission's comments with
510respect to any other matters within its jurisdiction.
511     3.  The water management district shall prepare a report as
512to matters within its regulatory jurisdiction.
513     4.  Each local government in whose jurisdiction the
514proposed nuclear power plant, including associated facilities
515and associated transmission lines, is to be located shall
516prepare a report as to the consistency of the proposed nuclear
517power plant with all applicable local ordinances, regulations,
518standards, or criteria that apply to the proposed nuclear power
519plant, including adopted local comprehensive plans, land
520development regulations, and any applicable local environmental
521regulations adopted pursuant to s. 403.182, Florida Statutes, or
522by other means. Each local government in which the nuclear power
523generating facility is to be located shall also report on
524whether the proposed site for a nuclear power generating
525facility is located in a future land use category and a zoning
526district, as adopted by the local government and which were in
527effect on the date upon which the application was filed, which
528permits the location of a nuclear power generating facility. If
529the proposed site for a nuclear power generating facility is not
530located in a future land use category or zoning district which
531allows such use, then the local government shall identify the
532future land use category or zoning district which would be
533required to allow the proposed nuclear power generating facility
534on the proposed site. If the proposed site for a nuclear power
535generating facility is not located in a future land use category
536or zoning district which allows such use, the local government
537shall identify in its report any reasonable and available
538methods which the local government believes are necessary to
539make the proposed use of the site for a nuclear power generating
540facility consistent with the local comprehensive plan future
541land use category, in compliance with the local zoning code or
542compatible with the existing land uses surrounding the proposed
543nuclear power generating facility site.
544     5.  The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission shall
545prepare a report as to matters within its jurisdiction.
546     6.  The regional planning council shall prepare a report
547containing recommendations that address the impact upon the
548public of the proposed nuclear power plant, as identified under
549the applicable provisions of the strategic regional policy plan
550adopted pursuant to chapter 186, Florida Statutes.
551     7.  The Department of Health shall prepare a report as to
552matters within its jurisdiction.
553     8.  The Department of Transportation shall prepare a report
554as to the impact of the proposed nuclear power plant and
555associated linear facilities on roads, railroads, airports,
556aeronautics, seaports, and other matters within its
558     9.  Any other agency, if requested by the department and
559upon approval of the assigned administrative law judge, shall
560also perform studies or prepare reports as to matters within
561that agency's jurisdiction which may be directly affected by the
562proposed nuclear power plant.
563     (b)  Each report described in this subsection shall contain
564all information on variances, exemptions, exceptions, or other
565relief which may be required and any proposed conditions of
566certification on matters within the jurisdiction of such agency.
567For each condition proposed by an agency in its report, the
568agency shall list the specific statute, rule, or ordinance which
569authorizes the proposed condition. No condition of certification
570may be imposed upon a nuclear power plant project that is not
571directly required to ensure compliance with a specific statute,
572rule, or ordinance of an agency or the criteria set forth in
573this act.
574     (c)  The agencies shall initiate the activities required by
575this section no later than 30 days after the complete
576application is distributed.
577     (3)  The department shall prepare a written analysis, which
578shall be filed with the designated administrative law judge and
579served on all parties no later than 85 days after the
580application is found complete, but no later than 60 days prior
581to the scheduled date for the certification hearing if a
582petition for hearing were filed, and which shall include:
583     (a)  A statement indicating whether the proposed nuclear
584power plant and proposed ultimate site capacity will be in
585compliance with the rules of the department and in compliance
586with a specific statute, rule, or ordinance of an agency
587identified in that agency's report.
588     (b)  Copies of the studies and reports required by this
590     (c)  The comments received by the department from any other
591agency or person.
592     (d)  The recommendation of the department as to the
593disposition of the application, variances, exemptions,
594exceptions, or other relief identified by any party, and of any
595proposed conditions of certification which the department
596believes should be imposed, including any conditions proposed by
597an agency which the department believes should be imposed in any
598final certification.
599     (e)  The recommendation of the department regarding the
600issuance of any license required pursuant to a federally
601delegated or approved permit program.
602     (4)  Except when good cause is shown, the failure of any
603agency to submit a preliminary statement of issues or a report,
604or to submit its preliminary statement of issues or report
605within the allowed time, shall not be grounds for the alteration
606of any time limitation in this act. Neither the failure to
607submit a preliminary statement of issues or a report nor the
608inadequacy of the preliminary statement of issues or report
609shall be grounds to deny or condition certification.
610     Section 11.  Notice of department recommendation, petition
611for certification hearing.--
612     (1)  The department and the applicant shall publish a
613public notice as provided for in this section, announcing the
614issuance of the department's recommendation on the application
615for site certification. The notice shall be published in the
616newspaper or newspapers in the jurisdictions where the proposed
617nuclear power plant and any associated facility are proposed to
618be located. The notice shall inform the public of the issuance
619of the department's report, the conclusion reached in that
620report, and the locations where the department's report and the
621application are available for public inspection.
622     (2)  Within 14 days after its receipt of the department's
623recommendation or within 14 days after the newspaper notice of
624the department's recommendation, whichever occurs first, any
625party or any person whose substantial interests may be affected
626by the proposed nuclear power plant may file with the department
627a petition for a site certification hearing. The petition shall
628identify the person filing the petition, identify the
629substantial interests alleged to be affected, and identify with
630specificity those issues which the person alleges require the
631conduct of a certification hearing on the proposed nuclear power
633     (3)  Failure to timely file a petition for a certification
634hearing shall result in the department's recommendation becoming
635final and no longer subject to challenge or reversal in any
636proceeding, including proceedings before the board. Only those
637conditions contained in the department's recommendation may be
638imposed upon the proposed nuclear power plant.
639     Section 12.  Land use and certification hearings, parties,
641     (1)(a)  If a petition for a hearing on land use has been
642filed pursuant to section 9(3), the designated administrative
643law judge shall conduct a land use hearing in the county of the
644proposed site or directly associated facility, as applicable, as
645expeditiously as possible, but not later than 30 days after the
646department's receipt of the petition. The place of such hearing
647shall be as close as possible to the proposed site or directly
648associated facility. If a petition is filed, the hearing shall
649be held regardless of the status of the completeness of the
650application. However, incompleteness of information necessary
651for a local government to evaluate an application may be claimed
652by the local government as cause for a statement of
653inconsistency with existing land use plans and zoning ordinances
654under the Florida Electrical Power Plant Siting Act.
655     (b)  Notice of the land use hearing shall be published in
656accordance with the requirements of section 17.
657     (c)  The sole issue for determination at the land use
658hearing shall be whether or not the proposed site is consistent
659and in compliance with existing land use plans and zoning
660ordinances. If the administrative law judge concludes that the
661proposed site is not consistent or in compliance with existing
662land use plans and zoning ordinances, the administrative law
663judge shall receive at the hearing evidence on, and address in
664the recommended order any changes to or approvals or variances
665of, the applicable land use plans or zoning ordinances which
666will render the proposed site consistent and in compliance with
667the local land use plans and zoning ordinances.
668     (d)  The designated administrative law judge's recommended
669order shall be issued within 30 days after completion of the
670hearing and shall be reviewed by the board within 60 days after
671receipt of the recommended order by the board.
672     (e)  If it is determined by the board that the proposed
673site does conform with existing land use plans and zoning
674ordinances in effect as of the date of the application, or as
675otherwise provided by this act the responsible zoning or
676planning authority shall not thereafter change such land use
677plans or zoning ordinances so as to foreclose construction and
678operation of the proposed power plant on the proposed site or
679directly associated facilities unless certification is
680subsequently denied or withdrawn.
681     (f)  If it is determined by the board that the proposed
682site does not conform with existing land use plans and zoning
683ordinances, the board may, if it determines after notice and
684hearing and upon consideration of the recommended order on land
685use and zoning issues that it is in the public interest to
686authorize the use of the land as a site for an electrical power
687plant, authorize an amendment to, or a rezoning, variance, or
688other approval of, the adopted land use plan and zoning
689ordinances required to render the proposed site consistent with
690local land use plans and zoning ordinances. The board's action
691shall not be controlled by any other procedural requirements of
692law. In the event a variance or other approval is denied by the
693board, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to make
694the necessary application to the applicable local government for
695any approvals determined by the board as required to make the
696proposed site consistent and in compliance with local land use
697plans and zoning ordinances. No further action may be taken on
698the complete application until the proposed site conforms to the
699adopted land use plan or zoning ordinances or the board grants
700relief as provided under this act.
701     (2)  If any party or person whose substantial interests are
702affected files a petition for a certification hearing within 14
703days after publication of notice of the department's notice of
704its recommendation on the application for site certification, a
705certification hearing shall be held by the designated
706administrative law judge no later than 260 days from the date
707the application is filed with the department. However, an
708affirmative determination of need by the Public Service
709Commission pursuant to this act shall be a condition precedent
710to the conduct of the certification hearing. If a timely
711petition for a certification hearing is filed, the certification
712hearing shall be held at a location in proximity to the proposed
713site. The certification hearing shall also constitute the sole
714hearing allowed by chapter 120, Florida Statutes, to determine
715the substantial interest of a party regarding any required
716agency license or any related permit required pursuant to any
717federally delegated or approved permit program. At the
718conclusion of the certification hearing, the designated
719administrative law judge shall, after consideration of all
720evidence of record, submit to the board a recommended order no
721later than 60 days after the date of the filing of the hearing
722transcript. In the event the administrative law judge fails to
723issue a recommended order within 60 days after the date of the
724filing of the hearing transcript, the administrative law judge
725shall submit a report to the board with a copy to all parties
726within 60 days after the date of the filing of the hearing
727transcript to advise the board of the reason for the delay in
728the issuance of the recommended order and of the date by which
729the recommended order will be issued.
730     (3)(a)  Parties to the proceeding shall include:
731     1.  The applicant.
732     2.  The Public Service Commission.
733     3.  The Department of Community Affairs.
734     4.  The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
735     5.  The Department of Transportation.
736     6.  The water management district.
737     7.  The department.
738     8.  The regional planning council.
739     9.  The local government.
740     (b)  Any party listed in paragraph (a) other than the
741department or the applicant may waive its right to participate
742in these proceedings. If such listed party fails to file a
743notice of its intent to be a party on or before the 90th day
744prior to the scheduled date for the certification hearing, such
745party shall be deemed to have waived its right to be a party.
746     (c)  Upon the filing of a notice of intent to be a party
747with the administrative law judge and no more than 21 days after
748the date of publication of notice of filing of the application
749for site certification, the following shall also be parties to
750the proceeding:
751     1.  Any agency not listed in paragraph (a) as to matters
752within its jurisdiction.
753     2.  Any domestic nonprofit corporation or association
754formed, in whole or in part, to promote conservation or natural
755beauty; protect the environment, personal health, or other
756biological values; preserve historical sites; promote consumer
757interests; represent labor, commercial, or industrial groups; or
758promote comprehensive planning or orderly development of the
759area in which the proposed nuclear power plant is to be located.
760     (d)  Notwithstanding paragraph (e), failure of an agency to
761file a notice of intent to be a party within the time provided
762in this section shall constitute a waiver of the right of the
763agency to participate as a party in the proceeding.
764     (e)  Other parties may include any person, including those
765persons enumerated in paragraph (c) who have failed to timely
766file a notice of intent to be a party, whose substantial
767interests are affected and being determined by the proceeding,
768and who timely file a motion to intervene pursuant to chapter
769120, Florida Statutes, and applicable rules. Late intervention
770pursuant to this paragraph may be granted by the designated
771administrative law judge upon a showing of good cause that
772excuses such late intervention and upon such conditions as he or
773she may prescribe any time prior to 30 days before the
774commencement of the certification hearing.
775     (f)  Any agency, including those whose properties or works
776are affected, shall be made a party upon the request of the
777department or the applicant.
778     (4)  When appropriate, any person may be given an
779opportunity to present oral or written communications to the
780designated administrative law judge. If the designated
781administrative law judge proposes to consider such
782communications, then all parties shall be given an opportunity
783to cross-examine, challenge, or rebut such communications.
784     (5)  The designated administrative law judge shall have all
785powers and duties granted to administrative law judges by
786chapter 120, Florida Statutes, this act, and the rules of the
787department and the Administration Commission, including the
788authority to resolve disputes over the completeness and
789sufficiency of an application for certification.
790     Section 13.  Final disposition of application.--
791     (1)  Within 60 days after the date of the issuance of the
792department's recommendation if no hearing is held, or within 60
793days after the date of the receipt of the designated
794administrative law judge's recommended order following a
795certification hearing, the board shall act upon the application
796by written order, approving certification or denying the
797issuance of a certificate, in accordance with the criteria set
798forth in this act, and stating the reasons for issuance or
799denial. If no hearing has been held, the board shall enter a
800final order approving the proposed nuclear power plant subject
801only to the conditions of certification contained in the
802department's recommendation.
803     (2)  Following the holding of a certification hearing, in
804determining whether an application should be approved in whole,
805approved with modifications or conditions, or denied, the board
806shall consider whether, and the extent to which, the location,
807construction, and operation of the proposed nuclear power plant
809     (a)  Meet the electrical energy needs of the state in an
810orderly and timely fashion, as determined by the Public Service
812     (b)  Comply with nonprocedural requirements of agencies.
813     (c)  Be consistent with applicable local government
814comprehensive plans and in compliance with applicable zoning
816     (d)  Effect a reasonable balance between the need for the
817nuclear power plant as a means of providing abundant low-cost
818electrical energy and the impact upon the public and the
819environment resulting from the location, construction, and
820operation of the proposed nuclear power plant.
821     (3)  Following the conduct of a certification hearing, if
822the certificate is denied, the board shall set forth in writing
823the actions the applicant would have to take to secure the
824board's approval of the application.
825     (4)  The issues that may be raised in any hearing before
826the board shall be limited to those matters raised in the
827certification hearing before the administrative law judge or
828raised in the recommended order. Only parties may appear before
829the board and shall be subject to the provisions of s. 120.66,
830Florida Statutes.
831     (5)  In regard to the properties and works of any agency
832which is a party to the certification hearing, the board shall
833have the authority to decide issues relating to the use, the
834connection thereto, or the crossing thereof, for the nuclear
835power plant and site and to direct any such agency to execute,
836within 30 days after the entry of certification, the necessary
837license or easement for such use, connection, or crossing,
838subject only to the conditions set forth in such certification.
839     Section 14.  Alteration of time limits.--Any time
840limitation in this act may be altered by the designated
841administrative law judge upon stipulation between the department
842and the applicant, unless objected to by any party within 5 days
843after notice or for good cause shown by any party.
844     Section 15.  Superseded laws, regulations, and
845certification power.--
846     (1)  If any provision of this act is in conflict with any
847other provision, limitation, or restriction under any law, rule,
848regulation, or ordinance of this state or any political
849subdivision, municipality, or agency, this act shall govern and
850control, and such law, rule, regulation, or ordinance shall be
851deemed superseded for the purposes of this act.
852     (2)  The state hereby preempts the siting, regulation, and
853certification of nuclear power plant sites and nuclear power
854plants as defined in this act.
855     (3)  The board may adopt reasonable procedural rules
856pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to carry out its duties
857under this act and to give effect to the legislative intent that
858this act is to provide an efficient, simplified, centrally
859coordinated, one-stop licensing process.
860     Section 16.  Effect of certification.--
861     (1)  Subject to the conditions set forth in the
862certification, any certification signed by the Governor shall
863constitute the sole license of the state and any agency as to
864the approval of the site and the construction and operation of
865the proposed nuclear power plant, except for the issuance of
866department licenses required under any federally delegated or
867approved permit program and except as otherwise provided in
868subsection (4).
869     (2)(a)  The certification shall authorize the applicant
870named in the certification to construct and operate the proposed
871nuclear power plant, subject only to the conditions of
872certification set forth in the certification, and except for the
873issuance of department licenses or permits required under any
874federally delegated or approved permit program.
875     (b)  Except as provided in subsection (4), the
876certification may include conditions that constitute variances,
877exemptions, or exceptions from nonprocedural requirements of the
878department or any agency which were expressly considered during
879the proceeding, including, but not limited to, any site specific
880criteria, standards, or limitations under local land use or
881zoning approvals which affect the proposed power plant or its
882site unless waived by the agency as provided below and which
883otherwise would be applicable to the construction and operation
884of the proposed nuclear power plant. No variance, exemption,
885exception, or other relief shall be granted from a state statute
886or rule for the protection of endangered or threatened species,
887aquatic preserves, and Outstanding National Resource Waters and
888Outstanding Florida Waters, or for the disposal of hazardous
889waste, except to the extent authorized by the applicable statute
890or rule, or upon a finding by the board that certifying the
891nuclear power plant at the site proposed by the applicant
892overrides the public interest protected by the statute or rule
893from which relief is sought. Each party shall notify the
894applicant and other parties no more than 60 days after the
895application is determined sufficient of any nonprocedural
896requirements not specifically listed in the application from
897which a variance, exemption, exception, or other relief is
898necessary in order for the board to certify any nuclear power
899plant proposed for certification. Failure of such notification
900by an agency shall be treated as a waiver from nonprocedural
901requirements of the department or any other agency. However, no
902variance shall be granted from standards or regulations of the
903department applicable under any federally delegated or approved
904permit program, except as expressly allowed in such program.
905     (c)  To the extent any condition of certification imposed
906pursuant to this act is inconsistent with or otherwise in
907conflict with any requirement of federal law, regulation, or
908license regulating construction and operation of a nuclear power
909plant certified under this act, then such condition of
910certification shall be automatically modified to conform to such
911federal requirement or be superseded by such federal
912requirement. The state shall not enforce compliance with any
913such federal requirement under this act, except to the extent
914the state is authorized to enforce such condition under federal
916     (3)  The certification and any order on land use and zoning
917issued under this act shall be in lieu of any license, permit,
918certificate, or similar document required by any agency pursuant
919to, but not limited to, chapter 125, chapter 161, chapter 163,
920chapter 166, chapter 186, chapter 253, chapter 298, chapter 370,
921chapter 373, chapter 376, chapter 380, chapter 381, chapter 387,
922chapter 403, except for permits issued pursuant to s. 403.0885,
923Florida Statutes, and except as provided in s. 403.509(3) and
924(6), Florida Statutes, chapter 404, Florida Statutes, the
925Florida Transportation Code, or 33 U.S.C. s. 1341.
926     (4)  This act shall not affect the right of any local
927government to charge appropriate fees or require that
928construction be in compliance with applicable building
929construction codes, provided that in the event of a conflict
930between requirements of local building construction codes and
931federal requirements, such federal requirements shall supersede
932local building construction codes.
933     (5)(a)  A nuclear power plant certified pursuant to this
934act shall comply with rules adopted by the department subsequent
935to the issuance of the certification which prescribe new or
936stricter criteria, to the extent that the rules are applicable
937to nuclear power plants. Except when express variances,
938exceptions, exemptions, or other relief have been granted,
939subsequently adopted rules which prescribe new or stricter
940criteria shall operate as automatic modifications to
941certifications. A holder of a certification issued under this
942act may apply to the board for relief from such rules to the
943extent relief is available to other electrical power plants in
944the state. Any such relief shall be granted in the same manner
945as provided for the granting of relief at the time of the
946original certification, as provided for in this act.
947     (b)  Upon written notification to the department, any
948holder of a certification issued pursuant to this act may choose
949to operate the certified nuclear power plant in compliance with
950any rule subsequently adopted by the department which prescribes
951criteria more lenient than the criteria required by the terms
952and conditions in the certification which are not site-specific.
953     (c)  No term or condition of certification shall be
954interpreted to preclude the postcertification exercise by any
955party of whatever procedural rights it may have under chapter
956120, Florida Statutes, including those related to rulemaking
958     Section 17.  Notice; costs of proceeding.--
959     (1)  The following notices are to be published by the
961     (a)  A notice of filing of the application, which shall be
962published as specified in subsection (2) within 15 days after
963the application has been determined complete. Such notice shall
964give notice of the provisions of section 16(1) and (2).
965     (b)  Notice of the land use determination made pursuant to
966section 9(1) within 15 days after the determination is filed.
967     (c)  Notice of the land use hearing, which shall be
968published as specified in subsection (2), no later than 15 days
969before the hearing.
970     (d)  Notice of issuance of the department's agency report
971and recommendation, which shall be published as specified in
972subsection (2) no later than 10 days after the report and
973recommendation are issued by the department.
974     (e)  If a certification hearing is to be conducted, then
975notice published as specified in subsection (2).
976     (f)  Notice of modification when required by the
977department, based on whether the requested modification of
978certification will significantly increase impacts to the
979environment or the public. Such notice shall be published as
980specified under subsection (2):
981     1.  Within 21 days after receipt of a request for
982modification, except that the newspaper notice shall be of a
983size as directed by the department commensurate with the scope
984of the modification.
985     2.  If a hearing is to be conducted in response to the
986request for modification, then notice shall be provided as
987specified in paragraph (e).
988     (g)  Notice of a supplemental application, which shall be
989published as follows:
990     1.  Notice of receipt of the supplemental application shall
991be published as specified in paragraph (a).
992     2.  Notice of the certification hearing shall be published
993as specified in paragraph (f).
994     (2)  Notices provided by the applicant shall be published
995in newspapers of general circulation within the county or
996counties in which the proposed nuclear power plant will be
997located. The newspaper notices shall be at least one-half page
998in size in a standard size newspaper or a full page in a tabloid
999size newspaper and published in a section of the newspaper other
1000than the legal notices section. These notices shall include a
1001map generally depicting the project and all associated
1002facilities corridors, including associated transmission lines,
1003if any. A newspaper of general circulation shall be the
1004newspaper which has the largest daily circulation in that county
1005and has its principal office in that county. If the newspaper
1006with the largest daily circulation has its principal office
1007outside the county, the notices shall appear in both the
1008newspaper having the largest circulation in that county and in a
1009newspaper authorized to publish legal notices in that county.
1010     (3)  All notices published by the applicant shall be paid
1011for by the applicant and shall be in addition to the application
1013     (4)  The department shall:
1014     (a)  Publish in the manner specified in chapter 120,
1015Florida Statutes, notices of the filing of the application or
1016supplemental application; the land use determination and land
1017use hearing, if one is to be held; the department's report and
1018recommendation; the certification hearing, if one is to be held;
1019the hearing before the board; and stipulations, proposed agency
1020action, or petitions for modification.
1021     (b)  Provide copies of those notices to any persons who
1022have requested to be placed on the departmental mailing list for
1023the purposes provided in paragraph (a).
1024     (5)  The applicant shall pay those expenses and costs
1025associated with the conduct of the hearings and the recording
1026and transcription of the proceedings.
1027     Section 18.  Revocation or suspension of
1028certification.--Any certification may be revoked or suspended:
1029     (1)  For any material false statement in the application or
1030in the supplemental or additional statements of fact or studies
1031required of the applicant when a true answer would have
1032warranted the board's refusal to recommend a certification in
1033the first instance.
1034     (2)  For failure to comply with the terms or conditions of
1035the certification.
1036     (3)  For violation of the provisions of this act or rules
1037or orders issued under this act.
1038     Section 19.  Review.--Proceedings under this act shall be
1039subject to judicial review in the Florida Supreme Court.
1040Separate appeals of the certification order issued by the board
1041and of any department permit issued pursuant to a federally
1042delegated or approved permit program shall be consolidated for
1043purposes of judicial review. Review on appeal shall be based
1044solely on the record before the board and briefs to the court
1045and shall be limited to determining whether the certification
1046order conforms to the constitution and laws of this state and
1047the United States and is within the authority of the board under
1048this act. The Supreme Court shall proceed to hear and determine
1049the action as expeditiously as practicable and give the action
1050precedence over other matters not accorded similar precedence by
1052     Section 20.  Enforcement of compliance.--Failure to obtain
1053a certification or to comply with the conditions of
1054certification or this act shall constitute a violation of
1055chapter 403, Florida Statutes.
1056     Section 21.  Availability of information.--The department
1057shall make available for public inspection and copying during
1058regular office hours, at the expense of any person requesting
1059copies, any information filed or submitted to the department
1060pursuant to this act.
1061     Section 22.  Modification of certification.--
1062     (1)  A certification may be modified after issuance in any
1063one of the following ways:
1064     (a)  The board may delegate to the department the authority
1065to modify specific conditions in the certification.
1066     (b)  The department may modify the terms and conditions of
1067the certification if no party to the certification hearing
1068objects in writing to such modification within 45 days after
1069notice by mail to such party's last address of record and if no
1070other person whose substantial interests will be affected by the
1071modification objects in writing within 30 days after issuance of
1072public notice. If objections are raised, the applicant may file
1073a petition for modification pursuant to paragraph (c).
1074     (c)  Any petition for modification shall be filed with the
1075department and the Division of Administrative Hearings. A
1076petition for modification may be filed by the applicant or the
1077department setting forth:
1078     1.  The proposed modification.
1079     2.  The factual reasons asserted for the modification.
1080     3.  The anticipated effects of the proposed modification on
1081the applicant, the public, and the environment.
1082     (2)  Petitions filed pursuant to this section shall be
1083disposed of in the same manner as an application, but with time
1084periods established by the administrative law judge commensurate
1085with the significance of the modification requested.
1086     (3)  Any agreement or modification under this section must
1087be in accordance with the terms of this act. No modification to
1088a certification shall be granted that constitutes a variance
1089from standards or regulations of the department applicable under
1090any federally delegated or approved permit program, except as
1091expressly allowed in such program.
1092     Section 23.  Supplemental applications for sites certified
1093for ultimate site capacity.--
1094     (1)(a)  The department shall adopt rules governing the
1095processing of supplemental applications for certification of the
1096construction and operation of nuclear power plants to be located
1097at sites which have been previously certified for an ultimate
1098site capacity pursuant to this act. Supplemental applications
1099shall be limited to nuclear power plants using the fuel type
1100previously certified for that site. The rules adopted pursuant
1101to this section shall include provisions for:
1102     1.  Prompt appointment of a designated administrative law
1104     2.  The contents of the supplemental application.
1105     3.  Resolution of disputes as to the completeness and
1106sufficiency of supplemental applications by the designated
1107administrative law judge.
1108     4.  Public notice of the filing of the supplemental
1110     5.  Time limits for prompt processing of supplemental
1112     6.  Final disposition by the board within 215 days after
1113the filing of a complete supplemental application.
1114     (b)  The time limits shall not exceed any time limitation
1115governing the review of initial applications for site
1116certification pursuant to this act, it being the legislative
1117intent to provide shorter time limitations for the processing of
1118supplemental applications for nuclear power plants to be
1119constructed and operated at sites which have been previously
1120certified for an ultimate site capacity.
1121     (c)  Any time limitation in this section or in rules
1122adopted pursuant to this section may be altered by the
1123designated administrative law judge upon stipulation between the
1124department and the applicant, unless objected to by any party
1125within 5 days after notice or for good cause shown by any party.
1126The parties to the proceeding shall adhere to the provisions of
1127chapter 120, Florida Statutes, and this act in considering and
1128processing such supplemental applications.
1129     (2)  Supplemental applications shall be reviewed as
1130provided in this act, except that the time limits provided in
1131this section shall apply to such supplemental applications.
1132     (3)  The land use and zoning consistency determination
1133provisions of the Florida Electrical Power Plant Siting Act
1134shall not be applicable to the processing of supplemental
1135applications pursuant to this section so long as:
1136     (a)  The previously certified ultimate site capacity is not
1138     (b)  The lands required for the construction or operation
1139of the electrical power plant which is the subject of the
1140supplemental application are within the boundaries of the
1141previously certified site.
1142     (4)  For the purposes of this act, the term "ultimate site
1143capacity" means the maximum generating capacity for a site as
1144certified by the board.
1145     Section 24.  Fees; disposition.--The department shall
1146charge the applicant the following fees, as appropriate, which
1147shall be paid into the Florida Permit Fee Trust Fund:
1148     (1)  An application fee, which shall not exceed $200,000.
1149The fee shall be fixed by rule on a sliding scale related to the
1150size, type, ultimate site capacity, increase in generating
1151capacity proposed by the application, or the number and size of
1152local governments in whose jurisdiction the nuclear power plant
1153is located.
1154     (a)  Sixty percent of the fee shall go to the department to
1155cover any costs associated with reviewing and acting upon the
1156application, to cover any field services associated with
1157monitoring construction and operation of the facility, and to
1158cover the costs of the public notices published by the
1160     (b)  Twenty percent of the fee or $25,000, whichever is
1161greater, shall be transferred to the Administrative Trust Fund
1162of the Division of Administrative Hearings of the Department of
1163Management Services.
1164     (c)  Upon written request with proper itemized accounting
1165within 90 days after final agency action by the board or
1166withdrawal of the application, the department shall reimburse
1167the Department of Community Affairs, the Fish and Wildlife
1168Conservation Commission, any water management district created
1169pursuant to chapter 373, Florida Statutes, the regional planning
1170council, and the local government in the jurisdiction of which
1171the proposed nuclear power plant is to be located, and any other
1172agency from which the department requests special studies
1173pursuant to this act. Such reimbursement shall be authorized for
1174the preparation of any studies required of the agencies by this
1175act, for agency travel and per diem to attend any hearing held
1176pursuant to this act, and for local governments to participate
1177in the proceedings. In the event the amount available for
1178allocation is insufficient to provide for complete reimbursement
1179to the agencies, reimbursement shall be on a prorated basis.
1180     (d)  If any sums are remaining, the department shall retain
1181them for its use in the same manner as is otherwise authorized
1182by this act; provided, however, that if the certification
1183application is withdrawn, the remaining sums shall be refunded
1184to the applicant within 90 days after withdrawal.
1185     (2)  A certification modification fee, which shall not
1186exceed $30,000. The fee shall be submitted to the department
1187with a formal petition for modification to the department. This
1188fee shall be established, disbursed, and processed in the same
1189manner as the application fee in subsection (1), except that the
1190Division of Administrative Hearings shall not receive a portion
1191of the fee unless the petition for certification modification is
1192referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings for hearing.
1193If the petition is so referred, only $10,000 of the fee shall be
1194transferred to the Administrative Trust Fund of the Division of
1195Administrative Hearings of the Department of Management
1196Services. The fee for a modification by agreement shall be
1197$10,000, to be paid upon the filing of the request for
1198modification. Any sums remaining after payment of authorized
1199costs shall be refunded to the applicant within 90 days after
1200issuance or denial of the modification or withdrawal of the
1201request for modification.
1202     (3)  A supplemental application fee, not to exceed $75,000,
1203to cover all reasonable expenses and costs of the review,
1204processing, and proceedings of a supplemental application. This
1205fee shall be established, disbursed, and processed in the same
1206manner as the certification application fee in subsection (1)
1207except that only $20,000 of the fee shall be transferred to the
1208Administrative Trust Fund of the Division of Administrative
1209Hearings of the Department of Management Services.
1210     Section 25.  Exclusive forum for determination of need.--
1211     (1)  On request by an applicant, the Public Service
1212Commission shall begin a proceeding to determine the need for a
1213nuclear power plant subject to this act. The applicant shall
1214publish a notice of the proceeding in a newspaper of general
1215circulation in each county in which the proposed nuclear power
1216plant will be located. The notice shall be at least one-quarter
1217of a page and published at least 21 days prior to the scheduled
1218date for the proceeding.
1219     (2)(a)  The commission shall hold a hearing within 90 days
1220after the filing of the petition and shall issue an order
1221granting or denying the petition to determine need within 135
1222days after the date of the filing of the petition. The
1223commission shall be the sole forum for the determination of this
1224matter and the issues addressed in the petition, which
1225accordingly shall not be reviewed in any other forum. In making
1226its determination to either grant or deny a petition for
1227determination of need, the commission shall consider the need
1228for electric system reliability and integrity, including fuel
1229diversity, the need for base-load generating capacity, and the
1230need for adequate electricity at a reasonable cost.
1231     (b)  The applicant's petition shall include:
1232     1.  A description of the need for the generation capacity.
1233     2.  A description of how the proposed nuclear power plant
1234will enhance the reliability of electric power production within
1235the state by improving the balance of power plant fuel diversity
1236and reducing Florida's dependence on fuel oil and natural gas.
1237     3.  A description of and a nonbinding estimate for the cost
1238of the nuclear power plant.
1239     4.  The annualized base revenue requirement for the first
124012 months of operation of the nuclear power plant.
1241     (c)  In making its determination, the commission shall take
1242into account matters within its jurisdiction, which it deems
1243relevant, including whether the nuclear power plant will:
1244     1.  Provide needed base-load capacity.
1245     2.  Enhance the reliability of electric power production
1246within the state by improving the balance of power plant fuel
1247diversity and reducing Florida's dependence on fuel oil and
1248natural gas.
1249     3.  Provide the most cost-effective source of power, taking
1250into account the need to improve the balance of fuel diversity,
1251reduce Florida's dependence on fuel oil and natural gas, reduce
1252air-emission compliance costs, and contribute to the long-term
1253stability and reliability of the electric grid.
1254     (3)  No provision of rule 25-22.082, Florida Administrative
1255Code, shall be applicable to a nuclear power plant sited under
1256this act, including provisions for cost recovery, and an
1257applicant shall not otherwise be required to secure competitive
1258proposals for power supply prior to making application under
1259this act or receiving a determination of need from the
1261     (4)  The commission's determination of need for a nuclear
1262power plant shall create a presumption of public need and
1263necessity and shall serve as the commission's report. An order
1264entered pursuant to this section constitutes final agency
1265action. Any petition for reconsideration of a final order on a
1266petition for need determination shall be filed within 5 days
1267after the date of such order. The commission's final order,
1268including any order on reconsideration, shall be reviewable on
1269appeal in the Florida Supreme Court. Inasmuch as delay in the
1270determination of need will delay siting of a nuclear power plant
1271or diminish the opportunity for savings to customers under the
1272federal Energy Policy Act of 2005, the Supreme Court shall
1273proceed to hear and determine the action as expeditiously as
1274practicable and give the action precedence over matters not
1275accorded similar precedence by law.
1276     (5)  After a petition for determination of need has been
1277granted, the right of a utility to recover any costs incurred
1278prior to commercial operation, including, but not limited to,
1279costs associated with the siting, design, licensing, or
1280construction of the plant, shall not be subject to challenge
1281unless and only to the extent the commission finds, based on a
1282preponderance of the evidence adduced at a hearing before the
1283commission under s. 120.57, Florida Statutes, that certain costs
1284were imprudently incurred. Proceeding with the construction of
1285the nuclear power plant following an order by the commission
1286approving the need for the nuclear power plant under this act
1287shall not constitute or be evidence of imprudence. Evidence of
1288imprudence shall not include any cost increases due to events
1289beyond the utility's control. Further, a utility's right to
1290recover costs associated with a nuclear power plant may not be
1291raised in any other forum or in the review of proceedings in
1292such other forum. Costs incurred prior to commercial operation
1293shall be recovered pursuant to chapter 366, Florida Statutes.
1294     Section 26.  Section 366.93, Florida Statutes, is created
1295to read:
1296     366.93  Cost recovery for the siting, design, licensing,
1297and construction of nuclear power plants.--
1298     (1)  As used in this section, the term:
1299     (a)  "Cost" includes, but is not limited to, all capital
1300investments, including rate of return, any applicable taxes, and
1301all expenses, including operation and maintenance expenses,
1302related to or resulting from the siting, licensing, design,
1303construction, or operation of the nuclear power plant.
1304     (b)  "Electric utility" or "utility" has the same meaning
1305as that provided in s. 366.8255(1)(a).
1306     (c)  "Nuclear power plant" or "plant" has the same meaning
1307as that provided in the Florida Energy Diversity and Efficiency
1309     (d)  "Preconstruction" is that period of time after a site
1310has been selected, including the date the utility begins site
1311clearing work. Preconstruction costs shall be afforded deferred
1312accounting treatment and shall accrue a carrying charge equal to
1313the utility's allowance for funds used during construction
1314(AFUDC) rate until recovered in rates.
1315     (2)  Within 6 months after the effective date of this act,
1316the commission shall establish, by rule, alternative cost
1317recovery mechanisms for the recovery of costs incurred in the
1318siting, design, licensing, and construction of nuclear power
1319plants. Such mechanisms shall be designed to promote utility
1320investment in nuclear plants and allow for the recovery in rates
1321all prudently incurred costs, and shall include, but are not
1322limited to:
1323     (a)  Recovery through the capacity cost recovery clause of
1324any preconstruction costs.
1325     (b)  Recovery through an incremental increase in the
1326utility's capacity cost recovery clause rates of the carrying
1327costs on the utility's projected construction cost balance
1328associated with the nuclear power plant. To encourage investment
1329and provide certainty, for nuclear power plant need petitions
1330submitted on or before December 31, 2010, associated carrying
1331costs shall be equal to the pretax AFUDC rate in effect upon
1332this act becoming law. For nuclear power plants for which need
1333petitions are submitted after December 31, 2010, the utility's
1334existing pretax AFUDC rate is presumed to be appropriate unless
1335determined otherwise by the commission in the determination of
1336need for the nuclear power plant.
1337     (3)  After a petition for determination of need is granted,
1338a utility may petition the commission for cost recovery as
1339permitted by this section and commission rules.
1340     (4)  When the nuclear power plant is placed in commercial
1341service, the utility shall be allowed to increase its base rate
1342charges by the projected annual revenue requirements of the
1343nuclear power plant based on the jurisdictional annual revenue
1344requirements of the plant for the first 12 months of operation.
1345The rate of return on capital investments shall be calculated
1346using the utility's rate of return last approved by the
1347commission prior to the commercial inservice date of the nuclear
1348power plant. If any existing generating plant is retired as a
1349result of operation of the nuclear power plant, the commission
1350shall allow for the recovery, through an increase in base rate
1351charges, of the net book value of the retired plant over a
1352period not to exceed 5 years.
1353     (5)  The utility shall report to the commission annually
1354the budgeted and actual costs as compared to the estimated
1355inservice cost of the nuclear power plant provided by the
1356utility pursuant to section 25(2)(b) until the commercial
1357operation of the nuclear power plant. The utility shall provide
1358such information on an annual basis following the final order by
1359the commission approving the determination of need for the
1360nuclear power plant, with the understanding that some costs may
1361be higher than estimated and other costs may be lower.
1362     (6)  In the event the utility elects not to complete or is
1363precluded from completing construction of the nuclear power
1364plant, the utility shall be allowed to recover all prudent
1365preconstruction and construction costs incurred following the
1366commission's issuance of a final order granting a determination
1367of need for the nuclear power plant. The utility shall recover
1368such costs through the capacity cost recovery clause over a
1369period equal to the period during which the costs were incurred
1370or 5 years, whichever is greater. The unrecovered balance during
1371the recovery period will accrue interest at the utility's
1372weighted average cost of capital as reported in the commission's
1373earnings surveillance reporting requirement for the prior year.
1374     Section 27.  This act shall take effect upon becoming law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.