Senate Bill sb1532c2

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    Florida Senate - 2006                    CS for CS for SB 1532

    By the Committees on Health and Human Services Appropriations;
    Health Care; and Senator Lynn


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to trauma services; amending s.

  3         395.003, F.S.; prohibiting licensing of

  4         additional emergency departments located off

  5         the premises of licensed hospitals until the

  6         Agency for Health Care Administration adopts

  7         rules; amending s. 395.1055, F.S.; requiring

  8         the agency to adopt rules by a specified date

  9         to establish licensure standards for emergency

10         departments located off the premises of a

11         licensed hospital; requiring the rules to

12         address certain topics; amending s. 395.4001,

13         F.S.; providing definitions; repealing s.

14         395.4035, F.S., to terminate the Trauma

15         Services Trust Fund; amending s. 395.4036,

16         F.S.; revising provisions relating to

17         distribution of funds to trauma centers and use

18         thereof; creating s. 395.41, F.S.; establishing

19         a trauma center startup grant program;

20         providing conditions for the receipt of a

21         startup grant; providing limitations; making

22         the trauma center startup grant program subject

23         to an appropriation in the General

24         Appropriations Act; providing a contingent

25         effective date.


27  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


29         Section 1.  Subsection (1) of section 395.003, Florida

30  Statutes, is amended to read:



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    Florida Senate - 2006                    CS for CS for SB 1532

 1         395.003  Licensure; issuance, renewal, denial,

 2  modification, suspension, and revocation.--

 3         (1)(a)  A person may not establish, conduct, or

 4  maintain a hospital, ambulatory surgical center, or mobile

 5  surgical facility in this state without first obtaining a

 6  license under this part.

 7         (b)1.  It is unlawful for a person to use or advertise

 8  to the public, in any way or by any medium whatsoever, any

 9  facility as a "hospital," "ambulatory surgical center," or

10  "mobile surgical facility" unless such facility has first

11  secured a license under the provisions of this part.

12         2.  This part does not apply to veterinary hospitals or

13  to commercial business establishments using the word

14  "hospital," "ambulatory surgical center," or "mobile surgical

15  facility" as a part of a trade name if no treatment of human

16  beings is performed on the premises of such establishments.

17         3.  Until July 1, 2006, Additional emergency

18  departments located off the premises of licensed hospitals may

19  not be authorized by the agency until the agency has adopted

20  rules required under s. 395.1055(9).

21         Section 2.  Subsection (9) is added to section

22  395.1055, Florida Statutes, to read:

23         395.1055  Rules and enforcement.--

24         (9)  The agency shall adopt rules no later than January

25  1, 2007, which establish licensure standards for emergency

26  departments located off the premises of a licensed hospital.

27  The rules must:

28         (a)  Include minimum criteria for patient care and

29  safety, quality improvement, infection control, building

30  design and construction, location, and appropriate transport



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    Florida Senate - 2006                    CS for CS for SB 1532

 1  of patients from the emergency department located off the

 2  premises consistent with chapter 401.

 3         (b)  Require the hospital to maintain an emergency

 4  department on its premises which is licensed and operated in

 5  accordance with agency rules.

 6         (c)  Specify that an emergency department located off

 7  the premises of a licensed hospital which was authorized prior

 8  to the adoption of rules shall continue to operate in

 9  accordance with the licensure criteria under which it was

10  originally authorized.

11         Section 3.  Section 395.4001, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         395.4001  Definitions.--As used in this part, the term:

14         (1)  "Agency" means the Agency for Health Care

15  Administration.

16         (2)  "Charity care" or "uncompensated trauma care"

17  means that portion of hospital charges reported to the agency

18  for which there is no compensation, other than restricted or

19  unrestricted revenues provided to a hospital by local

20  governments or tax districts regardless of method of payment,

21  for care provided to a patient whose family income for the 12

22  months preceding the determination is less than or equal to

23  200 percent of the federal poverty level, unless the amount of

24  hospital charges due from the patient exceeds 25 percent of

25  the annual family income. However, in no case shall the

26  hospital charges for a patient whose family income exceeds

27  four times the federal poverty level for a family of four be

28  considered charity.

29         (3)  "Department" means the Department of Health.




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 1         (4)  "Interfacility trauma transfer" means the transfer

 2  of a trauma victim between two facilities licensed under this

 3  chapter, pursuant to this part.

 4         (5)  "International Classification Injury Severity

 5  Score" means the statistical method for computing the severity

 6  of injuries sustained by trauma patients. The International

 7  Classification Injury Severity Score shall be the methodology

 8  used by the department and trauma centers to report the

 9  severity of an injury.

10         (6)(5)  "Level I trauma center" means a trauma center

11  that:

12         (a)  Has formal research and education programs for the

13  enhancement of trauma care; is verified by the department to

14  be in substantial compliance with Level I trauma center and

15  pediatric trauma center standards; and has been approved by

16  the department to operate as a Level I trauma center.

17         (b)  Serves as a resource facility to Level II trauma

18  centers, pediatric trauma centers, and general hospitals

19  through shared outreach, education, and quality improvement

20  activities.

21         (c)  Participates in an inclusive system of trauma

22  care, including providing leadership, system evaluation, and

23  quality improvement activities.

24         (7)(6)  "Level II trauma center" means a trauma center

25  that:

26         (a)  Is verified by the department to be in substantial

27  compliance with Level II trauma center standards and has been

28  approved by the department to operate as a Level II trauma

29  center.




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 1         (b)  Serves as a resource facility to general hospitals

 2  through shared outreach, education, and quality improvement

 3  activities.

 4         (c)  Participates in an inclusive system of trauma

 5  care.

 6         (8)  "Local funding contribution" means local

 7  municipal, county, or tax district funding exclusive of any

 8  patient-specific funds received pursuant to ss.

 9  154.301-154.316, private foundation funding, or public or

10  private grant funding of at least $150,000 received by a

11  hospital or health care system that operates a trauma center.

12         (9)(7)  "Pediatric trauma center" means a hospital that

13  is verified by the department to be in substantial compliance

14  with pediatric trauma center standards as established by rule

15  of the department and has been approved by the department to

16  operate as a pediatric trauma center.

17         (10)(8)  "Provisional trauma center" means a hospital

18  that has been verified by the department to be in substantial

19  compliance with the requirements in s. 395.4025 and has been

20  approved by the department to operate as a provisional Level I

21  trauma center, Level II trauma center, or pediatric trauma

22  center.

23         (11)(9)  "Trauma agency" means a department-approved

24  agency established and operated by one or more counties, or a

25  department-approved entity with which one or more counties

26  contract, for the purpose of administering an inclusive

27  regional trauma system.

28         (12)(10)  "Trauma alert victim" means a person who has

29  incurred a single or multisystem injury due to blunt or

30  penetrating means or burns, who requires immediate medical

31  intervention or treatment, and who meets one or more of the


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 1  adult or pediatric scorecard criteria established by the

 2  department by rule.

 3         (13)  "Trauma caseload volume" means the number of

 4  trauma patients reported by individual trauma centers to the

 5  Trauma Registry and validated by the department.

 6         (14)(11)  "Trauma center" means a hospital that has

 7  been verified by the department to be in substantial

 8  compliance with the requirements in s. 395.4025 and has been

 9  approved by the department to operate as a Level I trauma

10  center, Level II trauma center, or pediatric trauma center.

11         (15)  "Trauma patient" means a person who has incurred

12  a physical injury or wound caused by trauma and has accessed a

13  trauma center.

14         (16)(12)  "Trauma scorecard" means a statewide

15  methodology adopted by the department by rule under which a

16  person who has incurred a traumatic injury is graded as to the

17  severity of his or her injuries or illness and which

18  methodology is used as the basis for making destination

19  decisions.

20         (17)(13)  "Trauma transport protocol" means a document

21  which describes the policies, processes, and procedures

22  governing the dispatch of vehicles, the triage, prehospital

23  transport, and interfacility trauma transfer of trauma

24  victims.

25         (18)(14)  "Trauma victim" means any person who has

26  incurred a single or multisystem injury due to blunt or

27  penetrating means or burns and who requires immediate medical

28  intervention or treatment.

29         Section 4.  Section 395.4035, Florida Statutes, is

30  repealed.



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    Florida Senate - 2006                    CS for CS for SB 1532

 1         Section 5.  Subsection (1) of section 395.4036, Florida

 2  Statutes, is amended to read:

 3         395.4036  Trauma payments.--

 4         (1)  Recognizing the Legislature's stated intent to

 5  provide financial support to the current verified trauma

 6  centers and to provide incentives for the establishment of

 7  additional trauma centers as part of a system of

 8  state-sponsored trauma centers, the department shall utilize

 9  funds collected under s. 318.18(15)(14) and deposited into the

10  Administrative Trust Fund of the department to ensure the

11  availability and accessibility of trauma services throughout

12  the state as provided in this subsection.

13         (a)  Twenty percent of the total funds collected under

14  this subsection during the state fiscal year shall be

15  distributed to verified trauma centers located in a region

16  that have has a local funding contribution as of December 31.

17  Distribution of funds under this paragraph shall be based on

18  trauma caseload volume for the most recent calendar year

19  available.

20         (b)  Forty percent of the total funds collected under

21  this subsection shall be distributed to verified trauma

22  centers based on trauma caseload volume for of the most recent

23  previous calendar year available. The determination of

24  caseload volume for distribution of funds under this paragraph

25  shall be based on the department's Trauma Registry data.

26         (c)  Forty percent of the total funds collected under

27  this subsection shall be distributed to verified trauma

28  centers based on severity of trauma patients for the most

29  recent calendar year available. The determination of severity

30  for distribution of funds under this paragraph shall be based

31  on the department's International Classification Injury


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    Florida Senate - 2006                    CS for CS for SB 1532

 1  Severity Scores or another statistically valid and

 2  scientifically accepted method of stratifying a trauma

 3  patient's severity of injury, risk of mortality, and resource

 4  consumption as adopted by the department by rule, weighted

 5  based on the costs associated with and incurred by the trauma

 6  center in treating trauma patients. The weighting of scores

 7  shall be established by the department by rule scores of 1-14

 8  and 15 plus.


10  Funds deposited in the department's Administrative Trust Fund

11  for verified trauma centers may be used to maximize the

12  receipt of federal funds that may be available for such trauma

13  centers. Notwithstanding this section and s. 318.14,

14  distributions to trauma centers may be adjusted in a manner to

15  ensure that total payments to trauma centers represent the

16  same proportional allocation as set forth in this section and

17  s. 318.14. For purposes of this section and s. 318.14, total

18  funds distributed to trauma centers may include revenue from

19  the Administrative Trust Fund and federal funds for which

20  revenue from the Administrative Trust Fund is used to meet

21  state or local matching requirements. Funds collected under

22  ss. 318.14 and 318.18(15) and deposited in the Administrative

23  Trust Fund of the department shall be distributed to trauma

24  centers on a quarterly basis using the most recent calendar

25  year data available. Such data shall not be used for more than

26  four quarterly distributions unless there are extenuating

27  circumstances as determined by the department, in which case

28  the most recent calendar year data available shall continue to

29  be used and appropriate adjustments shall be made as soon as

30  the more recent data becomes available. Trauma centers may

31  request that their distributions from the Administrative Trust


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    Florida Senate - 2006                    CS for CS for SB 1532

 1  Fund be used as intergovernmental transfer funds in the

 2  Medicaid program.

 3         Section 6.  Section 395.41, Florida Statutes, is

 4  created to read:

 5         395.41  Trauma center startup grant program.--There is

 6  established a trauma center startup grant program.

 7         (1)  The Legislature recognizes the need for a

 8  statewide, cohesive, uniform, and integrated trauma system,

 9  and the Legislature acknowledges that the state has been

10  divided into trauma service areas. Each of the trauma service

11  areas should have at least one trauma center; however, some

12  trauma service areas do not have a trauma center because of

13  the significant up-front investment of capital required for

14  hospitals to develop the physical space, equipment, and

15  qualified personnel necessary to provide quality trauma

16  services.

17         (2)  An acute care general hospital that has submitted

18  a letter of intent and an application to become a trauma

19  center pursuant to s. 395.4025 may apply to the department for

20  a startup grant. The grant applicant must demonstrate that:

21         (a)  There are currently no other trauma centers in the

22  hospital's trauma service area as established under s.

23  395.402.

24         (b)  There is not a trauma center within a 100-mile

25  radius of the proposed trauma center.

26         (c)  The hospital has received a local funding

27  contribution as defined under s. 395.4001.

28         (d)  The hospital has incurred startup costs in excess

29  of the amount of grant funding requested.

30         (e)  The hospital is pursuing the establishment of a

31  residency program in internal medicine or emergency medicine.


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    Florida Senate - 2006                    CS for CS for SB 1532

 1         (3)  A hospital receiving startup grant funding that

 2  does not become a provisional trauma center within 24 months

 3  after submitting an application to become a trauma center must

 4  forfeit any state grant funds received pursuant to this

 5  section.

 6         (4)  A hospital that receives startup grant funding may

 7  not receive more than $500,000, must ensure that the startup

 8  grant funding is matched on a dollar-for-dollar basis with a

 9  local funding contribution, and shall receive startup grant

10  funding only one time.

11         Section 7.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2006,

12  except that section 395.41, Florida Statutes, as created by

13  this act, shall take effect subject to an appropriation for

14  the trauma center startup grant program in the 2006-2007

15  General Appropriations Act.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
18                          CS for SB 1532


20  Prohibits the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA)
    from authorizing additional emergency departments located off
21  the premises of licensed hospitals until AHCA has adopted
    rules including minimum standards no later than January 1,
22  2007.

23  Creates s. 395.41, F.S., related to the trauma center start-up
    grant program to also include hospitals pursuing a residency
24  program in internal medicine.

25  Removes the appropriation.








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