HB 1555

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to affordable housing; requiring certain
3developers to provide affordable housing; providing
4locations where the developer must provide the housing;
5authorizing the developers to make payment to the Florida
6Affordable Housing Trust Fund in lieu of providing
7affordable housing; providing the Department of Business
8and Professional Regulation with certain powers and
9responsibilities; providing an effective date.
11Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
13     Section 1.  Developers of new housing projects consisting
14of residential developments of 10 or more housing units are
15required to provide and develop 10 percent of each new project
16as affordable housing. If the affordable housing portion of the
17project is not developed on the same site as the new housing
18project, the affordable housing portion must be developed at
19another location within the same county. A developer, in lieu of
20building affordable housing units in accordance with this act,
21may make a monetary payment to the Florida Affordable Housing
22Trust Fund. Affordable housing units must conform to the same
23standards of quality as all of the units being constructed in
24the residential development. The Department of Business and
25Professional Regulation shall be responsible for the following:
26     (1)  Enforcing developers' and builders' compliance with
27the provisions of this act as they plan new residential
29     (2)  Establishing and providing density bonuses and other
30incentive programs as partial compensation for producing
31affordable housing units.
32     (3)  Defining the affordable level of housing prices or
33rents for the affordable housing being developed pursuant to
34this act.
35     (4)  Establishing income limits to determine households
36eligible for affordable units based on the range of the regional
37median household income.
38     (5)  Establishing a period during which resale prices or
39rental increases are controlled to maintain the supply of
40affordable housing.
41     (6)  Providing guidelines for the location and design of
42affordable units within market-rate development.
43     (7)  Identifying a division, agency, or other entity within
44the department that will be responsible for monitoring the
45condition and turnover of units developed pursuant to this act.
46     (8)  Establishing the amount of the payment that developers
47must make to the Florida Affordable Housing Trust Fund to
48relieve themselves of the affordable housing requirement.
49     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.