Senate Bill sb1560e1
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
CS for SB 1560 First Engrossed (ntc)
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to psychology specialties;
3 creating s. 490.0149, F.S.; providing a
4 definition; specifying the circumstances under
5 which a psychologist may hold himself or
6 herself out as a certified psychology
7 specialist or psychology diplomate; requiring
8 the Board of Psychology to adopt rules and
9 establish specified criteria for the approval
10 of certifying bodies; specifying that a
11 psychologist licensed under ch. 490, F.S., may
12 specify the types of services he or she
13 provides; providing an effective date.
15 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
17 Section 1. Section 490.0149, Florida Statutes, is
18 created to read:
19 490.0149 Specialties.--
20 (1) As used in this section, the term "certified
21 psychology specialist," "board-certified psychology
22 specialist," or "psychology diplomate" means a psychologist
23 with recognized special competency acquired through an
24 organized sequence of formal education, training, experience,
25 and professional standing that is recognized by a certifying
26 body approved by the board pursuant to criteria adopted under
27 subsection (3).
28 (2) A person licensed as a psychologist may not hold
29 himself or herself out as a certified psychology specialist or
30 psychology diplomate unless the person has received formal
31 recognition as a board-certified psychology specialist or
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
CS for SB 1560 First Engrossed (ntc)
1 psychology diplomate from a recognized certifying body that
2 provides certified specialties in the practice of psychology
3 and that has been approved by the board as qualified pursuant
4 to subsection (3).
5 (3) The board shall adopt rules to establish criteria
6 for approval of certifying bodies that provide certification
7 for specialties in psychology as provided in subsection (1).
8 The criteria shall include that a certifying body:
9 (a) Be national in scope, incorporate standards of the
10 profession, and collaborate closely with organizations related
11 to specialization in psychology.
12 (b) Have clearly described purposes, by-laws,
13 policies, and procedures.
14 (c) Have established standards for specialized
15 practice of psychology.
16 (d) Provide assessments that include the development
17 and implementation of an examination designed to measure the
18 competencies required to provide services that are
19 characteristic of the specialty area.
20 (4) A person licensed as a psychologist under this
21 chapter may indicate that he or she offers and may indicate
22 that his or her practice is limited to one or more types of
23 services if this accurately reflects his or her scope of
24 practice.
25 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.