HB 1595CS


1The Economic Development, Trade & Banking Committee recommends
2the following:
4     Council/Committee Substitute
5     Remove the entire bill and insert:
A bill to be entitled
7An act relating to state incentives in enterprise zones;
8amending ss. 212.096 and 220.181, F.S.; authorizing the
9Department of Revenue to adopt rules for certain
10enterprise zone jobs credit transfer purposes; amending s.
11290.007, F.S.; authorizing certain eligible businesses to
12transfer unused enterprise zone jobs credits; providing
13requirements and limitations; providing an effective date.
15Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
17     Section 1.  Subsection (11) of section 212.096, Florida
18Statutes, is renumbered as subsection (12), a new subsection
19(11) is added to that section, and present subsection (12) of
20that section is amended, to read:
21     212.096  Sales, rental, storage, use tax; enterprise zone
22jobs credit against sales tax.--
23     (11)  The department may adopt rules pursuant to ss.
24120.536(1) and 120.54 governing the manner and form of transfers
25of credits under s. 290.007(9).
26     (13)(12)  This section, except for subsection (12) (11),
27expires on the date specified in s. 290.016 for the expiration
28of the Florida Enterprise Zone Act.
29     Section 2.  Subsection (9) of section 220.181, Florida
30Statutes, is renumbered as subsection (10) and a new subsection
31(9) is added to that section to read:
32     220.181  Enterprise zone jobs credit.--
33     (9)  The department may adopt rules pursuant to ss.
34120.536(1) and 120.54 governing the manner and form of transfers
35of credits under s. 290.007(9).
36     Section 3.  Subsection (9) is added to section 290.007,
37Florida Statutes, to read:
38     290.007  State incentives available in enterprise
39zones.--The following incentives are provided by the state to
40encourage the revitalization of enterprise zones:
41     (9)  An eligible business located in a rural enterprise
42zone may transfer any unused credit in whole or in units of no
43less than 25 percent of the remaining credit. The entity
44acquiring such credit may use the credit in the same manner and
45with the same limitation as described in ss. 212.096 and
46220.181. Such transferred credits may not be transferred again
47but may succeed to a surviving or acquiring entity subject to
48the same conditions and limitations described in this section.
49     Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.