Senate Bill sb1802

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    Florida Senate - 2006                                  SB 1802

    By Senator Lynn


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to sexual offenders; amending

  3         ss. 943.0435 and 944.607, F.S.; providing that

  4         certain sexual offenders who were young adults

  5         or older minors at the time the sexual offense

  6         was committed may petition a court for removal

  7         of the requirement to register as sexual

  8         offenders; providing requirements for the court

  9         in making its determination to grant or deny

10         the petition; requiring the Department of Law

11         Enforcement to remove the offender from

12         classification as a sexual offender for

13         purposes of registration and notification if

14         the offender provides to the department a

15         certified copy of the court's written findings

16         or order granting the petition; providing an

17         effective date.


19  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


21         Section 1.  Subsection (11) of section 943.0435,

22  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

23         943.0435  Sexual offenders required to register with

24  the department; penalty.--

25         (11)(a)  A sexual offender must maintain registration

26  with the department for the duration of his or her life,

27  unless the sexual offender has received a full pardon or has

28  had a conviction set aside in a postconviction proceeding for

29  any offense that meets the criteria for classifying the person

30  as a sexual offender for purposes of registration. However, as

31  provided in this subsection, a sexual offender may petition a


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    Florida Senate - 2006                                  SB 1802

 1  court for the purpose of removing the requirement to register

 2  as a sexual offender.:

 3         (b)  As provided in paragraph (c), a sexual offender

 4  may petition a court for the purpose of removing the

 5  requirement to register as a sexual offender if the offender

 6  meets all of the following criteria:

 7         1.  The offender was convicted of a violation of s.

 8  800.04, regardless of the date of such conviction.

 9         2.  On the date of such conviction, the offender had no

10  record of an arrest for an offense described in subsection (1)

11  or s. 775.21(4) other than the arrest that resulted in such

12  conviction.

13         3.  The offender has not been arrested for any felony

14  or misdemeanor offense since the date of such conviction.

15         4.  On the date the offender committed the offense

16  applicable to such conviction, the offender and the victim

17  were not older than 19 years of age or younger than 15 years

18  of age.

19         5.  The offender is not required to register as a

20  sexual offender or other similar designation in another state

21  or jurisdiction for a violation of the laws of that state or

22  jurisdiction.

23         (c)  A sexual offender described in paragraph (b) may

24  petition the criminal court of the circuit in which the

25  offender was sentenced for the conviction described in

26  subparagraph (b)1. for the purpose of removing the requirement

27  to register as a sexual offender. The court may grant or deny

28  the petition if the offender demonstrates to the court that he

29  or she meets the criteria in paragraph (b); if the requested

30  relief complies with the provisions of the federal Jacob

31  Wetterling Act, as amended, and any other federal standards


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    Florida Senate - 2006                                  SB 1802

 1  applicable to the removal of registration requirements for a

 2  sexual offender or required to be met as a condition for the

 3  receipt of federal funds by the state; and if the court is

 4  otherwise satisfied that the offender is not a current or

 5  potential threat to public safety. In determining whether to

 6  grant or deny the petition, the court may consider any

 7  information or record submitted to the court at the hearing on

 8  the petition. However, the court shall consider any

 9  information or record submitted to the court at the hearing on

10  the petition regarding whether the offender engaged in the act

11  in violation of s. 800.04 by means or use of force or coercion

12  as defined in s. 800.04(1)(c), and whether s. 921.0016(4)(f)

13  or s. 921.0026(2)(f) was found to be a factor in mitigating

14  the offender's sentence, if such sentence was mitigated. If

15  the court determines that the offender engaged in the act in

16  violation of s. 800.04 by means or use of force or coercion,

17  the court must deny the petition. The state attorney for the

18  circuit must be given notice of the petition at least 3 weeks

19  before the hearing on the matter. The state attorney may

20  present evidence in opposition to the requested relief or may

21  otherwise demonstrate reasons why the petition should be

22  denied. If the court grants the petition, the department shall

23  remove the offender from classification as a sexual offender

24  for purposes of registration and notification if the offender

25  provides to the department a certified copy of the court's

26  written findings or order granting the petition, which must

27  indicate that, pursuant to this subsection, the court has

28  determined that the offender is not required to comply with

29  requirements for registration as a sexual offender. If the

30  court denies the petition, the sexual offender may petition



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    Florida Senate - 2006                                  SB 1802

 1  only for removal of the requirement to register as a sexual

 2  offender as provided in paragraph (d).

 3         (d)(a)  A sexual offender who has been lawfully

 4  released from confinement, supervision, or sanction, whichever

 5  is later, for at least 20 years and has not been arrested for

 6  any felony or misdemeanor offense since release; or

 7         (b)  Who was 18 years of age or under at the time the

 8  offense was committed and the victim was 12 years of age or

 9  older and adjudication was withheld for that offense, who is

10  released from all sanctions, who has had 10 years elapse since

11  having been placed on probation, and who has not been arrested

12  for any felony or misdemeanor offense since the date of

13  conviction of the qualifying offense


15  may petition the criminal division of the circuit court of the

16  circuit in which the sexual offender resides for the purpose

17  of removing the requirement for registration as a sexual

18  offender. The court may grant or deny such relief if the

19  offender demonstrates to the court that he or she has not been

20  arrested for any crime since release; the requested relief

21  complies with the provisions of the federal Jacob Wetterling

22  Act, as amended, and any other federal standards applicable to

23  the removal of registration requirements for a sexual offender

24  or required to be met as a condition for the receipt of

25  federal funds by the state; and the court is otherwise

26  satisfied that the offender is not a current or potential

27  threat to public safety. The state attorney in the circuit in

28  which the petition is filed must be given notice of the

29  petition at least 3 weeks before the hearing on the matter.

30  The state attorney may present evidence in opposition to the

31  requested relief or may otherwise demonstrate the reasons why


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    Florida Senate - 2006                                  SB 1802

 1  the petition should be denied. If the court denies the

 2  petition, the court may set a future date at which the sexual

 3  offender may again petition the court for relief, subject to

 4  the standards for relief provided in this subsection. The

 5  department shall remove an offender from classification as a

 6  sexual offender for purposes of registration if the offender

 7  provides to the department a certified copy of the court's

 8  written findings or order that indicates that the offender is

 9  no longer required to comply with the requirements for

10  registration as a sexual offender.

11         (e)(c)  A sexual offender as defined in subparagraph

12  (1)(a)3. must maintain registration with the department for

13  the duration of his or her life until the person provides the

14  department with an order issued by the court that designated

15  the person as a sexual predator, as a sexually violent

16  predator, or by another sexual offender designation in the

17  state or jurisdiction in which the order was issued which

18  states that such designation has been removed or demonstrates

19  to the department that such designation, if not imposed by a

20  court, has been removed by operation of law or court order in

21  the state or jurisdiction in which the designation was made,

22  and provided such person no longer meets the criteria for

23  registration as a sexual offender under the laws of this

24  state.

25         Section 2.  Subsection (14) is added to section

26  944.607, Florida Statutes, to read:

27         944.607  Notification to Department of Law Enforcement

28  of information on sexual offenders.--

29         (14)(a)  As provided in paragraph (b), a sexual

30  offender may petition a court for the purpose of removing the



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    Florida Senate - 2006                                  SB 1802

 1  requirement to register as a sexual offender if the offender

 2  meets all of the following criteria:

 3         1.  The offender was convicted of a violation of s.

 4  800.04, regardless of the date of such conviction.

 5         2.  On the date of such conviction, the offender had no

 6  record of an arrest for an offense described in subsection (1)

 7  or s. 775.21(4) other than the arrest that resulted in such

 8  conviction.

 9         3.  The offender has not been arrested for any felony

10  or misdemeanor offense since the date of such conviction.

11         4.  On the date the offender committed the offense

12  applicable to such conviction, the offender and the victim

13  were not older than 19 years of age or younger than 15 years

14  of age.

15         5.  The offender is not required to register as a

16  sexual offender or other similar designation in another state

17  or jurisdiction for a violation of the laws of that state or

18  jurisdiction.

19         (b)  A sexual offender described in paragraph (a) may

20  petition the court that is sentencing or has sentenced the

21  offender for the conviction described in subparagraph (a)1.

22  for the purpose of removing the requirement to register as a

23  sexual offender, regardless of whether the offender is in the

24  control or custody of, or under the supervision of, the

25  department or is in the custody of a private correctional

26  facility or a local detention facility. If the offender was

27  sentenced on or after October 1, 2006, for such conviction,

28  the offender must petition for removal of the requirement to

29  register as a sexual offender at the time of sentencing. If

30  the offender was sentenced before October 1, 2006, for such

31  conviction and the offender is still serving that sentence,


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    Florida Senate - 2006                                  SB 1802

 1  the offender may petition the court that imposed the sentence

 2  for removal of the requirement to register as a sexual

 3  offender. The court may grant or deny the petition if the

 4  offender demonstrates to the court that he or she meets the

 5  criteria in paragraph (a); if the requested relief complies

 6  with the provisions of the federal Jacob Wetterling Act, as

 7  amended, and any other federal standards applicable to the

 8  removal of registration requirements for a sexual offender or

 9  required to be met as a condition for the receipt of federal

10  funds by the state; and if the court is otherwise satisfied

11  that the offender is not a current or potential threat to

12  public safety. In determining whether to grant or deny the

13  petition, the court may consider any information or record

14  submitted to the court at the hearing on the petition.

15  However, the court shall consider any information or record

16  submitted to the court at the hearing on the petition

17  regarding whether the offender engaged in the act in violation

18  of s. 800.04 by means or use of force or coercion, as defined

19  in s. 800.04(1)(c), and whether s. 921.0016(4)(f) or s.

20  921.0026(2)(f) was found to be a factor in mitigating the

21  offender's sentence, if such sentence was mitigated. If the

22  court determines that the offender engaged in the act in

23  violation of s. 800.04 by means or use of force or coercion,

24  the court must deny the petition. The state attorney may

25  present evidence in opposition to the requested relief or may

26  otherwise demonstrate the reasons why the petition should be

27  denied. If the court grants the petition, the Department of

28  Law Enforcement shall remove the offender from classification

29  as a sexual offender for purposes of registration and

30  notification if the offender provides to the Department of Law

31  Enforcement a certified copy of the court's written findings


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    Florida Senate - 2006                                  SB 1802

 1  or order granting the petition, which must indicate that,

 2  pursuant to this subsection, the court has determined that the

 3  offender is not required to comply with requirements for

 4  registration as a sexual offender. If the court denies the

 5  petition, the offender may petition only for removal of the

 6  requirement to register as a sexual offender pursuant to s.

 7  943.0435(11).

 8         Section 3.  This act shall take effect October 1, 2006.


10            *****************************************

11                          SENATE SUMMARY

12    Provides that a sexual offender may petition the court
      for removal of the requirement to register as a sexual
13    offender if certain specified conditions are met.
      Provides that the offender and the victim may not have
14    been older than 19 or younger than 15 at the time the
      offense was committed. Provides requirements for the
15    court in considering such a petition. Authorizes the
      state attorney to present evidence in opposition to the
16    petition. (See bill for details.)

















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