Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 1850
Barcode 341352
Senate House
1 .
2 .
3 Floor: 4/AD/2R .
04/21/2006 11:03 AM .
4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 Senator Campbell moved the following amendment:
13 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
14 On page 2, between, lines 12 and 13,
16 insert:
17 Section 2. (1) The Department of Children and Family
18 Services, the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, the
19 Department of Health, the Agency for Health Care
20 Administration, and the Department of Elderly Affairs shall
21 convene a workgroup for the purpose of developing and
22 implementing a workable statewide system of ensuring that
23 adults with disabilities are provided ready access to the
24 programs most likely to meet their needs. The system shall
25 avoid duplication of services and unnecessary delay in
26 providing needed services. The participating agencies shall
27 implement improvements that maximize access to the services
28 provided under applicable state and federal laws, with an
29 emphasis on developing strategies for overcoming barriers to
30 the timely access to services.
31 (2) The Department of Children and Family Services
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Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 1850
Barcode 341352
1 shall coordinate the activities of the interagency workgroup,
2 which shall include representatives from the state agencies
3 specified in subsection (1) and may include other
4 representatives whom the workgroup identifies as necessary to
5 complete its tasks.
6 (3) The interagency workgroup shall, at a minimum,
7 address:
8 (a) Existing barriers to providing timely access to
9 services for disabled individuals, including the requirements
10 of any targeted service delivery;
11 (b) Existing resources for overcoming identified
12 barriers;
13 (c) Additional resources that are needed in order to
14 overcome identified barriers, including recommendations for
15 any needed legislative action or additional funding for
16 programs; and
17 (d) The need for cooperative agreements among the
18 agencies.
19 (3) The workgroup shall report to the Governor and the
20 Legislature its findings and recommendations relating to each
21 responsibility, including recommendations for legislation if
22 necessary, by January 31, 2007, and shall submit a final
23 report by January 31, 2008. The workgroup is dissolved upon
24 submission of its final report.
25 (4) Members of the interagency workgroup shall serve
26 without compensation and each participating agency shall
27 support the travel, per diem, and other expenses of its
28 representatives.
29 (5) The recommendations of the workgroup shall be
30 incorporated into the interagency agreements described in s.
31 408.302, Florida Statutes.
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Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 1850
Barcode 341352
2 (Redesignate subsequent sections.)
5 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
6 And the title is amended as follows:
7 On page 1, line 15, after the semicolon,
9 insert:
10 requiring the Department of Children and Family
11 Services, the Agency for Persons with
12 Disabilities, the Department of Health, the
13 Agency for Health Care Administration, and the
14 Department of Elderly Affairs to convene a
15 workgroup for the purpose of implementing a
16 statewide system for ensuring the provision of
17 services for adults with disabilities;
18 requiring that the Department of Children and
19 Family Services coordinate the workgroup;
20 requiring the workgroup to report to the
21 Governor and the Legislature by a specified
22 date; requiring the participating agencies to
23 support the expenses of workgroup members;
24 requiring that the recommendations of the
25 workgroup be incorporated into certain
26 interagency agreements;
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