Senate Bill sb1910
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida Senate - 2006 SB 1910
By Senator Smith
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to the approval of electronic
3 or electromechanical voting systems; amending
4 s. 101.5606, F.S.; requiring that before an
5 electronic or electromechanical voting system
6 may be approved for use by the Department of
7 State, the system must produce an individual,
8 discrete, and permanent paper ballot or paper
9 record of the ballot cast by the voter and
10 preserve the paper ballot or paper record as an
11 official record available for use in any
12 recount; requiring that the permanent paper
13 ballot or paper record be used by the state or
14 its contractor to check the accuracy of a
15 machine count or the count itself and be used
16 in a recount proceeding; providing that in any
17 case of a discrepancy, the voter's permanent
18 paper ballot or paper record is the true and
19 correct record of the voter's choices; provides
20 an effective date.
22 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
24 Section 1. Present subsections (13), (14), and (15) of
25 section 101.5606, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as
26 subsections (14), (15), and (16), respectively, and a new
27 subsection (13) is added to that section, to read:
28 101.5606 Requirements for approval of systems.--No
29 electronic or electromechanical voting system shall be
30 approved by the Department of State unless it is so
31 constructed that:
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida Senate - 2006 SB 1910
1 (13) It produces an individual, discrete, and
2 permanent paper ballot or paper record of the ballot cast by
3 the voter, and preserves the paper ballot or paper record as
4 an official record available for use in any recount. The
5 permanent paper ballot or paper record shall be used by the
6 state or its contractor to check the accuracy of a machine
7 count or the count itself, shall a recount be used in
8 proceeding, and, in case of a discrepancy, the permanent paper
9 ballot or paper record shall be considered the true and
10 correct record of the voter's choices.
11 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.
13 *****************************************
15 Requires that before an electronic or electromechanical
voting system may be approved for use by the Department
16 of State, the system must produce an individual,
discrete, and permanent paper ballot or paper record of
17 the ballot cast by the voter, and preserve the paper
ballot or paper record as an official record available
18 for use in any recount. Requires that the permanent paper
ballot or paper record be used by the state or its
19 contractor to check the accuracy of a machine count or
the count itself and be used in a recount proceeding.
20 Provides that in any case of a discrepancy, the voter's
permanent paper ballot or paper record is the true and
21 correct record of the voter's choices.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.