Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SJR 1918, 1st Eng.
Barcode 133876
Senate House
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2 .
3 Floor: 4/AD/3R .
05/04/2006 11:47 AM .
4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 Senators Webster and Campbell moved the following amendment:
13 Senate Amendment
14 On page 149, line 11, through
15 page 155, line 30, delete those lines
17 and insert:
18 SECTION 8 10. Preservation of constitutional provision
19 as statute.--Article X, section 21 of the State Constitution
20 as it existed on November 6, 2006, shall become a statute. The
21 Division of Statutory Revision shall codify the provision in
22 the manner described in s. 11.242, Florida Statutes (2005).
23 The Division of Statutory Revision may make alterations to the
24 provision to reflect its status as statutory law, but the
25 effect of the provision must be preserved. Until January 2,
26 2015, the legislature may not modify, repeal, or act
27 inconsistent with the provision made statutory law except by a
28 three-fourths vote of the membership of each house.
29 Preservation of existing government.--All provisions of
30 Articles I through IV, VII and IX through XX of the
31 Constitution of 1885, as amended, not embraced herein which
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Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SJR 1918, 1st Eng.
Barcode 133876
1 are not inconsistent with this revision shall become statutes
2 subject to modification or repeal as are other statutes.
3 SECTION 9 11. Deletion of obsolete schedule
4 items.--The legislature shall have power, by joint resolution,
5 to delete from this article revision any section of this
6 Article XII, including this section, when all events to which
7 the section to be deleted is or could become applicable have
8 occurred. A legislative determination of fact made as a basis
9 for application of this section shall be subject to judicial
10 review.
11 SECTION 10 12. Senators.--The requirements of
12 staggered terms of senators in Article III, section 15(a), of
13 Article III of this revision shall apply only to senators
14 elected in November, 1972, and thereafter.
15 SECTION 11 13. Legislative apportionment.--The
16 requirements of legislative apportionment in Article III,
17 section 16, of Article III of this revision shall apply only
18 to the apportionment of the legislature following the
19 decennial census of 1970, and thereafter.
20 SECTION 12 14. Representatives; terms.--The
21 legislature at its first regular session following the
22 ratification of this revision, by joint resolution, shall
23 propose to the electors of the state for ratification or
24 rejection in the general election of 1970 an amendment to
25 Article III, section 15(b), of the constitution providing
26 staggered terms of four years for members of the house of
27 representatives.
28 SECTION 13 15. Special district taxes.--Ad valorem
29 taxing power vested by law in special districts existing when
30 this revision becomes effective shall not be abrogated by
31 Article VII, section 9(b) of Article VII herein, but such
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Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SJR 1918, 1st Eng.
Barcode 133876
1 powers, except to the extent necessary to pay outstanding
2 debts, may be restricted or withdrawn by law.
3 SECTION 16. Reorganization.--The requirement of
4 Section 6, Article IV of this revision shall not apply until
5 July 1, 1969.
6 SECTION 14 17. Conflicting provisions.--This schedule
7 is designed to effect the orderly transition of government
8 from the constitution of 1885, as amended, to this revision
9 and shall control in all cases of conflict with any part of
10 Article I through IV, VII, and IX through XI herein.
11 SECTION 18. Bonds for housing and related
12 facilities.--Section 16 of Article VII, providing for bonds
13 for housing and related facilities, shall take effect upon
14 approval by the electors.
15 SECTION 19. Renewable energy source property.--The
16 amendment to Section 3 of Article VII, relating to an
17 exemption for a renewable energy source device and real
18 property on which such device is installed, if adopted at the
19 special election in October 1980, shall take effect January 1,
20 1981.
21 SECTION 20. Access to public records.--Section 24 of
22 Article I, relating to access to public records, shall take
23 effect July 1, 1993.
24 SECTION 15 21. State revenue limitation.--The
25 amendment to Article VII, section 1, of Article VII limiting
26 state revenues shall take effect January 1, 1995, and shall
27 first be applicable to state fiscal year 1995-1996.
28 SECTION 16 22. Historic property exemption and
29 assessment.--The amendments to Article VII, Sections 3 and 4,
30 of Article VII relating to ad valorem tax exemption for, and
31 assessment of, historic property shall take effect January 1,
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Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SJR 1918, 1st Eng.
Barcode 133876
1 1999.
2 SECTION 17 23. Fish and wildlife conservation
3 commission.--
4 (a) The initial members of the commission shall be the
5 members of the game and fresh water fish commission and the
6 marine fisheries commission who are serving on those
7 commissions on the effective date of this amendment, who may
8 serve the remainder of their respective terms. New
9 appointments to the commission shall not be made until the
10 retirement, resignation, removal, or expiration of the terms
11 of the initial members results in fewer than seven members
12 remaining.
13 (b) The jurisdiction of the marine fisheries
14 commission as set forth in statutes in effect on March 1,
15 1998, shall be transferred to the fish and wildlife
16 conservation commission. The jurisdiction of the marine
17 fisheries commission transferred to the commission shall not
18 be expanded except as provided by general law. All rules of
19 the marine fisheries commission and game and fresh water fish
20 commission in effect on the effective date of this amendment
21 shall become rules of the fish and wildlife conservation
22 commission until superseded or amended by the commission.
23 (c) On the effective date of this amendment, the
24 marine fisheries commission and game and fresh water fish
25 commission shall be abolished.
26 (d) This amendment shall take effect July 1, 1999.
27 SECTION 18 24. Executive branch reform.--
28 (a) The amendments contained in this revision shall
29 take effect January 7, 2003, but shall govern with respect to
30 the qualifying for and the holding of primary elections in
31 2002. The office of chief financial officer shall be a new
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Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SJR 1918, 1st Eng.
Barcode 133876
1 office as a result of this revision.
2 (b) In the event the secretary of state is removed as
3 a cabinet office in the 1998 general election, the term
4 "custodian of state records" shall be substituted for the term
5 "secretary of state" throughout this the constitution and the
6 duties previously performed by the secretary of state shall be
7 as provided by law.
8 SECTION 25. Schedule to Article V amendment.--
9 (a) Commencing with fiscal year 2000-2001, the
10 legislature shall appropriate funds to pay for the salaries,
11 costs, and expenses set forth in the amendment to Section 14
12 of Article V pursuant to a phase-in schedule established by
13 general law.
14 (b) Unless otherwise provided herein, the amendment to
15 Section 14 shall be fully effectuated by July 1, 2004.
16 SECTION 19. Amendments adopted during the 2006 General
17 Election.--Any amendment to the State Constitution adopted
18 during the 2006 General Election shall be incorporated into
19 this revision as if the amendment originally had been included
20 in this revision.
21 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following statement be
22 placed on the ballot:
26 PIGS.--Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to
27 remove from the constitution and transfer to the Florida
28 Statutes the provision that makes it unlawful to confine a pig
29 during pregnancy in such a way that the pig is prevented from
30 turning around freely; and to prohibit the Legislature from
31 modifying, repealing, or acting inconsistently with this
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Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SJR 1918, 1st Eng.
Barcode 133876
1 statute until January 2, 2015, except upon a three-fourths
2 vote of each house of the Legislature.
5 PROVISIONS.--Proposing a revision of the State Constitution to
6 correct spelling errors, punctuation errors, and grammatical
7 errors, repeal obsolete provisions, repeal provisions that
8 violate the United States Constitution, and make technical
9 changes; and to correct an erroneous filing date in Article
10 XI, section 6(e), which relates to the Taxation and Budget
11 Reform Commission.
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