Florida Senate - 2006                        SENATOR AMENDMENT
    Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1980
                        Barcode 165230
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .                    
 2                                 .                    
 3         Floor: 1u/AD/2R         .                    
       05/05/2006 12:05 PM         .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senator Garcia moved the following substitute for amendment to
12  amendment (802186):
14         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
15         On page 18, between lines 17 and 18,
17  insert:  
18         Section 3.  Subsections (4) and (6) of section 215.559,
19  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
20         215.559  Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program.--
21         (4)(a)  Forty percent of the total appropriation in
22  paragraph (2)(a) shall be used to inspect and improve
23  tie-downs for mobile homes. Within 30 days after the effective
24  date of that appropriation, the department shall contract with
25  a public higher educational institution in this state which
26  has previous experience in administering the programs set
27  forth in this subsection to serve as the administrative entity
28  and fiscal agent pursuant to s. 216.346 for the purpose of
29  administering the programs set forth in this subsection in
30  accordance with established policy and procedures. The
31  administrative entity working with the advisory council set up
    8:46 AM   05/04/06                             s1980c2c-40-j03

Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1980 Barcode 165230 1 under subsection (6) shall develop a list of mobile home parks 2 and counties that may be eligible to participate in the 3 tie-down program. 4 (b)1. There is created the Manufactured Housing and 5 Mobile Home Mitigation and Enhancement Program. The program 6 shall require the mitigation of damage to or the enhancement 7 of homes for the areas of concern raised by the Department of 8 Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles in the 2004-2005 Hurricane 9 Reports on the effects of the 2004 and 2005 hurricanes on 10 manufactured and mobile homes in this state. The mitigation or 11 enhancement must include, but need not be limited to, problems 12 associated with weakened trusses, studs, and other structural 13 components caused by wood rot or termite damage; site-built 14 additions; or tie-down systems and may also address any other 15 issues deemed appropriate by Tallahassee Community College, 16 the Federation of Manufactured Home Owners of Florida, Inc., 17 the Florida Manufactured Housing Association, and the 18 Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. The program 19 shall include an education and outreach component to ensure 20 that owners of manufactured and mobile homes are aware of the 21 benefits of participation. 22 2. The program shall be a grant program that ensures 23 that entire manufactured home communities and mobile home 24 parks may be improved wherever practicable. The moneys 25 appropriated for this program shall be distributed directly to 26 Tallahassee Community College for the uses set forth under 27 this subsection. 28 3. Upon evidence of completion of the program, the 29 Citizens Property Insurance Corporation shall grant, on a 30 pro-rata basis, actuarially reasonable discounts, credits, or 31 other rate differentials or appropriate reductions in 2 8:46 AM 05/04/06 s1980c2c-40-j03
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1980 Barcode 165230 1 deductibles for the properties of owners of manufactured homes 2 or mobile homes on which fixtures or construction techniques 3 that have been demonstrated to reduce the amount of loss in a 4 windstorm have been installed or implemented. The discount on 5 the premium must be applied to subsequent renewal premium 6 amounts. Premiums of the Citizens Property Insurance 7 Corporation must reflect the location of the home and the fact 8 that the home has been installed in compliance with building 9 codes adopted after Hurricane Andrew. Rates resulting from the 10 completion of the Manufactured Housing and Mobile Home 11 Mitigation and Enhancement Program are not considered 12 competitive rates for the purposes of s. 627.351(6)(d)1. and 13 2. 14 4. On or before January 1 of each year, Tallahassee 15 Community College shall provide a report of activities under 16 this subsection to the Governor, the President of the Senate, 17 and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The report 18 must set forth the number of homes that have taken advantage 19 of the program, the types of enhancements and improvements 20 made to the manufactured or mobile homes and attachments to 21 such homes, and whether there has been an increase in 22 availability of insurance products to owners of manufactured 23 or mobile homes. 24 25 Tallahassee Community College shall develop the programs set 26 forth in this subsection in consultation with the Federation 27 of Manufactured Home Owners of Florida, Inc., the Florida 28 Manufactured Housing Association, and the Department of 29 Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. The moneys appropriated for 30 the programs set forth in this subsection shall be distributed 31 directly to Tallahassee Community College to be used as set 3 8:46 AM 05/04/06 s1980c2c-40-j03
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1980 Barcode 165230 1 forth in this subsection. 2 (6) Except for the programs set forth in subsection 3 (4), the Department of Community Affairs shall develop the 4 programs set forth in this section in consultation with an 5 advisory council consisting of a representative designated by 6 the Chief Financial Officer, a representative designated by 7 the Florida Home Builders Association, a representative 8 designated by the Florida Insurance Council, a representative 9 designated by the Federation of Manufactured Home Owners, a 10 representative designated by the Florida Association of 11 Counties, and a representative designated by the Florida 12 Manufactured Housing Association. 13 Section 4. Of the funds appropriated for the Florida 14 Comprehensive Hurricane Damage Mitigation Program specified in 15 s. 215.5586, Florida Statutes, as created by this act, $7.5 16 million shall be for the Manufactured Housing and Mobile Home 17 Mitigation and Enhancement Program specified in s. 18 215.559(4)(b), Florida Statutes, as created by this act. The 19 Department of Financial Services shall use these funds to 20 contract with Tallahassee Community College to implement the 21 Manufactured Housing and Mobile Home Mitigation and 22 Enhancement Program. 23 24 (Redesignate subsequent sections.) 25 26 27 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 28 And the title is amended as follows: 29 On page 129, line 26, after the semicolon, 30 31 insert: 4 8:46 AM 05/04/06 s1980c2c-40-j03
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1980 Barcode 165230 1 amending s. 215.559, F.S.; creating the 2 Manufactured Housing and Mobile Home Mitigation 3 and Enhancement Program for specified purposes; 4 requiring Tallahassee Community College to 5 develop the program in consultation with 6 certain entities; specifying requirements of 7 the program as to certain concerns of the 8 Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles 9 relating to manufactured homes and mobile 10 homes; specifying that the program is a grant 11 program for the improvement of mobile home and 12 manufactured home parks; providing for the 13 distribution of the grants to Tallahassee 14 Community College for specified purposes; 15 requiring the Citizens Property Insurance 16 Corporation to grant certain insurance 17 discounts, credits, rate differentials, or 18 reductions in deductibles for property 19 insurance premiums for owners of manufactured 20 homes or mobile homes; specifying criteria for 21 such premiums; specifying funding for tie-down 22 enhancement systems; requiring Tallahassee 23 Community College to provide an annual report 24 on the program to the Governor and the 25 Legislature; providing requirements relating to 26 the report; providing an appropriation; 27 28 29 30 31 5 8:46 AM 05/04/06 s1980c2c-40-j03