Florida Senate - 2006 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SB 2048
Barcode 342040
Senate House
1 Comm: WD .
04/25/2006 11:51 AM .
2 .
3 .
4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 The Committee on Education Appropriations (Constantine)
12 recommended the following amendment:
14 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
15 On page 107, between lines 13 and 14,
17 insert:
18 Section 50. Section 1009.286, Florida Statutes, is
19 created to read:
20 1009.286 Additional student payment required for hours
21 exceeding graduation requirements.--
22 (1) It is the intent of the Legislature to discourage
23 undergraduate students in postsecondary education from
24 exceeding the number of credit hours required to complete the
25 students' respective degree programs. Accordingly, a student
26 must pay 75 percent over the in-state tuition rate for any
27 credit hours that the student enrolls in in excess of 120
28 percent of the number of credit hours required to complete the
29 degree program in which he or she is enrolled.
30 (2) A student who is enrolled in a community college
31 must pay 75 percent over the in-state tuition rate for credit
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Florida Senate - 2006 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SB 2048
Barcode 342040
1 hours that the student enrolls in in excess of 120 percent of
2 the credit hours required to earn an associate degree, except
3 that a community college student who has earned the associate
4 degree need not pay the full cost for a maximum of 24 hours
5 taken while enrolled at a community college which apply to his
6 or her baccalaureate degree.
7 (3) An undergraduate student who is enrolled in a
8 university that is part of the State University System must
9 pay 75 percent over the in-state tuition rate for credit hours
10 that the student takes in excess of 120 percent of the credit
11 hours required to complete the degree program in which he or
12 she is enrolled, regardless of whether those hours were taken
13 while enrolled at a community college, a state university, or
14 any private postsecondary institution if the student received
15 state funds while enrolled at the private postsecondary
16 institution.
17 (4) An undergraduate student who is enrolled in a
18 baccalaureate degree program at a community college must pay
19 75 percent over the in-state tuition rate for credit hours
20 that the student takes in excess of 120 percent of the number
21 of credit hours required to complete the degree program in
22 which he or she is enrolled, regardless of whether those hours
23 were taken while enrolled at a community college, a state
24 university, or any private postsecondary institution if the
25 student received state funds while enrolled at the private
26 postsecondary institution.
27 (5) Credit hours earned under the following
28 circumstances are not calculated as hours required to earn a
29 degree:
30 (a) College credits earned through an accelerated
31 mechanism identified in s. 1007.27;
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Florida Senate - 2006 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SB 2048
Barcode 342040
1 (b) Credit hours earned through internship programs;
2 (c) Credit hours required for certification,
3 recertification, or certificate degrees;
4 (d) Credit hours in courses from which a student must
5 withdraw due to reasons of medical or personal hardship;
6 (e) Credit hours taken by active-duty military
7 personnel;
8 (f) Credit hours required to achieve a dual major
9 undertaken while pursuing a degree;
10 (g) Credit hours earned in developmental courses;
11 (h) Remedial and English as a Second Language credit
12 hours; and
13 (i) Credit hours earned in military science courses
14 (R.O.T.C).
15 (6) The applicable university or community college may
16 only charge the increased rate of tuition for academic
17 semesters in which all credits for which a student is enrolled
18 are in excess of 120 percent of the number of credit hours
19 required to complete their enrolled degree program.
20 (7) Each postsecondary institution shall implement a
21 process for notifying students regarding this section. The
22 notice must be provided upon the student's initial enrollment
23 in the institution and again upon the student's having earned
24 the credit hours required to complete the degree program in
25 which he or she is enrolled. The notice must include a
26 recommendation that each student who intends to earn credit
27 hours at the institution beyond those required for his or her
28 enrolled degree program meet with his or her academic advisor.
29 Section 51. Section 1009.286, Florida Statutes, as
30 created by this act, applies to freshmen enrolled in the fall
31 of 2006 and all freshmen thereafter. redsec>
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Florida Senate - 2006 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for SB 2048
Barcode 342040
1 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
2 And the title is amended as follows:
3 On page 8, line 11, following the semicolon
5 insert:
6 creating s. 1009.286, F.S.; providing for
7 additional student payment for credit hours
8 exceeding the number required for graduation by
9 a specified amount; providing applicability;
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