Florida Senate - 2006                      COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
    Bill No. CS for SB 2114
                        Barcode 920922
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1           Comm: WD              .                    
       04/04/2006 10:52 PM         .                    
 2                                 .                    
 3                                 .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  The Committee on Health Care (Miller) recommended the
12  following amendment:
14         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
15         On page 50, between lines 9 and 10,
17  insert:  
18         Section 2.  Subsections (1) and (3) of section 627.739,
19  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
20         627.739  Personal injury protection; optional
21  limitations; deductibles.--
22         (1)  The named insured may elect, in writing, a
23  deductible or modified coverage or combination thereof to
24  apply to the named insured alone or to the named insured and
25  dependent relatives residing in the same household, but may
26  not elect a deductible or modified coverage to apply to any
27  other person covered under the policy.
28         (3)  Insurers shall offer coverage wherein, at the
29  written election of the named insured, the benefits for loss
30  of gross income and loss of earning capacity described in s.
31  627.736(1)(b) shall be excluded.
    2:32 PM   04/03/06                           s2114c1c-he18-b24

Florida Senate - 2006 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 2114 Barcode 920922 1 2 (Redesignate subsequent sections.) 3 4 5 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 6 And the title is amended as follows: 7 On page 2, line 20, after the semicolon, 8 9 insert: 10 amending s. 627.739, F.S.; authorizing the 11 written election of a deductible or modified 12 coverage to apply to the named insured or 13 dependent relatives; 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 2:32 PM 04/03/06 s2114c1c-he18-b24