Senate Bill sb2114

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    Florida Senate - 2006                                  SB 2114

    By the Committee on Banking and Insurance


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to motor vehicle insurance;

  3         reorganizing provisions pertaining to personal

  4         injury protection benefits under the Florida

  5         Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law for the purpose of

  6         clarifying its meaning and intent and for the

  7         purpose of better comprehension; amending s.

  8         627.732, F.S.; defining the terms "services,"

  9         "contracted services," and "rendered"; amending

10         s. 627.736, F.S.; providing that a

11         self-employed injured person or an injured

12         person owning 25 percent or more interest in an

13         employer offer proof of income and lost wages

14         to insurers as a condition precedent for

15         payment; requiring an insured to notify an

16         insurer in writing of election to reserve

17         benefits for lost wages; specifying that such

18         notification takes priority over other claims,

19         except specified hospital liens; clarifying

20         that personal injury protection benefits are

21         primary, except for workers' compensation

22         benefits; authorizing a parent or legal

23         guardian of an injured minor to complete

24         application for personal injury protection

25         benefits; providing requirements for compliance

26         with billing procedures; providing that charges

27         for medical services and supplies shall not

28         exceed the allowance under the Medicare fee

29         schedule; providing that specified charges are

30         noncompensable; specifying the time period

31         within which a health care provider or other


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 1         specified provider must submit a statement of

 2         charges; prohibiting providers from billing an

 3         injured person under specified conditions for

 4         emergency services and care; requiring a

 5         provider to submit a written bill at the time

 6         of treatment which the injured patient must

 7         sign; requiring insurers to provide specified

 8         documents to insureds; providing for a valid,

 9         binding assignment of benefits and for priority

10         of payment under multiple assignments of

11         benefits; requiring that amounts repayable to

12         an insurer include the statutory interest

13         penalty; deleting provisions relating to

14         charges for personal injury protection

15         benefits; increasing the time period for an

16         insurer to respond to a demand letter;

17         providing requirements for the production and

18         inspection of an injured person's medical

19         records from a provider; specifying persons

20         subject to an examination under oath and

21         providing for compensation; providing that, if

22         requested, an examination under oath is a

23         condition precedent to filing a suit; requiring

24         an insured to provide notice of a claim within

25         1 year after incident; providing that an

26         insurer may contract for a notice to be less

27         than 1 year; providing requirements relating to

28         a mental or physical examination; eliminating

29         the application of a contingency risk

30         multiplier as to attorney-fee awards in

31         specified disputes; creating provisions


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 1         allowing an insurer to bring a civil action to

 2         recover amounts paid and expenses incurred

 3         against persons presenting claims that a court

 4         determines meet specified criteria; deleting

 5         specified civil actions; removing the monetary

 6         limit on the amount that may be provided to

 7         persons notifying insurers of improper billing;

 8         restricting venue for any personal injury

 9         protection claim to specified jurisdictions and

10         providing for costs of transferring venue;

11         providing that this section not be deemed to

12         preempt or supersede any causes of action that

13         are otherwise available; abrogating the repeal

14         of provisions pertaining to the Florida Motor

15         Vehicle No-Fault Law; providing an effective

16         date.


18  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


20         Section 1.  Subsections (16), (17) and (18) are added

21  to section 627.732, Florida Statutes, to read:

22         627.732  Definitions.--As used in ss. 627.730-627.7405,

23  the term:

24         (16)  "Services" includes treatment, procedures,

25  supplies, and equipment.

26         (17)  "Contracted services" means goods or services

27  provided or performed by anyone other than a statutory

28  employee of the supplier or provider.

29         (18)  "Rendered" means actually performed a treatment

30  or a service.



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 1         Section 2.  Section 627.736, Florida Statutes, is

 2  amended to read:

 3         627.736  Required personal injury protection benefits;

 4  exclusions; priority; claims.--


 6  BENEFITS.--Every insurance policy complying with the security

 7  requirements of s. 627.733 shall provide personal injury

 8  protection to the named insured, relatives residing in the

 9  same household, persons operating the insured motor vehicle,

10  passengers in such motor vehicle, and other persons struck by

11  such motor vehicle and suffering bodily injury while not an

12  occupant of a self-propelled vehicle, subject to the

13  provisions of subsections (3) subsection (2) and (6) paragraph

14  (4)(d), to a limit of $10,000 for loss sustained by any such

15  person as a result of bodily injury, sickness, disease, or

16  death arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of a

17  motor vehicle as follows:

18         (a)  Medical benefits.--Eighty percent of all

19  reasonable expenses for medically necessary medical, surgical,

20  X-ray, dental, and rehabilitative services, including

21  prosthetic devices, and medically necessary ambulance,

22  hospital, and nursing services. Such benefits shall also

23  include necessary remedial treatment and services recognized

24  and permitted under the laws of the state for an injured

25  person who relies upon spiritual means through prayer alone

26  for healing, in accordance with his or her religious beliefs;

27  however, this sentence does not affect the determination of

28  what other services or procedures are medically necessary.

29         (b)  Disability benefits.--

30         1.  Sixty percent of any loss of gross income and loss

31  of earning capacity per injured person individual from


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 1  inability to work proximately caused by the injury sustained

 2  by the injured person, plus all expenses reasonably incurred

 3  in obtaining from others ordinary and necessary services in

 4  lieu of those that, but for the injury, the injured person

 5  would have performed without income for the benefit of his or

 6  her household. All disability benefits payable under this

 7  provision shall be paid not less than every 2 weeks.

 8         2.  For an injured person who is self employed or an

 9  injured person who owns over a 25-percent interest in his or

10  her employer, as a condition precedent to payment for lost

11  wages, the injured person must produce to the insurer

12  reasonable proof as to the injured person's net income and

13  loss of earning capacity or additional expense, such that the

14  insurer may reasonably calculate the amount of the loss of

15  income.

16         3.  Every employer shall, if a request is made by an

17  insurer providing personal injury protection benefits under

18  ss. 627.730-627.7405 against whom a claim has been made,

19  furnish forthwith, in a form approved by the office, a sworn

20  statement of the earnings, since the time of the bodily injury

21  and for a reasonable period before the injury, of the person

22  upon whose injury the claim is based.

23         4.  If the insured elects to have disability benefits

24  reserved for lost wages, the insured shall notify the insurer

25  in writing. Receipt of such notification shall take priority

26  over all claims subject to an assignment of benefits received

27  after receipt of such notice, except that a properly perfected

28  hospital lien shall take priority over the insured's election

29  to reserve all benefits for lost wages.

30         (c)  Death benefits.--The insurer shall pay death

31  benefits in the amount of $5,000 per individual.  The insurer


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 1  may pay such benefits to the executor or administrator of the

 2  deceased, to any of the deceased's relatives by blood or legal

 3  adoption or connection by marriage, or to any person appearing

 4  to the insurer to be equitably entitled thereto.

 5         (d)  Medicaid benefits.--When the Agency for Health

 6  Care Administration provides, pays, or becomes liable for

 7  medical assistance under the Medicaid program related to

 8  injury, sickness, disease, or death arising out of the

 9  ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle, benefits

10  under ss. 627.730-627.7405 shall be subject to the provisions

11  of the Medicaid program.


13         (a)  Only insurers writing motor vehicle liability

14  insurance in this state may provide the required benefits of

15  this section, and no such insurer shall require the purchase

16  of any other motor vehicle coverage other than the purchase of

17  property damage liability coverage as required by s. 627.7275

18  as a condition for providing such required benefits.

19         (b)  Insurers may not require that property damage

20  liability insurance in an amount greater than $10,000 be

21  purchased in conjunction with personal injury protection.

22  Such insurers shall make benefits and required property damage

23  liability insurance coverage available through normal

24  marketing channels. Any insurer writing motor vehicle

25  liability insurance in this state who fails to comply with

26  such availability requirement as a general business practice

27  shall be deemed to have violated part IX of chapter 626, and

28  such violation shall constitute an unfair method of

29  competition or an unfair or deceptive act or practice

30  involving the business of insurance; and any such insurer

31  committing such violation shall be subject to the penalties


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 1  afforded in such part, as well as those which may be afforded

 2  elsewhere in the insurance code.

 3         (3)(2)  AUTHORIZED EXCLUSIONS.--Any insurer may exclude

 4  benefits:

 5         (a)  For injury sustained by the named insured and

 6  relatives residing in the same household while occupying

 7  another motor vehicle owned by the named insured and not

 8  insured under the policy or for injury sustained by any person

 9  operating the insured motor vehicle without the express or

10  implied consent of the insured.

11         (b)  To any injured person, if such person's conduct

12  contributed to his or her injury under any of the following

13  circumstances:

14         1.  Causing injury to himself or herself intentionally;

15  or

16         2.  Being injured while committing a felony.


18  Whenever an insured is charged with conduct as set forth in

19  subparagraph 2., the 30-day payment provision of paragraph

20  (9)(a) (4)(b) shall be held in abeyance, and the insurer shall

21  withhold payment of any personal injury protection benefits

22  pending the outcome of the case at the trial level.  If the

23  charge is nolle prossed or dismissed or the insured is

24  acquitted, the 30-day payment provision shall run from the

25  date the insurer is notified of such action.


27  IN TORT CLAIMS.--No insurer shall have a lien on any recovery

28  in tort by judgment, settlement, or otherwise for personal

29  injury protection benefits, whether suit has been filed or

30  settlement has been reached without suit. An injured person

31  party who is entitled to bring suit under the provisions of


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 1  ss. 627.730-627.7405, or his or her legal representative, has

 2  shall have no right to recover any damages for which personal

 3  injury protection benefits are paid, or payable, or otherwise

 4  available. The plaintiff may prove all of his or her special

 5  damages notwithstanding this limitation, but if special

 6  damages are introduced in evidence, the trier of facts,

 7  whether judge or jury, shall not award damages for personal

 8  injury protection benefits paid, or payable, or otherwise

 9  available. In all cases in which a jury is required to fix

10  damages, the court shall instruct the jury that the plaintiff

11  shall not recover such special damages for personal injury

12  protection benefits paid, or payable, or otherwise available.

13         (5)  NONREIMBURSABLE SERVICES.--The Department of

14  Health, in consultation with the appropriate professional

15  licensing boards, shall adopt, by rule, a list of diagnostic

16  tests deemed not to be medically necessary for use in the

17  treatment of persons sustaining bodily injury covered by

18  personal injury protection benefits under this section. The

19  list shall be revised from time to time as determined by the

20  Department of Health, in consultation with the respective

21  professional licensing boards. Inclusion of a test on the list

22  of invalid diagnostic tests shall be based on lack of

23  demonstrated medical value and a level of general acceptance

24  by the relevant provider community and shall not be dependent

25  for results entirely upon subjective patient response.

26  Notwithstanding its inclusion on a fee schedule in this

27  section, an insurer or insured is not required to pay any

28  charges or reimburse claims for any invalid diagnostic test as

29  determined by the Department of Health.




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 1         (6)  REQUIRED PAYMENT OF BENEFITS.--The insurer of the

 2  owner of a motor vehicle shall pay personal injury protection

 3  benefits for:

 4         (a)  Accidental bodily injury sustained in this state

 5  by the owner while occupying a motor vehicle, or while not an

 6  occupant of a self-propelled vehicle if the injury is caused

 7  by physical contact with a motor vehicle.

 8         (b)  Accidental bodily injury sustained outside this

 9  state, but within the United States of America or its

10  territories or possessions or Canada, by the owner while

11  occupying the owner's motor vehicle.

12         (c)  Accidental bodily injury sustained by a relative

13  of the owner residing in the same household, under the

14  circumstances described in paragraphs (a) and (b), provided

15  the relative at the time of the accident is domiciled in the

16  owner's household and is not himself or herself the owner of a

17  motor vehicle with respect to which security is required under

18  ss. 627.730-627.7405.

19         (d)  Accidental bodily injury sustained in this state

20  by any other person while occupying the owner's motor vehicle

21  or, if a resident of this state, while not an occupant of a

22  self-propelled vehicle, if the injury is caused by physical

23  contact with such motor vehicle, provided the injured person

24  is not himself or herself:

25         1.  The owner of a motor vehicle with respect to which

26  security is required under ss. 627.730-627.7405; or

27         2.  Entitled to personal injury benefits from the

28  insurer of the owner or owners of such a motor vehicle.

29         (e)  If two or more insurers are liable to pay personal

30  injury protection benefits for the same injury to any one

31  person, the maximum payable shall be as specified in


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 1  subsection (1), and any insurer paying the benefits shall be

 2  entitled to recover from each of the other insurers an

 3  equitable pro rata share of the benefits paid and expenses

 4  incurred in processing the claim.


 6  DUE.--Benefits due from an insurer under ss. 627.730-627.7405

 7  shall be primary, except for that benefits received under any

 8  workers' compensation benefits that are primary over personal

 9  injury protection benefits, law shall be credited against the

10  benefits provided by subsection (1), and shall be due and

11  payable as loss accrues, upon receipt of reasonable proof of

12  such loss and the amount of expenses and loss incurred which

13  are covered by the policy issued under ss. 627.730-627.7405,

14  subject to the following:. When the Agency for Health Care

15  Administration provides, pays, or becomes liable for medical

16  assistance under the Medicaid program related to injury,

17  sickness, disease, or death arising out of the ownership,

18  maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle, benefits under ss.

19  627.730-627.7405 shall be subject to the provisions of the

20  Medicaid program.

21         (a)  Personal injury protection application.--An

22  insurer may require written notice to be given as soon as

23  practicable after an accident involving a motor vehicle with

24  respect to which the policy affords the security required by

25  ss. 627.730-627.7405. If the injured person is a minor, the

26  parent or legal guardian of the minor, if requested by the

27  insurer, must accurately complete the personal injury

28  protection application.

29         (b)  Billing requirements.--

30         1.  All statements and bills for medical services

31  rendered by any physician, hospital, clinic, or other person


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 1  or institution shall be submitted to the insurer on a properly

 2  completed Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

 3  1500 form or a UB 92 form.

 4         2.  All billings for such services, procedures, and

 5  supplies submitted by health care providers and medical

 6  suppliers shall comply with the Healthcare Correct Procedural

 7  Coding System (HCPCS) and International Classification of

 8  Diseases (ICD-9-CM) in effect for the year in which services

 9  are rendered.

10         3.  All claims forms submitted by health care providers

11  and medical suppliers other than hospitals shall include on

12  the applicable claim form the signature and professional

13  license number of the provider in the line or space provided

14  for "Signature of Physician or Supplier, Including Degrees or

15  Credentials" and the date of the signature.

16         4.  In determining compliance with applicable HCPCS and

17  ICD-9-CM coding, guidance shall be provided by the Healthcare

18  Correct Procedural Coding System (HCPCS), International

19  Classification of Diseases (ICD-9-CM), National Correct Coding

20  Initiative, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG),

21  Physicians Compliance Guidelines, rules of the Agency for

22  Health Care Administration, the Florida Health Information

23  Management Association (FHIMA), and other authoritative

24  treatises.

25         5.  A statement of medical services may not include

26  charges for medical services of a person or entity that

27  performed such services without possessing all valid

28  qualifications and licenses required to lawfully provide and

29  bill for such services.

30         6.  For purposes of subsection (9), an insurer shall

31  not be considered to have been furnished with notice of the


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 1  amount of covered loss or medical bills due unless the

 2  statements or bills comply with this paragraph, and unless the

 3  statements or bills are properly completed in their entirety

 4  as to all material provisions, with all required information

 5  being provided therein.

 6         7.  An insurer may not systematically downcode with the

 7  intent to deny reimbursement otherwise due. Such action

 8  constitutes a material misrepresentation under s.

 9  626.9541(1)(i)2.

10         (c)  Direct billing an insurer for personal injury

11  protection benefits.--

12         1.  Any physician, hospital, clinic, or other person or

13  institution lawfully rendering treatment to an injured person

14  for a bodily injury covered by personal injury protection

15  insurance may charge the insurer and injured person only a

16  reasonable amount pursuant to this section for the services

17  and supplies rendered.

18         2.  The insurer providing such coverage may pay for

19  such charges directly to such person or institution lawfully

20  rendering such treatment.

21         3.  The insured receiving such treatment or his or her

22  guardian, if a minor, shall countersign the properly completed

23  CMS 1500 or UB 92 form submitted for payment.

24         4.  In no event, however, may such a charge be in

25  excess of _____ percent of the maximum allowance for each

26  procedure as set forth in the Medicare Parts A and B

27  participating fee schedule in effect at the time services are

28  performed for the region in which services are performed.

29  Treatment and charges not compensable under the Medicare fee

30  schedules are not compensable by the insurer.



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 1         (d)  Nonemergency services.--With respect to any

 2  treatment or service, other than medical services billed by a

 3  hospital or other provider for emergency services as defined

 4  in s. 395.002 or inpatient services rendered at a

 5  hospital-owned facility, the statement of charges must be

 6  furnished to the insurer by the provider and may not include,

 7  and the insurer is not required to pay, charges for treatment

 8  or services rendered more than 35 days before the postmark

 9  date of the statement, except for the following:

10         1.  Past due amounts previously billed on a timely

11  basis under this subsection.

12         2.  If the provider submits to the insurer a notice of

13  initiation of treatment within 21 days after its first

14  examination or treatment of the claimant, the statement may

15  include charges for treatment or services rendered up to, but

16  not more than, 50 days before the postmark date of the

17  statement. The injured person is not liable for, and the

18  provider shall not bill the injured person for, charges that

19  are unpaid because of the provider's failure to comply with

20  this paragraph. Any agreement requiring the injured person or

21  insured to pay for such charges is unenforceable.

22         3.  If the insured fails to furnish the provider with

23  the correct name and address of the insured's personal injury

24  protection insurer, the provider has 35 days from the date the

25  provider obtains the correct information to furnish the

26  insurer with a statement of the charges. The insurer is not

27  required to pay for such charges unless the provider includes

28  with the statement documentary evidence that was provided by

29  the insured during the 35-day period demonstrating that the

30  provider reasonably relied on erroneous information from the

31  insured and either:


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 1         a.  A denial letter from the incorrect insurer; or

 2         b.  Proof of mailing, which may include an affidavit

 3  under penalty of perjury, reflecting timely mailing to the

 4  incorrect address or insurer.

 5         (e)  Emergency services.--

 6         1.  For emergency services and care as defined in s.

 7  395.002 rendered in a hospital emergency department or for

 8  transport and treatment rendered by an ambulance provider

 9  licensed pursuant to part III of chapter 401, the provider is

10  not required to furnish the statement of charges within the

11  time periods established by this subsection; however, such

12  charges must be submitted within 75 days after the date the

13  treatment was rendered, and the insurer shall not be

14  considered to have been furnished with notice of the amount of

15  covered loss for purposes of subsection (9) until it receives

16  a statement complying with subsection (7), or copy thereof,

17  which specifically identifies the place of service to be a

18  hospital emergency department or an ambulance.

19         2.  The injured person is not liable for, and the

20  provider shall not bill the injured person for, charges that

21  are unpaid because of the provider's failure to comply with

22  this paragraph. Any agreement requiring the injured person or

23  insured to pay for such charges is unenforceable.

24         (f)  Billing notice and disclosures.--

25         1.  Each notice of insured's rights under s. 627.7401

26  must include the following statement in type no smaller than

27  12-point font:


29         BILLING REQUIREMENTS.--Florida Statutes provide

30         that with respect to any treatment or services,

31         other than certain hospital and emergency


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 1         services, the statement of charges furnished to

 2         the insurer by the provider may not include,

 3         and the insurer and the injured person are not

 4         required to pay, charges for treatment or

 5         services rendered more than 35 days before the

 6         postmark date of the statement, except for past

 7         due amounts previously billed on a timely

 8         basis, and except that, if the provider submits

 9         to the insurer a notice of initiation of

10         treatment within 21 days after its first

11         examination or treatment of the claimant, the

12         statement may include charges for treatment or

13         services rendered up to, but not more than, 50

14         days before the postmark date of the statement.


16         2.  At the time of service and immediately following

17  the service, the health care provider shall provide to the

18  insured patient a written bill, superbill, fee slip, or other

19  similar document that establishes in plain language a detailed

20  description of the service provided and the cost associated

21  with the service. The insured must sign the written bill,

22  superbill, fee slip, or other similar document immediately

23  after having received services. Copies of such disclosures

24  shall be maintained as part of the patient's medical records

25  in accordance with minimal record keeping standards.

26         (g)  Upon request, the insured and his or her assigns

27  shall be sent a copy itemizing all payments made, the

28  applicable insurance declarations page, and a copy of the

29  insurance policy within 30 days after the written request.

30  Such request shall state that it is a "request under s.

31  627.736(7)" and shall state with specificity:


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 1         1.  The name of the insured upon whom such benefits are

 2  being sought, including a copy of the assignment giving rights

 3  to the claimant if the claimant is not the insured.

 4         2.  The claim number or policy number upon which such

 5  claim was originally submitted to the insurer.


 7  Such request must be sent to the person and address specified

 8  by the insurer for the purposes of receiving notices or

 9  requests under this section.

10         (8)  ASSIGNMENT OF BENEFITS.--

11         (a)  Personal injury protection benefits are

12  nonassignable, except that the insured may assign the

13  after-loss personal injury protection benefits to any health

14  care provider sufficient to cover any cost or expense

15  associated with the provision of health care. Any such

16  assignment of benefits covers the provider's present and

17  future medical expenses.

18         (b)  An insured may execute an assignment of benefits

19  to different health care providers. All such assignments of

20  benefits are irrevocable. The insurer shall pay the claims

21  when the insurer obtains sufficient information to determine

22  that the claims are properly payable. The insurer is not

23  required to reserve personal injury protection benefits for

24  any provider during the investigation of its bills and shall

25  timely pay all bills in its possession which are properly

26  payable.

27         (c)  An assignment of personal injury protection

28  benefits to the provider shall be deemed a novation. The

29  insured is relieved of all obligations for the medical bills

30  once an assignment of benefits is executed. Any agreement

31  requiring the injured person or insured to pay for charges is


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 1  unenforceable. Notwithstanding such assignment of benefits,

 2  the insured shall be responsible for all required copayments,

 3  any deductible, and the provider's bills once benefits have

 4  been exhausted.

 5         (d)  A provider's attorney's fees shall not be

 6  recoverable pursuant to s. 627.428 if the provider did not

 7  accept a valid assignment of benefits. A valid assignment of

 8  benefits must contain the words: "I irrevocably assign my

 9  benefits to..." and does not create any personal liability for

10  the insured to the extent personal injury protection benefits

11  are available and properly payable.

12         (e)  If the insured's actions result in no coverage for

13  the loss, or if the insured notifies the insurer in writing of

14  his or her election to use all personal injury protection

15  benefits for disability benefits, the assignment of benefits

16  received after such notice shall be deemed void as a matter of

17  law.

18         (f)  To the extent that the insured's obligations in a

19  direction to pay or a letter of protection conflict with the

20  insured's obligation pursuant to the assignment of benefits,

21  the assignment of benefits shall void the terms of the

22  direction to pay and letter of protection.

23         (g)  For the purposes of this subsection, the term:

24         1.  "Letter of protection" means an agreement between a

25  health care provider and an insured wherein the health care

26  provider agrees to forbear its right to immediate payment in

27  exchange for the insured's agreeing to pay the health care

28  provider out of the proceeds of any settlement or judgment

29  resulting from a bodily injury or uninsured motorist claim.




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 1         2.  "Direction to pay" means a written instruction from

 2  the insured to the insurer directing the insurer to pay the

 3  health care provider directly.


 5         (a)(b)  Personal injury protection insurance benefits

 6  paid pursuant to this section shall be overdue if not paid

 7  within 30 days after the insurer is furnished written notice

 8  of the amount fact of a covered loss, including a properly

 9  completed CMS 1500 or UB 92 form, medical records, assignment

10  of benefits, or, in the case of disability benefits, proper

11  written documentation of the claim and of the amount of same.

12  If such written notice is not furnished to the insurer as to

13  the entire claim, any partial amount supported by written

14  notice is overdue if not paid within 30 days after such

15  written notice is furnished to the insurer.  Any part or all

16  of the remainder of the claim that is subsequently supported

17  by written notice is overdue if not paid within 30 days after

18  such written notice is furnished to the insurer. When an

19  insurer pays only a portion of a claim or rejects a claim, the

20  insurer shall provide at the time of the partial payment or

21  rejection an itemized specification of each item that the

22  insurer had reduced, omitted, or declined to pay and any

23  information that the insurer desires the claimant to consider

24  related to the medical necessity of the denied treatment or to

25  explain the reasonableness of the reduced charge, provided

26  that this shall not limit the introduction of evidence at

27  trial; and the insurer shall include the name and address of

28  the person to whom the claimant should respond and a claim

29  number to be referenced in future correspondence.  However,

30  notwithstanding the fact that written notice has been

31  furnished to the insurer, any payment shall not be deemed


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 1  overdue when the insurer has reasonable proof to establish

 2  that the insurer is not responsible for the payment. For the

 3  purpose of calculating the extent to which any benefits are

 4  overdue, payment shall be treated as being made on the date a

 5  draft or other valid instrument which is equivalent to payment

 6  was placed in the United States mail in a properly addressed,

 7  postpaid envelope or, if not so posted, on the date of

 8  delivery.

 9         (b)  Timely payment by an insurer This paragraph does

10  not preclude or limit the ability of the insurer to assert

11  that the claim was unrelated, was for services not lawfully

12  performed, was not medically necessary, or was unreasonable or

13  that the amount of the charge was in excess of that permitted

14  under, or in violation of, this section subsection (5). Such

15  assertion by the insurer may be made at any time, including

16  after payment of the claim or after the 30-day time period for

17  payment set forth in this subsection paragraph.

18         (c)  All overdue payments shall bear simple interest at

19  the rate established under s. 55.03 or the rate established in

20  the insurance contract, whichever is greater, for the year in

21  which the payment became overdue, calculated from the date the

22  insurer was furnished with written notice of the amount of

23  covered loss. Interest shall be due at the time payment of the

24  overdue claim is made.

25         (d)  The insurer of the owner of a motor vehicle shall

26  pay personal injury protection benefits for:

27         1.  Accidental bodily injury sustained in this state by

28  the owner while occupying a motor vehicle, or while not an

29  occupant of a self-propelled vehicle if the injury is caused

30  by physical contact with a motor vehicle.



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 1         2.  Accidental bodily injury sustained outside this

 2  state, but within the United States of America or its

 3  territories or possessions or Canada, by the owner while

 4  occupying the owner's motor vehicle.

 5         3.  Accidental bodily injury sustained by a relative of

 6  the owner residing in the same household, under the

 7  circumstances described in subparagraph 1. or subparagraph 2.,

 8  provided the relative at the time of the accident is domiciled

 9  in the owner's household and is not himself or herself the

10  owner of a motor vehicle with respect to which security is

11  required under ss. 627.730-627.7405.

12         4.  Accidental bodily injury sustained in this state by

13  any other person while occupying the owner's motor vehicle or,

14  if a resident of this state, while not an occupant of a

15  self-propelled vehicle, if the injury is caused by physical

16  contact with such motor vehicle, provided the injured person

17  is not himself or herself:

18         a.  The owner of a motor vehicle with respect to which

19  security is required under ss. 627.730-627.7405; or

20         b.  Entitled to personal injury benefits from the

21  insurer of the owner or owners of such a motor vehicle.

22         (e)  If two or more insurers are liable to pay personal

23  injury protection benefits for the same injury to any one

24  person, the maximum payable shall be as specified in

25  subsection (1), and any insurer paying the benefits shall be

26  entitled to recover from each of the other insurers an

27  equitable pro rata share of the benefits paid and expenses

28  incurred in processing the claim.

29         (c)(f)  It is a violation of the insurance code for an

30  insurer to fail to timely provide benefits as required by this



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 1  section with such frequency as to constitute a general

 2  business practice.

 3         (10)  CALCULATION OF TIME OF PAYMENT.--For the purpose

 4  of calculating the extent to which any benefits are overdue,

 5  payment shall be treated as being made on the date a draft or

 6  other valid instrument that is equivalent to payment was

 7  placed in the United States mail in a properly addressed,

 8  postpaid envelope or, if not so posted, on the date of

 9  delivery.

10         (11)  INTEREST ON OVERDUE PAYMENTS.--All overdue

11  payments shall bear simple interest at the rate established

12  under s. 55.03 or the rate established in the insurance

13  contract, whichever is greater, for the year in which the

14  payment became overdue, calculated from the date the insurer

15  was furnished with written notice of the amount of covered

16  loss. In the case of payment made by an insurer to the

17  insured, or insured's assignee, interest shall be due at the

18  time payment of the overdue claim is made. All amounts

19  repayable to the insurer shall bear simple interest at the

20  rate established under s. 55.03 for the year in which the

21  payment became repayable, calculated from the date the insurer

22  tendered payment.

23         (g)  Benefits shall not be due or payable to or on the

24  behalf of an insured person if that person has committed, by a

25  material act or omission, any insurance fraud relating to

26  personal injury protection coverage under his or her policy,

27  if the fraud is admitted to in a sworn statement by the

28  insured or if it is established in a court of competent

29  jurisdiction. Any insurance fraud shall void all coverage

30  arising from the claim related to such fraud under the

31  personal injury protection coverage of the insured person who


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 1  committed the fraud, irrespective of whether a portion of the

 2  insured person's claim may be legitimate, and any benefits

 3  paid prior to the discovery of the insured person's insurance

 4  fraud shall be recoverable by the insurer from the person who

 5  committed insurance fraud in their entirety. The prevailing

 6  party is entitled to its costs and attorney's fees in any

 7  action in which it prevails in an insurer's action to enforce

 8  its right of recovery under this paragraph.


10         (a)  Any physician, hospital, clinic, or other person

11  or institution lawfully rendering treatment to an injured

12  person for a bodily injury covered by personal injury

13  protection insurance may charge the insurer and injured party

14  only a reasonable amount pursuant to this section for the

15  services and supplies rendered, and the insurer providing such

16  coverage may pay for such charges directly to such person or

17  institution lawfully rendering such treatment, if the insured

18  receiving such treatment or his or her guardian has

19  countersigned the properly completed invoice, bill, or claim

20  form approved by the office upon which such charges are to be

21  paid for as having actually been rendered, to the best

22  knowledge of the insured or his or her guardian. In no event,

23  however, may such a charge be in excess of the amount the

24  person or institution customarily charges for like services or

25  supplies. With respect to a determination of whether a charge

26  for a particular service, treatment, or otherwise is

27  reasonable, consideration may be given to evidence of usual

28  and customary charges and payments accepted by the provider

29  involved in the dispute, and reimbursement levels in the

30  community and various federal and state medical fee schedules

31  applicable to automobile and other insurance coverages, and


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 1  other information relevant to the reasonableness of the

 2  reimbursement for the service, treatment, or supply.


 4         (b)1.  An insurer or insured is not required to pay a

 5  claim or charges:

 6         (a)a.  Made by a broker or by a person making a claim

 7  on behalf of a broker;

 8         (b)b.  For any service or treatment that was not lawful

 9  at the time rendered;

10         (c)c.  To any person who knowingly submits a false or

11  misleading statement relating to the claim or charges;

12         (d)d.  With respect to a bill or statement that does

13  not substantially meet the applicable requirements of

14  paragraph (7)(b) (d);

15         (e)e.  For any treatment or service that is upcoded, or

16  that is unbundled when such treatment or services should be

17  bundled, in accordance with subsection (7) paragraph (d). To

18  facilitate prompt payment of lawful services, an insurer may

19  change codes that it determines to have been improperly or

20  incorrectly upcoded or unbundled, and may make payment based

21  on the changed codes, without affecting the right of the

22  provider to dispute the change by the insurer, provided that

23  before doing so, the insurer must contact the health care

24  provider and discuss the reasons for the insurer's change and

25  the health care provider's reason for the coding, or make a

26  reasonable good faith effort to do so, as documented in the

27  insurer's file; and

28         (f)f.  For medical services or treatment billed by a

29  physician and not provided in a hospital unless such services

30  are rendered by the physician or are incident to his or her

31  professional services and are included on the physician's


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 1  bill, including documentation verifying that the physician is

 2  responsible for the medical services that were rendered and

 3  billed.

 4         2.  Charges for medically necessary cephalic

 5  thermograms, peripheral thermograms, spinal ultrasounds,

 6  extremity ultrasounds, video fluoroscopy, and surface

 7  electromyography shall not exceed the maximum reimbursement

 8  allowance for such procedures as set forth in the applicable

 9  fee schedule or other payment methodology established pursuant

10  to s. 440.13.

11         3.  Allowable amounts that may be charged to a personal

12  injury protection insurance insurer and insured for medically

13  necessary nerve conduction testing when done in conjunction

14  with a needle electromyography procedure and both are

15  performed and billed solely by a physician licensed under

16  chapter 458, chapter 459, chapter 460, or chapter 461 who is

17  also certified by the American Board of Electrodiagnostic

18  Medicine or by a board recognized by the American Board of

19  Medical Specialties or the American Osteopathic Association or

20  who holds diplomate status with the American Chiropractic

21  Neurology Board or its predecessors shall not exceed 200

22  percent of the allowable amount under the participating

23  physician fee schedule of Medicare Part B for year 2001, for

24  the area in which the treatment was rendered, adjusted

25  annually on August 1 to reflect the prior calendar year's

26  changes in the annual Medical Care Item of the Consumer Price

27  Index for All Urban Consumers in the South Region as

28  determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United

29  States Department of Labor.

30         4.  Allowable amounts that may be charged to a personal

31  injury protection insurance insurer and insured for medically


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 1  necessary nerve conduction testing that does not meet the

 2  requirements of subparagraph 3. shall not exceed the

 3  applicable fee schedule or other payment methodology

 4  established pursuant to s. 440.13.

 5         5.  Allowable amounts that may be charged to a personal

 6  injury protection insurance insurer and insured for magnetic

 7  resonance imaging services shall not exceed 175 percent of the

 8  allowable amount under the participating physician fee

 9  schedule of Medicare Part B for year 2001, for the area in

10  which the treatment was rendered, adjusted annually on August

11  1 to reflect the prior calendar year's changes in the annual

12  Medical Care Item of the Consumer Price Index for All Urban

13  Consumers in the South Region as determined by the Bureau of

14  Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor for

15  the 12-month period ending June 30 of that year, except that

16  allowable amounts that may be charged to a personal injury

17  protection insurance insurer and insured for magnetic

18  resonance imaging services provided in facilities accredited

19  by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care,

20  the American College of Radiology, or the Joint Commission on

21  Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations shall not exceed 200

22  percent of the allowable amount under the participating

23  physician fee schedule of Medicare Part B for year 2001, for

24  the area in which the treatment was rendered, adjusted

25  annually on August 1 to reflect the prior calendar year's

26  changes in the annual Medical Care Item of the Consumer Price

27  Index for All Urban Consumers in the South Region as

28  determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United

29  States Department of Labor for the 12-month period ending June

30  30 of that year. This paragraph does not apply to charges for

31  magnetic resonance imaging services and nerve conduction


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 1  testing for inpatients and emergency services and care as

 2  defined in chapter 395 rendered by facilities licensed under

 3  chapter 395.

 4         6.  The Department of Health, in consultation with the

 5  appropriate professional licensing boards, shall adopt, by

 6  rule, a list of diagnostic tests deemed not to be medically

 7  necessary for use in the treatment of persons sustaining

 8  bodily injury covered by personal injury protection benefits

 9  under this section. The initial list shall be adopted by

10  January 1, 2004, and shall be revised from time to time as

11  determined by the Department of Health, in consultation with

12  the respective professional licensing boards. Inclusion of a

13  test on the list of invalid diagnostic tests shall be based on

14  lack of demonstrated medical value and a level of general

15  acceptance by the relevant provider community and shall not be

16  dependent for results entirely upon subjective patient

17  response. Notwithstanding its inclusion on a fee schedule in

18  this subsection, an insurer or insured is not required to pay

19  any charges or reimburse claims for any invalid diagnostic

20  test as determined by the Department of Health.

21         (c)1.  With respect to any treatment or service, other

22  than medical services billed by a hospital or other provider

23  for emergency services as defined in s. 395.002 or inpatient

24  services rendered at a hospital-owned facility, the statement

25  of charges must be furnished to the insurer by the provider

26  and may not include, and the insurer is not required to pay,

27  charges for treatment or services rendered more than 35 days

28  before the postmark date of the statement, except for past due

29  amounts previously billed on a timely basis under this

30  paragraph, and except that, if the provider submits to the

31  insurer a notice of initiation of treatment within 21 days


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 1  after its first examination or treatment of the claimant, the

 2  statement may include charges for treatment or services

 3  rendered up to, but not more than, 75 days before the postmark

 4  date of the statement. The injured party is not liable for,

 5  and the provider shall not bill the injured party for, charges

 6  that are unpaid because of the provider's failure to comply

 7  with this paragraph. Any agreement requiring the injured

 8  person or insured to pay for such charges is unenforceable.

 9         2.  If, however, the insured fails to furnish the

10  provider with the correct name and address of the insured's

11  personal injury protection insurer, the provider has 35 days

12  from the date the provider obtains the correct information to

13  furnish the insurer with a statement of the charges. The

14  insurer is not required to pay for such charges unless the

15  provider includes with the statement documentary evidence that

16  was provided by the insured during the 35-day period

17  demonstrating that the provider reasonably relied on erroneous

18  information from the insured and either:

19         a.  A denial letter from the incorrect insurer; or

20         b.  Proof of mailing, which may include an affidavit

21  under penalty of perjury, reflecting timely mailing to the

22  incorrect address or insurer.

23         3.  For emergency services and care as defined in s.

24  395.002 rendered in a hospital emergency department or for

25  transport and treatment rendered by an ambulance provider

26  licensed pursuant to part III of chapter 401, the provider is

27  not required to furnish the statement of charges within the

28  time periods established by this paragraph; and the insurer

29  shall not be considered to have been furnished with notice of

30  the amount of covered loss for purposes of paragraph (4)(b)

31  until it receives a statement complying with paragraph (d), or


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 1  copy thereof, which specifically identifies the place of

 2  service to be a hospital emergency department or an ambulance

 3  in accordance with billing standards recognized by the Health

 4  Care Finance Administration.

 5         4.  Each notice of insured's rights under s. 627.7401

 6  must include the following statement in type no smaller than

 7  12 points:


 9         BILLING REQUIREMENTS.--Florida Statutes provide

10         that with respect to any treatment or services,

11         other than certain hospital and emergency

12         services, the statement of charges furnished to

13         the insurer by the provider may not include,

14         and the insurer and the injured party are not

15         required to pay, charges for treatment or

16         services rendered more than 35 days before the

17         postmark date of the statement, except for past

18         due amounts previously billed on a timely

19         basis, and except that, if the provider submits

20         to the insurer a notice of initiation of

21         treatment within 21 days after its first

22         examination or treatment of the claimant, the

23         statement may include charges for treatment or

24         services rendered up to, but not more than, 75

25         days before the postmark date of the statement.


27         (d)  All statements and bills for medical services

28  rendered by any physician, hospital, clinic, or other person

29  or institution shall be submitted to the insurer on a properly

30  completed Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

31  1500 form, UB 92 forms, or any other standard form approved by


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 1  the office or adopted by the commission for purposes of this

 2  paragraph. All billings for such services rendered by

 3  providers shall, to the extent applicable, follow the

 4  Physicians' Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) or Healthcare

 5  Correct Procedural Coding System (HCPCS), or ICD-9 in effect

 6  for the year in which services are rendered and comply with

 7  the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) 1500 form

 8  instructions and the American Medical Association Current

 9  Procedural Terminology (CPT) Editorial Panel and Healthcare

10  Correct Procedural Coding System (HCPCS). All providers other

11  than hospitals shall include on the applicable claim form the

12  professional license number of the provider in the line or

13  space provided for "Signature of Physician or Supplier,

14  Including Degrees or Credentials." In determining compliance

15  with applicable CPT and HCPCS coding, guidance shall be

16  provided by the Physicians' Current Procedural Terminology

17  (CPT) or the Healthcare Correct Procedural Coding System

18  (HCPCS) in effect for the year in which services were

19  rendered, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG),

20  Physicians Compliance Guidelines, and other authoritative

21  treatises designated by rule by the Agency for Health Care

22  Administration. No statement of medical services may include

23  charges for medical services of a person or entity that

24  performed such services without possessing the valid licenses

25  required to perform such services. For purposes of paragraph

26  (4)(b), an insurer shall not be considered to have been

27  furnished with notice of the amount of covered loss or medical

28  bills due unless the statements or bills comply with this

29  paragraph, and unless the statements or bills are properly

30  completed in their entirety as to all material provisions,

31  with all relevant information being provided therein.


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 1         (14)  DEMAND LETTER.--

 2         (a)  As a condition precedent to filing any action for

 3  benefits under this section, the insurer must be provided with

 4  written notice of an intent to initiate litigation. Such

 5  notice may not be sent until the claim is overdue, including

 6  any additional time the insurer has to pay the claim pursuant

 7  to subsection (9).

 8         (b)  The notice required shall state that it is a

 9  "demand letter under s. 627.736(14)" and shall state with

10  specificity:

11         1.  The name of the insured upon whom such benefits are

12  being sought, including a copy of the assignment giving rights

13  to the claimant if the claimant is not the insured.

14         2.  The claim number or policy number upon which such

15  claim was originally submitted to the insurer.

16         3.  To the extent applicable, the name of any medical

17  provider who rendered to an insured the treatment, services,

18  accommodations, or supplies that form the basis of such claim;

19  and an itemized statement specifying each exact amount, the

20  date of treatment, service, or accommodation, and the type of

21  benefit claimed to be due. A completed form satisfying the

22  requirements of subsection (7) or the lost-wage statement

23  previously submitted may be used as the itemized statement. To

24  the extent that the demand involves an insurer's withdrawal of

25  payment under subsection (17) for future treatment not yet

26  rendered, the claimant shall attach a copy of the insurer's

27  notice withdrawing such payment and an itemized statement of

28  the type, frequency, and duration of future treatment claimed

29  to be reasonable and medically necessary.

30         (c)  Each notice required by this subsection must be

31  delivered to the insurer by United States certified or


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 1  registered mail, return receipt requested. Such postal costs

 2  shall be reimbursed by the insurer if so requested by the

 3  claimant in the notice, when the insurer pays the claim. Such

 4  notice must be sent to the person and address specified by the

 5  insurer for the purposes of receiving notices under this

 6  subsection. Each licensed insurer, whether domestic, foreign,

 7  or alien, shall file with the office designation of the name

 8  and address of the person to whom notices pursuant to this

 9  subsection shall be sent which the office shall make available

10  on its Internet website. The name and address on file with the

11  office pursuant to s. 624.422 shall be deemed the authorized

12  representative to accept notice pursuant to this subsection in

13  the event no other designation has been made.

14         (d)  If, within 21 days after receipt of notice by the

15  insurer, the overdue claim specified in the notice is paid by

16  the insurer together with applicable interest and a penalty of

17  10 percent of the overdue amount paid by the insurer, subject

18  to a maximum penalty of $250, no action may be brought against

19  the insurer. If the demand involves an insurer's withdrawal of

20  payment under subsection (17) for future treatment not yet

21  rendered, no action may be brought against the insurer if,

22  within 21 days after its receipt of the notice, the insurer

23  mails to the person filing the notice a written statement of

24  the insurer's agreement to pay for such treatment in

25  accordance with the notice and to pay a penalty of 10 percent,

26  subject to a maximum penalty of $250, when it pays for such

27  future treatment in accordance with the requirements of this

28  section. To the extent the insurer determines not to pay any

29  amount demanded, the penalty shall not be payable in any

30  subsequent action. For purposes of this subsection, payment or

31  the insurer's agreement shall be treated as being made on the


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 1  date a draft or other valid instrument that is equivalent to

 2  payment, or the insurer's written statement of agreement, is

 3  placed in the United States mail in a properly addressed,

 4  postpaid envelope, or if not so posted, on the date of

 5  delivery. The insurer is not obligated to pay any attorney's

 6  fees if the insurer pays the claim or mails its agreement to

 7  pay for future treatment within the time prescribed by this

 8  subsection.

 9         (e)  The applicable statute of limitation for an action

10  under this section shall be tolled for a period of 21 business

11  days by the mailing of the notice required by this subsection.

12         (f)  Any insurer making a general business practice of

13  not paying valid claims until receipt of the notice required

14  by this subsection is engaging in an unfair trade practice

15  under the insurance code.


17         (a)(e)1.  At the initial treatment or service provided,

18  each physician, other licensed professional, clinic, or other

19  medical institution providing medical services upon which a

20  claim for personal injury protection benefits is based shall

21  require an insured person, or his or her guardian, to execute

22  a disclosure and acknowledgment form, which reflects at a

23  minimum that:

24         1.a.  The insured, or his or her guardian, must

25  countersign the form attesting to the fact that the services

26  set forth therein were actually rendered;

27         2.b.  The insured, or his or her guardian, has both the

28  right and affirmative duty to confirm that the services were

29  actually rendered;




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 1         3.c.  The insured, or his or her guardian, was not

 2  solicited by any person to seek any services from the medical

 3  provider;

 4         4.d.  That the physician, other licensed professional,

 5  clinic, or other medical institution rendering services for

 6  which payment is being claimed explained the services to the

 7  insured or his or her guardian; and

 8         5.e.  If the insured notifies the insurer in writing of

 9  a billing error, the insured may be entitled to a certain

10  percentage of a reduction in the amounts paid by the insured's

11  motor vehicle insurer.

12         (b)2.  The physician, other licensed professional,

13  clinic, or other medical institution rendering services for

14  which payment is being claimed has the affirmative duty to

15  explain the services rendered to the insured, or his or her

16  guardian, so that the insured, or his or her guardian,

17  countersigns the form with informed consent.

18         (c)3.  Countersignature by the insured, or his or her

19  guardian, is not required for the reading of diagnostic tests

20  or other services that are of such a nature that they are not

21  required to be performed in the presence of the insured.

22         (d)4.  The licensed medical professional rendering

23  treatment for which payment is being claimed must sign, by his

24  or her own hand, the form complying with this subsection

25  paragraph.

26         (e)5.  The original completed disclosure and

27  acknowledgment form shall be furnished to the insurer pursuant

28  to subsection (9) paragraph (4)(b) and may not be

29  electronically furnished.

30         (f)6.  This disclosure and acknowledgment form is not

31  required for services billed by a provider for emergency


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 1  services as defined in s. 395.002, for emergency services and

 2  care as defined in s. 395.002 rendered in a hospital emergency

 3  department, or for transport and  treatment rendered by an

 4  ambulance provider licensed pursuant to part III of chapter

 5  401.

 6         (g)7.  The Financial Services Commission shall adopt,

 7  by rule, a standard disclosure and acknowledgment form that

 8  shall be used to fulfill the requirements of this subsection

 9  paragraph, effective 90 days after such form is adopted and

10  becomes final. The commission shall adopt a proposed rule by

11  October 1, 2003. Until the rule is final, the provider may use

12  a form of its own which otherwise complies with the

13  requirements of this paragraph.

14         (h)8.  As used in this subsection paragraph,

15  "countersigned" means a second or verifying signature, as on a

16  previously signed document, and is not satisfied by the

17  statement "signature on file" or any similar statement.

18         (i)9.  The requirements of This subsection applies

19  paragraph apply only with respect to the initial treatment or

20  service of the insured by a provider. For subsequent

21  treatments or service, the provider must maintain a patient

22  log signed by the patient, in chronological order by date of

23  service, that is consistent with the services being rendered

24  to the patient as claimed. The requirements of this paragraph

25  subparagraph for maintaining a patient log signed by the

26  patient may be met by a hospital that maintains medical

27  records as required by s. 395.3025 and applicable rules and

28  makes such records available to the insurer upon request.

29         (f)  Upon written notification by any person, an

30  insurer shall investigate any claim of improper billing by a

31  physician or other medical provider. The insurer shall


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 1  determine if the insured was properly billed for only those

 2  services and treatments that the insured actually received. If

 3  the insurer determines that the insured has been improperly

 4  billed, the insurer shall notify the insured, the person

 5  making the written notification and the provider of its

 6  findings and shall reduce the amount of payment to the

 7  provider by the amount determined to be improperly billed. If

 8  a reduction is made due to such written notification by any

 9  person, the insurer shall pay to the person 20 percent of the

10  amount of the reduction, up to $500. If the provider is

11  arrested due to the improper billing, then the insurer shall

12  pay to the person 40 percent of the amount of the reduction,

13  up to $500.

14         (g)  An insurer may not systematically downcode with

15  the intent to deny reimbursement otherwise due. Such action

16  constitutes a material misrepresentation under s.

17  626.9541(1)(i)2.



20         (a)  Every employer shall, if a request is made by an

21  insurer providing personal injury protection benefits under

22  ss. 627.730-627.7405 against whom a claim has been made,

23  furnish forthwith, in a form approved by the office, a sworn

24  statement of the earnings, since the time of the bodily injury

25  and for a reasonable period before the injury, of the person

26  upon whose injury the claim is based.



29         (a)(b)  Every physician, hospital, clinic, or other

30  medical institution providing, before or after bodily injury

31  upon which a claim for personal injury protection insurance


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 1  benefits is based, any products, services, or accommodations

 2  in relation to that or any other injury, or in relation to a

 3  condition claimed to be connected with that or any other

 4  injury, shall, if requested to do so by the insurer against

 5  whom the claim has been made:,

 6         1.  Furnish forthwith a written report of the history,

 7  condition, treatment, dates, and costs of such treatment of

 8  the injured person and why the items identified by the insurer

 9  were reasonable in amount and medically necessary.,

10         2.  Provide together with a sworn statement that the

11  treatment or services rendered were reasonable and necessary

12  with respect to the bodily injury sustained. Such sworn

13  statement shall read as follows: "Under penalty of perjury, I

14  declare that I have read the foregoing, and the facts alleged

15  are true, to the best of my knowledge and belief."

16         3.  Identify and identifying which portion of the

17  expenses for such treatment or services was incurred as a

18  result of such bodily injury.,

19         4.  and Produce forthwith, and permit the inspection

20  and copying of, his or her or its records regarding such

21  history, condition, treatment, dates, and costs of treatment;

22  provided that this shall not limit the introduction of

23  evidence at trial. Such sworn statement shall read as follows:

24  "Under penalty of perjury, I declare that I have read the

25  foregoing, and the facts alleged are true, to the best of my

26  knowledge and belief."

27         (b)  However, if the records are maintained at an

28  alternative location, the requested records shall be made

29  available at the principal place of business within 5 working

30  days after the request. Records not produced at the time of

31  the request shall be deemed to be nonexistent. At the time of


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 1  the records inspection, the health care provider shall allow

 2  the insurer to inspect records and photograph the equipment

 3  and associated documents associated with the insured's

 4  treatment, services, or supplies.

 5         (c)  The insured, the assignee of the insured, the

 6  health care provider, the providers' billing and medical

 7  records custodians, or any other person seeking payment under

 8  an automobile policy directly or as an assignee must submit to

 9  examination under oath by any person named by the insurer when

10  and as often as the insurer may reasonably require. If an

11  examination under oath is requested of a health care provider

12  licensed under chapter 457, chapter 458, chapter 459, chapter

13  460, chapter 461, chapter 462, chapter 463, chapter 466,

14  chapter 467, chapter 484, chapter 486, chapter 490, or chapter

15  491, part I, part III, part X, part XIII, or part XIV of

16  chapter 468, or s. 464.012, the insurer shall pay the person

17  $175 per hour for attendance at the examination under oath.

18  Time spent in preparation for the examination under oath is

19  noncompensable. Once requested, the examination under oath is

20  a condition precedent to filing suit.

21         (d)  A No cause of action for violation of the

22  physician-patient privilege or invasion of the right of

23  privacy is not shall be permitted against any physician,

24  hospital, clinic, or other medical institution complying with

25  the provisions of this section.

26         (e)  The person requesting such records and such sworn

27  statement shall pay all reasonable costs connected therewith.

28         (f)  If an insurer makes a written request for

29  documentation or information under this paragraph within 30

30  days after having received notice of the amount of a covered

31  loss under subsection (7) paragraph (4)(a), the amount or the


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 1  partial amount that which is the subject of the insurer's

 2  inquiry shall become overdue if the insurer does not pay in

 3  accordance with subsection (9) paragraph (4)(b) or within 15

 4  10 days after the insurer's receipt of the requested

 5  documentation or information, whichever occurs later. For

 6  purposes of this paragraph, the term "receipt" includes, but

 7  is not limited to, inspection and copying pursuant to this

 8  subsection paragraph.

 9         (g)  Any insurer that requests documentation or

10  information pertaining to reasonableness of charges or medical

11  necessity under this subsection paragraph without a reasonable

12  basis for such requests as a general business practice is

13  engaging in an unfair trade practice under the insurance code.

14         (h)(c)  In the event of any dispute regarding an

15  insurer's right to discovery of facts under this section, the

16  insurer may petition a court of competent jurisdiction to

17  enter an order permitting such discovery.  The order may be

18  made only on motion for good cause shown and upon notice to

19  all persons having an interest, and it shall specify the time,

20  place, manner, conditions, and scope of the discovery. Such

21  court may, in order to protect against annoyance,

22  embarrassment, or oppression, as justice requires, enter an

23  order refusing discovery or specifying conditions of discovery

24  and may order payments of costs and expenses of the

25  proceeding, including reasonable fees for the appearance of

26  attorneys at the proceedings, as justice requires.

27         (i)(d)  The injured person shall be furnished, upon

28  request, a copy of all information obtained by the insurer

29  under the provisions of this section, and shall pay a

30  reasonable charge, if required by the insurer.



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 1         (j)(e)  Notice to an insurer of the existence of a

 2  claim shall not be unreasonably withheld by an insured. In no

 3  event may this notice be later than 1 year after the

 4  occurrence. The insurer may contract for such notice to be

 5  less than 1 year.



 8         (a)  Whenever the mental or physical condition of an

 9  injured person covered by personal injury protection is

10  material to any claim that has been or may be made for past or

11  future personal injury protection insurance benefits, such

12  person shall, upon the request of an insurer, submit to mental

13  or physical examination by a physician or physicians.

14         (b)  The costs of any examinations requested by an

15  insurer shall be borne entirely by the insurer, except that,

16  if the insured has unreasonably failed to appear for the

17  examinations, the cost for nonappearance, if any, shall be

18  paid from the insured's benefits.

19         (c)  Such examination shall be conducted within the

20  municipality where the insured is receiving treatment, or in a

21  location reasonably accessible to the insured, which, for

22  purposes of this paragraph, means any location within the

23  municipality in which the insured resides, or any location

24  within 10 miles by road of the insured's residence, provided

25  such location is within the county in which the insured

26  resides.

27         (d)  If the examination is to be conducted in a

28  location reasonably accessible to the insured, and if there is

29  no qualified physician to conduct the examination in a

30  location reasonably accessible to the insured, then such

31  examination shall be conducted in an area of the closest


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 1  proximity to the insured's residence. The insurer shall pay

 2  lost wages for time missed from work as a result of attending

 3  any such examination.

 4         (e)  Personal protection Insurers are authorized to

 5  include reasonable provisions in personal injury protection

 6  insurance policies for mental and physical examination of

 7  those claiming personal injury protection insurance benefits.

 8         (f)  An insurer may not withdraw payment of a treating

 9  physician without the consent of the injured person covered by

10  the personal injury protection, unless the insurer first

11  obtains a valid report by a Florida physician licensed under

12  the same chapter as the treating physician whose treatment

13  authorization is sought to be withdrawn, stating that

14  treatment was not reasonable, related, or necessary.

15         (g)  A valid report is one that is prepared and signed

16  by the physician examining the injured person or reviewing the

17  treatment records of the injured person and is factually

18  supported by the examination, and treatment records, or other

19  relevant information if reviewed and that has not been

20  modified by anyone other than the physician.

21         (h)  The physician preparing the report must be in

22  active practice, unless the physician is physically disabled.

23  Active practice means that during the 3 years immediately

24  preceding the date of the physical examination or review of

25  the treatment records the physician must have devoted

26  professional time to the active clinical practice of

27  evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment of medical conditions or

28  to the instruction of students in an accredited health

29  professional school or accredited residency program or a

30  clinical research program that is affiliated with an



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 1  accredited health professional school or teaching hospital or

 2  accredited residency program.

 3         (i)  The physician preparing a report at the request of

 4  an insurer and physicians rendering expert opinions on behalf

 5  of persons claiming medical benefits for personal injury

 6  protection, or on behalf of an insured through an attorney or

 7  another entity, shall maintain, for at least 3 years, copies

 8  of all examination reports as medical records and shall

 9  maintain, for at least 3 years, records of all payments for

10  the examinations and reports.

11         (j)  Neither an insurer nor any person acting at the

12  direction of or on behalf of an insurer may materially change

13  an opinion in a report prepared under this subsection

14  paragraph or direct the physician preparing the report to

15  change such opinion. The denial of a payment as the result of

16  such a changed opinion constitutes a material

17  misrepresentation under s. 626.9541(1)(i)2.; however, this

18  provision does not preclude the insurer from calling to the

19  attention of the physician errors of fact in the report based

20  upon information in the claim file or on new information that

21  will become part of the claim file.

22         (k)(b)  If requested by the person examined, a party

23  causing an examination to be made shall deliver to him or her

24  a copy of every written report concerning the examination

25  rendered by an examining physician, at least one of which

26  reports must set out the examining physician's findings and

27  conclusions in detail.  After such request and delivery, the

28  party causing the examination to be made is entitled, upon

29  request, to receive from the person examined every written

30  report available to him or her or his or her representative

31  concerning any examination, previously or thereafter made, of


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 1  the same mental or physical condition.  By requesting and

 2  obtaining a report of the examination so ordered, or by taking

 3  the deposition of the examiner, the person examined waives any

 4  privilege he or she may have, in relation to the claim for

 5  benefits, regarding the testimony of every other person who

 6  has examined, or may thereafter examine, him or her in respect

 7  to the same mental or physical condition. If a person

 8  unreasonably fails to attend a confirmed, scheduled

 9  examination or unreasonably refuses to submit to an

10  examination, the personal injury protection carrier is no

11  longer liable for subsequent personal injury protection

12  benefits.

13         (l)  During the examination, neither the insurer, the

14  insured, nor the assignee of the insured may have counsel, a

15  court reporter, or a videographer present.


17  FEES.--With respect to any dispute under the provisions of ss.

18  627.730-627.7405 between the insured and the insurer, or

19  between an assignee of an insured's rights and the insurer,

20  the provisions of s. 627.428 shall apply, except as provided

21  in subsection (11).

22         (18)(9)  CANCELLATION OR NONRENEWAL.--

23         (a)  Each insurer that which has issued a policy

24  providing personal injury protection benefits shall report the

25  renewal, cancellation, or nonrenewal thereof to the Department

26  of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles within 45 days from the

27  effective date of the renewal, cancellation, or nonrenewal.

28         (b)  Upon the issuance of a policy providing personal

29  injury protection benefits to a named insured not previously

30  insured by the insurer thereof during that calendar year, the

31  insurer shall report the issuance of the new policy to the


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 1  Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles within 30

 2  days.  The report shall be in such form and format and contain

 3  such information as is may be required by the Department of

 4  Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles which shall include a format

 5  compatible with the data processing capabilities of such said

 6  department, and the Department of Highway Safety and Motor

 7  Vehicles is authorized to adopt rules necessary with respect

 8  thereto. Failure by an insurer to file proper reports with the

 9  Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles as required by

10  this subsection or rules adopted with respect to the

11  requirements of this subsection constitutes a violation of the

12  Florida Insurance Code.

13         (c)  Reports of cancellations and policy renewals and

14  reports of the issuance of new policies received by the

15  Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles are

16  confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1).

17         (d)  These records are to be used for enforcement and

18  regulatory purposes only, including the generation by the

19  department of data regarding compliance by owners of motor

20  vehicles with financial responsibility coverage requirements.

21  In addition, the Department of Highway Safety and Motor

22  Vehicles shall release, upon a written request by a person

23  involved in a motor vehicle accident, by the person's

24  attorney, or by a representative of the person's motor vehicle

25  insurer, the name of the insurance company and the policy

26  number for the policy covering the vehicle named by the

27  requesting party.  The written request must include a copy of

28  the appropriate accident form as provided in s. 316.065, s.

29  316.066, or s. 316.068.

30         (e)(b)  Every insurer with respect to each insurance

31  policy providing personal injury protection benefits shall


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 1  notify the named insured or in the case of a commercial fleet

 2  policy, the first named insured in writing that any

 3  cancellation or nonrenewal of the policy will be reported by

 4  the insurer to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor

 5  Vehicles.  The notice shall also inform the named insured that

 6  failure to maintain personal injury protection and property

 7  damage liability insurance on a motor vehicle when required by

 8  law may result in the loss of registration and driving

 9  privileges in this state, and the notice shall inform the

10  named insured of the amount of the reinstatement fees required

11  by s. 627.733(7).  This notice is for informational purposes

12  only, and no civil liability shall attach to an insurer due to

13  failure to provide this notice.

14         (19)  ATTORNEY'S FEES.--With respect to any dispute

15  under ss. 627.730-627.7405 between the insured and the

16  insurer, or between an assignee of an insured's rights and the

17  insurer, s. 627.428 shall apply, except as provided in

18  subsection (14). A contingency risk multiplier shall not be

19  applied to any attorney's fee award in any dispute under ss.

20  627.730-627.7405.

21         (20)(10)  PREFERRED PROVIDERS.--An insurer may

22  negotiate and enter into contracts with licensed health care

23  providers for the benefits described in this section, referred

24  to in this section as "preferred providers," which shall

25  include health care providers licensed under chapters 458,

26  459, 460, 461, and 463. The insurer may provide an option to

27  an insured to use a preferred provider at the time of purchase

28  of the policy for personal injury protection benefits, if the

29  requirements of this subsection are met.  If the insured

30  elects to use a provider who is not a preferred provider,

31  whether the insured purchased a preferred provider policy or a


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 1  nonpreferred provider policy, the medical benefits provided by

 2  the insurer shall be as required by this section.  If the

 3  insured elects to use a provider who is a preferred provider,

 4  the insurer may pay medical benefits in excess of the benefits

 5  required by this section and may waive or lower the amount of

 6  any deductible that applies to such medical benefits.  If the

 7  insurer offers a preferred provider policy to a policyholder

 8  or applicant, it must also offer a nonpreferred provider

 9  policy. The insurer shall provide each policyholder with a

10  current roster of preferred providers in the county in which

11  the insured resides at the time of purchase of such policy,

12  and shall make such list available for public inspection

13  during regular business hours at the principal office of the

14  insurer within the state.

15         (11)  DEMAND LETTER.--

16         (a)  As a condition precedent to filing any action for

17  benefits under this section, the insurer must be provided with

18  written notice of an intent to initiate litigation. Such

19  notice may not be sent until the claim is overdue, including

20  any additional time the insurer has to pay the claim pursuant

21  to paragraph (4)(b).

22         (b)  The notice required shall state that it is a

23  "demand letter under s. 627.736(11)" and shall state with

24  specificity:

25         1.  The name of the insured upon which such benefits

26  are being sought, including a copy of the assignment giving

27  rights to the claimant if the claimant is not the insured.

28         2.  The claim number or policy number upon which such

29  claim was originally submitted to the insurer.

30         3.  To the extent applicable, the name of any medical

31  provider who rendered to an insured the treatment, services,


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 1  accommodations, or supplies that form the basis of such claim;

 2  and an itemized statement specifying each exact amount, the

 3  date of treatment, service, or accommodation, and the type of

 4  benefit claimed to be due. A completed form satisfying the

 5  requirements of paragraph (5)(d) or the lost-wage statement

 6  previously submitted may be used as the itemized statement. To

 7  the extent that the demand involves an insurer's withdrawal of

 8  payment under paragraph (7)(a) for future treatment not yet

 9  rendered, the claimant shall attach a copy of the insurer's

10  notice withdrawing such payment and an itemized statement of

11  the type, frequency, and duration of future treatment claimed

12  to be reasonable and medically necessary.

13         (c)  Each notice required by this subsection must be

14  delivered to the insurer by United States certified or

15  registered mail, return receipt requested. Such postal costs

16  shall be reimbursed by the insurer if so requested by the

17  claimant in the notice, when the insurer pays the claim. Such

18  notice must be sent to the person and address specified by the

19  insurer for the purposes of receiving notices under this

20  subsection. Each licensed insurer, whether domestic, foreign,

21  or alien, shall file with the office designation of the name

22  and address of the person to whom notices pursuant to this

23  subsection shall be sent which the office shall make available

24  on its Internet website. The name and address on file with the

25  office pursuant to s. 624.422 shall be deemed the authorized

26  representative to accept notice pursuant to this subsection in

27  the event no other designation has been made.

28         (d)  If, within 15 days after receipt of notice by the

29  insurer, the overdue claim specified in the notice is paid by

30  the insurer together with applicable interest and a penalty of

31  10 percent of the overdue amount paid by the insurer, subject


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 1  to a maximum penalty of $250, no action may be brought against

 2  the insurer. If the demand involves an insurer's withdrawal of

 3  payment under paragraph (7)(a) for future treatment not yet

 4  rendered, no action may be brought against the insurer if,

 5  within 15 days after its receipt of the notice, the insurer

 6  mails to the person filing the notice a written statement of

 7  the insurer's agreement to pay for such treatment in

 8  accordance with the notice and to pay a penalty of 10 percent,

 9  subject to a maximum penalty of $250, when it pays for such

10  future treatment in accordance with the requirements of this

11  section. To the extent the insurer determines not to pay any

12  amount demanded, the penalty shall not be payable in any

13  subsequent action. For purposes of this subsection, payment or

14  the insurer's agreement shall be treated as being made on the

15  date a draft or other valid instrument that is equivalent to

16  payment, or the insurer's written statement of agreement, is

17  placed in the United States mail in a properly addressed,

18  postpaid envelope, or if not so posted, on the date of

19  delivery. The insurer shall not be obligated to pay any

20  attorney's fees if the insurer pays the claim or mails its

21  agreement to pay for future treatment within the time

22  prescribed by this subsection.

23         (e)  The applicable statute of limitation for an action

24  under this section shall be tolled for a period of 15 business

25  days by the mailing of the notice required by this subsection.

26         (f)  Any insurer making a general business practice of

27  not paying valid claims until receipt of the notice required

28  by this subsection is engaging in an unfair trade practice

29  under the insurance code.

30         (12)  CIVIL ACTION FOR INSURANCE FRAUD.--An insurer

31  shall have a cause of action against any person convicted of,


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 1  or who, regardless of adjudication of guilt, pleads guilty or

 2  nolo contendere to insurance fraud under s. 817.234, patient

 3  brokering under s. 817.505, or kickbacks under s. 456.054,

 4  associated with a claim for personal injury protection

 5  benefits in accordance with this section.  An insurer

 6  prevailing in an action brought under this subsection may

 7  recover compensatory, consequential, and punitive damages

 8  subject to the requirements and limitations of part II of

 9  chapter 768, and attorney's fees and costs incurred in

10  litigating a cause of action against any person convicted of,

11  or who, regardless of adjudication of guilt, pleads guilty or

12  nolo contendere to insurance fraud under s. 817.234, patient

13  brokering under s. 817.505, or kickbacks under s. 456.054,

14  associated with a claim for personal injury protection

15  benefits in accordance with this section.

16         (21)(13)  MINIMUM BENEFIT COVERAGE.--If the Financial

17  Services Commission determines that the cost savings under

18  personal injury protection insurance benefits paid by insurers

19  have been realized due to the provisions of this act, prior

20  legislative reforms, or other factors, the commission may

21  increase the minimum $10,000 benefit coverage requirement. In

22  establishing the amount of such increase, the commission must

23  determine that the additional premium for such coverage is

24  approximately equal to the premium cost savings that have been

25  realized for the personal injury protection coverage with

26  limits of $10,000.

27         (22)  CIVIL MONETARY REMEDIES.--

28         (a)  An insurer has a civil cause of action to recover

29  all amounts paid and all expenses incurred against a person

30  who knowingly presents or causes to be presented to an insurer



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 1  a claim for personal injury protection benefits that a court

 2  determines:

 3         1.  Is for health care services, equipment, or supplies

 4  that the person knew or should have known were not provided as

 5  claimed;

 6         2.  Is a claim for health care services, equipment, or

 7  supplies which the person knew or should have known was false

 8  or fraudulent;

 9         3.  Is for health care services, or incident to the

10  provision of such services, and the person knew or should have

11  known that the individual furnishing or supervising the

12  furnishing of health care services:

13         a.  Was not licensed as a health care provider;

14         b.  Was licensed as a health care provider, but such

15  license was obtained through a misrepresentation of material

16  fact; or

17         c.  Represented to the insured or legal guardian at the

18  time the health care services were furnished that the

19  individual was licensed or certified in a medical specialty by

20  a medical specialty board when the individual was not so

21  licensed or certified;

22         4.  Is for health care services, equipment, or supplies

23  and the claim demonstrates a pattern or practice by the person

24  of presenting or causing to be presented claims that the

25  person knew or should have known are not medically necessary;

26         5.  Is for health care services, equipment, or supplies

27  and the claim was based on codes that the person knew or

28  should have known would result in greater payment to that

29  person than the codes the person knew or should have known are

30  applicable to the service, equipment, or supplies actually

31  provided;


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 1         6.  Is based on the payment or offer of payment to an

 2  individual and the person knew or should have known such

 3  payment or offer may have caused the individual to order or

 4  receive health care services, equipment, or supplies from a

 5  health care provider, in whole or in part, under a policy of

 6  insurance;

 7         7.  Constitutes a violation of chapter 812 or chapter

 8  817; or

 9         8.  Is for health care services, equipment, or supplies

10  where the person has intentionally misrepresented a material

11  fact whether before or after the insured loss. Such

12  intentional misrepresentation shall void all coverage arising

13  from the claim related to such misrepresentation under the

14  personal injury protection coverage of the person who

15  committed the misrepresentation, irrespective of whether a

16  portion of the person's claim may be properly payable. Any

17  benefits paid prior to the discovery of the misrepresentation

18  are recoverable by the insurer in their entirety from the

19  person who committed the misrepresentation.

20         (b)  An insurer has a civil cause of action to recover

21  all amounts paid and all expenses incurred against a person

22  who knowingly presents or causes to be presented to an insurer

23  a claim that is based on an application for motor vehicle

24  insurance or is based on an application for personal injury

25  protection benefits that contains false or fraudulent

26  information that the person knew or should have known could

27  reasonably be expected to influence the decision of an insurer

28  to issue a policy of insurance or extend coverage under a

29  policy of insurance.

30         (c)  An insurer has a civil cause of action to recover

31  all amounts paid and all expenses incurred against a person


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 1  who knowingly presents or causes to be presented to an insurer

 2  a claim when the person received payment under such claim and

 3  knew or should have known the payment constituted an

 4  overpayment and the overpayment had been received and retained

 5  for more than 90 days after the date of receipt of such

 6  overpayment.

 7         (d)  Whenever an insurer has a good faith basis to

 8  believe that a violation of this subsection has occurred, the

 9  insurer may file suit to recover all amounts previously paid.

10  The prevailing party in any action brought under this

11  subsection may recover compensatory, consequential, and

12  punitive damages subject to the requirements and limitations

13  of part II of chapter 768 and attorney's fees and costs

14  incurred.

15         (e)  The term "person" has the same meaning as in s.

16  1.01.

17         (f)  An insurer may receive direct payment on any

18  judgment, including interest, costs, and attorney's fees

19  thereon, by crediting the provider any amount due from any

20  future claim. The credited amount shall be treated as payment

21  toward the final judgment. Any amount credited towards a final

22  judgment is not a confession of judgment in any litigation and

23  is not recoverable from the respective insured.

24         (g)  A principal is liable for damages under this

25  section for the actions of the principal's agent acting within

26  the scope of the agency.

27         (23)  REWARD.--Upon written notification by any person,

28  an insurer shall investigate any claim of improper billing by

29  a physician or other medical provider. The insurer shall

30  determine if the insured was properly billed for only those

31  services and treatments that the insured actually received. If


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 1  the insurer determines that the insured has been improperly

 2  billed, the insurer shall notify the insured, the person

 3  making the written notification and the provider of its

 4  findings and shall reduce the amount of payment to the

 5  provider by the amount determined to be improperly billed. If

 6  a reduction is made due to such written notification by any

 7  person, the insurer shall pay to the person 20 percent of the

 8  amount of the reduction. If the provider is arrested due to

 9  the improper billing, the insurer shall pay to the person 40

10  percent of the amount of the reduction.

11         (24)  VENUE.--Venue for any personal injury protection

12  claim shall be in the jurisdiction where the insured resides,

13  where the accident occurs, or, in the case of an assignment of

14  benefits, where the disputed health care services were

15  performed. Venue may be raised at any time. The cost of

16  transferring venue shall be borne by the plaintiff, and such

17  costs shall not be recoverable as plaintiff's damages.

18         (25)  NONPREEMPTION.--This section shall not be deemed

19  to preempt or supersede any cause of action that may otherwise

20  be available.

21         Section 3.  Section 19 of chapter 2003-411, Laws of

22  Florida, is repealed.

23         Section 4.  This act shall take effect October 1, 2006.


25            *****************************************

26                          SENATE SUMMARY

27    Substantially revises and reorganizes s. 627.736, F.S.,
      relating to personal injury protection benefits to
28    improve comprehension. Additionally, makes substantive
      changes, including provisions relating to notification of
29    insurers, priority of claims, assignment of benefits,
      time periods for various actions, and recovery of
30    payments. Abrogates the repeal of the Florida Motor
      Vehicle No-Fault Law. (See bill for details.)


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.