HB 217

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to sinkhole insurance; providing a short
3title; amending s. 627.707, F.S.; authorizing insurers to
4make direct payment for certain repairs; excluding
5insurers from liability for repairs under certain
6circumstances; revising the requirements for reimbursement
7of the insurer with respect to certain claims; amending s.
8627.7072, F.S.; revising testing standards for sinkholes;
9requiring a report upon conclusion of testing; requiring
10retention of certain information for a specified period;
11authorizing the Department of Environmental Protection to
12adopt rules for the implementation of sinkhole testing and
13reporting; amending s. 627.7073, F.S.; revising a
14presumption relating to the findings, opinions, and
15recommendations in sinkhole reports; creating s. 627.7074,
16F.S.; providing for an alternative procedure for the
17resolution of disputed sinkhole insurance claims, which is
18optional, nonbinding, and informal; providing definitions;
19requiring the Department of Financial Services to certify
20and maintain a list of neutral evaluators, prepare a
21consumer information pamphlet explaining the alternative
22procedure, and adopt rules for the implementation of an
23alternative procedure; requiring insurers to provide the
24consumer information pamphlets to policyholders upon
25receipt of a sinkhole report or denial of a claim;
26providing for payment of costs and attorney's fees;
27preserving access to courts and authorizing judicial
28review of neutral evaluation recommendations; providing an
29effective date.
31Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
33     Section 1.  This act may be cited as the "Sinkhole
34Insurance Relief Act."
35     Section 2.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (5) and subsection
36(7) of section 627.707, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
37     627.707  Standards for investigation of sinkhole claims by
38insurers; nonrenewals.--Upon receipt of a claim for a sinkhole
39loss, an insurer must meet the following standards in
40investigating a claim:
41     (5)
42     (b)  The insurer may limit its payment to the actual cash
43value of the sinkhole loss, not including underpinning or
44grouting or any other repair technique performed below the
45existing foundation of the building, until the policyholder
46enters into a contract for the performance of building
47stabilization or foundation repairs. After the policyholder
48enters into the contract, the insurer shall pay the amounts
49necessary to begin and perform such repairs as the work is
50performed and the expenses are incurred. The insurer may not
51require the policyholder to advance payment for such repairs. If
52repair has begun and the engineer selected or approved by the
53insurer determines that the repair cannot be completed within
54the policy limits, the insurer must either complete the
55engineer's recommended repair or tender the policy limits to the
56policyholder without a reduction for the repair expenses
57incurred. The insurer may make payment directly to the persons
58selected by the policyholder to perform the land and building
59stabilization and foundation repairs. The insurer has no
60liability for the work performed unless it agrees to such
61liability in writing.
62     (7)  If the insurer obtains, pursuant to s. 627.7073,
63written certification that there is no sinkhole loss or that the
64cause of the damage was not sinkhole activity, and if the
65policyholder has submitted the sinkhole claim without good faith
66grounds for submitting such claim, the policyholder shall
67reimburse the insurer for 50 percent of the actual costs of the
68analyses and services provided under ss. 627.7072 and 627.7073;
69however, a policyholder is not required to reimburse an insurer
70more than $2,500 with respect to any claim. A policyholder is
71required to pay reimbursement under this subsection only if the
72insurer, prior to ordering the analysis under s. 627.7072,
73informs the policyholder in writing of the policyholder's
74potential liability for reimbursement and gives the policyholder
75the opportunity to withdraw the claim.
76     Section 3.  Subsection (2) of section 627.7072, Florida
77Statutes, is amended, and subsections (3), (4), (5), and (6) are
78added to that section, to read:
79     627.7072  Testing standards for sinkholes.--
80     (2)  Testing shall be conducted in compliance with
81standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials
82International (ASTM), the United States Army Corps of Engineers,
83or the Florida Department of Transportation, or other
84appropriate standards, as determined by rule of the Department
85of Environmental Protection, to the extent applicable by a
86professional geologist shall be conducted in compliance with the
87Florida Geological Survey Special Publication No. 57 (2005).
88     (3)(a)  All of the following may be performed in the
89initial phase of testing, referred to as phase I testing, by or
90under the supervision of the engineer or professional geologist,
91as appropriate:
92     1.  Identification and location of all reasonably
93observable damage.
94     2.  A geophysical survey such as a ground-penetrating radar
95(GPR) test, an electrical resistivity test, or other appropriate
96geophysical method.
97     3.  Hand auger boring and push penetrometer testing in two
98or more locations around the foundation of the structure to
99determine the composition and relative strength of the nearby
100surface soils. The hand auger boring must penetrate to 10 feet,
101and the push penetrometer must penetrate to at least 4 feet.
102Laboratory tests, including, but not limited to, moisture
103content, organic content for probable organic-rich soils, and
104Attenberg limits data for clays, must be conducted on any
105potentially deleterious soils obtained in the hand auger borings
106to document a proximal cause for damage.
107     4.  The excavation of one or more test pits to determine to
108the extent possible the thickness, bearing depth, and type of
109foundation system used in the construction.
110     5.  Preparation of a site map showing damage locations,
111documentation of representative damage through the use of
112photographs taken at the time of initial and subsequent site
113reconnaissance and field testing under this section, and a
114written description of the nature of each damage feature.
115     6.  A floor slab elevation map.
116     (b)  Phase I testing may include other tests the engineer
117and professional geologist deem to be practical and appropriate
118to identify or eliminate the existence of subsurface anomalies
119and geological features of interest, but may not include the
120type of tests included under phase II.
121     (4)(a)  If testing performed under subsection (3) is
122inconclusive as to the determination of sinkhole loss or reveals
123damage other than that related to a sinkhole, in the opinion of
124either the engineer or professional geologist, or both, or if
125additional testing under this section is demanded by the
126policyholder in writing within 60 days, the following additional
127tests, referred to as phase II testing, shall be performed by or
128under the supervision of the engineer or professional geologist:
129     1.  A floor elevation survey or study to determine any
130variances in the floor elevation.
131     2.  At least two invasive penetration test borings,
132consisting of standard penetration tests, to determine the
133composition and properties of the subsurface geologic materials
134surrounding the structure. Cone penetrometer tests may be used
135to discover the relative consistency of subsurface conditions.
136     3.  Laboratory analyses of representative samples of
137potentially problematic materials found within the upper 20 feet
138of soil to determine if these materials may have contributed to
139the damage.
140     (b)  Phase II testing may include other tests the engineer
141and professional geologist deem to be appropriate.
142     (5)  Upon conclusion of testing required by this section,
143the person conducting the tests must provide a written report to
144the insurer and policyholder. All relative testing data, logs,
145error reports, and similar information, regardless of whether
146the engineer or professional geologist finds the information to
147be relevant, shall be retained by the engineer or professional
148geologists for a period of 2 years from the date of the
149resolution of the claim.
150     (6)  The Department of Environmental Protection may adopt
151rules to implement this section.
152     Section 4.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section
153627.7073, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
154     627.7073  Sinkhole reports.--
155     (1)  Upon completion of testing as provided in s. 627.7072,
156the engineer and professional geologist shall issue a report and
157certification to the insurer and the policyholder as provided in
158this section.
159     (c)  The respective findings, opinions, and recommendations
160of the engineer and professional geologist as to the
161verification or elimination of a sinkhole loss and the findings,
162opinions, and recommendations of the engineer as to land and
163building stabilization and foundation repair are conclusive,
164unless contrary findings and conclusions are proven by clear and
165convincing evidence shall be presumed correct.
166     Section 5.  Section 627.7074, Florida Statutes, is created
167to read:
168     627.7074  Alternative procedure for resolution of disputed
169sinkhole insurance claims.--
170     (1)  As used in this section:
171     (a)  "Neutral evaluation" means the alternative dispute
172resolution provided for in this section.
173     (b)  "Neutral evaluator" means a qualified engineer or a
174professional geologist who has completed a course of study in
175alternative dispute resolution designed or approved by the
176department for use in the neutral evaluation process, who is
177determined to be fair and impartial, and who is attempting to
178resolve the dispute or claim under this section.
179     (c)  "Department" means the Department of Financial
181     (2)  The department shall certify and maintain a list of
182persons who are neutral evaluators.
183     (3)  Following its receipt of the report provided under s.
184627.7073 or its denial of a claim for a sinkhole loss, the
185insurer shall notify the policyholder of his or her right to
186participate in the neutral evaluation program under this
187section. The department shall prepare a consumer information
188pamphlet for distribution by the insurer to policyholders. The
189pamphlet shall clearly describe the neutral evaluation process
190and include directions and forms necessary for the policyholder
191to request a neutral evaluation.
192     (4)  Neutral evaluation is optional and nonbinding. Either
193the policyholder or the insurer may decline to participate. A
194request for neutral evaluation shall be filed with the
195department by the policyholder or the insurer on a form approved
196by the department. The request for neutral evaluation must state
197the reason for the request and must include an explanation of
198all the issues in dispute at the time of the request. Filing a
199request for neutral evaluation tolls the applicable time
200requirements for filing suit for a period of 60 days following
201the conclusion of the neutral evaluation process or the time
202prescribed in s. 95.11, whichever is later.
203     (5)  Neutral evaluation shall be conducted as an informal
204process in which formal rules of evidence and procedure need not
205be observed. A party to neutral evaluation is not required to
206attend neutral evaluation if a representative of the party
207attends and has the authority to make a binding decision on
208behalf of the party. All parties shall participate in the
209evaluation in good faith.
210     (6)  The insurer shall pay the costs associated with the
211neutral evaluation.
212     (7)  Upon receipt of a request for neutral evaluation, the
213department shall refer the request to a neutral evaluator. The
214neutral evaluator shall notify the policyholder and the insurer
215of the date, time, and place of the neutral evaluation
216conference. The conference may be held by telephone, if feasible
217and desirable. The neutral evaluation conference shall be held
218within 45 days after receipt of the request by the department.
219     (8)  The department shall adopt rules of procedure for the
220neutral evaluation process.
221     (9)  For policyholders not represented by an attorney, a
222consumer affairs specialist of the department or an employee
223designated as the primary contact for consumers on issues
224relating to sinkholes under s. 20.121 shall be available for
225consultation to the extent that he or she may lawfully do so.
226     (10)  Disclosures and information divulged in the neutral
227evaluation process are not admissible in any subsequent action
228or proceeding relating to the claim or to the cause of action
229giving rise to the claim, except as provided in subsection (13).
230     (11)  Any court proceeding related to the subject matter of
231the neutral evaluation shall be stayed pending completion of the
232neutral evaluation.
233     (12)  For matters that are not resolved by the parties at
234the conclusion of the neutral evaluation, the neutral evaluator
235shall prepare a report stating that in his or her opinion the
236sinkhole loss has been verified or eliminated and, if verified,
237the need for and estimated costs of stabilizing the land and any
238covered structures or buildings and other appropriate
239remediation or structural repairs. The evaluator's report shall
240be sent to all parties in attendance at the neutral evaluation
241and to the department.
242     (13)  The recommendation of the neutral evaluator is not
243binding on any party and the parties retain access to courts.
244The neutral evaluator's written recommendation is admissible in
245any subsequent action or proceeding relating to the claim or to
246the cause of action giving rise to the claim only for purposes
247of determining the award of attorney's fees.
248     (14)  If the policyholder declines to participate in
249neutral evaluation requested by the insurer or declines to
250resolve the matter in accordance with the recommendation of the
251neutral evaluator pursuant to this section, the insurer shall
252not be liable for attorney's fees under s. 627.428 or other
253provisions of the insurance code or for extra contractual
254damages related to a claim for a sinkhole loss.
255     (15)  A party may seek judicial review of the
256recommendation of the neutral evaluator to determine whether the
257recommendation was reasonable. A recommendation is reasonable
258unless it was procured by corruption, fraud, or other undue
259means; there was evident partiality by the neutral evaluator or
260misconduct prejudicing the rights of any party; or the neutral
261evaluator exceeded the authority and power granted by this
262subsection. If the court declares the recommendation is not
263reasonable, the neutral evaluation recommendation shall be
265     Section 6.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.