Senate Bill sb2494

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    Florida Senate - 2006                                  SB 2494

    By Senator Baker


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the future of electric

  3         service in Florida; creating s. 403.550, F.S.;

  4         creating the "Florida Energy Diversity and

  5         Efficiency Act"; creating s. 403.551, F.S.;

  6         providing legislative intent regarding the

  7         siting of nuclear power generating plants;

  8         creating s. 403.552, F.S.; providing

  9         definitions; creating 403.553, F.S.; specifying

10         the powers and duties of the Department of

11         Environmental Protection relating to nuclear

12         power generating plants; creating s. 403.554,

13         F.S.; providing that the act applies to the

14         building of any new nuclear power plant or

15         expanding the steam-generating capacity of any

16         existing nuclear power plant after the

17         effective date of the act; creating s. 403.555,

18         F.S.; providing the procedures for the

19         distribution of an initial application for

20         siting a nuclear power plant; creating s.

21         403.556, F.S.; requiring the department to

22         request that the Division of Administrative

23         Hearings designate an administrative law judge

24         to conduct the hearings; creating s. 403.557,

25         F.S.; providing the procedures for determining

26         the completeness of an application for siting a

27         nuclear power generating plant; creating s.

28         403.558, F.S.; requiring certain specified

29         agencies to submit a preliminary statement of

30         issues to the department and the applicant

31         within a specified period; requiring certain


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 1         specified agencies to submit reports to the

 2         department within a specified period; detailing

 3         the contents of the reports; requiring the

 4         department to prepare a written analysis of

 5         each report; requiring that the reports be sent

 6         to specified persons; specifying the content of

 7         each analysis; creating s. 403.559, F.S.;

 8         providing for notification of the report and

 9         analysis to be available to the public;

10         creating s. 403.560, F.S.; providing procedures

11         for the certification proceedings; creating s.

12         403.561, F.S.; providing for the final

13         disposition of an initial application;

14         requiring the Governor and the Cabinet sitting

15         as the Siting Board to prepare written findings

16         setting forth the activities the applicant must

17         complete in order to have the application

18         approved if the certificate is denied; limiting

19         the issues that may be raised in a hearing

20         before the board to those matters raised in the

21         certification hearing; creating s. 403.562,

22         F.S.; providing that any time limit imposed by

23         the act may be altered by the administrative

24         law judge upon stipulation between the

25         department and the applicant under certain

26         circumstances; creating s. 403.563, F.S.;

27         providing that if any provision of the act is

28         in conflict with any law, rule, regulation, or

29         ordinance of this state or any political

30         subdivision, municipality, or agency, the act

31         governs and controls; declaring that the state


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 1         preempts the siting, regulation, and

 2         certification of nuclear power plant sites and

 3         nuclear power plants; creating s. 403.564,

 4         F.S.; providing that the state license is the

 5         sole license of the state and its agencies

 6         approving the site and the construction and

 7         operation of the proposed nuclear power plant;

 8         providing that the certificate authorizes the

 9         applicant to construct and operate the proposed

10         nuclear power plant, subject to the conditions

11         set forth in the certificate and those

12         contained in any license or permit required

13         under a federally delegated or approved permit

14         program; providing for the effect of an

15         approved certificate; creating s. 403.565,

16         F.S.; providing for methods of publishing

17         notice under the act; detailing the contents of

18         the notice; providing that the applicant must

19         pay the costs of certain notices; creating s.

20         403.566, F.S.; providing the grounds for which

21         a certificate may be revoked or suspended;

22         creating s. 403.567, F.S.; providing for review

23         procedures for applications for certification

24         which have been denied; creating s. 403.568,

25         F.S.; providing grounds that constitute a

26         violation of the act; creating 403.569, F.S.;

27         providing that the information filed with the

28         department relating to the certification of a

29         nuclear power generating plant is a public

30         record and is available for public inspection

31         and copying during regular office hours, under


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 1         the provisions of ch. 119, F.S.; creating s.

 2         403.570, F.S.; providing procedures for

 3         modifying an issued certificate; creating s.

 4         403.571, F.S.; providing procedures for filing

 5         a supplemental application for an existing

 6         nuclear power generation plant; creating s.

 7         403.572, F.S.; requiring the department to

 8         charge the applicant an application fee,

 9         modification fee, or supplemental application

10         fee; requiring that the fee be set by rule on a

11         sliding scale related to the size, type,

12         ultimate site capacity, increase in generating

13         capacity proposed by the application, or the

14         number and size of local governments in whose

15         jurisdiction the nuclear power plant is

16         located; providing for the distribution of the

17         fees; creating s. 403.573, F.S.; requiring the

18         Public Service Commission to determine the need

19         for siting a nuclear power generation plant;

20         providing procedures for the determination of

21         need; amending s. 403.503, F.S.; removing the

22         siting of nuclear power stations from

23         facilities that are subject to the "Florida

24         Electric Power Plant Siting Act"; reenacting

25         ss. 380.23(3)(c) and 403.5175(1), F.S.,

26         relating to consistency reviews for certain

27         federal projects and an application for

28         certification by an electrical utility that

29         owns or operates an existing electrical power

30         plant, to incorporate the amendments made to s.



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 1         403.503, F.S., in references thereto;

 2         providing an effective date.


 4  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


 6         Section 1.  Section 403.550, Florida Statutes, is

 7  created to read:

 8         403.550  Short title.--Sections 403.550-403.573 may be

 9  cited as the "Florida Energy Diversity and Efficiency Act."

10         Section 2.  Section 403.551, Florida Statutes, is

11  created to read:

12         403.551  Legislative intent.--The Legislature finds

13  that this state, its residents, and economy benefit from

14  diverse sources of fuel for the generation of electricity.

15  Diversity of fuel sources contributes to lower-cost

16  electricity and improved reliability of electric supply

17  because the state will not be over-dependent upon a particular

18  source of fuel. The Legislature finds that nuclear power

19  plants are an important source of electric generation that can

20  contribute to the diversity of fuel sources within the state.

21  The Legislature further finds that the state has five

22  operating nuclear power plants that have operated reliably for

23  the benefit of the state, contributing a stable supply of

24  electricity with minimal effects on the environment of the

25  state. The residents of this state and electric power

26  consumers have benefited from the operation of existing

27  nuclear power plants within the state through low-cost,

28  reliable energy production, electric-grid reliability, and

29  economic and environmental benefits. The Legislature further

30  finds and declares the it is in the public interest and

31  critical to the health, prosperity, and welfare of the state


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 1  and its residents to promote the expansion of nuclear

 2  generation by the siting of new nuclear power plants within

 3  the state in order to continue to receive these benefits and

 4  to ensure the state's access to safe, reliable, efficient, and

 5  affordable electric service, thereby enhancing the state's

 6  economic future while protecting the environment. The

 7  Legislature finds that recent events have shown that the state

 8  is vulnerable to disruptions and price volatility in its

 9  electric supplies due to the importation of natural gas and

10  oil from domestic and foreign sources. The Legislature also

11  finds that the federal Energy Policy Act of 2005 contains

12  important provisions to promote the construction and operation

13  of new nuclear power plants in the United States, including

14  financial incentives for qualifying advanced nuclear power

15  plants and incentives that are limited to the first 6,000

16  megawatts of generating capacity from an advanced nuclear

17  power plant licensed in the United States. The Legislature

18  finds that the state would benefit from the timely siting of a

19  qualifying advanced nuclear power plant as a source of

20  low-cost electricity. In consideration of the present and

21  predicted growth in electric power needs in this state and the

22  potential for additional reliable sources of electricity from

23  nuclear power plants, the Legislature finds that there is a

24  need to develop a procedure for selecting and using sites for

25  electrical generating facilities using nuclear energy. The

26  Legislature recognizes that the selection of sites for new or

27  expanded nuclear powered electrical generating plants,

28  including any associated linear facilities, will have a

29  significant effect upon the welfare of the public, the

30  location and growth of industry, and the use of the natural

31  resources of the state. The Legislature finds that the


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 1  efficiency of the permit application and review process at the

 2  state and local level would be improved by implementing a

 3  process whereby a permit application for a nuclear power plant

 4  would be centrally coordinated and all permit decisions could

 5  be reviewed on the basis of uniform standards and

 6  recommendations of the relevant agencies. A centrally

 7  coordinated permitting process would also enhance the ability

 8  of the state to become the location of a qualifying advanced

 9  nuclear power plant. The Legislature further finds that

10  nuclear power plants may also be the location of or otherwise

11  promote other public benefits such as water supply projects,

12  industrial development, or other activities. Legislation that

13  addresses issues unique to the siting of nuclear power plants

14  is required to encourage electric utilities to locate and

15  operate new nuclear power plant facilities within the state

16  and to take advantage of provisions of the federal Energy

17  Policy Act of 2005 which operate to reduce the overall costs

18  of such plants. It is the intent of the Legislature that the

19  state promote and approve new nuclear powered electrical

20  generating facilities that will reasonably balance the

21  increasing demands for reliable, cost-effective electric

22  power, electrical power plant location, and construction and

23  operation with the broad interests of the public.

24         Section 3.  Section 403.552, Florida Statutes, is

25  created to read:

26         403.552  Definitions.--As used in ss. 403.550-403.573,

27  the term:

28         (1)  "Agency" means an official, officer, commission,

29  authority, council, committee, department, division, bureau,

30  board, section, or other unit or entity of government,

31  including a regional or local governmental entity.


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 1         (2)  "Amendment" means a material change in the

 2  information provided by the applicant to the application for

 3  certification made after the initial application filing.

 4         (3)  "Applicant" means any electric utility as defined

 5  under s. 366.8255(1)(a) and municipalities and towns,

 6  counties, public utility districts, electric cooperatives, and

 7  joint operating agencies, or combinations thereof, authorized

 8  under the laws of this state to engage in the business of

 9  generating, transmitting, or distributing electric energy to

10  retail electric customers in the state.

11         (4)  "Application" means the documents required by the

12  Department of Environmental Protection which are filed in

13  order to initiate a certification proceeding, including the

14  documents necessary for the department to render a decision on

15  any permit required under any federally delegated or approved

16  permit program.

17         (5)  "Associated facilities" means those facilities

18  that directly support the construction or operation of the

19  nuclear power plant, including, but not limited to,

20  substations, transmission lines that connect the electrical

21  power plant to an electrical transmission network, and

22  rights-of-way to which the applicant intends to connect.

23         (6)  "Associated transmission line" means any new or

24  upgraded transmission line that connects the electrical power

25  plant to an electrical transmission network or rights-of-way

26  to which the applicant intends to connect, including, at the

27  applicant's option, any proposed terminal or intermediate

28  substations, substation expansions connected to the associated

29  transmission line to be certified, or new transmission lines

30  or upgrades or improvements of existing transmission lines on

31  any portion of the electrical transmission system in the state


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 1  which are necessary to support the generation injected to the

 2  system from the proposed nuclear power plant.

 3         (7)  "Board" means the Governor and Cabinet sitting as

 4  the Nuclear Power Plant Siting Board.

 5         (8)  "Certification" means the written order of the

 6  board approving an application in whole or with such changes

 7  or conditions as the board considers appropriate.

 8         (9)  "Completeness" means that the application has

 9  addressed all applicable sections of the prescribed

10  application format, and that those sections are sufficient in

11  comprehensiveness of data or in quality of information

12  provided to allow the department to determine whether the

13  application provides the reviewing agencies adequate

14  information to prepare the reports required by s. 403.558.

15         (10)  "Corridor" means the proposed area within which

16  an associated linear facility right-of-way is to be located.

17  The width of the corridor proposed for certification as an

18  associated facility, at the option of the applicant, may be

19  the width of the right-of-way or a wider boundary, not to

20  exceed a width of 1 mile, within which the right-of-way will

21  be located. The area within the corridor in which a

22  right-of-way may be located may be further restricted by a

23  condition of certification. After all property interests

24  required for the right-of-way have been acquired by the

25  applicant, the boundaries of the area certified shall narrow

26  to only that land within the boundaries of the right-of-way.

27         (11)  "Department" means the Department of

28  Environmental Protection.

29         (12)  "Designated administrative law judge" or

30  "administrative law judge" means the administrative law judge

31  assigned by the Division of Administrative Hearings under


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 1  chapter 120 to conduct the hearings required under ss.

 2  403.550-403.573.

 3         (13)  "Division" means the Division of Administrative

 4  Hearings.

 5         (14)  "Federally delegated or approved permit program"

 6  means any environmental regulatory program approved by an

 7  agency of the Federal Government so as to authorize the

 8  department to administer and issue licenses under federal law,

 9  including, but not limited to, new source review permits,

10  operation permits for major sources of air pollution; and

11  prevention-of-significant-deterioration permits under the

12  Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. ss. 7401 et seq.; permits under ss.

13  402 and 404 of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. ss. 1251 et

14  seq., and permits under the Resource Conservation and Recovery

15  Act, 42 U.S.C. ss. 6901 et seq.

16         (15)  "License" means a franchise, permit,

17  certification, registration, charter, comprehensive plan

18  amendment, development order, or permit as defined in chapters

19  163 and 380, or similar form of authorization required by law,

20  including permits issued under a federally delegated or

21  approved permit program. The term does not include a license

22  required primarily for revenue purposes if issuance of the

23  license is merely a ministerial act.

24         (16)  "Local government" means a municipality or county

25  in the jurisdiction of which the nuclear power generating

26  facility is proposed to be located, unless the term is

27  expressly stated to also include the local governments in the

28  jurisdiction of which associated facilities or associated

29  transmission lines are located.




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 1         (17)  "Modification" means any change in the

 2  certification order after issuance, including a change in the

 3  conditions of certification.

 4         (18)  "Nonprocedural requirements of agencies" means

 5  any regulatory requirement of an agency established by

 6  statute, rule, ordinance, or comprehensive plan, excluding any

 7  provision prescribing forms, fees, procedures, or time limits

 8  for the review or processing of information submitted to

 9  demonstrate compliance with the regulatory requirements.

10         (19)  "Notice of intent" means a notice that is filed

11  with the department on behalf of an applicant before

12  submitting an application under ss. 403.550-403.573 and that

13  notifies the department of its intent to file an application.

14         (20)  "Nuclear power plant" means, for the purpose of

15  certification, any electrical generating facility using any

16  process involving nuclear materials, fuels, or processes and,

17  at the applicant's election, includes associated facilities

18  and associated transmission lines.

19         (21)  "Nuclear power generating facility" means the

20  nuclear-fueled electrical generating facility within a nuclear

21  power plant, but for purposes of ss. 403.550-403.573, excludes

22  any associated facility or associated transmission line.

23         (22)  "Preliminary statement of issues" means a listing

24  and explanation of those issues within the jurisdiction of an

25  agency which are of major concern to the agency in relation to

26  the proposed nuclear power plant.

27         (23)  "Public Service Commission" or "commission" means

28  the agency created under chapter 350.

29         (24)  "Regional planning council" means a regional

30  planning council as defined in s. 186.503(4) in the



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 1  jurisdiction of which the nuclear power generating facility is

 2  proposed to be located.

 3         (25)  "Right-of-way" means land necessary for the

 4  construction and maintenance of an associated linear facility,

 5  such as a railroad line, pipeline, or transmission line,

 6  including associated facilities and associated transmission

 7  lines. The typical width of the right-of-way must be

 8  identified in the application. The right-of-way must be

 9  located within the certified corridor and must be identified

10  by the applicant after certification in documents filed with

11  the department before construction.

12         (26)  "Site" means any proposed location wherein a

13  nuclear power generating facility, or a nuclear power

14  generating facility alteration or addition resulting in an

15  increase in generating capacity, will be located within this

16  state. The site may include appropriate buffers and may

17  accommodate facilities constructed by the applicant or an

18  agency to further an objective of an adopted water supply plan

19  of a water management district. For the purposes of ss.

20  403.550-403.573, the term does not include any associated

21  facilities or associated transmission lines.

22         (27)  "Site certification" means the final order issued

23  by the board approving, with any conditions or modifications,

24  a proposed nuclear power plant.

25         (28)  "State comprehensive plan" means that plan set

26  forth in chapter 187.

27         (29)  "Ultimate site capacity" means the maximum

28  generating capacity for a site as certified by the board.

29         (30)  "Water management district" means a water

30  management district, created under chapter 373, in the



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 1  jurisdiction of which the nuclear power plant is proposed to

 2  be located.

 3         Section 4.  Section 403.553, Florida Statutes, is

 4  created to read:

 5         403.553  Department of Environmental Protection; powers

 6  and duties.--The department shall:

 7         (1)  Adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54

 8  to administer ss. 403.550-403.573.

 9         (2)  Prescribe the form and content of the public

10  notices and the notice of intent and the form, content, and

11  necessary supporting documentation and studies to be prepared

12  by the applicant for a nuclear power plant site certification.

13  Until new forms are adopted by the department, the department

14  shall use any existing forms and instructions for applying for

15  a site certification which have been adopted under the Florida

16  Electrical Power Plant Siting Act, ss. 403.501-403.518.

17         (3)  Receive applications for the certification of a

18  nuclear power plant site and determine the completeness and

19  sufficiency thereof.

20         (4)  Make, or contract for, studies of certification

21  applications for a nuclear power plant site.

22         (5)  Administer the processing of applications for the

23  certification of a nuclear power plant site and ensure that

24  the applications are processed as expeditiously as possible.

25         (6)  Require such fees as authorized under ss.

26  403.550-403.573.

27         (7)  Conduct studies and prepare a written analysis

28  under s. 403.558.

29         (8)  Prescribe the means for monitoring continued

30  compliance with terms of the certification.



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 1         (9)  Notify all affected agencies of the filing of a

 2  notice of intent within 15 days after receipt of the notice.

 3         (10)  Issue, with the certification of the nuclear

 4  power plant, any license required under any federally

 5  delegated or approved permit program.

 6         Section 5.  Section 403.554, Florida Statutes, is

 7  created to read:

 8         403.554  Applicability and certification.--

 9         (1)  Sections 403.550-403.573 apply exclusively to any

10  nuclear power plant and to any expansion in steam-generating

11  capacity of any existing nuclear power plant. Construction of

12  any new nuclear power plant or expansion in steam-generating

13  capacity of any existing nuclear power plant may not be

14  undertaken after the effective date of this act without first

15  obtaining certification as required in ss. 403.550-403.573.

16  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, ss.

17  403.550-403.573 do not apply to a nuclear power plant that is

18  presently operating or that has, on the effective date of this

19  act, applied for a permit or certification under requirements

20  in force before the effective date of this act.

21         (2)  Except as provided in the certification, the

22  modification of nuclear fuels, internal related hardware, or

23  operating conditions which is not in conflict with

24  certification and which does not increase the electrical

25  output of a unit to no greater capacity than the maximum

26  operating capacity of the existing electrical generator does

27  not constitute an alteration or addition to generating

28  capacity which requires certification under ss.

29  403.550-403.573.

30         (3)  The application for any related department license

31  that is required under any federally delegated or approved


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 1  permit program must be processed within the time periods

 2  authorized under ss. 403.550-403.573, in lieu of those

 3  specified in s. 120.60.

 4         Section 6.  Section 403.555, Florida Statutes, is

 5  created to read:

 6         403.555  Distribution of application; schedules.--

 7         (1)  Within 7 days after the filing of an application,

 8  the department shall provide to the applicant and the Division

 9  of Administrative Hearings the names and addresses of those

10  affected individuals or agencies that are entitled to notice

11  and copies of the application and any amendments.

12         (2)  Within 7 days after completeness has been

13  determined, the department shall prepare a schedule of dates

14  for submitting statements of issues, determining sufficiency,

15  and submitting final reports from affected individuals and

16  agencies and other significant dates to be followed during the

17  certification process, including dates for filing notices of

18  appearance to be a party under s. 403.560(2). The schedule

19  must establish the date for conducting any certification

20  hearing set forth in ss. 403.550-403.573. This schedule must

21  be timely provided by the department to the applicant, the

22  administrative law judge, all agencies identified in

23  subsection (1), and all parties.

24         (3)  Within 7 days after the department issues the

25  names and addresses of affected individuals or other agencies

26  entitled to notice and copies of the application and any

27  amendments, the applicant shall distribute copies of the

28  application to all agencies identified by the department.

29  Copies of changes and amendments to the application shall be

30  timely distributed by the applicant to all affected agencies

31  and parties.


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 1         Section 7.  Section 403.556, Florida Statutes, is

 2  created to read:

 3         403.556  Appointment of administrative law

 4  judge.--Within 7 days after receipt of an application, whether

 5  complete or not, the department shall request the Division of

 6  Administrative Hearings to designate an administrative law

 7  judge to conduct the hearings required under ss.

 8  403.550-403.573. The division director shall designate an

 9  administrative law judge within 7 days after receipt of the

10  request from the department.

11         Section 8.  Section 403.557, Florida Statutes, is

12  created to read:

13         403.557 Determination of completeness.--

14         (1)  Within 45 days after distribution of the

15  application or an amendment to a pending application, the

16  department shall file a statement with the division and with

17  the applicant declaring its position with regard to the

18  completeness of the application or amendment. The department's

19  statement shall be based upon consultation with the affected

20  agencies, which shall submit to the department recommendations

21  concerning the completeness of the application within 30 days

22  after distribution of the application.

23         (2)  If the department declares the application or

24  amendment incomplete, the applicant may withdraw the

25  application or amendment. If the applicant declines to

26  withdraw the application or amendment, the applicant may, at

27  its option:

28         (a)  Within 40 days after the department files its

29  statement of incompleteness or such later date as authorized

30  by department rules, file additional information necessary to

31  make the application or amendment complete. If the applicant


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 1  makes its application or amendment complete within this

 2  period, the time schedules under ss. 403.550-403.573 are not

 3  tolled by the department's statement of incompleteness;

 4         (b)  Advise the department and the administrative law

 5  judge that the information necessary to make the application

 6  or amendment complete cannot be supplied within the allotted

 7  time authorized in paragraph (a); or

 8         (c)  Contest the statement of incompleteness by filing

 9  a request for hearing with the administrative law judge within

10  15 days after the filing of the statement of incompleteness. A

11  hearing shall be held no later than 21 days after the filing

12  of the statement by the department, and a final decision shall

13  be rendered by the administrative law judge within 10 days

14  after the hearing.


16  Any time schedule set forth in ss. 403.550-403.573 is tolled

17  following the date that the department notifies the applicant

18  that its application, or amendment to an application, is

19  declared incomplete. The time remains tolled until the

20  application or amendment is determined complete.

21         (3)(a)  If the administrative law judge determines that

22  an application or amendment is complete, all time schedules

23  under ss. 403.550-403.573 shall resume as of the date of the

24  judge's decision.

25         (b)  If the administrative law judge agrees that the

26  application is incomplete, all time schedules under ss.

27  403.550-403.573 remain tolled until the applicant files

28  additional information and the application or amendment is

29  determined complete by the department or the administrative

30  law judge.



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 1         (4)  If, within 30 days after receipt of the additional

 2  information submitted under paragraph (2)(a), paragraph

 3  (2)(b), or paragraph (3)(b), based upon the recommendations of

 4  the affected agencies, the department determines that the

 5  additional information supplied by an applicant does not

 6  render the application or amendment complete, the applicant

 7  may exercise any of the options specified in subsection (2) as

 8  often as necessary to resolve the dispute.

 9         Section 9.  Section 403.558, Florida Statutes, is

10  created to read:

11         403.558  Preliminary statements of issues, reports, and

12  studies.--

13         (1)  Each affected agency identified in paragraph

14  (2)(a) shall submit a preliminary statement of issues to the

15  department and the applicant no later than 45 days after the

16  distribution of the application. The failure to raise an issue

17  in this statement does not preclude the issue from being

18  raised in the agency's report.

19         (2)(a)  Each of the following agencies shall prepare a

20  report as provided in this subsection and shall submit the

21  report to the department and the applicant within 60 days

22  after the agency's application is determined complete:

23         1.  The Department of Community Affairs shall prepare a

24  report containing recommendations that address the impact upon

25  the public of the proposed nuclear power plant, based on the

26  degree to which the nuclear power plant is consistent with the

27  applicable portions of the state comprehensive plan and other

28  such matters within its jurisdiction.

29         2.  The Public Service Commission shall prepare a

30  report as to the present and future need for the electrical

31  generating capacity to be supplied by the proposed nuclear


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 1  power plant. The report must include the commission's

 2  determination under s. 403.573(4) and may include the

 3  commission's comments with respect to any other matters within

 4  its jurisdiction.

 5         3.  The water management district shall prepare a

 6  report as to matters within its regulatory jurisdiction.

 7         4.  Each local government in whose jurisdiction the

 8  proposed nuclear power plant, including associated facilities

 9  and associated transmission lines, is to be located shall

10  prepare a report as to the consistency of the proposed nuclear

11  power plant with all applicable local ordinances, regulations,

12  standards, or criteria that apply to the proposed nuclear

13  power plant, including adopted local comprehensive plans, land

14  development regulations, and any applicable local

15  environmental regulations adopted under s. 403.182 or by other

16  means. Each local government in which the nuclear power

17  generating facility is to be located shall also report on

18  whether the proposed site for a nuclear power generating

19  facility is located in a future land-use category and a zoning

20  district, as adopted by the local government and which were in

21  effect on the date upon which the application was filed, which

22  permits the location of a nuclear power generating facility.

23  If the proposed site for a nuclear power generating facility

24  is not located in a future land-use category or zoning

25  district that allows such a use, the local government shall

26  identify the future land-use category or zoning district that

27  would be required to allow the proposed nuclear power

28  generating facility on the proposed site. If the proposed site

29  for a nuclear power generating facility is not located in a

30  future land-use category or zoning district that allows such a

31  use, the local government shall identify in its report any


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 1  reasonable and available methods that the local government

 2  believes are necessary to make the proposed use of the site

 3  for a nuclear power generating facility consistent with the

 4  local comprehensive plan future land-use category, in

 5  compliance with the local zoning code or compatible with the

 6  existing land uses surrounding the proposed site of the

 7  nuclear power generating facility.

 8         5.  The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission shall

 9  prepare a report as to matters within its jurisdiction.

10         6.  The regional planning council shall prepare a

11  report containing recommendations that address the effect upon

12  the public of the proposed nuclear power plant, as identified

13  under the applicable provisions of the strategic regional

14  policy plan adopted under chapter 186.

15         7.  The Department of Health shall prepare a report as

16  to matters within its jurisdiction.

17         8.  The Department of Transportation shall prepare a

18  report as to the impact of the proposed nuclear power plant

19  and associated linear facilities on roads, railroads,

20  airports, aeronautics, seaports, and other matters within its

21  jurisdiction.

22         9.  Any other agency, if requested by the department

23  and upon approval of the assigned administrative law judge,

24  shall also perform studies or prepare reports as to matters

25  within that agency's jurisdiction which may be directly

26  affected by the proposed nuclear power plant.

27         (b)  Each report must contain all information

28  concerning variances, exemptions, exceptions, or other relief

29  which may be required by s. 403.564(2) and any proposed

30  conditions of certification concerning matters within the

31  jurisdiction of such agency. For each condition proposed by an


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 1  agency in its report, the agency must list the specific

 2  statute, rule, or ordinance that authorizes the proposed

 3  condition. A condition of certification may not be imposed

 4  upon a nuclear power plant project that is not directly

 5  required to ensure compliance with a specific statute, rule,

 6  or ordinance of an agency or the criteria set forth in ss.

 7  403.550-403.573.

 8         (c)  Each agency shall initiate the activities required

 9  by this section no later than 30 days after the complete

10  application is distributed.

11         (3)  The department shall prepare a written analysis

12  that must be filed with the designated administrative law

13  judge and served on all parties no later than 85 days after

14  the application is determined to be complete but no later than

15  60 days before the scheduled date for the certification

16  hearing if a request for a hearing has been filed. The

17  department's analysis must include:

18         (a)  A statement indicating whether the proposed

19  nuclear power plant and ultimate capacity of the site will

20  comply with the rules of the department and with a specific

21  statute, rule, or ordinance of an agency identified in that

22  agency's report.

23         (b)  Copies of the studies and reports required by this

24  section and s. 403.573.

25         (c)  The comments received by the department from any

26  other agency or person.

27         (d)  The recommendation of the department as to the

28  disposition of the application, of variances, exemptions,

29  exceptions, or other relief identified by any party, and of

30  any proposed conditions of certification which the department

31  believes should be imposed, including any conditions


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 1  recommended by an agency which the department believes should

 2  be imposed in any final certification.

 3         (e)  The recommendation of the department regarding the

 4  issuance of any license required under a federally delegated

 5  or approved permit program.

 6         (4)  Except if good cause is shown, if an agency fails

 7  to submit a preliminary statement of issues or a report, or

 8  fails to submit its preliminary statement of issues or report

 9  within the allowed time, any time limitation set forth in ss.

10  403.550-403.573 is not affected. An agency's failure to submit

11  a preliminary statement of issues or a report, or failure to

12  submit an adequate preliminary statement of issues or report,

13  is not a reason to deny or make conditional the certification

14  of a nuclear power plant.

15         Section 10.  Section 403.559, Florida Statutes, is

16  created to read:

17         403.559  Notice of department recommendation; petition

18  for certification hearing.--

19         (1)  The department and the applicant shall publish a

20  public notice announcing the issuance of the department's

21  recommendation concerning the application for site

22  certification. The notice must be published in the newspaper

23  or newspapers in the locality where the proposed nuclear power

24  plant and any associated facility are to be located. The

25  notice must inform the public of the issuance of the

26  department's report, the conclusion reached in that report,

27  and the locations where the application and the department's

28  report are available for public inspection.

29         (2)  Within 14 days after its receipt of the

30  department's recommendation or within 14 days after

31  publication of the newspaper notice of the department's


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 1  recommendation, whichever occurs first, any party or any

 2  person whose substantial interests may be affected by the

 3  proposed nuclear power plant may file with the department a

 4  petition for a certification hearing. The petition must

 5  identify the person filing the petition, the substantial

 6  interests alleged to be affected, and, with specificity, those

 7  issues that the person alleges require the holding of a

 8  certification hearing on the proposed nuclear power plant.

 9         (3)  If a petition for a certification hearing is not

10  filed, the department's recommendation becomes final and is

11  not subject to a challenge or reversal in any proceeding,

12  including before the siting board. Only those conditions

13  contained in the department's recommendation may be imposed

14  upon the proposed nuclear power plant.

15         Section 11.  Section 403.560, Florida Statutes, is

16  created to read:

17         403.560  Certification proceedings, parties,

18  participants.--

19         (1)(a)  If a party or person whose substantial

20  interests are affected files a petition for a certification

21  hearing, the hearing must be held before a designated

22  administrative law judge no later than 260 days after the

23  application is filed with the department. However, a

24  certification hearing may not be held unless the commission

25  makes a positive determination of need for the siting of the

26  nuclear plant.

27         (b)  If a timely petition for a certification hearing

28  is filed, the hearing must be held at a location in proximity

29  to the proposed site of the nuclear generating plant. The

30  certification hearing is the only hearing allowed by chapter

31  120 to determine the substantial interest of a party regarding


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 1  any required agency license or a related permit required under

 2  any federally delegated or approved permit program.

 3         (c)  At the conclusion of the hearing, the

 4  administrative law judge must submit a recommended order to

 5  the board. The order must be sent no later than 60 days after

 6  the filing of the hearing transcript. If the administrative

 7  law judge fails to issue a recommended order within the

 8  allotted time, the administrative law judge must submit a

 9  report to the board with a copy to all parties within the

10  60-day period to advise the board of the reason for the delay

11  in the issuance of the recommended order and of the date by

12  which the recommended order will be issued.

13         (2)(a)  Parties to a certification hearing include:

14         1.  The applicant.

15         2.  The Public Service Commission.

16         3.  The Department of Community Affairs.

17         4.  The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

18         5.  The Department of Transportation.

19         6.  The water management district.

20         7.  The department.

21         8.  The regional planning council.

22         9.  The local government.

23         (b)  Any party listed in paragraph (a) other than the

24  department or the applicant may waive its right to participate

25  in the certification proceedings. If a listed party fails to

26  file a notice of its intent to be a party to the proceedings

27  on or before the 90th day before the scheduled date for the

28  certification hearing, the party has waived its right to be a

29  party.




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 1         (c)  After filing a notice of its intent to become a

 2  party with the administrative law judge, the following shall

 3  be named as parties to the proceeding:

 4         1.  Any agency not listed in paragraph (a) concerning

 5  matters within its jurisdiction.

 6         2.  Any domestic nonprofit corporation or association

 7  formed, in whole or in part, to promote conservation or

 8  natural beauty; to protect the environment, personal health,

 9  or other biological values; to preserve historical sites; to

10  promote consumer interests; to represent labor, commercial, or

11  industrial groups; or to promote comprehensive planning or

12  orderly development of the area in which the proposed nuclear

13  power plant is to be located.

14         (d)  Notwithstanding paragraph (e), an agency described

15  in subparagraph (c)1. which fails to file a notice of intent

16  to be a party within the time allotted to act, waives its

17  right to participate as a party in the proceeding.

18         (e)  A person may intervene in the proceeding after the

19  time designated to file for participation as a party up to 30

20  days before the commencement of the certification hearing.

21  Late intervention under this paragraph may be granted by the

22  administrative law judge upon a showing of good cause that

23  excuses the late intervention and under such conditions as the

24  judge prescribes. Persons who may participate as parties

25  include any person who has failed to timely file a notice of

26  intent to be a party, whose substantial interests are affected

27  and being determined by the proceeding, and who has timely

28  filed a motion to intervene under chapter 120.

29         (f)  Any agency, including those whose properties are

30  being affected under s. 403.561(5), shall be made a party upon

31  the request of the department or the applicant.


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 1         (3)(a)  Any person participating as a party must be

 2  given the opportunity to present oral or written testimony to

 3  the administrative law judge.

 4         (b)  Any other person may be given the opportunity to

 5  present oral or written testimony to the administrative law

 6  judge. If the judge proposes to consider such testimony, all

 7  parties have the right to cross-examine the witness or

 8  challenge or rebut the testimony.

 9         (4)  The administrative law judge has all powers and

10  duties granted to administrative law judges by chapter 120 and

11  this chapter, including the authority to resolve disputes

12  concerning the completeness and sufficiency of an application

13  for certification.

14         Section 12.  Section 403.561, Florida Statutes, is

15  created to read:

16         403.561  Final disposition of application.--

17         (1)  Within 60 days after the department issues its

18  recommendations or 60 days after the board receives the

19  recommended order, the board shall issue a written order

20  granting or denying the certification for the siting of a

21  nuclear generating plant. The written order must specifically

22  state the reasons for issuing or denying the certificate. If

23  no hearing has been held, the board must enter a final order

24  approving the proposed nuclear power plant subject only to the

25  conditions of certification contained in the department's

26  recommendation prepared under s. 403.559. 

27         (2)  When determining whether a certificate should be

28  approved in whole, approved with modifications or conditions,

29  or denied, the board must consider whether and the extent to

30  which the location, construction, or operation of the proposed

31  nuclear power plant will:


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 1         (a)  Meet the electrical energy needs of the state in

 2  an orderly and timely fashion, as determined by the

 3  commission;

 4         (b)  Comply with nonprocedural requirements of

 5  agencies;

 6         (c)  Be consistent with applicable local government

 7  comprehensive plans and in compliance with applicable zoning

 8  ordinances. If the proposed nuclear power plant is not

 9  consistent with applicable local government comprehensive

10  plans or does not comply with local zoning ordinances, the

11  board shall order that reasonable and available methods be

12  used to minimize any inconsistency with applicable future

13  land-use categories or applicable local zoning in order to

14  make the proposed nuclear power plant compatible with existing

15  land uses surrounding the site; and

16         (d)  Create a reasonable balance between the need for

17  the nuclear power plant as a means of providing abundant,

18  low-cost electrical energy and the impact upon the public and

19  the environment resulting from the location, construction, and

20  operation of the proposed nuclear power plant.

21         (3)  After the certification hearing, if the

22  certificate is denied, the board shall set forth in writing

23  the activities the applicant must complete in order to obtain

24  approval of the application.

25         (4)  The issues that may be raised in a hearing before

26  the board are limited to those matters raised in the

27  certification hearing before the administrative law judge or

28  raised in the recommended order. Only parties to the

29  certification hearing may appear before the board and are

30  subject to s. 120.66.



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 1         (5)  After issuing the certificate, the board may

 2  resolve issues relating to the use of property by the nuclear

 3  power plant which is held by an agency and direct any such

 4  agency to execute, within 30 days after issuing the

 5  certificate, the necessary licenses or easements for the use,

 6  connection, or crossing of the property.

 7         Section 13.  Section 403.562, Florida Statutes, is

 8  created to read:

 9         403.562  Alteration of time limits.--Any time limit

10  imposed by this act may be altered by the administrative law

11  judge upon stipulation between the department and the

12  applicant, unless objected to by any party within 5 days after

13  notice, or for good cause shown by any party.

14         Section 14.  Section 403.563, Florida Statutes, is

15  created to read:

16         403.563  Superseded laws, regulations, and

17  certification power.--

18         (1)  If any provision of ss. 403.550-403.573 conflicts

19  with any other provision, limitation, or restriction under any

20  law, rule, regulation, or ordinance of this state or any

21  political subdivision, municipality, or agency, ss.

22  403.550-403.573 shall govern and control, and such law, rule,

23  regulation, or ordinance is superseded for the purposes of ss.

24  403.550-403.573.

25         (2)  The siting, regulation, and certification of

26  nuclear power plant sites and nuclear power plants as defined

27  in ss. 403.550-403.573 is preempted to the state.

28         (3)  The board may adopt rules to administer ss.

29  403.550-403.573 and to give effect to the legislative intent

30  that ss. 403.550-403.573 to provide an efficient, simplified,

31  centrally coordinated, one-stop licensing process.


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 1         Section 15.  Section 403.564, Florida Statutes, is

 2  created to read:

 3         403.564  Effect of certification.--

 4         (1)  Except for the issuance of licenses required under

 5  any federally delegated or approved permit program and as

 6  otherwise provided in subsection (4), any certificate approved

 7  by the board is the sole license of the state and its agencies

 8  approving the site and the construction and operation of the

 9  proposed nuclear power plant. The certificate authorizes the

10  applicant to construct and operate the proposed nuclear power

11  plant, subject to the conditions set forth in the certificate

12  and those contained in any license or permit required under a

13  federally delegated or approved permit program.

14         (2)(a)  Except as provided in subsection (4), the

15  certificate may include conditions that constitute variances,

16  exemptions, or exceptions from nonprocedural requirements of

17  the department or any agency which were expressly considered

18  during the proceeding unless waived by the agency as provided

19  and which otherwise would be applicable to the construction

20  and operation of the proposed nuclear power plant. A variance,

21  exemption, exception, or other relief may not be granted from

22  a state statute or rule for the protection of endangered or

23  threatened species, aquatic preserves, Outstanding National

24  Resource Waters, or Outstanding Florida Waters or for the

25  disposal of hazardous waste. However, a variance, exemption,

26  exception, or other relief may be granted to the extent that

27  it is authorized by an applicable statute or rule or upon a

28  finding by the board that the siting of the nuclear power

29  plant at the site proposed by the applicant overrides the

30  public interest protected by a statute or rule from which

31  relief is sought. In addition, a variance may not be granted


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 1  from a rule of the department which is applicable under any

 2  federally delegated or approved permit program, except as

 3  expressly allowed in the federal program.

 4         (b)  Each party shall notify the applicant and other

 5  parties no more than 60 days after the application is

 6  determined complete of any nonprocedural requirements not

 7  specifically listed in the application from which a variance,

 8  exemption, exception, or other relief is necessary in order

 9  for the board to approve issuing a certificate for a nuclear

10  power plant. If an agency fails to notify the board of such a

11  requirement, the agency waives its right to assert the

12  nonprocedural requirement.

13         (c)  If a condition in a certificate issued under ss.

14  403.550-403.573 is inconsistent with or otherwise in conflict

15  with any requirement of a federal law, regulation, or license

16  regulating construction or operation of a nuclear power plant,

17  the condition in the certificate is automatically modified to

18  conform to the federal requirement or is superseded by the

19  federal requirement. The state may not enforce compliance with

20  any federal requirement under ss. 403.550-403.573, except to

21  the extent that the state is authorized to enforce the

22  condition under federal law.

23         (3)  The certificate issued under ss. 403.550-403.573

24  supersedes any license, permit, certificate, or similar

25  document required by any agency under, but not limited to,

26  chapter 125, chapter 161, chapter 163, chapter 166, chapter

27  186, chapter 253, chapter 298, chapter 370, chapter 373,

28  chapter 376, chapter 380, chapter 381, chapter 387, chapter

29  403, except for permits issued under s. 403.0885 and except as

30  provided in s. 403.509(3) and (6), chapter 404, the Florida

31  Transportation Code, or 33 U.S.C. s. 1341.


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 1         (4)  Sections 403.550-403.573 do not affect the right

 2  of any local government to charge appropriate fees or require

 3  that construction be undertaken in compliance with applicable

 4  building codes. However, if there is a conflict between

 5  requirements of local building codes and federal construction

 6  requirements, the federal requirements supersede the local

 7  building codes.

 8         (5)(a)  A nuclear power plant that is issued a

 9  certificate under ss. 403.550-403.573 must comply with rules

10  adopted by the department after the issuance of the

11  certificate which prescribe new or stricter criteria, to the

12  extent that the rules are applicable to nuclear power plants.

13  Except if variances, exceptions, exemptions, or other relief

14  have been expressly granted, rules adopted after the effective

15  date of this act which prescribe new or stricter criteria

16  shall operate as automatic modifications to the certificate. A

17  holder of a certificate issued under ss. 403.550-403.573 may

18  apply to the board for relief from the rules to the extent

19  relief is available to other electrical power plants in the

20  state. Any relief must be granted in the same manner as

21  provided for the granting of relief at the time the

22  certificate was originally issued.

23         (b)  Upon written notification to the department, a

24  holder of a certificate issued under ss. 403.550-403.573 may

25  choose to operate the nuclear power plant in compliance with

26  any rule adopted by the department which prescribes criteria

27  more lenient than the criteria required by the terms and

28  conditions in the certificate which are not specific to that

29  site.

30         (c)  A term or condition in the certificate does not

31  preclude the holder of the certificate or any party from


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 1  exercising any procedural right it may have under chapter 120,

 2  including those related to rulemaking proceedings.

 3         Section 16.  Section 403.565, Florida Statutes, is

 4  created to read:

 5         403.565  Notice; costs of proceeding.--

 6         (1)  The following notices must be published by the

 7  applicant in compliance with subsection (2):

 8         (a)  A notice of filing of the application which must

 9  be published no later than 15 days after the application has

10  been determined complete. The notice must include the

11  provisions of s. 403.564(1) and (2).

12         (b)  A notice of the issuance of the report and

13  recommendation of the department which must be published no

14  later than 15 days after the report and recommendations are

15  released by the department.

16         (c)  If a certification hearing is to be conducted, a

17  notice of the certification hearing.

18         (d)  Notice of a request to modify an application.

19  Notice must be published if the department determines that the

20  modification requested will significantly increase the effect

21  the nuclear power plant will have on the environment or the

22  public.

23         1.  Notice of receipt of the request to modify the

24  application must be published no later than 21 days after the

25  department receives the request for modification. The

26  newspaper notice must be of a size directed by the department

27  which is commensurate with the scope of the modification.

28         2.  Notice of the certification hearing shall be

29  published as specified in paragraph (c).

30         (e)  Notice of a supplemental application, which shall

31  be published as follows:


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 1         1.  Notice of receipt of the supplemental application

 2  shall be published as specified in paragraph (a).

 3         2.  Notice of the certification hearing shall be

 4  published as specified in paragraph (c).

 5         (2)  Notices provided by the applicant must be

 6  published in newspapers of general circulation within the

 7  county or counties in which the proposed nuclear power plant

 8  will be located. The newspaper notices must be at least

 9  one-half page in size in a standard-size newspaper or a full

10  page in a tabloid-size newspaper and published in a section of

11  the newspaper other than the legal notices section. The

12  notices must include a map generally depicting the project and

13  all associated facility corridors, including associated

14  transmission lines, if any. A newspaper of general circulation

15  is the newspaper that has the largest daily circulation in

16  that county and has its principal office in that county. If

17  the newspaper having the largest daily circulation has its

18  principal office outside the county, the notices must appear

19  in the newspaper having the largest circulation in that county

20  and in a newspaper authorized to publish legal notices in that

21  county.

22         (3)  All notices published by the applicant shall be

23  paid for by the applicant and shall be in addition to the

24  application fee.

25         (4)  The department shall:

26         (a)  Publish in the manner specified in chapter 120

27  notices of the filing of the application or the supplemental

28  application; of the department's report and recommendations;

29  of the certification hearing, if one is to be held; of the

30  hearing before the board; and of stipulations, proposed agency

31  action, or petitions for modification; and


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 1         (b)  Provide copies of those notices to any person who

 2  has requested to be placed on the departmental mailing list

 3  for this purpose.

 4         (5)  The applicant shall pay those expenses and costs

 5  associated with conducting the hearings and recording and

 6  transcribing the proceedings.

 7         Section 17.  Section 403.566, Florida Statutes, is

 8  created to read:

 9         403.566  Revocation or suspension of certification.--A

10  certificate may be revoked or suspended for:

11         (1)  Any materially false statement in the application

12  or in the supplemental or additional statements of fact or

13  studies required of the applicant if a true answer would have

14  warranted the board's refusal to recommend a certificate in

15  the first instance.

16         (2)  Failure to comply with the terms or conditions of

17  the certificate.

18         (3)  Violation of the provisions of ss. 403.550-403.573

19  or regulations or orders issued hereunder.

20         Section 18.  Section 403.567, Florida Statutes, is

21  created to read:

22         403.567  Review.--Proceedings under ss. 403.550-403.573

23  are subject to judicial review in the Florida Supreme Court.

24  Separate appeals of the certification order issued by the

25  board and of any department permit issued under a federally

26  delegated or approved permit program shall be consolidated for

27  purposes of judicial review. Review on appeal is based solely

28  on the record before the board and briefs to the court and is

29  limited to determining whether the certification order

30  conforms to the State Constitution and the laws of this state

31  and the United States and is within the authority of the board


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 1  under ss. 403.550-403.573. The court shall proceed to hear and

 2  determine the action as expeditiously as practicable and give

 3  the action precedence over other matters not accorded similar

 4  precedence by law.

 5         Section 19.  Section 403.568, Florida Statutes, is

 6  created to read:

 7         403.568  Enforcement of compliance.--Failure to obtain

 8  a certificate before operating, failing to comply with the

 9  conditions in the certificate, or to comply with ss.

10  403.550-403.573 is a violation of chapter 403.

11         Section 20.  Section 403.569, Florida Statutes, is

12  created to read:

13         403.569  Availability of information.--Information

14  filed with the department relating to the certification of a

15  nuclear power generating plant is a public record and shall be

16  made available for public inspection and copying during

17  regular office hours under the provisions of chapter 119.

18         Section 21.  Section 403.570, Florida Statutes, is

19  created to read:

20         403.570  Modification of a certificate.--

21         (1)  A certificate may be modified after issuance as

22  follows:

23         (a)  The board may delegate to the department the

24  authority to modify specific conditions in the certificate.

25         (b)  The department may modify the terms and conditions

26  of the certificate if no party to the certification hearing

27  objects in writing to the modification within 45 days after

28  notice by mail to the party's last address of record and if no

29  other person whose substantial interests will be affected by

30  the modification objects in writing within 30 days after

31  issuance of public notice. If objections are raised, the


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 1  applicant may file a petition for modification under paragraph

 2  (c).

 3         (c)  A petition to modify a certificate may be filed by

 4  the applicant or the department setting forth:

 5         1.  The proposed modification;

 6         2.  The factual reasons asserted for the modification;

 7  and

 8         3.  The anticipated effects of the proposed

 9  modification on the applicant, the public, and the

10  environment.


12  The petition to modify a certificate must be filed with the

13  department and the Division of Administrative Hearings.

14         (2)  A petition to modify a certificate shall be

15  disposed of in the same manner as an application, but with

16  time periods established by the administrative law judge

17  commensurate with the significance of the modification

18  requested.

19         (3)  Any agreement or modification under this section

20  must be in accordance with the terms of ss. 403.550-403.573. A

21  modification to a certification may not be granted which is a

22  variance from standards or rules of the department which are

23  applicable under any federally delegated or approved permit

24  program, except as expressly allowed in the federal program.

25         Section 22.  Section 403.571, Florida Statutes, is

26  created to read:

27         403.571  Supplemental applications for sites certified

28  for ultimate site capacity.--

29         (1)  The department shall adopt rules governing the

30  processing of a supplemental application for a certificate to

31  construct and operate a nuclear power plant to be located at a


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 1  site that has been previously certified under ss.

 2  403.501-403.518. A supplemental application is limited to a

 3  nuclear power plant using the fuel type previously certified

 4  for that site. The rules adopted under this section must

 5  include provisions for:

 6         (a)  The prompt appointment of an administrative law

 7  judge.

 8         (b)  The contents of a supplemental application.

 9         (c)  The resolution of disputes as to the completeness

10  and sufficiency of supplemental applications by the

11  administrative law judge.

12         (d)  The public notice of the filing of a supplemental

13  application.

14         (e)  The time limits for prompt processing of a

15  supplemental application.

16         (f)  The final disposition by the board within 215 days

17  after the filing of a complete supplemental application.

18         (2)(a)  The time limits imposed under this section may

19  not exceed any time limit governing the review of an initial

20  application for certification of a site under ss.

21  403.550-403.573.

22         (b)  Any time limitation in this section or in rules

23  adopted under this section may be altered by the

24  administrative law judge upon stipulation between the

25  department and the applicant, unless objected to by any party

26  within 5 days after notice or for good cause shown by any

27  party. The parties to the proceeding shall adhere to chapter

28  120 and ss. 403.550-403.573 when considering and processing a

29  supplemental application.

30         (3)  A supplemental application shall be reviewed as an

31  initial application.


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 1         Section 23.  Section 403.572, Florida Statutes, is

 2  created to read:

 3         403.572  Fees; disposition.--The department shall

 4  charge the applicant the following fees, which shall be paid

 5  into the Florida Permit Fee Trust Fund:

 6         (1)  An application fee, which may not exceed $200,000.

 7  The fee shall be set by rule on a sliding scale related to the

 8  size, type, ultimate site capacity, increase in generating

 9  capacity proposed by the application, or the number and size

10  of local governments in whose jurisdiction the nuclear power

11  plant is located.

12         (a)  Sixty percent of the fee shall be transferred to

13  the department and used for costs associated with reviewing

14  and acting upon the application, for field services associated

15  with monitoring construction and operation of the facility,

16  and for costs of the public notices published by the

17  department.

18         (b)  Twenty percent of the fee or $25,000, whichever is

19  greater, shall be transferred to the Administrative Trust Fund

20  of the Division of Administrative Hearings of the Department

21  of Management Services.

22         (c)  Upon written request and with proper itemized

23  accounting received no later than 90 days after final agency

24  action by the board or the withdrawal of the application, the

25  department shall reimburse the Department of Community

26  Affairs, the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, any

27  water management district, a regional planning council, or the

28  local government in the jurisdiction in which the proposed

29  nuclear power plant is to be located, and any other agency

30  from which the department requests special studies. The fees

31  may be used to reimburse costs related to preparing studies


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 1  required of the agencies, for agency travel and per diem to

 2  attend any hearing, and for local governments to participate

 3  in the proceedings. If the amount of fees available to

 4  reimburse agencies and others is insufficient to provide for

 5  full reimbursement, the reimbursement shall be allocated on a

 6  prorated basis.

 7         (d)  If any sums remain after such reimbursement, the

 8  department shall retain the fees for its use in the same

 9  manner as is otherwise authorized by ss. 403.550-403.573;

10  however, if the application for a certificate is withdrawn,

11  the remaining sums shall be refunded to the applicant within

12  90 days after the withdrawal of the application.

13         (2)  A fee to modify a certificate, which may not

14  exceed $30,000. The fee must be submitted to the department

15  with the filing of a petition to modify a certificate. The fee

16  shall be established, disbursed, and processed in the same

17  manner as an application fee in subsection (1), except that

18  the division may not receive a portion of the fee unless the

19  petition for modification is referred to the division for a

20  hearing. If the petition is referred for a hearing, only

21  $10,000 of the fee may be transferred to the Administrative

22  Trust Fund of the Division of Administrative Hearings of the

23  Department of Management Services. The fee to modify a

24  certificate by agreement pursuant to s. 403.570(1)(b) shall be

25  $10,000 and shall be paid when filing the request to modify

26  the certificate. Any sums remaining after payment of

27  authorized costs shall be refunded to the applicant within 90

28  days after the approval or the denial of the request to modify

29  the certificate or the withdrawal of the request to modify the

30  certificate.



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 1         (3)  A supplemental application fee, not to exceed

 2  $75,000, to cover all reasonable expenses and costs of the

 3  review, processing, and proceedings of a supplemental

 4  application. The fee shall be established, disbursed, and

 5  processed in the same manner as the certification application

 6  fee in subsection (1), except that only $20,000 of the fee

 7  shall be transferred to the Administrative Trust Fund of the

 8  Division of Administrative Hearings of the Department of

 9  Management Services.

10         Section 24.  Section 403.573, Florida Statutes, is

11  created to read:

12         403.573  Exclusive forum for determination of need.--

13         (1)  At the request of an applicant, the commission

14  shall begin a proceeding to determine the need for a nuclear

15  power plant subject to ss. 403.550-403.573. The commission

16  shall publish a notice of the proceeding in a newspaper of

17  general circulation in each county in which the proposed

18  nuclear power plant will be located. The notice must be at

19  least one-quarter of a page and published at least 45 days

20  before the scheduled date for the proceeding.

21         (2)(a)  The commission shall hold a hearing within 90

22  days after the filing of the petition and shall grant or deny

23  the petition no later than 135 days after the date of the

24  filing of the petition. The commission shall be the sole forum

25  for the determination of this matter and the issues addressed

26  therein, which may not be raised in any other forum or in the

27  review of proceedings in another forum. When making its

28  determination to grant or deny a petition for determination of

29  need, the commission shall consider the need for electric

30  system reliability and integrity, including fuel diversity,



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 1  the need for base-load generating capacity, and the need for

 2  adequate electricity at a reasonable cost.

 3         (b)  An applicant's petition must include:

 4         1.  A description of the need for the generation

 5  capacity;

 6         2.  A description of how the proposed nuclear power

 7  plant will enhance the reliability of electric power

 8  production within the state by improving the diversity of

 9  power plant fuels and reducing this state's dependence on fuel

10  oil and natural gas;

11         3.  A description of and a nonbinding estimate of the

12  cost of the nuclear power plant; and

13         4.  The annualized base revenue requirement for the

14  first 12 months of operation of the nuclear power plant.

15         (c)  The commission shall grant a petition upon a

16  finding that the nuclear power plant will:

17         1.  Provide needed base-load capacity;

18         2.  Enhance the reliability of electric power

19  production within the state by improving the diversity of

20  power plant fuels and reducing the dependence of this state on

21  fuel oil and natural gas; and

22         3.  Provide a cost-effective, although not necessarily

23  the least cost, alternative source of power, taking into

24  account the need to improve the fuel diversity, reduce the

25  dependence of this state on fuel oil and natural gas, mitigate

26  air emission effects within the state, and contribute to the

27  long-term stability and reliability of the electric grid.

28         (3)  Rule 25-22.082, Florida Administrative Code, does

29  not apply to a nuclear power plant sited under ss.

30  403.550-403.573 and an applicant is not required to secure



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 1  competitive proposals for power supply before applying for a

 2  certificate and filing a petition for a determination of need.

 3         (4)  A determination of need for a nuclear power plant

 4  creates a presumption of public need and necessity and serves

 5  as the commission's report required by s. 403.558. An order

 6  entered under this section constitutes final agency action. A

 7  petition for reconsideration of a final order on a

 8  petition-for-need determination must be filed within 5 days

 9  after the final order. Within 30 days after the commission's

10  order or a decision denying a request for reconsideration or,

11  if the request for reconsideration is granted, within 30 days

12  after the commission issues its decision on reconsideration,

13  an adversely affected party may petition for judicial review

14  in the Florida Supreme Court. The petition for review must be

15  served upon the executive director of the commission

16  personally or by service at the office of the commission.

17  Review on appeal is limited to the record before the

18  commission and briefs to the court and is limited to

19  determining whether the order issued under subsection (2), or

20  the order on reconsideration, conforms to the State

21  Constitution and laws of this state and the United States and

22  is within the authority of the commission under this section.

23  The Florida Supreme Court shall proceed to hear and determine

24  the action as expeditiously as practicable and give the action

25  precedence over matters not accorded similar precedence by

26  law.

27         (5)  After a petition for a determination of need has

28  been granted, the utility shall recover costs incurred before

29  the commercial operation of the nuclear generating plant,

30  including, but not limited to, costs associated with the

31  siting, design, licensing, or construction of the plant. The


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 1  costs are not subject to challenge unless the commission

 2  finds, by clear and convincing evidence adduced at a hearing

 3  initiated by the commission under s. 120.57, that the utility

 4  was imprudent in incurring costs significantly in excess of

 5  the initial, nonbinding estimate provided by the utility under

 6  paragraph (2)(b). Imprudence does not include any cost

 7  increases due to events beyond the control of the utility,

 8  including delays in obtaining necessary governmental agency

 9  permits or licenses; delays due to litigation; increased costs

10  for equipment, engineering, material, or construction;

11  increases due to inflation or other economic factors; or

12  increases in costs due to laws, rules, or regulatory

13  conditions imposed by a state or federal governmental agency

14  or court following the issuance of a need-determination order

15  by the commission. In addition, a utility's right to recover

16  costs associated with a nuclear power plant may not be raised

17  in any other forum or in the review of proceedings in such

18  other forum. Appeals shall be governed in accordance with

19  subsection (4).

20         Section 25.  Subsection (12) of section 403.503,

21  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

22         403.503  Definitions relating to Florida Electrical

23  Power Plant Siting Act.--As used in this act:

24         (12)  "Electrical power plant" means, for the purpose

25  of certification, any steam or solar electrical generating

26  facility using any process or fuel, including nuclear

27  materials, and includes associated facilities which directly

28  support the construction and operation of the electrical power

29  plant and those associated transmission lines which connect

30  the electrical power plant to an existing transmission network

31  or rights-of-way to which the applicant intends to connect,


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 1  except that this term does not include any steam or solar

 2  electrical generating facility of less than 75 megawatts in

 3  capacity unless the applicant for such a facility elects to

 4  apply for certification under this act.  An associated

 5  transmission line may include, at the applicant's option, any

 6  proposed terminal or intermediate substations or substation

 7  expansions connected to the associated transmission line.

 8         Section 26.  For the purpose of incorporating the

 9  amendment made by this act to section 403.503, Florida

10  Statutes, in a reference thereto, paragraph (c) of subsection

11  (3) of section 380.23, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read:

12         380.23  Federal consistency.--

13         (3)  Consistency review shall be limited to review of

14  the following activities, uses, and projects to ensure that

15  such activities, uses, and projects are conducted in

16  accordance with the state's coastal management program:

17         (c)  Federally licensed or permitted activities

18  affecting land or water uses when such activities are in or

19  seaward of the jurisdiction of local governments required to

20  develop a coastal zone protection element as provided in s.

21  380.24 and when such activities involve:

22         1.  Permits and licenses required under the Rivers and

23  Harbors Act of 1899, 33 U.S.C. ss. 401 et seq., as amended.

24         2.  Permits and licenses required under the Marine

25  Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972, 33 U.S.C.

26  ss. 1401-1445 and 16 U.S.C. ss. 1431-1445, as amended.

27         3.  Permits and licenses required under the Federal

28  Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, 33 U.S.C. ss. 1251 et

29  seq., as amended, unless such permitting activities have been

30  delegated to the state pursuant to said act.



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 1         4.  Permits and licenses relating to the transportation

 2  of hazardous substance materials or transportation and dumping

 3  which are issued pursuant to the Hazardous Materials

 4  Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. ss. 1501 et seq., as amended, or

 5  33 U.S.C. s. 1321, as amended.

 6         5.  Permits and licenses required under 15 U.S.C. ss.

 7  717-717w, 3301-3432, 42 U.S.C. ss. 7101-7352, and 43 U.S.C.

 8  ss. 1331-1356 for construction and operation of interstate gas

 9  pipelines and storage facilities.

10         6.  Permits and licenses required for the siting and

11  construction of any new electrical power plants as defined in

12  s. 403.503(12), as amended, and the licensing and relicensing

13  of hydroelectric power plants under the Federal Power Act, 16

14  U.S.C. ss. 791a et seq., as amended.

15         7.  Permits and licenses required under the Mining Law

16  of 1872, 30 U.S.C. ss. 21 et seq., as amended; the Mineral

17  Lands Leasing Act, 30 U.S.C. ss. 181 et seq., as amended; the

18  Mineral Leasing Act for Acquired Lands, 30 U.S.C. ss. 351 et

19  seq., as amended; the Federal Land Policy and Management Act,

20  43 U.S.C. ss. 1701 et seq., as amended; the Mining in the

21  Parks Act, 16 U.S.C. ss. 1901 et seq., as amended; and the OCS

22  Lands Act, 43 U.S.C. ss. 1331 et seq., as amended, for

23  drilling, mining, pipelines, geological and geophysical

24  activities, or rights-of-way on public lands and permits and

25  licenses required under the Indian Mineral Development Act, 25

26  U.S.C. ss. 2101 et seq., as amended.

27         8.  Permits and licenses for areas leased under the OCS

28  Lands Act, 43 U.S.C. ss. 1331 et seq., as amended, including

29  leases and approvals of exploration, development, and

30  production plans.



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 1         9.  Permits and licenses required under the Deepwater

 2  Port Act of 1974, 33 U.S.C. ss. 1501 et seq., as amended.

 3         10.  Permits required for the taking of marine mammals

 4  under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, as amended, 16

 5  U.S.C. s. 1374.

 6         Section 27.  For the purpose of incorporating the

 7  amendment made by this act to section 403.503, Florida

 8  Statutes, in a reference thereto, subsection (1) of section

 9  403.5175, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read:

10         403.5175  Existing electrical power plant site

11  certification.--

12         (1)  An electric utility that owns or operates an

13  existing electrical power plant as defined in s. 403.503(12)

14  may apply for certification of an existing power plant and its

15  site in order to obtain all agency licenses necessary to

16  assure compliance with federal or state environmental laws and

17  regulation using the centrally coordinated, one-stop licensing

18  process established by this part.  An application for site

19  certification under this section must be in the form

20  prescribed by department rule. Applications must be reviewed

21  and processed in accordance with ss. 403.5064-403.5115, except

22  that a determination of need by the Public Service Commission

23  is not required.

24         Section 28.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

25  law.








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 1            *****************************************

 2                          SENATE SUMMARY

 3    Creates the "Florida Energy Diversity and Efficiency
      Act." Specifies the powers and duties of the Department
 4    of Environmental Protection relating to nuclear power
      generating plants. Provides that the act applies to
 5    building any new nuclear power plant or expanding
      steam-generating capacity of any existing nuclear power
 6    plant after the effective date of the act. Requires the
      department to request that the Division of Administrative
 7    Hearings designate an administrative law judge to conduct
      the hearings. Provides the procedures for determining the
 8    completeness of an application for siting a nuclear power
      generating plant. Requires certain specified agencies to
 9    submit a preliminary statement of issues to the
      department and to submit reports within a specified time.
10    Details the contents of the reports. Requires the
      department to prepare a written analysis of each report.
11    Specifies the content of each analysis. Provides
      procedures for the certification proceedings. Limits the
12    issues that may be raised in a hearing before the board
      to those matters raised in the certification hearing.
13    Provides that if any provision of the act is in conflict
      with any law, rule, regulation, or ordinance of this
14    state or any political subdivision, municipality, or
      agency, the act governs and controls. Declares that the
15    state preempts the siting, regulation, and certification
      of nuclear power plants. Provides that the state license
16    is the sole license of the state and its agencies
      approving the site and the construction and operation of
17    the proposed nuclear power plant. Provides for the
      methods of publishing notice under the act. Provides the
18    grounds for which a certificate may be revoked or
      suspended. Provides that the information filed with the
19    department relating to the certification of a nuclear
      power generating plant is a public record and is
20    available for public inspection and copying. Provides
      procedures for filing a supplemental application for
21    existing nuclear power generation plants. Requires the
      department to charge the applicant an application fee,
22    modification fee, or supplemental application fee.
      Provides for the distribution of the fees. Requires the
23    Public Service Commission to determine the need for
      siting a nuclear power generation plant. Provides
24    procedures for the determination of need.









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