Senate Bill sb2548e1

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    CS for SB 2548                                 First Engrossed

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to state financial matters;

  3         amending s. 11.243, F.S.; providing for the

  4         moneys collected from the sale of the Florida

  5         Statutes or other publications to be deposited

  6         in a specified trust fund; amending s. 11.513,

  7         F.S.; requiring the Chief Justice of the

  8         Supreme Court to develop program monitoring

  9         plans; requiring that additional data be

10         included in the plans for monitoring major

11         programs of state agencies and the judicial

12         branch and in the reviews of those programs;

13         providing for the Office of Program Policy

14         Analysis and Government Accountability to

15         review agency and judicial branch performance

16         standards and report to the Governor, the

17         Legislature, and the Legislative Budget

18         Commission; amending s. 17.57, F.S.; expanding

19         the investment authority of the state treasury;

20         amending s. 11.151, F.S.; revising the annual

21         appropriation to a certain legislative

22         contingency fund; amending s. 20.435, F.S.;

23         revising a provision relating to certain

24         undisbursed balances of appropriations from the

25         Biomedical Research Trust Fund; amending s.

26         29.008, F.S.; requiring that the Department of

27         Financial Services review county expenditure

28         reports in order to determine if county

29         expenditures have increased by a specified

30         percentage for certain court-related functions;

31         requiring that the department notify the


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 1         Legislature and the respective county if a

 2         county fails to meet its funding obligations;

 3         providing for the Department of Revenue to

 4         withhold revenue-sharing receipts under certain

 5         circumstances upon the direction of the

 6         Legislature; providing that a county has met

 7         its funding obligations in certain

 8         circumstances; providing for retroactive

 9         application; amending s. 29.0085, F.S.;

10         revising the due date of an annual statement of

11         county revenues and expenditures; amending s.

12         215.18, F.S.; requiring that the Governor

13         provide prior notice of transfers between

14         certain funds; amending s. 215.3206, F.S.;

15         replacing references to a 6-digit fund code in

16         the Florida Accounting Information Resource

17         Subsystem with a classification scheme

18         consistent with the Department of Financial

19         Services' financial systems; amending s.

20         215.3208, F.S.; revising references to conform;

21         amending s. 215.35, F.S.; revising a provision

22         relating to the numbering of warrants issued by

23         the Chief Financial Officer; amending s.

24         215.422, F.S.; replacing a reference to certain

25         vouchers with the terms "invoice" or

26         "invoices"; clarifying that agencies or the

27         judicial branch must record and approve certain

28         invoices by a specified date; revising

29         provisions relating to the Department of

30         Financial Services' approval of payment of

31         certain invoices; providing that a vendor who


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 1         does not submit the appropriate federal

 2         taxpayer identification documentation to the

 3         department will be deemed an error on the part

 4         of the vendor; revising references to conform;

 5         amending s. 215.97, F.S.; removing a reference

 6         to the appropriations act in a provision

 7         relating to the purposes of the Florida Single

 8         Audit Act; amending s. 216.011, F.S.; revising

 9         the definition of "operating capital outlay"

10         and "qualified expenditure category"; defining

11         the terms "incurred obligation" and "salary

12         rate reserve" for purposes of state fiscal

13         affairs, appropriations, and budgets; amending

14         s. 215.97, F.S.; prescribing forms of payment

15         that may be included in certain contracts

16         involving the State University System or the

17         Florida Community College System; repealing s.

18         216.346, F.S., relating to contracts between

19         state agencies; amending ss. 215.559, 331.368,

20         443.1316, 1002.32, F.S., to conform to the

21         repeal of s. 216.346, F.S.; repealing s.

22         255.258, F.S., relating to shared savings

23         financing of energy conservation in state-owned

24         buildings; amending ss. 287.063, 287.064, F.S.;

25         revising requirements for consolidated

26         financing of deferred payment commodity

27         contracts; amending s. 216.013, F.S.; revising

28         requirements for information regarding

29         performance measures to be included in the

30         long-range program plans of state agencies and

31         the judicial branch; revising a provision


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 1         relating to making adjustments to long-range

 2         program plans; amending s. 216.023, F.S.;

 3         revising certain requirements for legislative

 4         budget requests; deleting a provision requiring

 5         agencies to maintain a certain performance

 6         accountability system and provide a list of

 7         performance measures; deleting a provision

 8         relating to adjustments to executive agency

 9         performance standards; deleting a provision

10         relating to adjustments to judicial branch

11         performance standards; amending s. 216.134,

12         F.S.; providing for the responsibility of

13         presiding over sessions of consensus estimating

14         conferences; providing for the Governor, the

15         coordinator of the Office of Economic and

16         Demographic Research, the President of the

17         Senate, and the Speaker of the House of

18         Representatives to designate principals;

19         amending s. 216.136, F.S.; deleting provisions

20         providing for the appointment of principals of

21         consensus estimating conferences; revising the

22         duties of certain agencies relating to the

23         Criminal Justice Estimating Conference, the

24         Social Services Estimating Conference, and the

25         Workforce Estimating Conference; amending s.

26         216.177, F.S.; clarifying the circumstances

27         under which the Executive Office of the

28         Governor and the Chief Justice of the Supreme

29         Court are required to provide notice to the

30         chair and vice chair of the Legislative Budget

31         Commission; amending s. 216.181, F.S.;


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 1         providing that amendments to certain approved

 2         operating budgets are subject to objection

 3         procedures; requiring that state agencies

 4         submit to the chair and vice chair of the

 5         Legislative Budget Commission a plan for

 6         allocating any lump-sum appropriation in a

 7         budget amendment; creating s. 216.1811, F.S.;

 8         providing requirements for the Governor and the

 9         Chief Financial Officer relating to certain

10         approved operating budgets for the legislative

11         branch and appropriations made to the

12         legislative branch; amending s. 216.1815, F.S.;

13         revising certain requirements for the

14         performance standards included in an amended

15         operating budget plan and request submitted to

16         the Legislative Budget Commission; creating s.

17         216.1827, F.S.; requiring that each state

18         agency and the judicial branch maintain a

19         performance accountability system; requiring

20         agencies and the judicial branch to submit

21         specified information to the Executive Office

22         of the Governor and the Legislature or the

23         Office of Program Policy Analysis and

24         Government Accountability for review; providing

25         guidelines for requests to delete or amend

26         existing approved performance measures and

27         standards; specifying authority of the

28         Legislature relating to agency and judicial

29         branch performance measures and standards;

30         amending s. 216.251, F.S.; prohibiting an

31         agency from providing salary increases or pay


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 1         additives for certain positions without

 2         legislative authorization; amending s. 216.292,

 3         F.S.; providing that certain transfers between

 4         budget entities are subject to objection

 5         procedures; clarifying provisions authorizing

 6         certain transfers of appropriations from trust

 7         funds; providing that requirements of specified

 8         provisions relating to appropriations being

 9         nontransferable do not apply to legislative

10         branch budgets; amending s. 216.301, F.S.;

11         revising the requirements for undisbursed

12         balances of appropriations; revising a

13         procedure for identifying and paying incurred

14         obligations; clarifying requirements governing

15         unexpended balances of appropriations; removing

16         a provision relating to notification to retain

17         certain balances from legislative budget

18         entities; amending s. 252.37, F.S.; providing

19         that a transfer of moneys with a budget

20         amendment following a state of emergency is

21         subject to approval by the Legislative Budget

22         Commission; amending s. 273.02, F.S.; revising

23         a definition; requiring the Chief Financial

24         Officer to establish certain requirements by

25         rule relating to the recording and inventory of

26         certain state-owned property; creating s.

27         273.025, F.S.; requiring the Chief Financial

28         Officer to establish by rule certain

29         requirements relating to the capitalization of

30         certain property; amending s. 273.055, F.S.;

31         revising responsibility for rules relating to


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 1         maintaining records as to disposition of

 2         state-owned tangible personal property;

 3         revising a provision relating to use of moneys

 4         received from the disposition of state-owned

 5         tangible personal property; amending s. 274.02,

 6         F.S.; revising a definition; requiring the

 7         Chief Financial Officer to establish by rule

 8         requirements relating to the recording and

 9         inventory of certain property owned by local

10         governments; amending s. 338.2216, F.S.;

11         revising requirements relating to unexpended

12         funds appropriated or provided for the Florida

13         Turnpike Enterprise; amending s. 1011.57, F.S.;

14         revising requirements relating to unexpended

15         funds appropriated to the Florida School for

16         the Deaf and the Blind; repealing s. 215.29,

17         F.S., relating to the classification of Chief

18         Financial Officer's warrants; providing

19         effective dates.


21  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


23         Section 1.  Subsection (3) of section 11.243, Florida

24  Statutes, is amended to read:

25         11.243  Publishing Florida Statutes; price, sale.--

26         (3)  All moneys collected from the sale of the Florida

27  Statutes or other publications shall be deposited in the

28  Grants and Donations Trust Fund within the Legislature State

29  Treasury and credited to the appropriation for legislative

30  expense.



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 1         Section 2.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section 11.513,

 2  Florida Statutes, are amended, present subsections (5) and (6)

 3  of that section are renumbered as subsections (6) and (7),

 4  respectively, and a new subsection (5) is added to that

 5  section, to read:

 6         11.513  Program evaluation and justification review.--

 7         (2)  A state agency's inspector general, internal

 8  auditor, or other person designated by the agency head or the

 9  Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall develop, in

10  consultation with the Office of Program Policy Analysis and

11  Government Accountability, a plan for monitoring and reviewing

12  the state agency's or the judicial branch's major programs to

13  ensure that performance measures and standards, as well as

14  baseline and previous-year performance data, are maintained

15  and supported by agency records.

16         (3)  The program evaluation and justification review

17  shall be conducted on major programs, but may include other

18  programs. The review shall be comprehensive in its scope but,

19  at a minimum, must be conducted in such a manner as to

20  specifically determine the following, and to consider and

21  determine what changes, if any, are needed with respect

22  thereto:

23         (a)  The identifiable cost of each program.

24         (b)  The specific purpose of each program, as well as

25  the specific public benefit derived therefrom.

26         (c)  Progress toward achieving the outputs and outcomes

27  associated with each program.

28         (d)  An explanation of circumstances contributing to

29  the state agency's ability to achieve, not achieve, or exceed

30  its projected outputs and outcomes, as defined in s. 216.011,

31  associated with each program.


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 1         (e)  Alternate courses of action that would result in

 2  administration of the same program in a more efficient or

 3  effective manner. The courses of action to be considered must

 4  include, but are not limited to:

 5         1.  Whether the program could be organized in a more

 6  efficient and effective manner, whether the program's mission,

 7  goals, or objectives should be redefined, or, when the state

 8  agency cannot demonstrate that its efforts have had a positive

 9  effect, whether the program should be reduced in size or

10  eliminated.

11         2.  Whether the program could be administered more

12  efficiently or effectively to avoid duplication of activities

13  and ensure that activities are adequately coordinated.

14         3.  Whether the program could be performed more

15  efficiently or more effectively by another unit of government

16  or a private entity, or whether a program performed by a

17  private entity could be performed more efficiently and

18  effectively by a state agency.

19         4.  When compared to costs, whether effectiveness

20  warrants elimination of the program or, if the program serves

21  a limited interest, whether it should be redesigned to require

22  users to finance program costs.

23         5.  Whether the cost to administer the program exceeds

24  license and other fee revenues paid by those being regulated.

25         6.  Whether other changes could improve the efficiency

26  and effectiveness of the program.

27         (f)  The consequences of discontinuing such program. If

28  any discontinuation is recommended, such recommendation must

29  be accompanied by a description of alternatives to implement

30  such recommendation, including an implementation schedule for



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 1  discontinuation and recommended procedures for assisting state

 2  agency employees affected by the discontinuation.

 3         (g)  Determination as to public policy, which may

 4  include recommendations as to whether it would be sound public

 5  policy to continue or discontinue funding the program, either

 6  in whole or in part, in the existing manner.

 7         (h)  Whether current performance measures and standards

 8  should be reviewed or amended to assist agencies' and the

 9  judicial branch's efforts in achieving outputs and outcome

10  measures.

11         (i)(h)  Whether the information reported as part of the

12  state's performance-based program budgeting system has

13  relevance and utility for the evaluation of each program.

14         (j)(i)  Whether state agency management has established

15  control systems sufficient to ensure that performance data are

16  maintained and supported by state agency records and

17  accurately presented in state agency performance reports.

18         (5)  The Office of Program Policy Analysis and

19  Government Accountability may perform evaluation and

20  justification reviews when necessary and as directed by the

21  Legislature in order to determine whether current agency and

22  judicial branch performance measures and standards are

23  adequate. Reports concerning the evaluation and review of

24  agency and judicial branch performance measures and standards

25  shall be submitted to the Executive Office of the Governor,

26  the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of

27  Representatives, and the chair and vice chair of the

28  Legislative Budget Commission.  Reports concerning the

29  evaluation and review of the judicial branch performance

30  measures and standards shall be submitted to the Chief Justice

31  of the Supreme Court.


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    CS for SB 2548                                 First Engrossed

 1         Section 3.  Subsection (2) of section 17.57, Florida

 2  Statutes, is amended to read:

 3         17.57  Deposits and investments of state money.--

 4         (2)  The Chief Financial Officer shall make funds

 5  available to meet the disbursement needs of the state. Funds

 6  which are not needed for this purpose shall be placed in

 7  qualified public depositories that will pay rates established

 8  by the Chief Financial Officer at levels not less than the

 9  prevailing rate for United States Treasury securities with a

10  corresponding maturity. In the event money is available for

11  interest-bearing time deposits or savings accounts as provided

12  herein and qualified public depositories are unwilling to

13  accept such money and pay thereon the rates established above,

14  then such money which qualified public depositories are

15  unwilling to accept shall be invested in:

16         (a)  Direct United States Treasury obligations.

17         (b)  Obligations of the Federal Farm Credit Banks.

18         (c)  Obligations of the Federal Home Loan Bank and its

19  district banks.

20         (d)  Obligations of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage

21  Corporation, including participation certificates.

22         (e)  Obligations guaranteed by the Government National

23  Mortgage Association.

24         (f)  Obligations of the Federal National Mortgage

25  Association.

26         (g)  Commercial paper of prime quality of the highest

27  letter and numerical rating as provided for by at least one

28  nationally recognized rating service.

29         (h)  Time drafts or bills of exchange drawn on and

30  accepted by a commercial bank, otherwise known as "bankers

31  acceptances," which are accepted by a member bank of the


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 1  Federal Reserve System having total deposits of not less than

 2  $400 million or which are accepted by a commercial bank which

 3  is not a member of the Federal Reserve System with deposits of

 4  not less than $400 million and which is licensed by a state

 5  government or the Federal Government, and whose senior debt

 6  issues are rated in one of the two highest rating categories

 7  by a nationally recognized rating service and which are held

 8  in custody by a domestic bank which is a member of the Federal

 9  Reserve System.

10         (i)  Corporate obligations or corporate master notes of

11  any corporation within the United States, if the long-term

12  obligations of such corporation are rated by at least two

13  nationally recognized rating services in any one of the four

14  highest classifications. However, if such obligations are

15  rated by only one nationally recognized rating service, then

16  the obligations shall be rated in any one of the two highest

17  classifications.

18         (j)  Obligations of the Student Loan Marketing

19  Association.

20         (k)  Obligations of the Resolution Funding Corporation.

21         (l)  Asset-backed or Mortgage-backed securities of the

22  highest credit quality.

23         (m)  Asset-backed securities rated by at least two

24  nationally recognized rating services in any one of the three

25  highest classifications. However, if such obligations are

26  rated by only one nationally recognized rating service, the

27  obligations must be rated in any one of the two highest

28  classifications.

29         (n)(m)  Any obligations not previously listed which are

30  guaranteed as to principal and interest by the full faith and

31  credit of the United States Government or are obligations of


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 1  United States agencies or instrumentalities which are rated in

 2  the highest category by a nationally recognized rating

 3  service.

 4         (o)(n)  Commingled no-load investment funds or no-load

 5  mutual funds in which all securities held by the funds are

 6  authorized in this subsection.

 7         (p)(o)  Money market mutual funds as defined and

 8  regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

 9         (q)(p)  Obligations of state and local governments

10  rated in any of the four highest classifications by at least

11  two nationally recognized rating services. However, if such

12  obligations are rated by only one nationally recognized rating

13  service, then the obligations shall be rated in any one of the

14  two highest classifications.

15         (q)  Derivatives of investment instruments authorized

16  in paragraphs (a)-(m).

17         (r)  Covered put and call options on investment

18  instruments authorized in this subsection for the purpose of

19  hedging transactions by investment managers to mitigate risk

20  or to facilitate portfolio management.

21         (s)  Negotiable certificates of deposit issued by

22  financial institutions whose long-term debt is rated in one of

23  the three highest categories by at least two nationally

24  recognized rating services, the investment in which shall not

25  be prohibited by any provision of chapter 280.

26         (t)  Foreign bonds denominated in United States dollars

27  and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission for

28  sale in the United States, if the long-term obligations of

29  such issuers are rated by at least two nationally recognized

30  rating services in any one of the four highest

31  classifications. However, if such obligations are rated by


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 1  only one nationally recognized rating service, the obligations

 2  shall be rated in any one of the two highest classifications.

 3         (u)  Convertible debt obligations of any corporation

 4  domiciled within the United States, if the convertible debt

 5  issue is rated by at least two nationally recognized rating

 6  services in any one of the four highest classifications.

 7  However, if such obligations are rated by only one nationally

 8  recognized rating service, then the obligations shall be rated

 9  in any one of the two highest classifications.

10         (v)  Securities not otherwise described in this

11  subsection. However, not more than 3 percent of the funds

12  under the control of the Chief Financial Officer shall be

13  invested in securities described in this paragraph.

14         (w)  Derivatives of investment instruments authorized

15  in paragraphs (a)-(v).

16         (x)  Futures and options on futures, provided the

17  instruments for such purpose are traded on a securities

18  exchange or board of trade regulated by the Securities and

19  Exchange Commission or the Commodity Futures Trading

20  Commission.


22  These investments may be in varying maturities and may be in

23  book-entry form. Investments made pursuant to this subsection

24  may be under repurchase agreement or reverse repurchase

25  agreement. The Chief Financial Officer may hire registered

26  investment advisers and other consultants to assist in

27  investment management and to pay fees directly from investment

28  earnings. Investment securities, proprietary investment

29  services related to contracts, performance evaluation

30  services, investment-related equipment or software used

31  directly to assist investment trading or investment accounting


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 1  operations including bond calculators, telerates, Bloombergs,

 2  special program calculators, intercom systems, and software

 3  used in accounting, communications, and trading, and advisory

 4  and consulting contracts made under this section are exempt

 5  from the provisions of chapter 287.

 6         Section 4.  Subsection (1) of section 11.151, Florida

 7  Statutes, is amended to read:

 8         11.151  Annual legislative appropriation to contingency

 9  fund for use of Senate President and House Speaker.--

10         (1)  There is established a legislative contingency

11  fund consisting of $20,000 $10,000 for the President of the

12  Senate and $20,000 $10,000 for the Speaker of the House of

13  Representatives, which amounts shall be set aside annually

14  from moneys appropriated for legislative expense. These funds

15  shall be disbursed by the Chief Financial Officer upon receipt

16  of vouchers authorized by the President of the Senate or the

17  Speaker of the House of Representatives. Such funds may be

18  expended at the unrestricted discretion of the President of

19  the Senate or the Speaker of the House of Representatives in

20  carrying out their official duties during the entire period

21  between the date of their election as such officers at the

22  organizational meeting held pursuant to s. 3(a), Art. III of

23  the State Constitution and the next general election.

24         Section 5.  Paragraph (h) of subsection (1) of section

25  20.435, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

26         20.435  Department of Health; trust funds.--

27         (1)  The following trust funds are hereby created, to

28  be administered by the Department of Health:

29         (h)  Biomedical Research Trust Fund.

30         1.  Funds to be credited to the trust fund shall

31  consist of funds deposited pursuant to s. 215.5601. Funds


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 1  shall be used for the purposes of the James and Esther King

 2  Biomedical Research Program as specified in ss. 215.5602 and

 3  288.955. The trust fund is exempt from the service charges

 4  imposed by s. 215.20.

 5         2.  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 216.301 and

 6  pursuant to s. 216.351, any balance in the trust fund at the

 7  end of any fiscal year shall remain in the trust fund at the

 8  end of the year and shall be available for carrying out the

 9  purposes of the trust fund. The department may invest these

10  funds independently through the Chief Financial Officer or may

11  negotiate a trust agreement with the State Board of

12  Administration for the investment management of any balance in

13  the trust fund.

14         3.  Notwithstanding s. 216.301 and pursuant to s.

15  216.351, any balance of any appropriation from the Biomedical

16  Research Trust Fund which is not disbursed but which is

17  obligated pursuant to contract or committed to be expended may

18  be carried forward certified by the Governor for up to 3 years

19  following the effective date of the original appropriation.

20         4.  The trust fund shall, unless terminated sooner, be

21  terminated on July 1, 2008.

22         Section 6.  Section 29.008, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         29.008  County funding of court-related functions.--

25         (1)  Counties are required by s. 14, Art. V of the

26  State Constitution to fund the cost of communications

27  services, existing radio systems, existing multiagency

28  criminal justice information systems, and the cost of

29  construction or lease, maintenance, utilities, and security of

30  facilities for the circuit and county courts, public

31  defenders' offices, state attorneys' offices, guardian ad


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 1  litem offices, and the offices of the clerks of the circuit

 2  and county courts performing court-related functions. For

 3  purposes of this section, the term "circuit and county courts"

 4  shall include the offices and staffing of the guardian ad

 5  litem programs. The county designated under s. 35.05(1) as the

 6  headquarters for each appellate district shall fund these

 7  costs for the appellate division of the public defender's

 8  office in that county. For purposes of implementing these

 9  requirements, the term:

10         (a)  "Facility" means reasonable and necessary

11  buildings and office space and appurtenant equipment and

12  furnishings, structures, real estate, easements, and related

13  interests in real estate, including, but not limited to, those

14  for the purpose of housing legal materials for use by the

15  general public and personnel, equipment, or functions of the

16  circuit or county courts, public defenders' offices, state

17  attorneys' offices, and court-related functions of the office

18  of the clerks of the circuit and county courts and all

19  storage. The term "facility" includes all wiring necessary for

20  court reporting services. The term also includes access to

21  parking for such facilities in connection with such

22  court-related functions that may be available free or from a

23  private provider or a local government for a fee. The office

24  space provided by a county may not be less than the standards

25  for space allotment adopted by the Department of Management

26  Services, except this requirement applies only to facilities

27  that are leased, or on which construction commences, after

28  June 30, 2003. County funding must include physical

29  modifications and improvements to all facilities as are

30  required for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities

31  Act. Upon mutual agreement of a county and the affected entity


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 1  in this paragraph, the office space provided by the county may

 2  vary from the standards for space allotment adopted by the

 3  Department of Management Services.

 4         1.  As of July 1, 2005, equipment and furnishings shall

 5  be limited to that appropriate and customary for courtrooms,

 6  hearing rooms, jury facilities, and other public areas in

 7  courthouses and any other facility occupied by the courts,

 8  state attorneys, and public defenders. Court reporting

 9  equipment in these areas or facilities is not a responsibility

10  of the county.

11         2.  Equipment and furnishings under this paragraph in

12  existence and owned by counties on July 1, 2005, except for

13  that in the possession of the clerks, for areas other than

14  courtrooms, hearing rooms, jury facilities, and other public

15  areas in courthouses and any other facility occupied by the

16  courts, state attorneys, and public defenders, shall be

17  transferred to the state at no charge. This provision does not

18  apply to any communication services as defined in paragraph

19  (f).

20         (b)  "Construction or lease" includes, but is not

21  limited to, all reasonable and necessary costs of the

22  acquisition or lease of facilities for all judicial officers,

23  staff, jurors, volunteers of a tenant agency, and the public

24  for the circuit and county courts, the public defenders'

25  offices, state attorneys' offices, and for performing the

26  court-related functions of the offices of the clerks of the

27  circuit and county courts. This includes expenses related to

28  financing such facilities and the existing and future cost and

29  bonded indebtedness associated with placing the facilities in

30  use.



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 1         (c)  "Maintenance" includes, but is not limited to, all

 2  reasonable and necessary costs of custodial and groundskeeping

 3  services and renovation and reconstruction as needed to

 4  accommodate functions for the circuit and county courts, the

 5  public defenders' offices, and state attorneys' offices and

 6  for performing the court-related functions of the offices of

 7  the clerks of the circuit and county court and for maintaining

 8  the facilities in a condition appropriate and safe for the use

 9  intended.

10         (d)  "Utilities" means all electricity services for

11  light, heat, and power; natural or manufactured gas services

12  for light, heat, and power; water and wastewater services and

13  systems, stormwater or runoff services and systems, sewer

14  services and systems, all costs or fees associated with these

15  services and systems, and any costs or fees associated with

16  the mitigation of environmental impacts directly related to

17  the facility.

18         (e)  "Security" includes but is not limited to, all

19  reasonable and necessary costs of services of law enforcement

20  officers or licensed security guards and all electronic,

21  cellular, or digital monitoring and screening devices

22  necessary to ensure the safety and security of all persons

23  visiting or working in a facility; to provide for security of

24  the facility, including protection of property owned by the

25  county or the state; and for security of prisoners brought to

26  any facility. This includes bailiffs while providing courtroom

27  and other security for each judge and other quasi-judicial

28  officers.

29         (f)  "Communications services" are defined as any

30  reasonable and necessary transmission, emission, and reception

31  of signs, signals, writings, images, and sounds of


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 1  intelligence of any nature by wire, radio, optical, audio

 2  equipment, or other electromagnetic systems and includes all

 3  facilities and equipment owned, leased, or used by judges,

 4  clerks, public defenders, state attorneys, and all staff of

 5  the state courts system, state attorneys' offices, public

 6  defenders' offices, and clerks of the circuit and county

 7  courts performing court-related functions. Such system or

 8  services shall include, but not be limited to:

 9         1.  Telephone system infrastructure, including computer

10  lines, telephone switching equipment, and maintenance, and

11  facsimile equipment, wireless communications, cellular

12  telephones, pagers, and video teleconferencing equipment and

13  line charges. Each county shall continue to provide access to

14  a local carrier for local and long distance service and shall

15  pay toll charges for local and long distance service.

16         2.  All computer networks, systems and equipment,

17  including computer hardware and software, modems, printers,

18  wiring, network connections, maintenance, support staff or

19  services including any county-funded support staff located in

20  the offices of the circuit court, county courts, state

21  attorneys, and public defenders, training, supplies, and line

22  charges necessary for an integrated computer system to support

23  the operations and management of the state courts system, the

24  offices of the public defenders, the offices of the state

25  attorneys, and the offices of the clerks of the circuit and

26  county courts and the capability to connect those entities and

27  reporting data to the state as required for the transmission

28  of revenue, performance accountability, case management, data

29  collection, budgeting, and auditing purposes. The integrated

30  computer system shall be operational by July 1, 2006, and, at

31  a minimum, permit the exchange of financial, performance


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 1  accountability, case management, case disposition, and other

 2  data across multiple state and county information systems

 3  involving multiple users at both the state level and within

 4  each judicial circuit and be able to electronically exchange

 5  judicial case background data, sentencing scoresheets, and

 6  video evidence information stored in integrated case

 7  management systems over secure networks. Once the integrated

 8  system becomes operational, counties may reject requests to

 9  purchase communication services included in this subparagraph

10  not in compliance with standards, protocols, or processes

11  adopted by the board established pursuant to s. 29.0086.

12         3.  Courier messenger and subpoena services.

13         4.  Auxiliary aids and services for qualified

14  individuals with a disability which are necessary to ensure

15  access to the courts. Such auxiliary aids and services

16  include, but are not limited to, sign language interpretation

17  services required under the federal Americans with

18  Disabilities Act other than services required to satisfy

19  due-process requirements and identified as a state funding

20  responsibility pursuant to ss. 29.004, 29.005, 29.006, and

21  29.007, real-time transcription services for individuals who

22  are hearing impaired, and assistive listening devices and the

23  equipment necessary to implement such accommodations.

24         (g)  "Existing radio systems" includes, but is not

25  limited to, law enforcement radio systems that are used by the

26  circuit and county courts, the offices of the public

27  defenders, the offices of the state attorneys, and for

28  court-related functions of the offices of the clerks of the

29  circuit and county courts. This includes radio systems that

30  were operational or under contract at the time Revision No. 7,

31  1998, to Art. V of the State Constitution was adopted and any


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 1  enhancements made thereafter, the maintenance of those

 2  systems, and the personnel and supplies necessary for

 3  operation.

 4         (h)  "Existing multiagency criminal justice information

 5  systems" includes, but is not limited to, those components of

 6  the multiagency criminal justice information system as defined

 7  in s. 943.045, supporting the offices of the circuit or county

 8  courts, the public defenders' offices, the state attorneys'

 9  offices, or those portions of the offices of the clerks of the

10  circuit and county courts performing court-related functions

11  that are used to carry out the court-related activities of

12  those entities. This includes upgrades and maintenance of the

13  current equipment, maintenance and upgrades of supporting

14  technology infrastructure and associated staff, and services

15  and expenses to assure continued information sharing and

16  reporting of information to the state. The counties shall also

17  provide additional information technology services, hardware,

18  and software as needed for new judges and staff of the state

19  courts system, state attorneys' offices, public defenders'

20  offices, and the offices of the clerks of the circuit and

21  county courts performing court-related functions.

22         (2)  Counties shall pay reasonable and necessary

23  salaries, costs, and expenses of the state courts system,

24  including associated staff and expenses, to meet local

25  requirements.

26         (a)  Local requirements are those specialized programs,

27  nonjudicial staff, and other expenses associated with

28  specialized court programs, specialized prosecution needs,

29  specialized defense needs, or resources required of a local

30  jurisdiction as a result of special factors or circumstances.

31  Local requirements exist:


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 1         1.  When imposed pursuant to an express statutory

 2  directive, based on such factors as provided in paragraph (b);

 3  or

 4         2.  When:

 5         a.  The county has enacted an ordinance, adopted a

 6  local program, or funded activities with a financial or

 7  operational impact on the circuit or a county within the

 8  circuit; or

 9         b.  Circumstances in a given circuit or county result

10  in or necessitate implementation of specialized programs, the

11  provision of nonjudicial staff and expenses to specialized

12  court programs, special prosecution needs, specialized defense

13  needs, or the commitment of resources to the court's

14  jurisdiction.

15         (b)  Factors and circumstances resulting in the

16  establishment of a local requirement include, but are not

17  limited to:

18         1.  Geographic factors;

19         2.  Demographic factors;

20         3.  Labor market forces;

21         4.  The number and location of court facilities; or

22         5.  The volume, severity, complexity, or mix of court

23  cases.

24         (c)  Local requirements under subparagraph (a)2. must

25  be determined by the following method:

26         1.  The chief judge of the circuit, in conjunction with

27  the state attorney and the public defender only on matters

28  that impact their offices, shall identify all local

29  requirements within the circuit or within each county in the

30  circuit and shall identify the reasonable and necessary



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 1  salaries, costs, and expenses to meet these local

 2  requirements.

 3         2.  On or before June 1 of each year, the chief judge

 4  shall submit to the board of county commissioners a tentative

 5  budget request for local requirements for the ensuing fiscal

 6  year. The tentative budget must certify a listing of all local

 7  requirements and the reasonable and necessary salaries, costs,

 8  and expenses for each local requirement. The board of county

 9  commissioners may, by resolution, require the certification to

10  be submitted earlier.

11         3.  The board of county commissioners shall thereafter

12  treat the certification in accordance with the county's

13  budgetary procedures. A board of county commissioners may:

14         a.  Determine whether to provide funding, and to what

15  extent it will provide funding, for salaries, costs, and

16  expenses under this section;

17         b.  Require a county finance officer to conduct a

18  preaudit review of any county funds provided under this

19  section prior to disbursement;

20         c.  Require review or audit of funds expended under

21  this section by the appropriate county office; and

22         d.  Provide additional financial support for the courts

23  system, state attorneys, or public defenders.

24         (d)  Counties may satisfy these requirements by

25  entering into interlocal agreements for the collective funding

26  of these reasonable and necessary salaries, costs, and

27  expenses.

28         (3)  The following shall be considered a local

29  requirement pursuant to subparagraph (2)(a)1.:

30         (a)  Legal aid programs, which shall be funded at a

31  level equal to or greater than the amount provided from filing


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 1  fees and surcharges to legal aid programs from October 1,

 2  2002, to September 30, 2003.

 3         (b)  Alternative sanctions coordinators pursuant to ss.

 4  984.09 and 985.216.

 5         (4)(a)  The Department of Financial Services shall

 6  review county expenditure reports required under s. 29.0085

 7  for the purpose of ensuring that counties fulfill the

 8  responsibilities of this section. The department shall compare

 9  county fiscal reports to determine if expenditures for the

10  items specified in paragraphs (1)(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f),

11  (g), and (h) and subsection (3) have increased by 1.5 percent

12  over the prior county fiscal year. The initial review must

13  compare county fiscal year 2005-2006 to county fiscal year

14  2004-2005. If the department finds that expenditures for the

15  items specified in paragraphs (1)(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f),

16  (g), and (h) and subsection (3) have not increased by 1.5

17  percent over the prior county fiscal year, the department

18  shall notify the President of the Senate and the Speaker of

19  the House of Representatives and the respective county. The

20  Legislature may determine that a county has met its

21  obligations for items specified in this section if the prior

22  county fiscal year included nonrecurring expenditures for

23  facilities or information technology that is not needed in the

24  next county fiscal year or expenditures or actions that enable

25  a county to attain efficiencies in providing services to the

26  court system. The Legislature may direct the Department of

27  Revenue to withhold revenue-sharing receipts distributed

28  pursuant to part II of chapter 218, except for revenues used

29  for paying the principal or interest on bonds, tax

30  anticipation certificates, or any other form of indebtedness

31  allowed under s. 218.25(1), (2), or (4), from any county that


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 1  is not in compliance with the funding obligations in this

 2  section by an amount equal to the difference between the

 3  amount spent and the amount that would have been spent had the

 4  county increased expenditures by 1.5 percent per year. Except

 5  for revenues used for the payment of principal or interest on

 6  bonds, tax anticipation certificates, or any other form of

 7  indebtedness as allowed under s. 218.25(1),(2) or (4), the

 8  Department of Revenue shall withhold revenue sharing receipts

 9  distributed pursuant to part II of chapter 218 from any county

10  not in compliance with the county funding obligations for

11  items specified in paragraphs (1)(a), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g),

12  and (h) and subsection (3). The department shall withhold an

13  amount equal to the difference between the amount spent by the

14  county for the particular item in county fiscal year

15  2002-2003, the base year, plus 3 percent, and the amount

16  budgeted by the county for these obligations in county fiscal

17  year 2004-2005, if the latter is less than the former. Every

18  year thereafter, the department shall withhold such an amount

19  if the amount budgeted in that year is less than the base year

20  plus 1.5 percent growth per year. On or before December 31,

21  2004, counties shall send to the department a certified copy

22  of their budget documents for the respective 2 years,

23  separately identifying expenditure amounts for each county

24  funding obligation specified in paragraphs (1) (a), (c), (d),

25  (e), (f), (g), and (h) and subsection (3). Each year

26  thereafter, on or before December 31 of that year, each county

27  shall send a certified copy of its budget document to the

28  department.

29         (b)  Beginning in fiscal year 2005-2006, additional

30  amounts shall be withheld pursuant to paragraph (a), if the

31  amount spent in the previous fiscal year on the items


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 1  specified in paragraphs (1)(a), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), and

 2  (h), and subsection (3) is less than the amount budgeted for

 3  those items. Each county shall certify expenditures for these

 4  county obligations for the prior fiscal year to the department

 5  within 90 days after the end of the fiscal year.

 6         (b)(c)  The department shall transfer the withheld

 7  payments to the General Revenue Fund by March 31 of each year

 8  for the previous county fiscal year. These payments are hereby

 9  appropriated to the Department of Revenue to pay for these

10  responsibilities on behalf of the county.

11         Section 7.  The amendments made by this act to s.

12  29.008(4), Florida Statutes, apply retroactively to July 1,

13  2004.

14         Section 8.  Section 29.0085, Florida Statutes, is

15  amended to read:

16         29.0085  Annual statement of certain revenues and

17  expenditures.--

18         (1)  Each county shall submit annually to the Chief

19  Financial Officer a statement of revenues and expenditures as

20  set forth in this section in the form and manner prescribed by

21  the Chief Financial Officer in consultation with the

22  Legislative Committee on Intergovernmental Relations, provided

23  that such statement identify total county expenditures on each

24  of the services outlined in s. 29.008.

25         (2)(a)  Within 4 6 months of the close of the local

26  government fiscal year, each county shall submit to the Chief

27  Financial Officer a statement of compliance from its

28  independent certified public accountant, engaged pursuant to

29  s. 218.39, that the certified statement of expenditures was in

30  accordance with s. 29.008 and this section. All discrepancies

31  noted by the independent certified public accountant shall be


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 1  included in the statement furnished by the county to the Chief

 2  Financial Officer.

 3         (b)  If the Chief Financial Officer determines that

 4  additional auditing procedures are appropriate because:

 5         1.  The county failed to submit timely its annual

 6  statement;

 7         2.  Discrepancies were noted by the independent

 8  certified public accountant; or

 9         3.  The county failed to file before January March 31

10  of each year the certified public accountant statement of

11  compliance, the Chief Financial Officer may send his or her

12  personnel or contract for services to bring the county into

13  compliance. The costs incurred by the Chief Financial Officer

14  shall be paid promptly by the county upon certification by the

15  Chief Financial Officer.

16         (c)  Where the Chief Financial Officer elects to

17  utilize the services of an independent contractor, such

18  certification by the Chief Financial Officer may require the

19  county to make direct payment to a contractor. Any funds owed

20  by a county in such matters shall be recovered pursuant to s.

21  17.04 or s. 17.041.

22         (3)  The Chief Financial Officer shall adopt any rules

23  necessary to implement his or her responsibilities pursuant to

24  this section.

25         Section 9.  Section 215.18, Florida Statutes, is

26  amended to read:

27         215.18  Transfers between funds; limitation.--Whenever

28  there exists in any fund provided for by s. 215.32 a

29  deficiency which would render such fund insufficient to meet

30  its just requirements, and there shall exist in the other

31  funds in the State Treasury moneys which are for the time


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 1  being or otherwise in excess of the amounts necessary to meet

 2  the just requirements of such last-mentioned funds, the

 3  Governor may order a temporary transfer of moneys from one

 4  fund to another in order to meet temporary deficiencies in a

 5  particular fund without resorting to the necessity of

 6  borrowing money and paying interest thereon. Any action

 7  proposed under this section is subject to the notice and

 8  objection procedures set forth in s. 216.177, and the Governor

 9  shall provide notice of such action at least 7 days prior to

10  the effective date of the transfer of funds.

11         (1)  Except as otherwise provided in s.

12  216.222(1)(a)2., the fund from which any money is temporarily

13  transferred shall be repaid the amount transferred from it not

14  later than the end of the fiscal year in which such transfer

15  is made, the date of repayment to be specified in the order of

16  the Governor.

17         (2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1) and for the

18  2005-2006 fiscal year only, the repayment period for funds

19  temporarily transferred in fiscal year 2004-2005 to meet

20  deficiencies resulting from hurricanes striking this state in

21  2004 may be extended until grants awarded by the Federal

22  Emergency Management Agency for FEMA Disaster Declarations

23  1539-DR-FL, 1545-DR-FL, 1551-DR-FL, and 1561-DR-FL are

24  received. This subsection expires July 1, 2006.

25         Section 10.  Subsections (2) and (4) of section

26  215.3206, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

27         215.3206  Trust funds; termination or re-creation.--

28         (2)  If the trust fund is terminated and not

29  immediately re-created, all cash balances and income of the

30  trust fund shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.

31  The agency or Chief Justice shall pay any outstanding debts of


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 1  the trust fund as soon as practicable, and the Chief Financial

 2  Officer shall close out and remove the trust fund from the

 3  various state financial accounting systems, using generally

 4  accepted accounting practices concerning warrants outstanding,

 5  assets, and liabilities. No appropriation or budget amendment

 6  shall be construed to authorize any encumbrance of funds from

 7  a trust fund after the date on which the trust fund is

 8  terminated or is judicially determined to be invalid.

 9         (4)  For the purposes of this section, the Governor,

10  Chief Justice, and agencies shall review the trust funds as

11  they are identified by a classification scheme set out in the

12  legislative budget request instructions pursuant to s. 216.023

13  consistent with the Department of Financial Services'

14  financial systems by a unique 6-digit code in the Florida

15  Accounting Information Resource Subsystem at a level composed

16  of the 2-digit organization level 1, the 1-digit state fund

17  type 2, and the first three digits of the fund identifier. The

18  Governor, Chief Justice, and agencies may also conduct their

19  review and make recommendations concerning accounts within

20  such trust funds.

21         Section 11.  Subsection (1) and paragraph (a) of

22  subsection (2) of section 215.3208, Florida Statutes, are

23  amended to read:

24         215.3208  Trust funds; legislative review.--

25         (1)  In order to implement s. 19(f), Art. III of the

26  State Constitution, for the purpose of reviewing trust funds

27  prior to their automatic termination pursuant to the

28  provisions of s. 19(f)(2), Art. III of the State Constitution,

29  the Legislature shall review all state trust funds at least

30  once every 4 years. The schedule for such review may be

31  included in the legislative budget instructions developed


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 1  pursuant to the requirements of s. 216.023. The Legislature

 2  shall review trust funds as they are identified by a

 3  classification scheme set out in the legislative budget

 4  request instructions pursuant to s. 216.023 consistent with

 5  the Department of Financial Services' financial systems by a

 6  unique 6-digit code in the Florida Accounting Information

 7  Resource Subsystem at a level composed of the 2-digit

 8  organization level 1, the 1-digit state fund type 2, and the

 9  first three digits of the fund identifier. When a statutorily

10  created trust fund that was in existence on November 4, 1992,

11  has more than one fund 6-digit code in the financial systems,

12  the Legislature may treat it as a single trust fund for the

13  purposes of this section. The Legislature may also conduct its

14  review concerning accounts within such trust funds.

15         (2)(a)  When the Legislature terminates a trust fund,

16  the agency or branch of state government that administers the

17  trust fund shall pay any outstanding debts or obligations of

18  the trust fund as soon as practicable, and the Chief Financial

19  Officer shall close out and remove the trust fund from the

20  various state financial accounting systems, using generally

21  accepted accounting principles concerning assets, liabilities,

22  and warrants outstanding.

23         Section 12.  Section 215.35, Florida Statutes, is

24  amended to read:

25         215.35  State funds; warrants and their issuance.--All

26  warrants issued by the Chief Financial Officer shall be

27  numbered in a manner that uniquely identifies each warrant for

28  audit and reconciliation purposes chronological order

29  commencing with number one in each fiscal year and each

30  warrant shall refer to the Chief Financial Officer's voucher

31  by the number thereof, which voucher shall also be numbered as


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 1  above set forth. Each warrant shall state the name of the

 2  payee thereof and the amount allowed, and said warrant shall

 3  be stated in words at length. No warrant shall issue until

 4  same has been authorized by an appropriation made by law but

 5  such warrant need not state or set forth such authorization.

 6  The Chief Financial Officer shall register and maintain a

 7  record of each warrant in his or her office. The record shall

 8  show the funds, accounts, purposes, and departments involved

 9  in the issuance of each warrant. In those instances where the

10  expenditure of funds of regulatory boards or commissions has

11  been provided for by laws other than the annual appropriations

12  bill, warrants shall be issued upon requisition to the Chief

13  Financial Officer by the governing body of such board or

14  commission.

15         Section 13.  Subsections (1) and (2), paragraphs (a)

16  and (b) of subsection (3), and subsection (6) of section

17  215.422, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

18         215.422  Payments, warrants, vouchers, and invoices;

19  processing time limits; dispute resolution; agency or judicial

20  branch compliance.--

21         (1)  The voucher authorizing payment of An invoice

22  submitted to an agency of the state or the judicial branch,

23  required by law to be filed with the Chief Financial Officer,

24  shall be recorded in the financial systems of the state,

25  approved for payment by the agency or the judicial branch, and

26  filed with the Chief Financial Officer not later than 20 days

27  after receipt of the invoice and receipt, inspection, and

28  approval of the goods or services, except that in the case of

29  a bona fide dispute the invoice recorded in the financial

30  systems of the state voucher shall contain a statement of the

31  dispute and authorize payment only in the amount not disputed.


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 1  The Chief Financial Officer may establish dollar thresholds

 2  and other criteria for all invoices and may delegate to a

 3  state agency or the judicial branch responsibility for

 4  maintaining the official invoices vouchers and documents for

 5  invoices which do not exceed the thresholds or which meet the

 6  established criteria. Such records shall be maintained in

 7  accordance with the requirements established by the Secretary

 8  of State. The transmission of an approved invoice recorded in

 9  the financial systems of the state electronic payment request

10  transmission to the Chief Financial Officer shall constitute

11  filing of a request voucher for payment of invoices for which

12  the Chief Financial Officer has delegated to an agency custody

13  of official records. Approval and inspection of goods or

14  services shall take no longer than 5 working days unless the

15  bid specifications, purchase order, or contract specifies

16  otherwise. If an invoice a voucher filed within the 20-day

17  period is returned by the Department of Financial Services

18  because of an error, it shall nevertheless be deemed timely

19  filed. The 20-day filing requirement may be waived in whole or

20  in part by the Department of Financial Services on a showing

21  of exceptional circumstances in accordance with rules and

22  regulations of the department. For the purposes of determining

23  the receipt of invoice date, the agency or the judicial branch

24  is deemed to receive an invoice on the date on which a proper

25  invoice is first received at the place designated by the

26  agency or the judicial branch. The agency or the judicial

27  branch is deemed to receive an invoice on the date of the

28  invoice if the agency or the judicial branch has failed to

29  annotate the invoice with the date of receipt at the time the

30  agency or the judicial branch actually received the invoice or

31  failed at the time the order is placed or contract made to


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 1  designate a specific location to which the invoice must be

 2  delivered.

 3         (2)  The Department of Financial Services shall approve

 4  payment of an invoice no later than 10 days after the agency's

 5  filing of the approved invoice The warrant in payment of an

 6  invoice submitted to an agency of the state or the judicial

 7  branch shall be issued not later than 10 days after filing of

 8  the voucher authorizing payment. However, this requirement may

 9  be waived in whole or in part by the Department of Financial

10  Services on a showing of exceptional circumstances in

11  accordance with rules and regulations of the department. If

12  the 10-day period contains fewer than 6 working days, the

13  Department of Financial Services shall be deemed in compliance

14  with this subsection if the payment is approved warrant is

15  issued within 6 working days without regard to the actual

16  number of calendar days. For purposes of this section, a

17  payment is deemed to be issued on the first working day that

18  payment is available for delivery or mailing to the vendor.

19         (3)(a)  Each agency of the state or the judicial branch

20  which is required by law to file invoices vouchers with the

21  Chief Financial Officer shall keep a record of the date of

22  receipt of the invoice; dates of receipt, inspection, and

23  approval of the goods or services; date of filing of the

24  approved invoice voucher; and date of issuance of the warrant

25  in payment thereof. If the invoice voucher is not filed or the

26  warrant is not issued within the time required, an explanation

27  in writing by the agency head or the Chief Justice shall be

28  submitted to the Department of Financial Services in a manner

29  prescribed by it. Agencies and the judicial branch shall

30  continue to deliver or mail state payments promptly.



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 1         (b)  If a warrant in payment of an invoice is not

 2  issued within 40 days after receipt of the invoice and

 3  receipt, inspection, and approval of the goods and services,

 4  the agency or judicial branch shall pay to the vendor, in

 5  addition to the amount of the invoice, interest at a rate as

 6  established pursuant to s. 55.03(1) on the unpaid balance from

 7  the expiration of such 40-day period until such time as the

 8  warrant is issued to the vendor. Such interest shall be added

 9  to the invoice at the time of submission to the Chief

10  Financial Officer for payment whenever possible. If addition

11  of the interest penalty is not possible, the agency or

12  judicial branch shall pay the interest penalty payment within

13  15 days after issuing the warrant. The provisions of this

14  paragraph apply only to undisputed amounts for which payment

15  has been authorized. Disputes shall be resolved in accordance

16  with rules developed and adopted by the Chief Justice for the

17  judicial branch, and rules adopted by the Department of

18  Financial Services or in a formal administrative proceeding

19  before an administrative law judge of the Division of

20  Administrative Hearings for state agencies, provided that, for

21  the purposes of ss. 120.569 and 120.57(1), no party to a

22  dispute involving less than $1,000 in interest penalties shall

23  be deemed to be substantially affected by the dispute or to

24  have a substantial interest in the decision resolving the

25  dispute. In the case of an error on the part of the vendor,

26  the 40-day period shall begin to run upon receipt by the

27  agency or the judicial branch of a corrected invoice or other

28  remedy of the error. For purposes of this section, the

29  non-submittal of the appropriate federal taxpayer

30  identification documentation to the Department of Financial

31  Services by the vendor will be deemed an error on the part of


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    CS for SB 2548                                 First Engrossed

 1  the vendor and the vendor will be required to submit the

 2  appropriate federal taxpayer documentation in order to remedy

 3  the error. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply when

 4  the filing requirement under subsection (1) or subsection (2)

 5  has been waived in whole by the Department of Financial

 6  Services. The various state agencies and the judicial branch

 7  shall be responsible for initiating the penalty payments

 8  required by this subsection and shall use this subsection as

 9  authority to make such payments. The budget request submitted

10  to the Legislature shall specifically disclose the amount of

11  any interest paid by any agency or the judicial branch

12  pursuant to this subsection. The temporary unavailability of

13  funds to make a timely payment due for goods or services does

14  not relieve an agency or the judicial branch from the

15  obligation to pay interest penalties under this section.

16         (6)  The Department of Financial Services shall monitor

17  each agency's and the judicial branch's compliance with the

18  time limits and interest penalty provisions of this section.

19  The department shall provide a report to an agency or to the

20  judicial branch if the department determines that the agency

21  or the judicial branch has failed to maintain an acceptable

22  rate of compliance with the time limits and interest penalty

23  provisions of this section. The department shall establish

24  criteria for determining acceptable rates of compliance. The

25  report shall also include a list of late invoices vouchers or

26  payments, the amount of interest owed or paid, and any

27  corrective actions recommended. The department shall perform

28  monitoring responsibilities, pursuant to this section, using

29  the Department of Financial Services' financial systems

30  Management Services and Purchasing Subsystem or the Florida

31  Accounting Information Resource Subsystem provided in s.


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    CS for SB 2548                                 First Engrossed

 1  215.94. Each agency and the judicial branch shall be

 2  responsible for the accuracy of information entered into the

 3  Department of Management Services' procurement system

 4  Management Services and Purchasing Subsystem and the

 5  Department of Financial Services' financial systems Florida

 6  Accounting Information Resource Subsystem for use in this

 7  monitoring.

 8         Section 14.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of section

 9  215.97, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

10         215.97  Florida Single Audit Act.--

11         (1)  The purposes of the section are to:

12         (d)  Provide for identification of state financial

13  assistance transactions in the appropriations act, state

14  accounting records, and recipient organization records.

15         Section 15.  Effective upon this act becoming a law,

16  paragraphs (bb) and (ss) of subsection (1) of section 216.011,

17  Florida Statutes, are amended, and paragraphs (tt) and (uu)

18  are added to that subsection, to read:

19         216.011  Definitions.--

20         (1)  For the purpose of fiscal affairs of the state,

21  appropriations acts, legislative budgets, and approved

22  budgets, each of the following terms has the meaning

23  indicated:

24         (bb)  "Operating capital outlay" means the

25  appropriation category used to fund equipment, fixtures, and

26  other tangible personal property of a nonconsumable and

27  nonexpendable nature under s. 273.025, according to the value

28  or cost specified in s. 273.02.

29         (ss)  "Qualified expenditure category" means the

30  appropriations category used to fund specific activities and

31  projects which must be transferred to one or more


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    CS for SB 2548                                 First Engrossed

 1  appropriation categories for expenditure upon recommendation

 2  by the Governor or Chief Justice, as appropriate, and subject

 3  to approval by the Legislative Budget Commission. The

 4  Legislature by law may provide that a specific portion of the

 5  funds appropriated in this category be transferred to one or

 6  more appropriation categories without approval by the

 7  commission and may provide that requirements or contingencies

 8  be satisfied prior to the transfer.

 9         (tt)  "Incurred obligation" means a legal obligation

10  for goods or services that have been contracted for, referred

11  to as an encumbrance in the state's financial system, or

12  received or incurred by the state and referred to as a payable

13  in the state's financial system.

14         (uu)  "Salary rate reserve" means the withholding of a

15  portion of the annual salary rate for a specific purpose.

16         Section 16.  Paragraph (o) is added to subsection (8)

17  of section 215.97, Florida Statutes, to read:

18         215.97  Florida Single Audit Act.--

19         (8)  Each recipient or subrecipient of state financial

20  assistance shall comply with the following:

21         (o)  A contract involving the State University System

22  or the Florida Community College System funded by state

23  financial assistance may be in the form of:

24         1.  A fixed-price contract that entitles the provider

25  to receive full compensation for the fixed contract amount

26  upon completion of all contract deliverables;

27         2.  A fixed-rate-per-unit contract that entitles the

28  provider to receive compensation for each contract deliverable

29  provided;




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 1         3.  A cost-reimbursable contract that entitles the

 2  provider to receive compensation for actual allowable costs

 3  incurred in performing contract deliverables; or

 4         4.  A combination of the contract forms described in

 5  subparagraphs 1., 2., and 3.

 6         Section 17.  Section 216.346, Florida Statutes, as

 7  amended by section 7 of chapter 2005-358, Laws of Florida, is

 8  repealed.

 9         Section 18.  Subsection (4) of section 215.559, Florida

10  Statutes, is amended to read:

11         215.559  Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program.--

12         (4)  Forty percent of the total appropriation in

13  paragraph (2)(a) shall be used to inspect and improve

14  tie-downs for mobile homes. Within 30 days after the effective

15  date of that appropriation, the department shall contract with

16  a public higher educational institution in this state which

17  has previous experience in administering the programs set

18  forth in this subsection to serve as the administrative entity

19  and fiscal agent pursuant to s. 216.346 for the purpose of

20  administering the programs set forth in this subsection in

21  accordance with established policy and procedures. The

22  administrative entity working with the advisory council set up

23  under subsection (6) shall develop a list of mobile home parks

24  and counties that may be eligible to participate in the

25  tie-down program.

26         Section 19.  Subsection (5) of section 331.368, Florida

27  Statutes, is amended to read:

28         331.368  Florida Space Research Institute.--

29         (5)  For the purposes of contracts and grants, s.

30  216.346 shall apply to the institute's programs with state

31  universities and community colleges.


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    CS for SB 2548                                 First Engrossed

 1         Section 20.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section

 2  443.1316, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 3         443.1316  Unemployment tax collection services;

 4  interagency agreement.--

 5         (2)

 6         (c)  Notwithstanding s. 216.346, The Department of

 7  Revenue may charge no more than 10 percent of the total cost

 8  of the interagency agreement for the overhead or indirect

 9  costs, or for any other costs not required for the payment of

10  the direct costs, of providing unemployment tax collection

11  services.

12         Section 21.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (9) of section

13  1002.32, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

14         1002.32  Developmental research (laboratory) schools.--

15         (9)  FUNDING.--Funding for a lab school, including a

16  charter lab school, shall be provided as follows:

17         (c)  All operating funds provided under this section

18  shall be deposited in a Lab School Trust Fund and shall be

19  expended for the purposes of this section. The university

20  assigned a lab school shall be the fiscal agent for these

21  funds, and all rules of the university governing the budgeting

22  and expenditure of state funds shall apply to these funds

23  unless otherwise provided by law or rule of the State Board of

24  Education. The university board of trustees shall be the

25  public employer of lab school personnel for collective

26  bargaining purposes for lab schools in operation prior to the

27  2002-2003 fiscal year. Employees of charter lab schools

28  authorized prior to June 1, 2003, but not in operation prior

29  to the 2002-2003 fiscal year shall be employees of the entity

30  holding the charter and must comply with the provisions of s.



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 1  1002.33(12). Lab schools are not subject to the payment of

 2  overhead or indirect costs as described in s. 216.346.

 3         Section 22.  Section 255.258, Florida Statutes, is

 4  repealed.

 5         Section 23.  Subsection (5) is added to section

 6  287.063, Florida Statutes, to read:

 7         287.063  Deferred-payment commodity contracts; preaudit

 8  review.--

 9         (5)  For purposes of this section, any such deferred

10  payment commodity contract must be supported from available

11  recurring funds appropriated to the agency in an appropriation

12  category, other than the expense appropriation category as

13  defined in chapter 216, that the Chief Financial Officer has

14  determined is appropriate or that the Legislature has

15  designated for payment of the obligation incurred under this

16  section.

17         Section 24.  Subsection (11) is added to section

18  287.064, Florida Statutes, to read:

19         287.064  Consolidated financing of deferred-payment

20  purchases.--

21         (11)  For purposes of consolidated financing of

22  deferred payment commodity contracts under this section by a

23  state agency, any such contract must be supported from

24  available recurring funds appropriated to the agency in an

25  appropriation category, other than the expense appropriation

26  category as defined in chapter 216, that the Chief Financial

27  Officer has determined is appropriate or that the Legislature

28  has designated for payment of the obligation incurred under

29  this section.




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 1         Section 25.  Paragraphs (h) through (k) are added to

 2  subsection (1) of section 216.013, Florida Statutes, and

 3  subsection (5) of that section is amended, to read:

 4         216.013  Long-range program plan.--State agencies and

 5  the judicial branch shall develop long-range program plans to

 6  achieve state goals using an interagency planning process that

 7  includes the development of integrated agency program service

 8  outcomes. The plans shall be policy based, priority driven,

 9  accountable, and developed through careful examination and

10  justification of all agency and judicial branch programs.

11         (1)  Long-range program plans shall provide the

12  framework for the development of budget requests and shall

13  identify or update:

14         (h)  Legislatively approved output and outcome

15  performance measures.

16         (i)  Performance standards for each performance measure

17  and justification for the standards and the sources of data to

18  be used for measurement.

19         (j)  Prior-year performance data on approved

20  performance measures and an explanation of deviation from

21  expected performance. Performance data must be assessed for

22  reliability in accordance with s. 20.055.

23         (k)  Proposed performance incentives and disincentives.

24         (5)  Following the adoption of the annual General

25  Appropriations Act, The state agencies and the judicial branch

26  shall make appropriate adjustments to their long-range program

27  plans, excluding adjustments to performance measures and

28  standards, to be consistent with the appropriations and

29  performance measures in the General Appropriations Act and

30  legislation implementing the General Appropriations Act.

31  Agencies and the judicial branch have 30 days subsequent to


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    CS for SB 2548                                 First Engrossed

 1  the effective date of the General Appropriations Act and

 2  implementing legislation until June 30 to make adjustments to

 3  their plans as posted on their Internet websites.

 4         Section 26.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) and

 5  subsections (5), (6), and (8) of section 216.023, Florida

 6  Statutes, are amended, and subsections (7), (9), (10), (11),

 7  and (12) are renumbered as subsections (5), (6), (7), (8), and

 8  (9), respectively, to read:

 9         216.023  Legislative budget requests to be furnished to

10  Legislature by agencies.--

11         (4)(a)  The legislative budget request must contain for

12  each program:

13         1.  The constitutional or statutory authority for a

14  program, a brief purpose statement, and approved program

15  components.

16         2.  Information on expenditures for 3 fiscal years

17  (actual prior-year expenditures, current-year estimated

18  expenditures, and agency budget requested expenditures for the

19  next fiscal year) by appropriation category.

20         3.  Details on trust funds and fees.

21         4.  The total number of positions (authorized, fixed,

22  and requested).

23         5.  An issue narrative describing and justifying

24  changes in amounts and positions requested for current and

25  proposed programs for the next fiscal year.

26         6.  Information resource requests.

27         7.  Legislatively approved Output and outcome

28  performance measures and any proposed revisions to measures.

29         8.  Proposed performance standards for each performance

30  measure and justification for the standards and the sources of

31  data to be used for measurement.


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    CS for SB 2548                                 First Engrossed

 1         9.  Prior-year performance data on approved performance

 2  measures and an explanation of deviation from expected

 3  performance. Performance data must be assessed for reliability

 4  in accordance with s. 20.055.

 5         10.  Proposed performance incentives and disincentives.

 6         7.11.  Supporting information, including applicable

 7  cost-benefit analyses, business case analyses, performance

 8  contracting procedures, service comparisons, and impacts on

 9  performance standards for any request to outsource or

10  privatize agency functions.

11         8.12.  An evaluation of any major outsourcing and

12  privatization initiatives undertaken during the last 5 fiscal

13  years having aggregate expenditures exceeding $10 million

14  during the term of the contract. The evaluation shall include

15  an assessment of contractor performance, a comparison of

16  anticipated service levels to actual service levels, and a

17  comparison of estimated savings to actual savings achieved.

18  Consolidated reports issued by the Department of Management

19  Services may be used to satisfy this requirement.

20         9.  Supporting information for any proposed

21  consolidated financing of deferred-payment commodity contracts

22  including guaranteed energy performance savings contracts.

23  Supporting information must also include narrative describing

24  and justifying the need, baseline for current costs, estimated

25  cost savings, projected equipment purchases, estimated

26  contract costs, and return on investment calculation.

27         (5)  Agencies must maintain a comprehensive performance

28  accountability system and provide a list of performance

29  measures maintained by the agency which are in addition to the

30  measures approved by the Legislature.



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 1         (6)  Annually, by June 30, executive agencies shall

 2  submit to the Executive Office of the Governor adjustments to

 3  their performance standards based on the amounts appropriated

 4  for each program by the Legislature. When such an adjustment

 5  is made, all performance standards, including any adjustments

 6  made, shall be reviewed and revised as necessary by the

 7  Executive Office of the Governor and, upon approval, submitted

 8  to the Legislature pursuant to the review and approval process

 9  provided in s. 216.177. The Senate and the House of

10  Representatives appropriations committees shall advise Senate

11  substantive committees and House of Representatives

12  substantive committees, respectively, of all adjustments made

13  to performance standards or measures. The Executive Office of

14  the Governor shall maintain the official record of adjustments

15  to the performance standards. As used in this section, the

16  term "official record" means the official compilation of

17  information about state agency performance-based programs and

18  measures, including approved programs, approved outputs and

19  outcomes, baseline data, approved standards for each

20  performance measure and any approved adjustments thereto, as

21  well as actual agency performance for each measure.

22         (8)  Annually, by June 30, the judicial branch shall

23  make adjustments to any performance standards for approved

24  programs based on the amount appropriated for each program,

25  which shall be submitted to the Legislature pursuant to the

26  notice and review process provided in s. 216.177. The Senate

27  and the House of Representatives appropriations committees

28  shall advise Senate substantive committees and House

29  substantive committees, respectively, of all adjustments made

30  to performance standards or measures.



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    CS for SB 2548                                 First Engrossed

 1         Section 27.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section

 2  216.134, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (c) is

 3  added to that subsection, to read:

 4         216.134  Consensus estimating conferences; general

 5  provisions.--

 6         (4)  Consensus estimating conferences are within the

 7  legislative branch. The membership of each consensus

 8  estimating conference consists of principals and participants.

 9         (a)  A person designated by law as a principal may

10  preside over conference sessions, convene conference sessions,

11  request information, specify topics to be included on the

12  conference agenda, agree or withhold agreement on whether

13  information is to be official information of the conference,

14  release official information of the conference, interpret

15  official information of the conference, and monitor errors in

16  official information of the conference. The responsibility of

17  presiding over sessions of the conference shall be rotated

18  among the principals.

19         (c)  The principals of each conference shall be

20  professional staff of the Executive Office of the Governor

21  designated by the Governor, the coordinator of the Office of

22  Economic and Demographic Research, professional staff of the

23  Senate designated by the President of the Senate, and

24  professional staff of the House of Representatives designated

25  by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The

26  coordinator of the Office of Economic and Demographic Research

27  may designate other professional staff within that office to

28  act as principals on the conferences.

29         Section 28.  Section 216.136, Florida Statutes, is

30  amended to read:



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    CS for SB 2548                                 First Engrossed

 1         216.136  Consensus estimating conferences; duties and

 2  principals.--


 4         (a)  Duties.--The Economic Estimating Conference shall

 5  develop such official information with respect to the national

 6  and state economies as the conference determines is needed for

 7  the state planning and budgeting system. The basic, long-term

 8  forecasts which are a part of its official information shall

 9  be trend forecasts. However, the conference may include cycle

10  forecasts as a part of its official information if the subject

11  matter of the forecast warrants a cycle forecast and if such

12  forecast is developed in a special impact session of the

13  conference.

14         (b)  Principals.--The Executive Office of the Governor,

15  the coordinator of the Office of Economic and Demographic

16  Research, and professional staff of the Senate and House of

17  Representatives who have forecasting expertise, or their

18  designees, are the principals of the Economic Estimating

19  Conference.  The responsibility of presiding over sessions of

20  the conference shall be rotated among the principals.


22         (a)  Duties.--The Demographic Estimating Conference

23  shall develop such official information with respect to the

24  population of the nation and state by age, race, and sex as

25  the conference determines is needed for the state planning and

26  budgeting system.  The conference shall use the official

27  population estimates provided under s. 186.901 in developing

28  its official information.

29         (b)  Principals.--The Executive Office of the Governor,

30  the coordinator of the Office of Economic and Demographic

31  Research, and professional staff of the Senate and House of


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    CS for SB 2548                                 First Engrossed

 1  Representatives who have forecasting expertise, or their

 2  designees, are the principals of the Demographic Estimating

 3  Conference.  The responsibility of presiding over sessions of

 4  the conference shall be rotated among the principals.


 6         (a)  Duties.--The Revenue Estimating Conference shall

 7  develop such official information with respect to anticipated

 8  state and local government revenues as the conference

 9  determines is needed for the state planning and budgeting

10  system.  Any principal may request the conference to review

11  and estimate revenues for any trust fund.

12         (b)  Principals.--The Executive Office of the Governor,

13  the coordinator of the Office of Economic and Demographic

14  Research, and professional staff of the Senate and House of

15  Representatives who have forecasting expertise, or their

16  designees, are the principals of the Revenue Estimating

17  Conference.  The responsibility of presiding over sessions of

18  the conference shall be rotated among the principals.


20         (a)  Duties.--The Education Estimating Conference shall

21  develop such official information relating to the state public

22  and private educational system, including forecasts of student

23  enrollments, the number of students qualified for state

24  financial aid programs and for the William L. Boyd, IV,

25  Florida Resident Access Grant Program and the appropriation

26  required to fund the full award amounts for each program,

27  fixed capital outlay needs, and Florida Education Finance

28  Program formula needs, as the conference determines is needed

29  for the state planning and budgeting system.  The conference's

30  initial projections of enrollments in public schools shall be

31  forwarded by the conference to each school district no later


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    CS for SB 2548                                 First Engrossed

 1  than 2 months prior to the start of the regular session of the

 2  Legislature. Each school district may, in writing, request

 3  adjustments to the initial projections.  Any adjustment

 4  request shall be submitted to the conference no later than 1

 5  month prior to the start of the regular session of the

 6  Legislature and shall be considered by the principals of the

 7  conference.  A school district may amend its adjustment

 8  request, in writing, during the first 3 weeks of the

 9  legislative session, and such amended adjustment request shall

10  be considered by the principals of the conference.  For any

11  adjustment so requested, the district shall indicate and

12  explain, using definitions adopted by the conference, the

13  components of anticipated enrollment changes that correspond

14  to continuation of current programs with workload changes;

15  program improvement; program reduction or elimination;

16  initiation of new programs; and any other information that may

17  be needed by the Legislature.  For public schools, the

18  conference shall submit its full-time equivalent student

19  consensus estimate to the Legislature no later than 1 month

20  after the start of the regular session of the Legislature. No

21  conference estimate may be changed without the agreement of

22  the full conference.

23         (b)  Adjustments.--No later than 2 months prior to the

24  start of the regular session of the Legislature, the

25  conference shall forward to each eligible postsecondary

26  education institution its initial projections of the number of

27  students qualified for state financial aid programs and the

28  appropriation required to fund those students at the full

29  award amount. Each postsecondary education institution may

30  request, in writing, adjustments to the initial projection.

31  Any adjustment request must be submitted to the conference no


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 1  later than 1 month prior to the start of the regular session

 2  of the Legislature and shall be considered by the principals

 3  of the conference. For any adjustment so requested, the

 4  postsecondary education institution shall indicate and

 5  explain, using definitions adopted by the conference, the

 6  components of anticipated changes that correspond to

 7  continuation of current programs with enrollment changes,

 8  program reduction or elimination, initiation of new programs,

 9  award amount increases or decreases, and any other information

10  that is considered by the conference. The conference shall

11  submit its consensus estimate to the Legislature no later than

12  1 month after the start of the regular session of the

13  Legislature. No conference estimate may be changed without the

14  agreement of the full conference.

15         (c)  Principals.--The Commissioner of Education, the

16  Executive Office of the Governor, the coordinator of the

17  Office of Economic and Demographic Research, and professional

18  staff of the Senate and House of Representatives who have

19  forecasting expertise, or their designees, are the principals

20  of the Education Estimating Conference. The Commissioner of

21  Education or his or her designee shall preside over sessions

22  of the conference.


24         (a)  Duties.--The Criminal Justice Estimating

25  Conference shall:

26         (a)1.  Develop such official information relating to

27  the criminal justice system, including forecasts of prison

28  admissions and population and of supervised felony offender

29  admissions and population, as the conference determines is

30  needed for the state planning and budgeting system.



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 1         (b)2.  Develop such official information relating to

 2  the number of eligible discharges and the projected number of

 3  civil commitments for determining space needs pursuant to the

 4  civil proceedings provided under part V of chapter 394.

 5         (c)3.  Develop official information relating to the

 6  number of sexual offenders and sexual predators who are

 7  required by law to be placed on community control, probation,

 8  or conditional release who are subject to electronic

 9  monitoring. In addition, the Office of Economic and

10  Demographic Research shall study the factors relating to the

11  sentencing of sex offenders from the point of arrest through

12  the imposition of sanctions by the sentencing court, including

13  original charges, plea negotiations, trial dispositions, and

14  sanctions. The Department of Corrections, the Office of the

15  State Courts Administrator, the Florida Department of Law

16  Enforcement, and the state attorneys shall provide information

17  deemed necessary for the study. The final report shall be

18  provided to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the

19  House of Representatives by March 1, 2006.

20         (b)  Principals.--The Executive Office of the Governor,

21  the coordinator of the Office of Economic and Demographic

22  Research, and professional staff, who have forecasting

23  expertise, from the Senate, the House of Representatives, and

24  the Supreme Court, or their designees, are the principals of

25  the Criminal Justice Estimating Conference.  The principal

26  representing the Executive Office of the Governor shall

27  preside over sessions of the conference.


29         (a)  Duties.--

30         (a)1.  The Social Services Estimating Conference shall

31  develop such official information relating to the social


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 1  services system of the state, including forecasts of social

 2  services caseloads, utilization, and expenditures, as the

 3  conference determines is needed for the state planning and

 4  budgeting system.  Such official information shall include,

 5  but not be limited to, cash assistance and Medicaid caseloads.

 6         (b)2.  The Social Services Estimating Conference shall

 7  develop information relating to the Florida Kidcare program,

 8  including, but not limited to, outreach impacts, enrollment,

 9  caseload, utilization, and expenditure information that the

10  conference determines is needed to plan for and project future

11  budgets and the drawdown of federal matching funds. The

12  agencies required to collect and analyze Florida Kidcare

13  program data under s. 409.8134 shall be participants in the

14  Social Services Estimating Conference for purposes of

15  developing information relating to the Florida Kidcare

16  program.

17         (b)  Principals.--The Executive Office of the Governor,

18  the coordinator of the Office of Economic and Demographic

19  Research, professional staff who have forecasting expertise

20  from the Department of Children and Family Services, the

21  Agency for Health Care Administration, the Senate, and the

22  House of Representatives, or their designees, are the

23  principals of the Social Services Estimating Conference.  The

24  principal representing the Executive Office of the Governor

25  shall preside over sessions of the conference.


27         (a)  Duties.--

28         (a)1.  The Workforce Estimating Conference shall

29  develop such official information on the workforce development

30  system planning process as it relates to the personnel needs

31  of current, new, and emerging industries as the conference


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 1  determines is needed by the state planning and budgeting

 2  system. Such information, using quantitative and qualitative

 3  research methods, must include at least: short-term and

 4  long-term forecasts of employment demand for jobs by

 5  occupation and industry; entry and average wage forecasts

 6  among those occupations; and estimates of the supply of

 7  trained and qualified individuals available or potentially

 8  available for employment in those occupations, with special

 9  focus upon those occupations and industries which require high

10  skills and have high entry wages and experienced wage levels.

11  In the development of workforce estimates, the conference

12  shall use, to the fullest extent possible, local occupational

13  and workforce forecasts and estimates.

14         (b)2.  The Workforce Estimating Conference shall review

15  data concerning the local and regional demands for short-term

16  and long-term employment in High-Skills/High-Wage Program

17  jobs, as well as other jobs, which data is generated through

18  surveys conducted as part of the state's Internet-based job

19  matching and labor market information system authorized under

20  s. 445.011. The conference shall consider such data in

21  developing its forecasts for statewide employment demand,

22  including reviewing the local and regional data for common

23  trends and conditions among localities or regions which may

24  warrant inclusion of a particular occupation on the statewide

25  occupational forecasting list developed by the conference.

26  Based upon its review of such survey data, the conference

27  shall also make recommendations semiannually to Workforce

28  Florida, Inc., on additions or deletions to lists of locally

29  targeted occupations approved by Workforce Florida, Inc.

30         3.  During each legislative session, and at other times

31  if necessary, the Workforce Estimating Conference shall meet


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 1  as the Workforce Impact Conference for the purpose of

 2  determining the effects of legislation related to the state's

 3  workforce and economic development efforts introduced prior to

 4  and during such legislative session. In addition to the

 5  designated principals of the impact conference, nonprincipal

 6  participants of the impact conference shall include a

 7  representative of the Florida Chamber of Commerce and other

 8  interested parties. The impact conference shall use both

 9  quantitative and qualitative research methods to determine the

10  impact of introduced legislation related to workforce and

11  economic development issues.

12         (c)4.  Notwithstanding subparagraph 3., The Workforce

13  Estimating Conference, for the purposes described in paragraph

14  (a) subparagraph 1., shall meet no less than 2 times in a

15  calendar year. The first meeting shall be held in February,

16  and the second meeting shall be held in August. Other meetings

17  may be scheduled as needed.

18         (b)  Principals.--The Commissioner of Education, the

19  Executive Office of the Governor, the director of the Office

20  of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development, the director of

21  the Agency for Workforce Innovation, the executive director of

22  the Commission for Independent Education, the Chancellor of

23  the State University System, the chair of Workforce Florida,

24  Inc., the coordinator of the Office of Economic and

25  Demographic Research, or their designees, and professional

26  staff from the Senate and the House of Representatives who

27  have forecasting and substantive expertise, are the principals

28  of the Workforce Estimating Conference. In addition to the

29  designated principals of the conference, nonprincipal

30  participants of the conference shall include a representative

31  of the Florida Chamber of Commerce and other interested


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 1  parties. The principal representing the Executive Office of

 2  the Governor shall preside over the sessions of the

 3  conference.


 5         (a)  Duties.--

 6         (a)1.  The Early Learning Programs Estimating

 7  Conference shall develop estimates and forecasts of the

 8  unduplicated count of children eligible for school readiness

 9  programs in accordance with the standards of eligibility

10  established in s. 411.01(6), and of children eligible for the

11  Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program in accordance with

12  s. 1002.53(2), as the conference determines are needed to

13  support the state planning, budgeting, and appropriations

14  processes.

15         (b)2.  The Agency for Workforce Innovation shall

16  provide information on needs and waiting lists for school

17  readiness programs, and information on the needs for the

18  Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program, as requested by

19  the Early Learning Programs Estimating Conference or

20  individual conference principals in a timely manner.

21         (b)  Principals.--The Executive Office of the Governor,

22  the Director of Economic and Demographic Research, and

23  professional staff who have forecasting expertise from the

24  Agency for Workforce Innovation, the Department of Children

25  and Family Services, the Department of Education, the Senate,

26  and the House of Representatives, or their designees, are the

27  principals of the Early Learning Programs Estimating

28  Conference. The principal representing the Executive Office of

29  the Governor shall preside over sessions of the conference.




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 1         (a)  Duties.--The Self-Insurance Estimating Conference

 2  shall develop such official information on self-insurance

 3  related issues as the conference determines is needed by the

 4  state planning and budgeting system.

 5         (b)  Principals.--The Executive Office of the Governor,

 6  the coordinator of the Office of Economic and Demographic

 7  Research, and professional staff of the Senate and the House

 8  of Representatives who have forecasting and substantive

 9  experience, or their designees, are the principals of the

10  Self-Insurance Estimating Conference. The responsibility of

11  presiding over sessions of the conference shall be rotated

12  among the principals.



15         (a)  Duties.--The Florida Retirement System Actuarial

16  Assumption Conference shall develop official information with

17  respect to the economic and noneconomic assumptions and

18  funding methods of the Florida Retirement System necessary to

19  perform the system actuarial study undertaken pursuant to s.

20  121.031(3). Such information shall include: an analysis of the

21  actuarial assumptions and actuarial methods used in the study

22  and a determination of whether changes to the assumptions or

23  methods need to be made due to experience changes or revised

24  future forecasts.

25         (b)  Principals.--The Executive Office of the Governor,

26  the coordinator of the Office of Economic and Demographic

27  Research, and professional staff of the Senate and House of

28  Representatives who have forecasting and substantive

29  expertise, or their designees, are the principals of the

30  Florida Retirement System Actuarial Assumption Conference. The

31  Executive Office of the Governor shall have the responsibility


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 1  of presiding over the sessions of the conference. The State

 2  Board of Administration and the Division of Retirement shall

 3  be participants in the conference.

 4         Section 29.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section

 5  216.177, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 6         216.177  Appropriations acts, statement of intent,

 7  violation, notice, review and objection procedures.--

 8         (2)(a)  Whenever notice of action to be taken by the

 9  Executive Office of the Governor or the Chief Justice of the

10  Supreme Court is required by law this chapter, such notice

11  shall be given to the chair and vice chair of the Legislative

12  Budget Commission in writing, and shall be delivered at least

13  14 days prior to the action referred to, unless a shorter

14  period is approved in writing by the chair and vice chair or a

15  different period is specified by law. If the action is solely

16  for the release of funds appropriated by the Legislature, the

17  notice shall be delivered at least 3 days before the effective

18  date of the action. Action shall not be taken on any budget

19  item for which this chapter requires notice to the Legislative

20  Budget Commission or the appropriations committees without

21  such notice having been provided, even though there may be

22  good cause for considering such item.

23         Section 30.  Subsections (3), (5), (6), paragraph (a)

24  of subsection (8), paragraph (a) of subsection (10), and

25  subsection (11) of section 216.181, Florida Statutes, are

26  amended to read:

27         216.181  Approved budgets for operations and fixed

28  capital outlay.--

29         (3)  All amendments to original approved operating

30  budgets, regardless of funding source, are subject to the



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 1  notice and objection review procedures set forth in s.

 2  216.177.

 3         (5)  An amendment to the original operating budget for

 4  an information technology project or initiative that involves

 5  more than one agency, has an outcome that impacts another

 6  agency, or exceeds $500,000 in total cost over a 1-year

 7  period, except for those projects that are a continuation of

 8  hardware or software maintenance or software licensing

 9  agreements, or that are for desktop replacement that is

10  similar to the technology currently in use must be reviewed by

11  the Technology Review Workgroup pursuant to s. 216.0446 and

12  approved by the Executive Office of the Governor for the

13  executive branch or by the Chief Justice for the judicial

14  branch, and shall be subject to the notice and objection

15  review procedures set forth in s. 216.177.

16         (6)(a)  A detailed plan allocating a lump-sum

17  appropriation to traditional appropriations categories shall

18  be submitted by the affected agency to the Executive Office of

19  the Governor or the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The

20  Executive Office of the Governor and the Chief Justice of the

21  Supreme Court shall submit such plan to the chair and vice

22  chair of the Legislative Budget Commission either before or

23  concurrent with the submission of any budget amendment that

24  recommends the transfer and release of may require the

25  submission of a detailed plan from the agency or entity of the

26  judicial branch affected, consistent with the General

27  Appropriations Act, special appropriations acts, and

28  statements of intent before transferring and releasing the

29  balance of a lump-sum appropriation.

30         (b)  The Executive Office of the Governor and the Chief

31  Justice of the Supreme Court may amend, without approval of


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 1  the Legislative Budget Commission, state agency and judicial

 2  branch entity budgets, respectively, to reflect the

 3  transferred funds and to provide the associated increased

 4  salary rate based on the approved plans for lump-sum

 5  appropriations. Any action proposed pursuant to this paragraph

 6  is subject to the procedures set forth in s. 216.177.


 8  The Executive Office of the Governor shall transmit to each

 9  state agency and the Chief Financial Officer, and the Chief

10  Justice shall transmit to each judicial branch component and

11  the Chief Financial Officer, any approved amendments to the

12  approved operating budgets.

13         (8)  As part of the approved operating budget, the

14  Executive Office of the Governor shall furnish to each state

15  agency, and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall

16  furnish to the entity of the judicial branch, an approved

17  annual salary rate for each budget entity containing a salary

18  appropriation. This rate shall be based upon the actual salary

19  rate and shall be consistent with the General Appropriations

20  Act or special appropriations acts. The annual salary rate

21  shall be:

22         (a)  Determined by the salary rate specified in the

23  General Appropriations Act and adjusted for reorganizations

24  authorized by law, for any other appropriations made by law,

25  and, subject to s. 216.177, for distributions of lump-sum

26  appropriations and administered funds and for actions that

27  require authorization of salary rate from salary rate reserve

28  and placement of salary rate in salary rate reserve.

29         (10)(a)  The Legislative Budget Commission may

30  authorize increases or decreases in the approved salary rate,

31  except as authorized in s. 216.181(8)(a), for positions


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 1  pursuant to the request of the agency filed with the Executive

 2  Office of the Governor or pursuant to the request of an entity

 3  of the judicial branch filed with the Chief Justice of the

 4  Supreme Court, if deemed necessary and in the best interest of

 5  the state and consistent with legislative policy and intent.

 6         (11)  The Executive Office of the Governor and the

 7  Chief Justice of the Supreme Court may approve changes in the

 8  amounts appropriated from state trust funds in excess of those

 9  in the approved operating budget up to $1 million only

10  pursuant to the federal funds provisions of s. 216.212, when

11  grants and donations are received after April 1, or when

12  deemed necessary due to a set of conditions that were

13  unforeseen at the time the General Appropriations Act was

14  adopted and that are essential to correct in order to continue

15  the operation of government. Changes in the amounts

16  appropriated from state trust funds in excess of those in the

17  approved operating budget which are in excess of $1 million

18  may be approved only by the Legislative Budget Commission

19  pursuant to the request of a state agency filed with the

20  Executive Office of the Governor or pursuant to the request of

21  an entity of the judicial branch filed with the Chief Justice

22  of the Supreme Court. The provisions of this subsection are

23  subject to the notice, review, and objection procedures set

24  forth in s. 216.177.

25         Section 31.  Section 216.1811, Florida Statutes, is

26  created to read:

27         216.1811  Approved operating budgets and appropriations

28  for the legislative branch.--

29         (1)  The Governor and the Chief Financial Officer shall

30  each make changes to the original approved operating budgets

31  for operational and fixed capital expenditures relating to the


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 1  legislative branch as directed by the presiding officers of

 2  the legislative branch.

 3         (2)  The Governor and the Chief Financial Officer shall

 4  each ensure that any balances of appropriations made to the

 5  legislative branch are carried forward as directed by the

 6  presiding officers of the legislative branch.

 7         Section 32.  Subsection (2) of section 216.1815,

 8  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 9         216.1815  Agency incentive and savings program.--

10         (2)  To be eligible to retain funds, an agency or the

11  Chief Justice of the Supreme Court must submit a plan and an

12  associated request to amend its approved operating budget to

13  the Legislative Budget Commission specifying:

14         (a)  The modifications to approved programs resulting

15  in efficiencies and cost savings;

16         (b)  The amount and source of the funds and positions

17  saved;

18         (c)  The specific positions, rate, amounts, and sources

19  of funds the agency or the judicial branch wishes to include

20  in its incentive expenditures;

21         (d)  How the agency or the judicial branch will meet

22  the goals and objectives established in its long-range program

23  plan;

24         (e)  How the agency or the judicial branch will meet

25  performance standards, including established by the

26  Legislature and those in its long-range program plan; and

27         (f)  Any other incentive expenditures which the agency

28  or the judicial branch believes will enhance its performance.

29         Section 33.  Section 216.1827, Florida Statutes, is

30  created to read:



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 1         216.1827  Requirements for performance measures and

 2  standards.--

 3         (1)  Agencies and the judicial branch shall maintain a

 4  comprehensive performance accountability system containing, at

 5  a minimum, a list of performance measures and standards that

 6  are adopted by the Legislature and subsequently amended

 7  pursuant to this section.

 8         (2)(a)  Agencies and the judicial branch shall submit

 9  output and outcome measures and standards, as well as

10  historical baseline and performance data pursuant to s.

11  216.013.

12         (b)  Agencies and the judicial branch shall also submit

13  performance data, measures, and standards to the Office of

14  Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability upon

15  request for review of the adequacy of the legislatively

16  approved measures and standards.

17         (3)(a)  An agency may submit requests to delete or

18  amend its existing approved performance measures and standards

19  or submit requests to create additional performance measures

20  and standards to the Executive Office of the Governor for

21  review and approval. The request shall document the

22  justification for the change and ensure that the revision,

23  deletion, or addition is consistent with legislative intent.

24  Revisions or deletions to, or additions of performance

25  measures and standards approved by the Executive Office of the

26  Governor are subject to the review and objection procedure set

27  forth in s. 216.177.

28         (b)  The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court may submit

29  deletions or amendments of the judicial branch's existing

30  approved performance measures and standards or may submit

31  additional performance measures and standards to the


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 1  Legislature accompanied with justification for the change and

 2  ensure that the revision, deletion, or addition is consistent

 3  with legislative intent. Revisions or deletions to, or

 4  additions of performance measures and standards submitted by

 5  the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court are subject to the

 6  review and objection procedure set forth in s. 216.177.

 7         (4)(a)  The Legislature may create, amend, and delete

 8  performance measures and standards. The Legislature may confer

 9  with the Executive Office of the Governor for state agencies

10  and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for the judicial

11  branch prior to any such action.

12         (b)  The Legislature may require state agencies to

13  submit requests for revisions, additions, or deletions to

14  approved performance measures and standards to the Executive

15  Office of the Governor for review and approval, subject to the

16  review and objection procedure set forth in s. 216.177.

17         (c)  The Legislature may require the judicial branch to

18  submit revisions, additions, or deletions to approved

19  performance measures and standards to the Legislature, subject

20  to the review and objection procedure set forth in s. 216.177.

21         (d)  Any new agency created by the Legislature is

22  subject to the initial performance measures and standards

23  established by the Legislature. The Legislature may require

24  state agencies and the judicial branch to provide any

25  information necessary to create initial performance measures

26  and standards.

27         Section 34.  Subsection (3) is added to section

28  216.251, Florida Statutes, to read:

29         216.251  Salary appropriations; limitations.--

30         (3)  An agency may not provide general salary increases

31  or pay additives for a cohort of positions sharing the same


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 1  job classification or job occupations which the Legislature

 2  has not authorized in the General Appropriations Act or other

 3  laws.

 4         Section 35.  Subsection (3), paragraph (b) of

 5  subsection (4), and subsection (5) of section 216.292, Florida

 6  Statutes, are amended, and subsection (7) is added to that

 7  section, to read:

 8         216.292  Appropriations nontransferable; exceptions.--

 9         (3)  The following transfers are authorized with the

10  approval of the Executive Office of the Governor for the

11  executive branch or the Chief Justice for the judicial branch,

12  subject to the notice and objection review provisions of s.

13  216.177:

14         (a)  The transfer of appropriations for operations from

15  trust funds in excess of those provided in subsection (2), up

16  to $1 million.

17         (b)  The transfer of positions between budget entities.

18         (4)  The following transfers are authorized with the

19  approval of the Legislative Budget Commission. Unless waived

20  by the chair and vice chair of the commission, notice of such

21  transfers must be provided 14 days before the commission

22  meeting:

23         (b)  The transfer of appropriations for operations from

24  trust funds in excess of those authorized provided in

25  subsection (2) or subsection (3) this section that exceed the

26  greater of 5 percent of the original approved budget or $1

27  million, as recommended by the Executive Office of the

28  Governor or the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

29         (5)  A transfer of funds may not result in the

30  initiation of a fixed capital outlay project that has not

31  received a specific legislative appropriation, except that


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 1  federal funds for fixed capital outlay projects for the

 2  Department of Military Affairs, which do not carry a

 3  continuing commitment on future appropriations by the

 4  Legislature, may be approved by the Executive Office of the

 5  Governor for the purpose received, subject to the notice,

 6  review, and objection procedures set forth in s. 216.177.

 7         (7)  The provisions of this section do not apply to the

 8  budgets for the legislative branch.

 9         Section 36.  Effective upon this act becoming a law,

10  subsections (1) and (3) and paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of

11  section 216.301, Florida Statutes, as amended by section 40 of

12  chapter 2005-152, Laws of Florida, are amended to read:

13         216.301  Appropriations; undisbursed balances.--

14         (1)(a)  As of June 30th of each year, for

15  appropriations for operations only, each department and the

16  judicial branch shall identify in the state's financial system

17  any incurred obligation which has not been disbursed, showing

18  in detail the commitment or to whom obligated and the amounts

19  of such commitments or obligations. Any appropriation not

20  identified as an incurred obligation effective June 30th shall

21  revert to the fund from which it was appropriated and shall be

22  available for reappropriation by the Legislature.

23         (b)  The undisbursed release balance of any authorized

24  appropriation, except an appropriation for fixed capital

25  outlay, for any given fiscal year remaining on June 30 of the

26  fiscal year shall be carried forward in an amount equal to the

27  incurred obligations identified in paragraph (a). Any such

28  incurred obligations remaining undisbursed on September 30

29  shall revert to the fund from which appropriated and shall be

30  available for reappropriation by the Legislature. The Chief

31  Financial Officer will monitor changes made to incurred


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 1  obligations prior to the September 30 reversion to ensure

 2  generally accepted accounting principles and legislative

 3  intent are followed.

 4         (c)  In the event an appropriate identification of an

 5  incurred obligation is not made and an incurred obligation is

 6  proven to be legal, due, and unpaid, then the incurred

 7  obligation shall be paid and charged to the appropriation for

 8  the current fiscal year of the state agency or judicial branch

 9  affected.

10         (1)(a)  Any balance of any appropriation, except an

11  appropriation for fixed capital outlay, which is not disbursed

12  but which is expended shall, at the end of each fiscal year,

13  be certified by the head of the affected state agency or the

14  judicial or legislative branches, on or before August 1 of

15  each year, to the Executive Office of the Governor, showing in

16  detail the obligees to whom obligated and the amounts of such

17  obligations. Any such encumbered balance remaining undisbursed

18  on September 30 of the same calendar year in which such

19  certification was made shall revert to the fund from which

20  appropriated, except as provided in subsection (3), and shall

21  be available for reappropriation by the Legislature. In the

22  event such certification is not made and an obligation is

23  proven to be legal, due, and unpaid, then the obligation shall

24  be paid and charged to the appropriation for the current

25  fiscal year of the state agency or the legislative or judicial

26  branch affected.

27         (b)  Any balance of any appropriation, except an

28  appropriation for fixed capital outlay, for any given fiscal

29  year remaining after charging against it any lawful

30  expenditure shall revert to the fund from which appropriated

31  and shall be available for reappropriation by the Legislature.


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 1         (d)(c)  Each department and the judicial branch shall

 2  maintain the integrity of the General Revenue Fund.

 3  Appropriations from the General Revenue Fund contained in the

 4  original approved budget may be transferred to the proper

 5  trust fund for disbursement. Any reversion of appropriation

 6  balances from programs which receive funding from the General

 7  Revenue Fund and trust funds shall be transferred to the

 8  General Revenue Fund within 15 days after such reversion,

 9  unless otherwise provided by federal or state law, including

10  the General Appropriations Act. The Executive Office of the

11  Governor or the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall

12  determine the state agency or judicial branch programs which

13  are subject to this paragraph. This determination shall be

14  subject to the legislative consultation and objection process

15  in this chapter. The Education Enhancement Trust Fund shall

16  not be subject to the provisions of this section.

17         (2)(a)  The balance of any appropriation for fixed

18  capital outlay which is not disbursed but expended,

19  contracted, or committed to be expended prior to February 1 of

20  the second fiscal year of the appropriation, or the third

21  fiscal year if it is for an educational facility as defined in

22  chapter 1013 or for a construction project of a state

23  university, shall be certified by the head of the affected

24  state agency or the legislative or judicial branch on February

25  1 to the Executive Office of the Governor, showing in detail

26  the commitment or to whom obligated and the amount of the

27  commitment or obligation. The Executive Office of the Governor

28  for the executive branch and the Chief Justice for the

29  judicial branch shall review and approve or disapprove,

30  consistent with criteria jointly developed by the Executive

31  Office of the Governor and the legislative appropriations


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 1  committees, the continuation of such unexpended balances. The

 2  Executive Office of the Governor shall, no later than February

 3  28 20 of each year, furnish the Chief Financial Officer, the

 4  legislative appropriations committees, and the Auditor General

 5  a report listing in detail the items and amounts reverting

 6  under the authority of this subsection, including the fund to

 7  which reverted and the agency affected.

 8         (3)  The President of the Senate and the Speaker of the

 9  House of Representatives may notify the Executive Office of

10  the Governor to retain certified forward balances from

11  legislative budget entities until June 30 of the following

12  fiscal year.

13         Section 37.  Subsection (2) of section 252.37, Florida

14  Statutes, is amended to read:

15         252.37  Financing.--

16         (2)  It is the legislative intent that the first

17  recourse be made to funds regularly appropriated to state and

18  local agencies. If the Governor finds that the demands placed

19  upon these funds in coping with a particular disaster declared

20  by the Governor as a state of emergency are unreasonably

21  great, she or he may make funds available by transferring and

22  expending moneys appropriated for other purposes, by

23  transferring and expending moneys out of any unappropriated

24  surplus funds, or from the Budget Stabilization Fund.

25  Following the expiration or termination of the state of

26  emergency, the Governor may transfer moneys with a budget

27  amendment, subject to approval by the Legislative Budget

28  Commission, process a budget amendment under the notice and

29  review procedures set forth in s. 216.177 to transfer moneys

30  to satisfy the budget authority granted for such emergency.



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 1         Section 38.  Section 273.02, Florida Statutes, is

 2  amended to read:

 3         273.02  Record and inventory of certain property.--The

 4  word "property" as used in this section means equipment,

 5  fixtures, and other tangible personal property of a

 6  nonconsumable and nonexpendable nature. The Chief Financial

 7  Officer shall establish by rule the requirements for the

 8  recording of property in the state's financial systems and for

 9  the periodic review of property for inventory purposes., the

10  value or cost of which is $1,000 or more and the normal

11  expected life of which is 1 year or more, and hardback-covered

12  bound books that are circulated to students or the general

13  public, the value or cost of which is $25 or more, and

14  hardback-covered bound books, the value or cost of which is

15  $250 or more. Each item of property which it is practicable to

16  identify by marking shall be marked in the manner required by

17  the Auditor General. Each custodian shall maintain an adequate

18  record of property in his or her custody, which record shall

19  contain such information as shall be required by the Auditor

20  General. Once each year, on July 1 or as soon thereafter as is

21  practicable, and whenever there is a change of custodian, each

22  custodian shall take an inventory of property in his or her

23  custody. The inventory shall be compared with the property

24  record, and all discrepancies shall be traced and reconciled.

25  All publicly supported libraries shall be exempt from marking

26  hardback-covered bound books, as required by this section. The

27  catalog and inventory control records maintained by each

28  publicly supported library shall constitute the property

29  record of hardback-covered bound books with a value or cost of

30  $25 or more included in each publicly supported library

31  collection and shall serve as a perpetual inventory in lieu of


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    CS for SB 2548                                 First Engrossed

 1  an annual physical inventory. All books identified by these

 2  records as missing shall be traced and reconciled, and the

 3  library inventory shall be adjusted accordingly.

 4         Section 39.  Section 273.025, Florida Statutes, is

 5  created to read:

 6         273.025  Financial reporting for recorded

 7  property.--The Chief Financial Officer shall establish by rule

 8  the requirements for the capitalization of property that has

 9  been recorded in the state's financial systems.

10         Section 40.  Subsections (2) and (5) of section

11  273.055, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

12         273.055  Disposition of state-owned tangible personal

13  property.--

14         (2)  Custodians shall maintain records to identify each

15  property item as to disposition. Such records shall comply

16  with rules issued by the Chief Financial Officer Auditor

17  General.

18         (5)  All moneys received from the disposition of

19  state-owned tangible personal property or from any agreement

20  entered into under this chapter must be retained by the

21  custodian and may be disbursed for the acquisition of exchange

22  and surplus property and for all necessary operating

23  expenditures, and are appropriated for those purposes. The

24  custodian shall maintain records of the accounts into which

25  the money is deposited.

26         Section 41.  Section 274.02, Florida Statutes, is

27  amended to read:

28         274.02  Record and inventory of certain property.--

29         (1)  The word "property" as used in this section means

30  fixtures and other tangible personal property of a



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    CS for SB 2548                                 First Engrossed

 1  nonconsumable nature the value of which is $1,000 or more and

 2  the normal expected life of which is 1 year or more.

 3         (2)  The Chief Financial Officer shall establish by

 4  rule the requirements for the recording of property and for

 5  the periodic review of property for inventory purposes. Each

 6  item of property which it is practicable to identify by

 7  marking shall be marked in the manner required by the Auditor

 8  General. Each governmental unit shall maintain an adequate

 9  record of its property, which record shall contain such

10  information as shall be required by the Auditor General. Each

11  governmental unit shall take an inventory of its property in

12  the custody of a custodian whenever there is a change in such

13  custodian. A complete physical inventory of all property shall

14  be taken annually, and the date inventoried shall be entered

15  on the property record. The inventory shall be compared with

16  the property record, and all discrepancies shall be traced and

17  reconciled.

18         Section 42.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section

19  338.2216, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

20         338.2216  Florida Turnpike Enterprise; powers and

21  authority.--

22         (3)

23         (b)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 216.301 to

24  the contrary and in accordance with s. 216.351, the Executive

25  Office of the Governor shall, on July 1 of each year, certify

26  forward all unexpended funds appropriated or provided pursuant

27  to this section for the turnpike enterprise. Of the unexpended

28  funds certified forward, any unencumbered amounts shall be

29  carried forward. Such funds carried forward shall not exceed 5

30  percent of the original approved total operating budget as

31  defined in s. 216.181(1) of the turnpike enterprise. Funds


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    CS for SB 2548                                 First Engrossed

 1  carried forward pursuant to this section may be used for any

 2  lawful purpose, including, but not limited to, promotional and

 3  market activities, technology, and training. Any certified

 4  forward funds remaining undisbursed on September 30 December

 5  31 of each year shall be carried forward.

 6         Section 43.  Subsection (4) of section 1011.57, Florida

 7  Statutes, is amended to read:

 8         1011.57  Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind;

 9  board of trustees; management flexibility.--

10         (4)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 216.301 to

11  the contrary, the Executive Office of the Governor shall, on

12  July 1 of each year, certify forward all unexpended funds

13  appropriated for the Florida School for the Deaf and the

14  Blind. The unexpended amounts in any fund shall be carried

15  forward and included as the balance forward for that fund in

16  the approved operating budget for the following year.

17         Section 44.  Section 215.29, Florida Statutes, is

18  repealed.

19         Section 45.  Except as otherwise expressly provided in

20  this act, this act shall take effect July 1, 2006.













CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.