Senate Bill sb2568
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Florida Senate - 2006 SB 2568
By Senator Diaz de la Portilla
36-1437-06 See HB 7
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to the Film, Print Media, and
3 Entertainment Industry Task Force; creating the
4 Film, Print Media, and Entertainment Industry
5 Task Force; providing purpose, duties,
6 membership, and organization of the task force;
7 requiring a report; providing an effective
8 date.
10 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
12 Section 1. Film, Print Media, and Entertainment
13 Industry Task Force.--
14 (1) The Film, Print Media, and Entertainment Industry
15 Task Force is created for the purpose of studying the film,
16 print media, and entertainment industries in the state and the
17 state's relationship to those industries in order to gather
18 information that will expand and accelerate the growth and
19 development of the film, print media, and entertainment
20 industries within the state.
21 (2) The duties of the task force shall include, but
22 not be limited to:
23 (a) Holding meetings within and outside the state as
24 necessary for the purpose of gathering information from
25 members of the film, print media, and entertainment industries
26 with respect to methods by which the growth and development of
27 those industries within the state may be expanded and
28 accelerated.
29 (b) Making recommendations to the Governor and the
30 Legislature with respect to:
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Florida Senate - 2006 SB 2568
36-1437-06 See HB 7
1 1. The means by which growth and development in the
2 film, print media, and entertainment industries in the state
3 can best be achieved, which may include, but not be limited
4 to, improvement in the delivery of services necessary to
5 attract the film, print media, and entertainment industries to
6 the state.
7 2. Legislation needed to promote growth and
8 development in the film, print media, and entertainment
9 industries and ensure that Florida remains competitive with
10 other states and nations in attracting those industries to the
11 state, which may include, but not be limited to, the creation
12 of dedicated sources of revenue and incentives designed to
13 encourage the growth and development of those industries
14 within the state.
15 (3)(a) The task force shall consist of seven members
16 to be appointed by the Commissioner of Film and Entertainment.
17 (b) The members of the task force shall elect a chair
18 and a vice chair from among its membership. The chair shall
19 preside at all meetings of the task force.
20 (c) The task force shall meet at the call of the chair
21 or at the request of a majority of its membership.
22 (d) A vacancy on the task force shall be filled by the
23 commissioner for the remainder of the unexpired term.
24 (e) Members of the task force shall serve without
25 compensation but shall be entitled to per diem and travel
26 expenses as provided in s. 112.061, Florida Statutes, while
27 engaged in the performance of their duties.
28 (4) The task force shall submit a final report of its
29 findings and recommendations to the Governor, the Speaker of
30 the House of Representatives, and the President of the Senate
31 no later than June 30, 2007, which shall include
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Florida Senate - 2006 SB 2568
36-1437-06 See HB 7
1 recommendations for any legislation needed to ensure that
2 Florida remains competitive with other states and nations in
3 attracting the film, print media, and entertainment industries
4 to the state.
5 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.
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