GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS BILL                          Committee       Amendment
SB2700                                                   TA               

Senator(s) Fasano moved the following amendment:

Section: 06              EXPLANATION:

On Page: 310             Provides $250,000 non-recurring funds from General 
                         Revenue Fund for the Lake County Emergency 
Spec App: 2685A          Operations Center Funding, CBIRS #395; $250,000 
                         non-recurring funds from General Revenue Fund for 
                         the Brevard County Emergency Operations Center, 
                         CBIRS #3022; increases the national guard armory 
                         repairs by $1,300,000 nonrecurring funds from 
                         General Revenue Fund; and deletes $1,800,000 
                         nonrecurring funds from General Revenue Fund for the 
                         City of Belle Glade Boat Lock, CBIRS #1840.

NET IMPACT ON:            Total Funds       General Revenue          Trust Funds
    Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 
Non-Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 

                                               Positions & Amount   Positions & Amount
                                                      DELETE               INSERT

        Program: Office Of Tourism, Trade And 
        Economic Development
        Economic Development Programs And 
        Projects  31800600

        In Section 06  On Page 310
2685A   Special Categories  100562
        Economic Development Projects  IOEA

   1000   From General Revenue Fund               15,888,000     14,088,000
       CA -1,800,000  FSI4NR -1,800,000  

In the list of existing proviso projects following Specific 
Appropriation 2685A, DELETE:

City of Belle Glade Boat Lock, #1840........................   1,800,000

        Program: Readiness And Response
        Military Readiness And Response  62050200

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        In Section 06  On Page 340
3027    Fixed Capital Outlay  086937
        Florida Readiness Centers Revitalization                
        Plan - Statewide  IOEJ

   1000   From General Revenue Fund               23,880,023     25,180,023
       CA 1,300,000  FSI1NR 1,300,000  

        Program: Emergency Management
        Emergency Planning  52600200

        In Section 05  On Page 205
1589A   Grants And Aids To Local Governments And   140525
        Nonstate Entities - Fixed Capital Outlay
        Local Emergency Management Facilities  IOEM

   1000   From General Revenue Fund               17,621,075     18,121,075
       CA 500,000  FSI4NR 500,000  

DELETE the proviso immediately following Specific Appropriation 1589A:

The  Department  of Community  Affairs shall certify that each emergency
shelter,  emergency  operations center (EOC) or critical facility funded
in  Specific Appropriation 1589A complies with, or will comply with, the
structural   considerations   of  ARC  4496,  Guidelines  for  Hurricane
Evacuation  Shelter  Selection.   The  department  is directed to assist
recipients  in determining whether the structural considerations are, or
can  be,  met prior to execution of a project contract.  By September 1,
2006, the department shall determine whether any recipient cannot pursue
or  complete  any  project,  or  portion  thereof,  due  to  structural,
financial,  or  other  considerations, and shall notify the chair of the
Senate  Ways  and Means Committee, the chair of the House Fiscal Council
and  the  Executive Office of the Governor. After such notification, the
department  may  initiate a budget amendment pursuant to the legislative
notice  and  review  requirements  set forth in section 216.177, Florida
Statutes,  to apply any remaining funds for other competitively reviewed

From   the   funds  in  Specific  Appropriation  1589A,  $12,272,500  in
non-recurring  general  revenue  funds  is  provided  for  the following

Hurricane Damage Deductibles, the Grove Counseling
   Center - Seminole Co. #702...............................      75,000
Fire Department Storm Shutters & Generator -
   Nassau County #2398......................................      47,500
JAFCO Emergency Hurricane Shelter for
   Developmentally Disabled Children - City of Sunrise,

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   Broward Co. #2367........................................     950,000
Regional Emergency Operations Center - Broward #1686........     100,000
Emergency Operations Center - St. Lucie #491................   6,000,000
Special Needs Shelter - St. Lucie #499......................   1,800,000
Citrus County Sheriff's Emergency Operation Center #2840....   2,500,000
Arcadia Public Facilities Building - Desoto County #655.....     500,000
Local/Regional - Evacuation Storm Shelter,
   Sarasota County #391.....................................     200,000
Additional Funding for New Fire Station #8,
   City of Hialeah #3070....................................     100,000

From   the   funds   in  Specific  Appropriation  1589A,  $5,348,575  in
non-recurring  general  revenue  funds  and  $2,307,675 in non-recurring
Grants  and  Donations  Trust Fund are provided for a regional hurricane
shelter  pilot  project  in  Pasco County.  Funds for this pilot project
from  the  Grants  and  Donations  Trust  Fund  are provided to meet the
structural requirements of ARC 4496, Guidelines for Hurricane Evacuation
Shelter  Selection.  Pasco County shall utilize this facility for health
and  social  services  for  persons  who  are uninsured or underinsured,
provided  that  the facility is available during a declared disaster for
use as a regional shelter.

and insert in lieu thereof:

The  Department  of Community  Affairs shall certify that each emergency
shelter,  emergency  operations center (EOC) or critical facility funded
in  Specific Appropriation 1589A complies with, or will comply with, the
structural   considerations   of  ARC  4496,  Guidelines  for  Hurricane
Evacuation  Shelter  Selection.   The  department  is directed to assist
recipients  in determining whether the structural considerations are, or
can  be,  met prior to execution of a project contract.  By September 1,
2006, the department shall determine whether any recipient cannot pursue
or  complete  any  project,  or  portion  thereof,  due  to  structural,
financial,  or  other  considerations, and shall notify the chair of the
Senate  Ways  and Means Committee, the chair of the House Fiscal Council
and  the  Executive Office of the Governor. After such notification, the
department  may  initiate a budget amendment pursuant to the legislative
notice  and  review  requirements  set forth in section 216.177, Florida
Statutes,  to apply any remaining funds for other competitively reviewed

From   the   funds  in  Specific  Appropriation  1589A,  $12,772,500  in
non-recurring  general  revenue  funds  is  provided  for  the following

Hurricane Damage Deductibles, the Grove Counseling
   Center - Seminole Co. #702...............................      75,000
Fire Department Storm Shutters & Generator -
   Nassau County #2398......................................      47,500
JAFCO Emergency Hurricane Shelter for

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   Developmentally Disabled Children - City of Sunrise,
   Broward Co. #2367........................................     950,000
Regional Emergency Operations Center - Broward #1686........     100,000
Emergency Operations Center - St. Lucie #491................   6,000,000
Special Needs Shelter - St. Lucie #499......................   1,800,000
Citrus County Sheriff's Emergency Operation Center #2840....   2,500,000
Arcadia Public Facilities Building - Desoto County #655.....     500,000
Local/Regional - Evacuation Storm Shelter,
   Sarasota County #391.....................................     200,000
Additional Funding for New Fire Station #8,
   City of Hialeah #3070....................................     100,000
Lake County Emergency Operations Center Funding #395........     250,000
Brevard County Emergency Operations Center #3022............     250,000

From   the   funds   in  Specific  Appropriation  1589A,  $5,348,575  in
non-recurring  general  revenue  funds  and  $2,307,675 in non-recurring
Grants  and  Donations  Trust Fund are provided for a regional hurricane
shelter  pilot  project  in  Pasco County.  Funds for this pilot project
from  the  Grants  and  Donations  Trust  Fund  are provided to meet the
structural requirements of ARC 4496, Guidelines for Hurricane Evacuation
Shelter  Selection.  Pasco County shall utilize this facility for health
and  social  services  for  persons  who  are uninsured or underinsured,
provided  that  the facility is available during a declared disaster for
use as a regional shelter.

Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items.

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