SB2700 TA
Senator(s) Fasano moved the following amendment:
Section: 06 EXPLANATION:
On Page: 359 Provides $100,000 non-recurring funds from the
General Revenue Fund for the Orlando SBA NEC
Spec App: 3225D Business Incubator Center, CBIRS #1972; $100,000
non-recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund
for the Lynx Hybrid Electric Bus Program, CBIRS
#2846; $100,000 non-recurring funds from General
Revenue Fund for the City Arts Factory, CBIRS #1983;
and decreases nonrecurring funds from the General
Revenue Fund for the national guard armory repairs
by $300,000.
NET IMPACT ON: Total Funds General Revenue Trust Funds
Recurring - 0 0 0
Non-Recurring - 0 0 0
Positions & Amount Positions & Amount
Program: Cultural Affairs
Cultural Support And Development Grants 45500200
In Section 06 On Page 359
3225D Grants And Aids To Local Governments And 140092
Nonstate Entities - Fixed Capital Outlay
Grants And Aids - Specific Cultural And
Historic Projects IOEM
1000 From General Revenue Fund 7,650,000 7,750,000
CA 100,000 FSI1NR 100,000
DELETE the proviso immediately following Specific Appropriation 3225D:
From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3225D, $7,650,000 in
non-recurring general revenue is provided for the following projects:
Golden Gate Building Restoration - Martin County #567....... 350,000
Frank Lloyd Wright Esplanade Rehabilitation Project,
Florida Southern College, Polk County #3117............. 1,600,000
997118 Log:0017 TDW/TDW 04/04/06 06:34:42 PM Senate Page: 1
Holocaust Reference/Research Library - Broward #695......... 250,000
Excelsior Cultural Arts and Education Center -
St. Augustine #3492..................................... 250,000
Florida History Exhibit Design and Construction -
Tampa #1850............................................. 1,000,000
Pensacola Museum of Art #2525............................... 500,000
Dekelboum Science Center - West Palm Beach #408............. 2,000,000
Tampa History Center Museum................................. 800,000
Tampa Firefighters Museum................................... 900,000
and insert in lieu thereof:
From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3225D, $7,750,000 in
non-recurring general revenue is provided for the following projects:
Golden Gate Building Restoration - Martin County #567....... 350,000
Frank Lloyd Wright Esplanade Rehabilitation Project,
Florida Southern College, Polk County #3117............. 1,600,000
Holocaust Reference/Research Library - Broward #695......... 250,000
Excelsior Cultural Arts and Education Center -
St. Augustine #3492..................................... 250,000
Florida History Exhibit Design and Construction -
Tampa #1850............................................. 1,000,000
Pensacola Museum of Art #2525............................... 500,000
Dekelboum Science Center - West Palm Beach #408............. 2,000,000
Tampa History Center Museum................................. 800,000
Tampa Firefighters Museum................................... 900,000
City Arts Factory #1983..................................... 100,000
Program: Office Of Tourism, Trade And
Economic Development
Economic Development Programs And
Projects 31800600
In Section 06 On Page 310
2685A Special Categories 100562
Economic Development Projects IOEA
1000 From General Revenue Fund 15,888,000 15,988,000
CA 100,000 FSI4NR 100,000
At the end of the proviso list of projects, following Specific
Appropriation 2685A, INSERT:
SBA NEC/Business Incubator Center, City of Orlando, #1972........100,000
In Section 06 On Page 312
2698 Grants And Aids To Local Governments And 144701
Nonstate Entities - Fixed Capital Outlay
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Economic Development Transportation
Projects IOEM
1000 From General Revenue Fund 100,000 200,000
CA 100,000 FSI4NR 100,000
DELETE the portion of proviso following Specific Appropriation 2698 that
The General Revenue Funds in Specific Appropriation 2698 are allocated
as follows:
NW 40th Street Sidewalk/Curbing Drainage Improvement, #1932....100,000
and insert in lieu thereof:
The General Revenue Funds in Specific Appropriation 2698 are allocated
as follows:
NW 40th Street Sidewalk/Curbing Drainage Improvement, #1932....100,000
CFRTA Hybrid Electric Bus Procurement Program, City of Orlando,
Program: Readiness And Response
Military Readiness And Response 62050200
In Section 06 On Page 340
3027 Fixed Capital Outlay 086937
Florida Readiness Centers Revitalization
Plan - Statewide IOEJ
1000 From General Revenue Fund 23,880,023 23,580,023
CA -300,000 FSI1NR -300,000
Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement
within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items. |
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