Senate Bill sb2772

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    Florida Senate - 2006        (NP)                      SR 2772

    By Senator Wilson


  1                        Senate Resolution

  2         A resolution recognizing March 22, 2006, as

  3         "Chronic Kidney Disease Awareness Day."


  5         WHEREAS, more than 20 million Americans, about one in

  6  nine adults, suffer from a form of chronic kidney disease and,

  7  of these, more than 8 million have significantly reduced

  8  kidney function that, if left untreated, may progress to the

  9  more severe stage of chronic kidney disease, known as

10  end-stage renal disease, and

11         WHEREAS, chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal

12  disease affect approximately 400,000 Americans, of which

13  nearly 19,000 are Floridians, and

14         WHEREAS, of the approximate 19,000 Floridians afflicted

15  with end-stage renal disease, approximately 39 percent are

16  African American and 16 percent are Hispanic, and

17         WHEREAS, the only treatment options for patients having

18  end-stage renal disease is kidney transplantation or dialysis

19  and, as kidney transplantation is limited due to the severe

20  shortage of donor organs, most end-stage renal disease

21  patients require 4-hour dialysis treatment three times per

22  week, and

23         WHEREAS, end-stage renal disease patients also suffer

24  from multiple co-morbid conditions such as diabetes,

25  hypertension, heart disease, anemia, bone disease, and

26  malnutrition, and therefore require a regimen of medication

27  therapy, dietary restrictions, and laboratory testing provided

28  at their primary point of care, the dialysis facility, in

29  order to maintain their lives, and

30         WHEREAS, the multidisciplinary care provided at the

31  dialysis facility to patients having end-stage renal disease


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    Florida Senate - 2006        (NP)                      SR 2772

 1  has resulted in significant improvements in patient outcomes

 2  and has enhanced the quality of life for this patient

 3  population, and

 4         WHEREAS, most end-stage renal disease patients rely

 5  primarily on Medicare and Medicaid to cover the costs of their

 6  life-sustaining care, which includes dialysis treatment,

 7  medications, laboratory testing, and, as necessary,

 8  transportation services to the dialysis facility, and, as a

 9  consequence, any changes in Medicare and Medicaid eligibility,

10  coverage, or benefits place this vulnerable patient population

11  significantly at risk, NOW, THEREFORE,


13  Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida:


15         That March 22, 2006, is recognized as "Chronic Kidney

16  Disease Awareness Day" in Florida in the hope that all

17  possible support will continue to be extended to end-stage

18  renal disease patients in Florida and throughout the country

19  and world.














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