HB 329

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to adult protective services; amending s.
3415.102, F.S.; redefining the terms "abuse" and "neglect";
4amending s. 415.1051, F.S.; providing that the Department
5of Children and Family Services may petition the court for
6an order authorizing protective services for a vulnerable
7adult in need of services; providing an effective date.
9Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
11     Section 1.  Subsections (1) and (15) of section 415.102,
12Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
13     415.102  Definitions of terms used in ss. 415.101-
14415.113.--As used in ss. 415.101-415.113, the term:
15     (1)  "Abuse" means any willful act or threatened act by a
16relative, caregiver, or household member that causes or is
17likely to cause significant impairment to a vulnerable adult's
18physical, mental, or emotional health. Abuse includes acts and
20     (15)  "Neglect" means the failure or omission on the part
21of the caregiver or vulnerable adult to provide the care,
22supervision, and services necessary to maintain the physical and
23mental health of the vulnerable adult, including, but not
24limited to, food, clothing, medicine, shelter, supervision, and
25medical services, that a prudent person would consider essential
26for the well-being of a vulnerable adult. The term "neglect"
27also means the failure of a caregiver or vulnerable adult to
28make a reasonable effort to protect a vulnerable adult from
29abuse, neglect, or exploitation by others. "Neglect" is repeated
30conduct or a single incident of carelessness which produces or
31could reasonably be expected to result in serious physical or
32psychological injury or a substantial risk of death.
33     Section 2.  Subsection (1) of section 415.1051, Florida
34Statutes, is amended to read:
35     415.1051  Protective services interventions when capacity
36to consent is lacking; nonemergencies; emergencies; orders;
39the department has reasonable cause to believe that a vulnerable
40adult or a vulnerable adult in need of services is being abused,
41neglected, or exploited and is in need of protective services
42but lacks the capacity to consent to protective services, the
43department shall petition the court for an order authorizing the
44provision of protective services.
45     (a)  Nonemergency protective services petition.--The
46petition must state the name, age, and address of the vulnerable
47adult, allege specific facts sufficient to show that the
48vulnerable adult is in need of protective services and lacks the
49capacity to consent to them, and indicate the services needed.
50     (b)  Notice.--Notice of the filing of the petition and a
51copy of the petition must be given to the vulnerable adult, to
52that person's spouse, guardian, and legal counsel, and, when
53known, to the adult children or next of kin of the vulnerable
54adult. Such notice must be given at least 5 days before the
56     (c)  Hearing.--
57     1.  The court shall set the case for hearing within 14 days
58after the filing of the petition. The vulnerable adult and any
59person given notice of the filing of the petition have the right
60to be present at the hearing. The department must make
61reasonable efforts to ensure the presence of the vulnerable
62adult at the hearing.
63     2.  The vulnerable adult has the right to be represented by
64legal counsel at the hearing. The court shall appoint legal
65counsel to represent a vulnerable adult who is without legal
67     3.  The court shall determine whether:
68     a.  Protective services, including in-home services, are
70     b.  The vulnerable adult lacks the capacity to consent to
71the provision of such services.
72     (d)  Hearing findings.--If at the hearing the court finds
73by clear and convincing evidence that the vulnerable adult is in
74need of protective services and lacks the capacity to consent,
75the court may issue an order authorizing the provision of
76protective services. If an order for protective services is
77issued, it must include a statement of the services to be
78provided and designate an individual or agency to be responsible
79for performing or obtaining the essential services on behalf of
80the vulnerable adult or otherwise consenting to protective
81services on behalf of the vulnerable adult.
82     (e)  Continued protective services.--
83     1.  No more than 60 days after the date of the order
84authorizing the provision of protective services, the department
85shall petition the court to determine whether:
86     a.  Protective services will be continued with the consent
87of the vulnerable adult pursuant to subsection (1);
88     b.  Protective services will be continued for the
89vulnerable adult who lacks capacity;
90     c.  Protective services will be discontinued; or
91     d.  A petition for guardianship should be filed pursuant to
92chapter 744.
93     2.  If the court determines that a petition for
94guardianship should be filed pursuant to chapter 744, the court,
95for good cause shown, may order continued protective services
96until it makes a determination regarding capacity.
97     (f)  Costs.--The costs of services ordered under this
98section must be paid by the perpetrator if the perpetrator is
99financially able to do so; or by third-party reimbursement, if
100available. If the vulnerable adult is unable to pay for
101guardianship, application may be made to the public guardian for
102public guardianship services, if available.
103     Section 3.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.