(LATE FILED)Amendment
Bill No. 0457
Amendment No. 247703
Senate House

1Representative Sands offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Remove everything after the enacting clause and insert:
5     Section 1.  Section 744.102, Florida Statutes, is amended
6to read:
7     744.102  Definitions.--As used in this chapter, the term:
8     (1)  "Attorney for the alleged incapacitated person" means
9an attorney who represents the alleged incapacitated person. The
10Such attorney shall represent the expressed wishes of the
11alleged incapacitated person to the extent it is consistent with
12the rules regulating The Florida Bar.
13     (2)  "Audit" means a systematic review of financial and all
14other documents to ensure compliance with s. 744.368, rules of
15court, and local procedures using generally accepted auditing
16and accounting procedures.
17     (3)(2)  "Clerk" means the clerk or deputy clerk of the
19     (4)(3)  "Corporate guardian" means a corporation authorized
20to exercise fiduciary or guardianship powers in this state and
21includes a nonprofit corporate guardian.
22     (5)(4)  "Court" means the circuit court.
23     (6)(5)  "Court monitor" means a person appointed by the
24court under pursuant to s. 744.107 to provide the court with
25information concerning a ward.
26     (7)(6)  "Estate" means the property of a ward subject to
28     (8)(7)  "Foreign guardian" means a guardian appointed in
29another state or country.
30     (9)(8)  "Guardian" means a person who has been appointed by
31the court to act on behalf of a ward's person or property, or
33     (a)  "Limited guardian" means a guardian who has been
34appointed by the court to exercise the legal rights and powers
35specifically designated by court order entered after the court
36has found that the ward lacks the capacity to do some, but not
37all, of the tasks necessary to care for his or her person or
38property, or after the person has voluntarily petitioned for
39appointment of a limited guardian.
40     (b)  "Plenary guardian" means a person who has been
41appointed by the court to exercise all delegable legal rights
42and powers of the ward after the court has found that the ward
43lacks the capacity to perform all of the tasks necessary to care
44for his or her person or property.
45     (10)(9)  "Guardian ad litem" means a person who is
46appointed by the court having jurisdiction of the guardianship
47or a court in which a particular legal matter is pending to
48represent a ward in that proceeding.
49     (11)(10)  "Guardian advocate" means a person appointed by a
50written order of the court to represent a person with
51developmental disabilities under s. 393.12. As used in this
52chapter, the term does not apply to a guardian advocate
53appointed for a person determined incompetent to consent to
54treatment under s. 394.4598.
55     (12)(11)  "Incapacitated person" means a person who has
56been judicially determined to lack the capacity to manage at
57least some of the property or to meet at least some of the
58essential health and safety requirements of the such person.
59     (a)  To "manage property" means to take those actions
60necessary to obtain, administer, and dispose of real and
61personal property, intangible property, business property,
62benefits, and income.
63     (b)  To "meet essential requirements for health or safety"
64means to take those actions necessary to provide the health
65care, food, shelter, clothing, personal hygiene, or other care
66without which serious and imminent physical injury or illness is
67more likely than not to occur.
68     (13)(12)  "Minor" means a person under 18 years of age
69whose disabilities have not been removed by marriage or
71     (14)(13)  "Next of kin" means those persons who would be
72heirs at law of the ward or alleged incapacitated person if the
73such person were deceased and includes the lineal descendants of
74the such ward or alleged incapacitated person.
75     (15)(14)  "Nonprofit corporate guardian" means a nonprofit
76corporation organized for religious or charitable purposes and
77existing under the laws of this state.
78     (16)(15)  "Preneed guardian" means a person named in a
79written declaration to serve as guardian in the event of the
80incapacity of the declarant as provided in s. 744.3045.
81     (17)(16)  "Professional guardian" means any guardian who
82receives or has at any time received compensation for services
83rendered services to three or more than two wards as their
84guardian. A person serving as a guardian for two or more
85relatives as defined in s. 744.309(2) is not considered a
86professional guardian. A public guardian shall be considered a
87professional guardian for purposes of regulation, education, and
89     (18)(17)  "Property" means both real and personal property
90or any interest in it and anything that may be the subject of
92     (19)(18)  "Standby guardian" means a person empowered to
93assume the duties of guardianship upon the death or adjudication
94of incapacity of the last surviving natural or appointed
96     (20)  "Surrogate guardian" means a guardian designated
97according to s. 744.442.
98     (21)(19)  "Totally incapacitated" means incapable of
99exercising any of the rights enumerated in s. 744.3215(2) and
101     (22)(20)  "Ward" means a person for whom a guardian has
102been appointed.
103     Section 2.  Subsections (3), (7), and (10) of section
104744.1083, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
105     744.1083  Professional guardian registration.--
106     (3)  Registration must include the following:
107     (a)  Sufficient information to identify the professional
108guardian, as follows:
109     1.  If the professional guardian is a natural person, the
110name, address, date of birth, and employer identification or
111social security number of the person professional guardian.
112     2.(b)  If the professional guardian is a partnership or
113association, the name, address, and date of birth of every
114member, and the employer identification number of the entity
115partnership or association.
116     (c)  If the professional guardian is a corporation, the
117name, address, and employer identification number of the
118corporation; the name, address, and date of birth of each of its
119directors and officers; the name of its resident agent; and the
120name, address, and date of birth of each person having at least
121a 10-percent interest in the corporation.
122     (d)  The name, address, date of birth, and employer
123identification number, if applicable, of each person providing
124guardian-delegated financial or personal guardianship services
125for wards.
126     (b)(e)  Documentation that the bonding and educational
127requirements of s. 744.1085 have been met.
128     (c)(f)  Sufficient information to distinguish a guardian
129providing guardianship services as a public guardian,
130individually, through partnership, corporation, or any other
131business organization.
132     (7)  A trust company, a state banking corporation or state
133savings association authorized and qualified to exercise
134fiduciary powers in this state, or a national banking
135association or federal savings and loan association authorized
136and qualified to exercise fiduciary powers in this state, may,
137but is not required to, register as a professional guardian
138under this section. If a trust company, state banking
139corporation, state savings association, national banking
140association, or federal savings and loan association described
141in this subsection elects to register as a professional guardian
142under this subsection, the requirements of subsections (3) and
143(4) do not apply and the registration must include only the
144name, address, and employer identification number of the
145registrant, the name and address of its registered agent, if
146any, and the documentation described in paragraph (3)(b)(e).
147     (10)  A state college or university or an independent
148college or university described in s. 1009.98(3)(a), may, but is
149not required to, register as a professional guardian under this
150section. If a state college or university or independent college
151or university elects to register as a professional guardian
152under this subsection, the requirements of subsections (3) and
153(4) subsection (3) do not apply and the registration must
154include only the name, address, and employer identification
155number of the registrant.
156     Section 3.  Section 744.301, Florida Statutes, is amended
157to read:
158     744.301  Natural guardians.--
159     (1)  The mother and father jointly are natural guardians of
160their own children and of their adopted children, during
161minority. If one parent dies, the surviving parent remains the
162sole natural guardian even if he or she the natural guardianship
163shall pass to the surviving parent, and the right shall continue
164even though the surviving parent remarries. If the marriage
165between the parents is dissolved, the natural guardianship
166belongs shall belong to the parent to whom the custody of the
167child is awarded. If the parents are given joint custody, then
168both shall continue as natural guardians. If the marriage is
169dissolved and neither the father nor the mother is given custody
170of the child, neither shall act as natural guardian of the
171child. The mother of a child born out of wedlock is the natural
172guardian of the child and is entitled to primary residential
173care and custody of the child unless a court of competent
174jurisdiction enters an order stating otherwise.
175     (2)  The Natural guardian or guardians are authorized, on
176behalf of any of their minor children, to:
177     (a)  Settle and consummate a settlement of any claim or
178cause of action accruing to any of their minor children for
179damages to the person or property of any of said minor children;
180     (b)  Collect, receive, manage, and dispose of the proceeds
181of any such settlement;
182     (c)  Collect, receive, manage, and dispose of any real or
183personal property distributed from an estate or trust;
184     (d)  Collect, receive, manage, and dispose of and make
185elections regarding the proceeds from a life insurance policy or
186annuity contract payable to, or otherwise accruing to the
187benefit of, the child; and
188     (e)  Collect, receive, manage, dispose of, and make
189elections regarding the proceeds of any benefit plan as defined
190by s. 710.102, of which the minor is a beneficiary, participant,
191or owner,
193without appointment, authority, or bond, when the amounts
194received, in the aggregate, do amount involved in any instance
195does not exceed $15,000.
196     (3)  All instruments executed by a natural guardian for the
197benefit of the ward under the powers specified provided for in
198subsection (2) shall be binding on the ward. The natural
199guardian may not, without a court order, use the property of the
200ward for the guardian's benefit or to satisfy the guardian's
201support obligation to the ward.
202     (4)(a)  In any case where a minor has a claim for personal
203injury, property damage, or wrongful death in which the gross
204settlement for the claim of the minor exceeds $15,000, the court
205may, prior to the approval of the settlement of the minor's
206claim, appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the minor's
207interests. In any case in which the gross settlement involving a
208minor equals or exceeds $25,000, the court shall, prior to the
209approval of the settlement of the minor's claim, appoint a
210guardian ad litem to represent the minor's interests. The
211appointment of the guardian ad litem must be without the
212necessity of bond or a notice. The duty of the guardian ad litem
213is to protect the minor's interests. The procedure for carrying
214out that duty is as prescribed in the Florida Probate Rules. If
215a legal guardian of the minor has previously been appointed and
216has no potential adverse interest to the minor, the court may
217not appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the minor's
218interests, unless the court determines that the appointment is
219otherwise necessary.
220     (b)  Unless waived, the court shall award reasonable fees
221and costs to the guardian ad litem to be paid out of the gross
222proceeds of the settlement.
223     Section 4.  Section 744.3025, Florida Statutes, is created
224to read:
225     744.3025  Claims of minors.--
226     (1)(a)  The court may appoint a guardian ad litem to
227represent the minor's interest before approving a settlement of
228the minor's portion of the claim in any case in which a minor
229has a claim for personal injury, property damage, wrongful
230death, or other cause of action in which the gross settlement of
231the claim exceeds $15,000.
232     (b)  The court shall appoint a guardian ad litem to
233represent the minor's interest before approving a settlement of
234the minor's claim in any case in which the gross settlement
235involving a minor equals or exceeds $50,000.
236     (c)  The appointment of the guardian ad litem must be
237without the necessity of bond or notice.
238     (d)  The duty of the guardian ad litem is to protect the
239minor's interests as described in the Florida Probate Rules.
240     (e)  A court need not appoint a guardian ad litem for the
241minor if a guardian of the minor has previously been appointed
242and that guardian has no potential adverse interest to the
243minor. A court may appoint a guardian ad litem if the court
244believes a guardian ad litem is necessary to protect the
245interests of the minor.
246     (2)  Unless waived, the court shall award reasonable fees
247and costs to the guardian ad litem to be paid out of the gross
248proceeds of the settlement.
249     Section 5.  Subsection (3) of section 744.3031, Florida
250Statutes, is amended, and subsection (8) is added to that
251section, to read:
252     744.3031  Emergency temporary guardianship.--
253     (3)  The authority of an emergency temporary guardian
254expires 90 60 days after the date of appointment or when a
255guardian is appointed, whichever occurs first. The authority of
256the emergency temporary guardian may be extended for an
257additional 90 30 days upon a showing that the emergency
258conditions still exist.
259     (8)(a)  An emergency temporary guardian shall file a final
260report no later than 30 days after the expiration of the
261emergency temporary guardianship.
262     (b)  If an emergency temporary guardian is a guardian for
263the property, the final report must consist of a verified
264inventory of the property, as provided in s. 744.365, as of the
265date the letters of emergency temporary guardianship were
266issued, a final accounting that gives a full and correct account
267of the receipts and disbursements of all the property of the
268ward over which the guardian had control, and a statement of the
269property of the ward on hand at the end of the emergency
270temporary guardianship. If the emergency temporary guardian
271becomes the successor guardian of the property, the final report
272must satisfy the requirements of the initial guardianship report
273for the guardian of the property as provided in s. 744.362.
274     (c)  If the emergency temporary guardian is a guardian of
275the person, the final report must summarize the activities of
276the temporary guardian with regard to residential placement,
277medical condition, mental health and rehabilitative services,
278and the social condition of the ward to the extent of the
279authority granted to the temporary guardian in the letters of
280guardianship. If the emergency temporary guardian becomes the
281successor guardian of the person, the report must satisfy the
282requirements of the initial report for a guardian of the person
283as stated in s. 744.362.
284     (d)  A copy of the final report of the emergency temporary
285guardianship shall be served on the successor guardian and the
287     Section 6.  Section 744.304, Florida Statutes, is amended
288to read:
289     744.304  Standby guardianship.--
290     (1)  Upon a petition by the natural guardians or a guardian
291appointed under s. 744.3021, the court may appoint a standby
292guardian of the person or property of a minor or consent of both
293parents, natural or adoptive, if living, or of the surviving
294parent, a standby guardian of the person or property of a minor
295may be appointed by the court. The court may also appoint an
296alternate to the guardian to act if the standby guardian does
297not serve or ceases to serve after appointment. Notice of a
298hearing on the petition must be served on the parents, natural
299or adoptive, and on any guardian currently serving unless the
300notice is waived in writing by them or waived by the court for
301good cause shown shall renounce, die, or become incapacitated
302after the death of the last surviving parent of the minor.
303     (2)  Upon petition of a currently serving guardian, a
304standby guardian of the person or property of an incapacitated
305person may be appointed by the court. Notice of the hearing
306shall be served on the ward's next of kin.
307     (3)  The standby guardian or alternate shall be empowered
308to assume the duties of guardianship his or her office
309immediately on the death, removal, or resignation of the
310guardian of a minor, or on the death or adjudication of
311incapacity of the last surviving natural guardian or adoptive
312parent of a minor, or upon the death, removal, or resignation of
313the guardian for an adult. The; however, such a guardian of the
314ward's property may not be empowered to deal with the ward's
315property, other than to safeguard it, before prior to issuance
316of letters of guardianship. If the ward incapacitated person is
317over the age of 18 years, the court shall conduct a hearing as
318provided in s. 744.331 before confirming the appointment of the
319standby guardian, unless the ward has previously been found to
320be incapacitated.
321     (4)  Within 20 days after assumption of duties as guardian,
322a standby guardian shall petition for confirmation of
323appointment. If the court finds the standby guardian to be
324qualified to serve as guardian under pursuant to ss. 744.309 and
325744.312, appointment of the guardian must be confirmed. Each
326guardian so confirmed shall file an oath in accordance with s.
327744.347, and shall file a bond, and shall submit to a credit and
328a criminal history record check as set forth in s. 744.3135, if
329required. Letters of guardianship must then be issued in the
330manner provided in s. 744.345.
331     (5)  After the assumption of duties by a standby guardian,
332the court shall have jurisdiction over the guardian and the
334     Section 7.  Section 744.3115, Florida Statutes, is amended
335to read:
336     744.3115  Advance directives for health care.--In each
337proceeding in which a guardian is appointed under this chapter,
338the court shall determine whether the ward, prior to incapacity,
339has executed any valid advance directive under pursuant to
340chapter 765. If any such advance directive exists, the court
341shall specify in its order and letters of guardianship what
342authority, if any, the guardian shall exercise over the
343surrogate. Pursuant to the grounds listed in s. 765.105, the
344court, upon its own motion, may, with notice to the surrogate
345and any other appropriate parties, modify or revoke the
346authority of the surrogate to make health care decisions for the
347ward. For purposes of this section, the term "health care
348decision" has the same meaning as in s. 765.101.
349     Section 8.  Section 744.3135, Florida Statutes, is amended
350to read:
351     744.3135  Credit and criminal investigation.--
352     (1)  The court may require a nonprofessional guardian and
353shall require a professional or public guardian, and all
354employees of a professional guardian who have a fiduciary
355responsibility to a ward, to submit, at their own expense, to an
356investigation of the guardian's credit history and to undergo
357level 2 background screening as required under s. 435.04. If a
358credit or criminal investigation is required, the court must
359consider the results of any investigation before appointing a
360guardian. At any time, the court may require a guardian or the
361guardian's employees to submit to an investigation of the
362person's credit history and complete a level 1 background
363screening as set forth in s. 435.03. The court shall consider
364the results of any investigation when reappointing a guardian.
365The clerk of the court shall maintain a file on each guardian
366appointed by the court and retain in the file documentation of
367the result of any investigation conducted under this section. A
368professional guardian must pay the clerk of the court a fee of
369up to $7.50 for handling and processing professional guardian
371     (2)  The court and the Statewide Public Guardianship Office
372shall accept the satisfactory completion of a criminal history
373record check by any method described in this subsection. A
374guardian satisfies the requirements of this section by
376     (a)  An electronic fingerprint criminal history record
377check. A guardian may use any electronic fingerprinting
378equipment used for criminal history record checks of public
379employees. The guardian shall pay the actual costs incurred by
380the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Law
381Enforcement for the criminal history record check. The agency
382that operates the equipment used by the guardian may charge the
383guardian an additional fee, not to exceed $10, for the use of
384the equipment. The agency completing the record check must
385immediately send the results of the criminal history record
386check to the clerk of the court and the Statewide Public
387Guardianship Office. The clerk of the court shall maintain the
388results in the guardian's file and shall make the results
389available to the court; or
390     (b)  A criminal history record check using a fingerprint
391card. The clerk of the court shall obtain fingerprint cards from
392the Federal Bureau of Investigation and make them available to
393guardians. Any guardian who is so required shall have his or her
394fingerprints taken and forward the proper fingerprint card along
395with the necessary fee to the Florida Department of Law
396Enforcement for processing. The professional guardian shall pay
397to the clerk of the court a fee of up to $7.50 for handling and
398processing professional guardian files. The results of the
399fingerprint card criminal history record checks shall be
400forwarded to the clerk of the court who shall maintain the
401results in the guardian's a guardian file and shall make the
402results available to the court and the Statewide Public
403Guardianship Office.
404     (3)(a)  A professional guardian, and each employee of a
405professional guardian who has a fiduciary responsibility to a
406ward, must complete, at his or her own expense, a level 2
407background screening as set forth in s. 435.04 before and at
408least once every 5 years after the date the guardian is
409appointed. A professional guardian, and each employee of a
410professional guardian who has a fiduciary responsibility to a
411ward, must complete, at his or her own expense, a level 1
412background screening as set forth in s. 435.03 at least once
413every 2 years after the date the guardian is appointed. However,
414a person is not required to resubmit fingerprints for a criminal
415history record check if he or she has been screened using
416electronic fingerprinting equipment that is capable of notifying
417the clerk of the court of any crime charged against the person
418in this state or elsewhere, as appropriate.
419     (b)  Effective December 15, 2006, all fingerprints
420electronically submitted to the Department of Law Enforcement
421under this section shall be retained by the Department of Law
422Enforcement in a manner provided by rule and entered in the
423statewide automated fingerprint identification system authorized
424by s. 943.05(2)(b). The fingerprints shall thereafter be
425available for all purposes and uses authorized for arrest
426fingerprint cards entered in the Criminal Justice Information
427Program under s. 943.051.
428     (c)  Effective December 15, 2006, the Department of Law
429Enforcement shall search all arrest fingerprint cards received
430under s. 943.051 against the fingerprints retained in the
431statewide automated fingerprint identification system under
432paragraph (b). Any arrest record that is identified with the
433fingerprints of a person described in this paragraph must be
434reported to the clerk of court. The clerk of court must forward
435any arrest record received for a professional guardian to the
436Statewide Public Guardianship Office within 5 days. Each
437guardian who elects to submit fingerprint information
438electronically shall participate in this search process by
439paying an annual fee to the Statewide Public Guardianship Office
440of the Department of Elderly Affairs and by informing the clerk
441of court and the Statewide Public Guardianship Office of any
442change in the status of his or her guardianship appointment. The
443amount of the annual fee to be imposed for performing these
444searches and the procedures for the retention of guardian
445fingerprints and the dissemination of search results shall be
446established by rule of the Department of Law Enforcement. At
447least once every 5 years, the Statewide Public Guardianship
448Office must request that the Department of Law Enforcement
449forward the fingerprints maintained under this section to the
450Federal Bureau of Investigation.
451     (4)(a)  A professional guardian, and each employee of a
452professional guardian who has a fiduciary responsibility to a
453ward, must complete, at his or her own expense, an investigation
454of his or her credit history before and at least once every 2
455years after the date of the guardian's appointment.
456     (b)  The Statewide Public Guardianship Office shall adopt a
457rule detailing the acceptable methods for completing a credit
458investigation under this section. If appropriate, the Statewide
459Public Guardianship Office may administer credit investigations.
460If the office chooses to administer the credit investigation,
461the office may adopt a rule setting a fee, not to exceed $25, to
462reimburse the costs associated with the administration of a
463credit investigation.
464     (5)  The Statewide Public Guardianship Office may inspect
465at any time the results of any credit or criminal investigation
466of a public or professional guardian conducted under this
467section. The office shall maintain copies of the credit or
468criminal results in the guardian's registration file. If the
469results of a credit or criminal investigation of a public or
470professional guardian have not been forwarded to the Statewide
471Public Guardianship Office by the investigating agency, the
472clerk of the court shall forward copies of the results of the
473investigations to the office upon receiving them. If credit or
474criminal investigations are required, the court must consider
475the results of the investigations before appointing a guardian.
476Professional guardians and all employees of a professional
477guardian who have a fiduciary responsibility to a ward, so
478appointed, must resubmit, at their own expense, to an
479investigation of credit history, and undergo level 1 background
480screening as required under s. 435.03, at least every 2 years
481after the date of their appointment. At any time, the court may
482require guardians or their employees to submit to an
483investigation of credit history and undergo level 1 background
484screening as required under s. 435.03. The court must consider
485the results of these investigations in reappointing a guardian.
486     (1)  Upon receiving the results of a credit or criminal
487investigation of any public or professional guardian, the clerk
488of the court shall forward copies of the results to the
489Statewide Public Guardianship Office in order that the results
490may be maintained in the guardian's registration file.
491     (6)(2)  The requirements of this section do does not apply
492to a professional guardian, or to the employees of a
493professional guardian, that which is a trust company, a state
494banking corporation or state savings association authorized and
495qualified to exercise fiduciary powers in this state, or a
496national banking association or federal savings and loan
497association authorized and qualified to exercise fiduciary
498powers in this state.
499     Section 9.  Subsection (4) of section 744.3145, Florida
500Statutes, is amended to read:
501     744.3145  Guardian education requirements.--
502     (4)  Each person appointed by the court to be a guardian
503must complete the required number of hours of instruction and
504education within 4 months 1 year after his or her appointment as
505guardian. The instruction and education must be completed
506through a course approved by the chief judge of the circuit
507court and taught by a court-approved organization. Court-
508approved organizations may include, but are not limited to,
509community or junior colleges, guardianship organizations, and
510the local bar association or The Florida Bar.
511     Section 10.  Paragraph (i) of subsection (1) and subsection
512(2) of section 744.3215, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
513     744.3215  Rights of persons determined incapacitated.--
514     (1)  A person who has been determined to be incapacitated
515retains the right:
516     (i)  To receive necessary services and rehabilitation
517necessary to maximize the quality of life.
518     (2)  Rights that may be removed from a person by an order
519determining incapacity but not delegated to a guardian include
520the right:
521     (a)  To marry. If the right to enter into a contract has
522been removed, the right to marry is subject to court approval.
523     (b)  To vote.
524     (c)  To personally apply for government benefits.
525     (d)  To have a driver's license.
526     (e)  To travel.
527     (f)  To seek or retain employment.
528     Section 11.  Subsections (2), (3), and (4), paragraph (a)
529of subsection (5), and subsection (7) of section 744.331,
530Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
531     744.331  Procedures to determine incapacity.--
533     (a)  When a court appoints an attorney for an alleged
534incapacitated person, the court must appoint an attorney who is
535included in the attorney registry compiled pursuant to ss. 27.40
536and 27.42 by the circuit's Article V indigent services
537committee. Appointments must be made on a rotating basis, taking
538into consideration conflicts arising under this chapter.
539     (b)(a)  The court shall appoint an attorney for each person
540alleged to be incapacitated in all cases involving a petition
541for adjudication of incapacity. The alleged incapacitated person
542may substitute her or his own attorney for the attorney
543appointed by the court.
544     (c)(b)  Any attorney representing an alleged incapacitated
545person may not serve as guardian of the alleged incapacitated
546person or as counsel for the guardian of the alleged
547incapacitated person or the petitioner.
548     (d)  Effective January 1, 2007, an attorney seeking to be
549appointed by a court for incapacity and guardianship proceedings
550must have completed a minimum of 8 hours of education in
551guardianship. A court may waive the initial training requirement
552for an attorney who has served as a court-appointed attorney in
553incapacity proceedings or as an attorney of record for guardians
554for not less than 3 years.
556     (a)  Within 5 days after a petition for determination of
557incapacity has been filed, the court shall appoint an examining
558committee consisting of three members. One member must be a
559psychiatrist or other physician. The remaining members must be
560either a psychologist, gerontologist, another psychiatrist, or
561other physician, a registered nurse, nurse practitioner,
562licensed social worker, a person with an advanced degree in
563gerontology from an accredited institution of higher education,
564or other person who by knowledge, skill, experience, training,
565or education may, in the court's discretion, advise the court in
566the form of an expert opinion. One of three members of the
567committee must have knowledge of the type of incapacity alleged
568in the petition. Unless good cause is shown, the attending or
569family physician may not be appointed to the committee. If the
570attending or family physician is available for consultation, the
571committee must consult with the physician. Members of the
572examining committee may not be related to or associated with one
573another, or with the petitioner, with counsel for the petitioner
574or the proposed guardian, or with the person alleged to be
575totally or partially incapacitated. A member may not be employed
576by any private or governmental agency that has custody of, or
577furnishes, services or subsidies, directly or indirectly, to the
578person or the family of the person alleged to be incapacitated
579or for whom a guardianship is sought. A petitioner may not serve
580as a member of the examining committee. Members of the examining
581committee must be able to communicate, either directly or
582through an interpreter, in the language that the alleged
583incapacitated person speaks or to communicate in a medium
584understandable to the alleged incapacitated person if she or he
585is able to communicate. The clerk of the court shall send notice
586of the appointment to each person appointed no later than 3 days
587after the court's appointment.
588     (b)  A person who has been appointed to serve as a member
589of an examining committee to examine an alleged incapacitated
590person may not thereafter be appointed as a guardian for the
591person who was the subject of the examination.
592     (c)  Each person appointed to an examining committee must
593file an affidavit with the court stating that he or she has
594completed the required courses or will do so no later than 4
595months after his or her initial appointment. Each year, the
596chief judge of the circuit must prepare a list of persons
597qualified to be members of an examining committee.
598     (d)  A member of an examining committee must complete a
599minimum of 4 hours of initial training. The person must complete
6002 hours of continuing education during each 2-year period after
601the initial training. The initial training and continuing
602education program must be developed under the supervision of the
603Statewide Public Guardianship Office, in consultation with the
604Florida Conference of Circuit Court Judges; the Elder Law and
605the Real Property, Probate and Trust Law sections of The Florida
606Bar; the Florida State Guardianship Association; and the Florida
607Guardianship Foundation. The court may waive the initial
608training requirement for a person who has served for not less
609than 5 years on examining committees. If a person wishes to
610obtain his or her continuing education on the Internet or by
611watching a video course, the person must first obtain the
612approval of the chief judge before taking an Internet or video
614     (e)(b)  Each member of the examining committee shall
615examine the person. Each The examining committee member must
616shall determine the alleged incapacitated person's ability to
617exercise those rights specified in s. 744.3215. In addition to
618the examination, each the examining committee member must shall
619have access to, and may consider, previous examinations of the
620person, including, but not limited to, habilitation plans,
621school records, and psychological and psychosocial reports
622voluntarily offered for use by the alleged incapacitated person.
623Each member of the examining committee must shall submit a
624report within 15 days after appointment.
625     (f)(c)  The examination of the alleged incapacitated person
626must include a comprehensive examination, a report of which
627shall be filed by each the examining committee member as part of
628his or her its written report. The comprehensive examination
629report should be an essential element, but not necessarily the
630only element, used in making a capacity and guardianship
631decision. The comprehensive examination must include, if
633     1.  A physical examination;
634     2.  A mental health examination; and
635     3.  A functional assessment.
637If any of these three aspects of the examination is not
638indicated or cannot be accomplished for any reason, the written
639report must explain the reasons for its omission.
640     (g)(d)  Each committee member's The committee's written
641report must include:
642     1.  To the extent possible, a diagnosis, prognosis, and
643recommended course of treatment.
644     2.  An evaluation of the alleged incapacitated person's
645ability to retain her or his rights, including, without
646limitation, the rights to marry; vote; contract; manage or
647dispose of property; have a driver's license; determine her or
648his residence; consent to medical treatment; and make decisions
649affecting her or his social environment.
650     3.  The results of the comprehensive examination and the
651committee member's members' assessment of information provided
652by the attending or family physician, if any.
653     4.  A description of any matters with respect to which the
654person lacks the capacity to exercise rights, the extent of that
655incapacity, and the factual basis for the determination that the
656person lacks that capacity.
657     5.  The names of all persons present during the time the
658committee member conducted his or her examination. If a person
659other than the person who is the subject of the examination
660supplies answers posed to the alleged incapacitated person, the
661report must include the response and the name of the person
662supplying the answer.
663     6.5.  The signature of each member of the committee member
664and the date and time the member conducted his or her
666     (h)(e)  A copy of each committee member's the report must
667be served on the petitioner and on the attorney for the alleged
668incapacitated person within 3 days after the report is filed and
669at least 5 days before the hearing on the petition.
670     (4)  DISMISSAL OF PETITION.--If a majority of the examining
671committee members conclude concludes that the alleged
672incapacitated person is not incapacitated in any respect, the
673court shall dismiss the petition.
675     (a)  Upon appointment of the examining committee, the court
676shall set the date upon which the petition will be heard. The
677date for the adjudicatory hearing must be set no more than 14
678days after the filing of the reports report of the examining
679committee members, unless good cause is shown. The adjudicatory
680hearing must be conducted at the time and place specified in the
681notice of hearing and in a manner consistent with due process.
682     (7)  FEES.--
683     (a)  The examining committee and any attorney appointed
684under subsection (2) are entitled to reasonable fees to be
685determined by the court.
686     (b)  The fees awarded under paragraph (a) shall be paid by
687the guardian from the property of the ward or, if the ward is
688indigent, by the state. The state shall have a creditor's claim
689against the guardianship property for any amounts paid under
690this section. The state may file its claim within 90 days after
691the entry of an order awarding attorney ad litem fees. If the
692state does not file its claim within the 90-day period, the
693state is thereafter barred from asserting the claim. Upon
694petition by the state for payment of the claim, the court shall
695enter an order authorizing immediate payment out of the property
696of the ward. The state shall keep a record of the such payments.
697     (c)  If the petition is dismissed, costs and attorney's
698fees of the proceeding may be assessed against the petitioner if
699the court finds the petition to have been filed in bad faith.
700     Section 12.  Subsection (4) of section 744.341, Florida
701Statutes, is renumbered as subsection (5) and a new subsection
702(4) is added to that section to read:
703     744.341  Voluntary guardianship.--
704     (4)  A guardian must include in the annual report filed
705with the court a certificate from a licensed physician who
706examined the ward not more than 90 days before the annual report
707is filed with the court. The certificate must certify that the
708ward is competent to understand the nature of the guardianship
709and of the ward's authority to delegate powers to the voluntary
711     Section 13.  Subsection (9) is added to section 744.361,
712Florida Statutes, to read:
713     744.361  Powers and duties of guardian.--
714     (9)  A professional guardian must ensure that each of the
715guardian's wards is personally visited by the guardian or one of
716the guardian's professional staff at least once each calendar
717quarter. During the personal visit, the guardian or the
718guardian's professional staff person shall assess:
719     (a)  The ward's physical appearance and condition.
720     (b)  The appropriateness of the ward's current living
722     (c)  The need for any additional services and the necessity
723for continuation of existing services, taking into consideration
724all aspects of social, psychological, educational, direct
725service, health, and personal care needs.
727This subsection does not apply to a professional guardian who
728has been appointed only as guardian of the property.
729     Section 14.  Subsection (2) of section 744.365, Florida
730Statutes, is amended to read:
731     744.365  Verified inventory.--
732     (2)  CONTENTS.--The verified inventory must include the
734     (a)  All property of the ward, real and personal, that has
735come into the guardian's possession or knowledge, including a
736statement of all encumbrances, liens, and other secured claims
737on any item, any claims against the property, and any cause of
738action accruing to the ward, and any trusts of which the ward is
739a beneficiary.;
740     (b)  The location of the real and personal property in
741sufficient detail so that it may be clearly identified or
742located.; and
743     (c)  A description of all sources of income, including,
744without limitation, social security benefits and pensions.
745     Section 15.  Subsections (1) and (3) of section 744.367,
746Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
747     744.367  Duty to file annual guardianship report.--
748     (1)  Unless the court requires filing on a calendar-year
749basis, each guardian of the person shall file with the court an
750annual guardianship plan within 90 days after the last day of
751the anniversary month the letters of guardianship were signed,
752and the plan must cover the coming fiscal year, ending on the
753last day in such anniversary month. If the court requires
754calendar-year filing, the guardianship plan must be filed on or
755before April 1 of each year within 90 days after the end of the
756calendar year.
757     (3)  The annual guardianship report of a guardian of the
758property must consist of an annual accounting, and the annual
759report of a guardian of the person of an incapacitated person
760must consist of an annual guardianship plan. The annual report
761shall be served on the ward, unless the ward is a minor under
762the age of 14 years or is totally incapacitated, and on the
763attorney for the ward, if any. The guardian shall provide a copy
764to any other person as the court may direct.
765     Section 16.  Section 744.3675, Florida Statutes, is amended
766to read:
767     744.3675  Annual guardianship plan.--Each guardian of the
768person must file with the court an annual guardianship plan
769which updates information about the condition of the ward. The
770annual plan must specify the current needs of the ward and how
771those needs are proposed to be met in the coming year.
772     (1)  Each plan for an adult ward must, if applicable,
774     (a)  Information concerning the residence of the ward,
776     1.  The ward's address at the time of filing the plan.;
777     2.  The name and address of each place where the ward was
778maintained during the preceding year.;
779     3.  The length of stay of the ward at each place.;
780     4.  A statement of whether the current residential setting
781is best suited for the current needs of the ward.; and
782     5.  Plans for ensuring during the coming year that the ward
783is in the best residential setting to meet his or her needs.
784     (b)  Information concerning the medical and mental health
785conditions condition and treatment and rehabilitation needs of
786the ward, including:
787     1.  A resume of any professional medical treatment given to
788the ward during the preceding year.;
789     2.  The report of a physician who examined the ward no more
790than 90 days before the beginning of the applicable reporting
791period. The Such report must contain an evaluation of the ward's
792condition and a statement of the current level of capacity of
793the ward.; and
794     3.  The plan for providing provision of medical, mental
795health, and rehabilitative services in the coming year.
796     (c)  Information concerning the social condition of the
797ward, including:
798     1.  The social and personal services currently used
799utilized by the ward.;
800     2.  The social skills of the ward, including a statement of
801how well the ward communicates and maintains interpersonal
802relationships. with others;
803     3.  A description of the ward's activities at communication
804and visitation; and
805     3.4.  The social needs of the ward.
806     (2)  Each plan filed by the legal guardian of a minor must
808     (a)  Information concerning the residence of the minor,
810     1.  The minor's address at the time of filing the plan.
811     2.  The name and address of each place the minor lived
812during the preceding year.
813     (b)  Information concerning the medical and mental health
814conditions and treatment and rehabilitation needs of the minor,
816     1.  A resume of any professional medical treatment given to
817the minor during the preceding year.
818     2.  A report from the physician who examined the minor no
819more than 180 days before the beginning of the applicable
820reporting period that contains an evaluation of the minor's
821physical and mental conditions.
822     3.  The plan for providing medical services in the coming
824     (c)  Information concerning the education of the minor,
826     1.  A summary of the school progress report.
827     2.  The social development of the minor, including a
828statement of how well the minor communicates and maintains
829interpersonal relationships.
830     3.  The social needs of the minor.
831     (3)(2)  Each plan for an adult ward must address the issue
832of restoration of rights to the ward and include:
833     (a)  A summary of activities during the preceding year that
834which were designed to enhance increase the capacity of the
836     (b)  A statement of whether the ward can have any rights
837restored.; and
838     (c)  A statement of whether restoration of any rights will
839be sought.
840     (4)(3)  The court, in its discretion, may require
841reexamination of the ward by a physician at any time.
842     Section 17.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section 744.3678,
843Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
844     744.3678  Annual accounting.--
845     (2)  The annual accounting must include:
846     (a)  A full and correct account of the receipts and
847disbursements of all of the ward's property over which the
848guardian has control and a statement of the ward's property on
849hand at the end of the accounting period. This paragraph does
850not apply to any property or any trust of which the ward is a
851beneficiary but which is not under the control or administration
852of the guardian.
853     (b)  A copy of the annual or year-end statement of all of
854the ward's cash accounts from each of the institutions where the
855cash is deposited.
856     (3)  The guardian must obtain a receipt, or canceled check,
857or other proof of payment for all expenditures and disbursements
858made on behalf of the ward. The guardian must preserve all
859evidence of payment the receipts and canceled checks, along with
860other substantiating papers, for a period of 3 years after his
861or her discharge. The receipts, proofs of payment checks, and
862substantiating papers need not be filed with the court but shall
863be made available for inspection and review at the such time and
864in such place and before the such persons as the court may from
865time to time order.
866     Section 18.  Section 744.3679, Florida Statutes, is amended
867to read:
868     744.3679  Simplified accounting procedures in certain
870     (1)  In a guardianship of property, when all assets of the
871estate are in designated depositories under s. 69.031 and the
872only transactions that occur in that account are interest
873accrual, deposits from a pursuant to settlement, or financial
874institution service charges, the guardian may elect to file an
875accounting consisting of:
876     (a)  The original or a certified copy of the year-end
877statement of the ward's account from the financial institution;
879     (b)  A statement by the guardian under penalty of perjury
880that the guardian has custody and control of the ward's property
881as shown in the year-end statement.
882     (2)  The clerk has no responsibility to monitor or audit
883the accounts and may not accept a fee for doing so.
884     (2)(3)  The accounting allowed by subsection (1) is in lieu
885of the accounting and auditing procedures under s. 744.3678(2)
886ss. 744.3678 and 744.368(1)(f). However, any interested party
887may seek judicial review as provided in s. 744.3685.
888     (3)(4)  The guardian need not be represented by an attorney
889in order to file the annual accounting allowed by subsection
891     Section 19.  Subsection (3) of section 744.368, Florida
892Statutes, is amended to read:
893     744.368  Responsibilities of the clerk of the circuit
895     (3)  Within 90 days after the filing of the verified
896inventory and accountings initial or annual guardianship report
897by a guardian of the property, the clerk shall audit the
898verified inventory and or the accountings annual accounting. The
899clerk shall advise the court of the results of the audit.
900     Section 20.  Subsection (19) of section 744.441, Florida
901Statutes, is amended to read:
902     744.441  Powers of guardian upon court approval.--After
903obtaining approval of the court pursuant to a petition for
904authorization to act, a plenary guardian of the property, or a
905limited guardian of the property within the powers granted by
906the order appointing the guardian or an approved annual or
907amended guardianship report, may:
908     (19)  Create or amend revocable trusts or create
909irrevocable trusts of property of the ward's estate which may
910extend beyond the disability or life of the ward in connection
911with estate, gift, income, or other tax planning or in
912connection with estate planning. The court shall retain
913oversight of the assets transferred to a trust, unless otherwise
914ordered by the court.
915     Section 21.  Section 744.442, Florida Statutes, is created
916to read:
917     744.442  Delegation of authority.--
918     (1)  A guardian may designate a surrogate guardian to
919exercise the powers of the guardian if the guardian is
920unavailable to act. A person designated as a surrogate guardian
921under this section must be a professional guardian.
922     (2)(a)  A guardian must file a petition with the court
923requesting permission to designate a surrogate guardian.
924     (b)  If the court approves the designation, the order must
925specify the name and business address of the surrogate guardian
926and the duration of appointment, which may not exceed 30 days.
927The court may extend the appointment for good cause shown. The
928surrogate guardian may exercise all powers of the guardian
929unless limited by order of the court. The surrogate guardian
930must file with the court an oath swearing or affirming that he
931or she will faithfully perform the duties delegated. The court
932may require the surrogate guardian to post a bond.
933     (3)  This section does not limit the responsibility of the
934guardian to the ward and to the court. The guardian is liable
935for the acts of the surrogate guardian. The guardian may
936terminate the authority of the surrogate guardian by filing a
937written notice of the termination with the court.
938     (4)  The surrogate guardian is subject to the jurisdiction
939of the court as if appointed to serve as guardian.
940     Section 22.  Paragraphs (c), (e), and (f) of subsection (2)
941and subsection (4) of section 744.464, Florida Statutes, are
942amended to read:
943     744.464  Restoration to capacity.--
945     (c)  The court shall immediately send notice of the filing
946of the suggestion of capacity to the ward, the guardian, the
947attorney for the ward, if any, the state attorney, and any other
948interested persons designated by the court. Formal notice must
949be served on the guardian. Informal notice may be served on
950other persons. Notice need not be served on the person who filed
951the suggestion of capacity.
952     (e)  If an objection is timely filed, or if the medical
953examination suggests that full restoration is not appropriate,
954the court shall set the matter for hearing. If the ward does not
955have an attorney, the court shall appoint one to represent the
957     (f)  Notice of the hearing and copies of the objections and
958medical examination reports shall be served upon the ward, the
959ward's attorney, the guardian, the state attorney, the ward's
960next of kin, and any other interested persons as directed by the
963CAPACITY.--Notwithstanding this section, a suggestion of
964capacity may not be filed within 90 days after an adjudication
965of incapacity or denial of restoration, unless good cause is
967     Section 23.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (19) of section
968744.474, Florida Statutes, is amended, and paragraph (b) of that
969subsection is redesignated as subsection (20) of that section
970and amended, to read:
971     744.474  Reasons for removal of guardian.--A guardian may
972be removed for any of the following reasons, and the removal
973shall be in addition to any other penalties prescribed by law:
974     (19)  Upon a showing by a person who did not receive notice
975of the petition for adjudication of incapacity, when such notice
976is required, or who is related to the ward within the
977relationships specified for nonresident relatives in ss.
978744.309(2) and 744.312(2) and who has not previously been
979rejected by the court as a guardian that:
980     (a)  the current guardian is not a family member; and
981subsection (20) applies.
982     (20)(b)  Upon a showing that removal of the current
983guardian is in the best interest of the ward. In determining
984whether a guardian who is related by blood or marriage to the
985ward is to be removed, there shall be a rebuttable presumption
986that the guardian is acting in the best interests of the ward,
988the court may remove the current guardian and appoint the
989petitioner, or such person as the court deems in the best
990interest of the ward, either as guardian of the person or of the
991property, or both.
992     Section 24.  Section 744.511, Florida Statutes, is amended
993to read:
994     744.511  Accounting upon removal.--A removed guardian shall
995file with the court a true, complete, and final report of his or
996her guardianship within 20 days after removal and shall serve a
997copy on the successor guardian and the ward, unless the ward is
998a minor under 14 years of age or has been determined to be
999totally incapacitated.
1000     Section 25.  Section 744.527, Florida Statutes, is amended
1001to read:
1002     744.527  Final reports and application for discharge;
1004     (1)  When the court terminates the guardianship for any of
1005the reasons set forth in s. 744.521, the guardian shall promptly
1006file his or her final report. If the ward has died, the guardian
1007must file a final report with the court no later than 45 days
1008after he or she has been served with letters of administration
1009or letters of curatorship. If no objections are filed and if it
1010appears that the guardian has made full and complete
1011distribution to the person entitled and has otherwise faithfully
1012discharged his or her duties, the court shall approve the final
1013report. If objections are filed, the court shall conduct a
1014hearing in the same manner as provided for a hearing on
1015objections to annual guardianship reports.
1016     (2)  The guardian applying for discharge may is authorized
1017to retain from the funds in his or her possession a sufficient
1018amount to pay the final costs of administration, including
1019guardian and attorney's fees regardless of the death of the
1020ward, accruing between the filing of his or her final returns
1021and the order of discharge.
1022     Section 26.  Subsection (3) of section 744.528, Florida
1023Statutes, is amended to read:
1024     744.528  Discharge of guardian named as personal
1026     (3)  Any interested person may file a notice of The court
1027shall set a hearing on any objections filed by the
1028beneficiaries. Notice of the hearing must shall be served upon
1029the guardian, beneficiaries of the ward's estate, and any other
1030person to whom the court directs service. If a notice of hearing
1031on the objections is not served within 90 days after filing of
1032the objections, the objections are deemed abandoned.
1033     Section 27.  Subsections (5) through (8) of section
1034744.708, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
1035     744.708  Reports and standards.--
1036     (5)(a)  Each office of public guardian shall undergo an
1037independent audit by a qualified certified public accountant
1038shall be performed at least once every 2 years. The audit should
1039include an investigation into the practices of the office for
1040managing the person and property of the wards. A copy of the
1041audit report shall be submitted to the Statewide Public
1042Guardianship Office.
1043     (b)  In addition to regular monitoring activities, the
1044Statewide Public Guardianship Office shall conduct an
1045investigation into the practices of each office of public
1046guardian related to the managing of each ward's personal affairs
1047and property. When feasible, the investigation required under
1048this paragraph shall be conducted in conjunction with the
1049financial audit of each office of public guardian under
1050paragraph (a).
1051     (c)  In addition, each the office of public guardian shall
1052be subject to audits or examinations by the Auditor General and
1053the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government
1054Accountability pursuant to law.
1055     (6)  A The public guardian shall ensure that each of the
1056guardian's wards is personally visited ward is seen by the
1057public guardian or by one of the guardian's a professional staff
1058person at least once each calendar quarter four times a year.
1059During this personal visit, the public guardian or the
1060professional staff person shall assess:
1061     (a)  The ward's physical appearance and condition.
1062     (b)  The appropriateness of the ward's current living
1064     (c)  The need for any additional services and the necessity
1065for continuation of existing services, taking into consideration
1066all aspects of social, psychological, educational, direct
1067service, health, and personal care needs.
1068     (7)  The ratio for professional staff to wards shall be 1
1069professional to 40 wards. The Statewide Public Guardianship
1070Office may increase or decrease the ratio after consultation
1071with the local public guardian and the chief judge of the
1072circuit court. The basis of the decision to increase or decrease
1073the prescribed ratio shall be reported in the annual report to
1074the Secretary of Elderly Affairs, the Governor, the President of
1075the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the
1076Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
1077     (8)  The term "professional," for purposes of this part,
1078shall not include the public guardian nor the executive director
1079of the Statewide Public Guardianship Office. The term
1080"professional" shall be limited to those persons who exercise
1081direct supervision of individual wards under the direction of
1082the public guardian.
1083     Section 28.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of section
1084765.101, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
1085     765.101  Definitions.--As used in this chapter:
1086     (5)  "Health care decision" means:
1087     (a)  Informed consent, refusal of consent, or withdrawal of
1088consent to any and all health care, including life-prolonging
1089procedures and mental health treatment, unless otherwise stated
1090in the advance directives.
1091     Section 29.  Section 28.345, Florida Statutes, is amended
1092to read:
1093     28.345  Exemption from court-related fees and
1094charges.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter or
1095law to the contrary, judges and those court staff acting on
1096behalf of judges, state attorneys, guardians ad litem, public
1097guardians, attorneys ad litem, court-appointed private counsel,
1098and public defenders, acting in their official capacity, and
1099state agencies, are exempt from all court-related fees and
1100charges assessed by the clerks of the circuit courts.
1101     Section 30.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (8) of section
1102121.091, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
1103     121.091  Benefits payable under the system.--Benefits may
1104not be paid under this section unless the member has terminated
1105employment as provided in s. 121.021(39)(a) or begun
1106participation in the Deferred Retirement Option Program as
1107provided in subsection (13), and a proper application has been
1108filed in the manner prescribed by the department. The department
1109may cancel an application for retirement benefits when the
1110member or beneficiary fails to timely provide the information
1111and documents required by this chapter and the department's
1112rules. The department shall adopt rules establishing procedures
1113for application for retirement benefits and for the cancellation
1114of such application when the required information or documents
1115are not received.
1117     (c)  Notwithstanding the member's designation of benefits
1118to be paid through a trust to a beneficiary that is a natural
1119person as provided in s. 121.021(46), and notwithstanding the
1120provisions of the trust, benefits shall be paid directly to the
1121beneficiary if the such person is no longer a minor or an
1122incapacitated person as defined in s. 744.102(11) and (12).
1123     Section 31.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (20) of section
1124121.4501, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
1125     121.4501  Public Employee Optional Retirement Program.--
1127     (c)  Notwithstanding the participant's designation of
1128benefits to be paid through a trust to a beneficiary that is a
1129natural person, and notwithstanding the provisions of the trust,
1130benefits shall be paid directly to the beneficiary if the such
1131person is no longer a minor or an incapacitated person as
1132defined in s. 744.102(11) and (12).
1133     Section 32.  Subsection (1) and paragraphs (b), (d), and
1134(f) of subsection (4) of section 709.08, Florida Statutes, are
1135amended to read:
1136     709.08  Durable power of attorney.--
1138power of attorney is a written power of attorney by which a
1139principal designates another as the principal's attorney in
1140fact. The durable power of attorney must be in writing, must be
1141executed with the same formalities required for the conveyance
1142of real property by Florida law, and must contain the words:
1143"This durable power of attorney is not affected by subsequent
1144incapacity of the principal except as provided in s. 709.08,
1145Florida Statutes"; or similar words that show the principal's
1146intent that the authority conferred is exercisable
1147notwithstanding the principal's subsequent incapacity, except as
1148otherwise provided by this section. The durable power of
1149attorney is exercisable as of the date of execution; however, if
1150the durable power of attorney is conditioned upon the
1151principal's lack of capacity to manage property as defined in s.
1152744.102(12)(11)(a), the durable power of attorney is exercisable
1153upon the delivery of affidavits in paragraphs (4)(c) and (d) to
1154the third party.
1157     (b)  Any third party may rely upon the authority granted in
1158a durable power of attorney that is conditioned on the
1159principal's lack of capacity to manage property as defined in s.
1160744.102(12)(11)(a) only after receiving the affidavits provided
1161in paragraphs (c) and (d), and such reliance shall end when the
1162third party has received notice as provided in subsection (5).
1163     (d)  A determination that a principal lacks the capacity to
1164manage property as defined in s. 744.102(12)(11)(a) must be made
1165and evidenced by the affidavit of a physician licensed to
1166practice medicine pursuant to chapters 458 and 459 as of the
1167date of the affidavit. A judicial determination that the
1168principal lacks the capacity to manage property pursuant to
1169chapter 744 is not required prior to the determination by the
1170physician and the execution of the affidavit. For purposes of
1171this section, the physician executing the affidavit must be the
1172primary physician who has responsibility for the treatment and
1173care of the principal. The affidavit executed by a physician
1174must state where the physician is licensed to practice medicine,
1175that the physician is the primary physician who has
1176responsibility for the treatment and care of the principal, and
1177that the physician believes that the principal lacks the
1178capacity to manage property as defined in s. 744.102(12)(11)(a).
1179The affidavit may, but need not, be in the following form:
1181STATE OF_______________
1182COUNTY OF_______________
1184     Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared  
1185(name of physician)  , Affiant, who swore or affirmed that:
1186     1.  Affiant is a physician licensed to practice medicine in  
1187(name of state, territory, or foreign country)  .
1188     2.  Affiant is the primary physician who has responsibility
1189for the treatment and care of   (principal's name)  .
1190     3.  To the best of Affiant's knowledge after reasonable
1191inquiry, Affiant believes that the principal lacks the capacity
1192to manage property, including taking those actions necessary to
1193obtain, administer, and dispose of real and personal property,
1194intangible property, business property, benefits, and income.
1198  (Affiant)
1200     Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this   (day
1201of)     (month)  ,   (year)  , by   (name of person making
1204  (Signature of Notary Public-State of Florida)
1206  (Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public)
1208Personally Known OR Produced Identification
1209  (Type of Identification Produced)
1210     (f)  A third party may not rely on the authority granted in
1211a durable power of attorney conditioned on the principal's lack
1212of capacity to manage property as defined in s.
1213744.102(12)(11)(a) when any affidavit presented has been
1214executed more than 6 months prior to the first presentation of
1215the durable power of attorney to the third party.
1216     Section 33.  Subsection (3) of section 744.1085, Florida
1217Statutes, is amended to read:
1218     744.1085  Regulation of professional guardians;
1219application; bond required; educational requirements.--
1220     (3)  Each professional guardian defined in s.
1221744.102(17)(16) and public guardian must receive a minimum of 40
1222hours of instruction and training. Each professional guardian
1223must receive a minimum of 16 hours of continuing education every
12242 calendar years after the year in which the initial 40-hour
1225educational requirement is met. The instruction and education
1226must be completed through a course approved or offered by the
1227Statewide Public Guardianship Office. The expenses incurred to
1228satisfy the educational requirements prescribed in this section
1229may not be paid with the assets of any ward. This subsection
1230does not apply to any attorney who is licensed to practice law
1231in this state.
1232     Section 34.  For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
1233made by this act to section 744.3215, Florida Statutes, in a
1234reference thereto, subsection (4) of section 117.107, Florida
1235Statutes, is reenacted to read:
1236     117.107  Prohibited acts.--
1237     (4)  A notary public may not take the acknowledgment of or
1238administer an oath to a person whom the notary public actually
1239knows to have been adjudicated mentally incapacitated by a court
1240of competent jurisdiction, where the acknowledgment or oath
1241necessitates the exercise of a right that has been removed
1242pursuant to s. 744.3215(2) or (3), and where the person has not
1243been restored to capacity as a matter of record.
1244     Section 35.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.
1246======= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ==========
1247     Remove the entire title and insert:
A bill to be entitled
1249An act relating to guardianship; amending s. 744.102,
1250F.S.; defining the terms "audit" and "surrogate guardian";
1251amending s. 744.1083, F.S.; revising provisions relating
1252to identification information provided by professional
1253guardians for registration; providing that the Statewide
1254Public Guardianship Office need not review credit and
1255criminal investigations from a state college or university
1256before registering the institution as a professional
1257guardian; amending s. 744.301, F.S.; providing that in the
1258event of death, the surviving parent is the sole natural
1259guardian of a minor; prohibiting a natural guardian from
1260using the property of the ward for the guardian's benefit
1261without a court order; creating s. 744.3025, F.S.;
1262authorizing a court to appoint a guardian ad litem to
1263represent a minor's interest in certain claims that exceed
1264a specified amount; requiring a court to appoint a
1265guardian ad litem to represent a minor's interest in
1266certain claims that exceed a specified amount; providing
1267that a court need not appoint a guardian ad litem under
1268certain circumstances; requiring a court to award
1269reasonable fees and costs to the guardian ad litem;
1270amending s. 744.3031, F.S.; increasing the time an
1271emergency temporary guardian may serve; increasing the
1272time of an extension; requiring an emergency temporary
1273guardian to file a final report; providing for the
1274contents of the final report; amending s. 744.304, F.S.;
1275specifying the persons who may file a petition for a
1276standby guardian; requiring that notice of the appointment
1277hearing be served on the ward's next of kin; clarifying
1278when a standby guardian may assume the duties of guardian;
1279requiring that each standby guardian submit to credit and
1280criminal history record checks; amending s. 744.3115,
1281F.S.; defining the term "health care decision"; amending
1282s. 744.3135, F.S.; providing procedures for completing a
1283guardian's criminal history record check; authorizing a
1284guardian to use electronic fingerprinting equipment that
1285is available for criminal history record checks of public
1286employees; providing that a guardian need not be
1287rescreened if he or she uses certain electronic
1288fingerprinting equipment; providing for fees; requiring
1289the Statewide Public Guardianship Office to request that
1290the Department of Law Enforcement forward certain
1291fingerprints to the Federal Bureau of Investigation;
1292requiring the Statewide Public Guardianship Office to
1293adopt a rule for credit investigations of guardians;
1294amending s. 744.3145, F.S.; reducing the time in which a
1295guardian must complete the education courses; amending s.
1296744.3215, F.S.; providing that an incapacitated person
1297retains the right to receive services and rehabilitation
1298necessary to maximize the quality of the person's life;
1299revising provisions relating to rights that may be removed
1300from a person determined incapacitated; amending s.
1301744.331, F.S.; requiring that the court appoint an
1302attorney for an alleged incapacitated person from a
1303specified registry; requiring attorneys to complete
1304certain training programs; providing that a member of the
1305examining committee may not be related to or associated
1306with certain persons; prohibiting a person who served on
1307an examining committee from being appointed as the
1308guardian; requiring each member of an examining committee
1309to file an affidavit stating that he or she has completed
1310or will timely complete the mandatory training; providing
1311for training programs; requiring each member to file a
1312report regarding his or her examination of an alleged
1313incapacitated person; providing for dismissal of a
1314petition alleging incapacity based on the reports of the
1315majority of the committee members; providing for an award
1316of attorney's fees; amending s. 744.341, F.S.; requiring
1317the voluntary guardian to include certain information in
1318the annual report; amending s. 744.361, F.S.; requiring a
1319professional guardian to ensure that each of his or her
1320wards is personally visited at least quarterly; providing
1321for the assessment of certain conditions during the
1322personal visit; providing an exemption; amending s.
1323744.365, F.S.; requiring that the verified inventory
1324include information on any trust to which a ward is a
1325beneficiary; amending s. 744.367, F.S.; requiring that the
1326annual report of the guardian filing on a calendar-year
1327basis be filed on or before a specified date; exempting
1328all minor wards from service of the annual report;
1329amending s. 744.3675, F.S.; requiring that the annual
1330guardianship plan include information on the mental
1331condition of the ward; providing for an annual
1332guardianship plan for wards who are minors; amending s.
1333744.3678, F.S.; providing that property of the ward which
1334is not under the control of the guardian, including
1335certain trusts, is not subject to annual accounting;
1336requiring certain documentation for the annual accounting;
1337amending s. 744.3679, F.S.; removing a provision
1338prohibiting the clerk of the court from having
1339responsibility for monitoring or auditing accounts in
1340certain cases; amending s. 744.368, F.S.; requiring that
1341the verified inventory and the accountings be audited
1342within a specified time period; amending s. 744.441, F.S.;
1343requiring the court to retain oversight for assets of a
1344ward transferred to a trust; creating s. 744.442, F.S.;
1345providing that a guardian may designate a surrogate
1346guardian to exercise the powers of the guardian if the
1347guardian is unavailable to act; requiring the surrogate
1348guardian to be a professional guardian; providing the
1349procedures to be used in appointing a surrogate guardian;
1350providing the duties of a surrogate guardian; requiring
1351the guardian to be liable for the acts of the surrogate
1352guardian; authorizing the guardian to terminate the
1353services of the surrogate guardian by filing a written
1354notice of the termination with the court; amending s.
1355744.464, F.S.; removing the state attorney from the list
1356of persons to be served a notice of a hearing on
1357restoration of capacity; removing a time limitation on the
1358filing of a suggestion of capacity; amending s. 744.474,
1359F.S.; revising provisions relating to removal of a
1360guardian who is not a family member; revising provisions
1361relating to removal of a guardian upon a showing that
1362removal of the current guardian is in the best interest of
1363the ward; amending s. 744.511, F.S.; providing that a ward
1364who is a minor need not be served with the final report of
1365a removed guardian; amending s. 744.527, F.S.; providing
1366that final reports for a deceased ward be filed at a
1367specified time; amending s. 744.528, F.S.; providing for a
1368notice of the hearing for objections to a report filed by
1369a guardian; amending s. 744.708, F.S.; revising provisions
1370relating to audits and investigations of each office of
1371public guardian; requiring a public guardian to ensure
1372that each of his or her wards is personally visited at
1373least quarterly; providing for the assessment of certain
1374conditions during the personal visit; providing for
1375additional distribution of a specified annual report;
1376deleting a definition; amending s. 765.101, F.S.;
1377redefining the term "health care decision" to include
1378informed consent for mental health treatment services;
1379amending s. 28.345, F.S.; revising provisions relating to
1380exemptions from paying court-related fees and charges;
1381amending ss. 121.091, 121.4501, 709.08, and 744.1085,
1382F.S.; conforming cross-references; reenacting s.
1383117.107(4), F.S., relating to prohibited acts of a notary
1384public, to incorporate the amendment made to s. 744.3215,
1385F.S., in a reference thereto; providing an effective date.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.