(LATE FILED)Amendment
Bill No. 0487
Amendment No. 855863
Senate House

1Representative(s) Russell offered the following:
3     Amendment (with title amendment)
4     Between lines 192 and 193, insert:
5     Section 2.  Subsection (28) is added to section 427.013,
6Florida Statutes, to read:
7     427.013  The Commission for the Transportation
8Disadvantaged; purpose and responsibilities.--The purpose of the
9commission is to accomplish the coordination of transportation
10services provided to the transportation disadvantaged. The goal
11of this coordination shall be to assure the cost-effective
12provision of transportation by qualified community
13transportation coordinators or transportation operators for the
14transportation disadvantaged without any bias or presumption in
15favor of multioperator systems or not-for-profit transportation
16operators over single operator systems or for-profit
17transportation operators. In carrying out this purpose, the
18commission shall:
19     (28)  In consultation with the Agency for Health Care
20Administration and the Department of Transportation, develop an
21allocation methodology that equitably distributes all
22transportation funds under the control of the commission to
23compensate counties, community transportation coordinators, and
24other entities providing transportation disadvantaged services.
25The methodology shall separately account for Medicaid
26beneficiaries. The methodology shall consider such factors as
27the actual costs of each transportation disadvantaged trip based
28on prior-year information, efficiencies that a provider might
29adopt to reduce costs, results of the rate and cost comparisons
30conducted under subsections (24) and (25), as well as cost
31efficiencies of trips when compared to the local cost of
32transporting the general public. This subsection does not
33supersede the authority of the Agency for Health Care
34Administration to distribute Medicaid funds.
36================ T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T =============
37     Between lines 19 and 20, insert:
38amending s. 427.013, F.S.; requiring the commission to develop a
39transportation fund allocation methodology for certain purposes;
40specifying methodology criteria; preserving Agency for Health
41Care Administration authority to distribute Medicaid funds;

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.