1 | Representative(s) Benson offered the following: |
2 |
3 | Amendment |
4 | Remove line(s) 638-865 and insert: |
5 | home and community-based services shall be actuarially |
6 | equivalent to plan experience. |
7 | Section 11. Paragraphs (f) and (k) of subsection (2) of |
8 | section 409.9122, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: |
9 | 409.9122 Mandatory Medicaid managed care enrollment; |
10 | programs and procedures.-- |
11 | (2) |
12 | (f) When a Medicaid recipient does not choose a managed |
13 | care plan or MediPass provider, the agency shall assign the |
14 | Medicaid recipient to a managed care plan or MediPass provider. |
15 | Medicaid recipients who are subject to mandatory assignment but |
16 | who fail to make a choice shall be assigned to managed care |
17 | plans until an enrollment of 35 40 percent in MediPass and 65 60 |
18 | percent in managed care plans, of all those eligible to choose |
19 | managed care, is achieved. Once this enrollment is achieved, the |
20 | assignments shall be divided in order to maintain an enrollment |
21 | in MediPass and managed care plans which is in a 35 40 percent |
22 | and 65 60 percent proportion, respectively. Thereafter, |
23 | assignment of Medicaid recipients who fail to make a choice |
24 | shall be based proportionally on the preferences of recipients |
25 | who have made a choice in the previous period. Such proportions |
26 | shall be revised at least quarterly to reflect an update of the |
27 | preferences of Medicaid recipients. The agency shall |
28 | disproportionately assign Medicaid-eligible recipients who are |
29 | required to but have failed to make a choice of managed care |
30 | plan or MediPass, including children, and who are to be assigned |
31 | to the MediPass program to children's networks as described in |
32 | s. 409.912(4)(g), Children's Medical Services Network as defined |
33 | in s. 391.021, exclusive provider organizations, provider |
34 | service networks, minority physician networks, and pediatric |
35 | emergency department diversion programs authorized by this |
36 | chapter or the General Appropriations Act, in such manner as the |
37 | agency deems appropriate, until the agency has determined that |
38 | the networks and programs have sufficient numbers to be |
39 | economically operated. For purposes of this paragraph, when |
40 | referring to assignment, the term "managed care plans" includes |
41 | health maintenance organizations, exclusive provider |
42 | organizations, provider service networks, minority physician |
43 | networks, Children's Medical Services Network, and pediatric |
44 | emergency department diversion programs authorized by this |
45 | chapter or the General Appropriations Act. When making |
46 | assignments, the agency shall take into account the following |
47 | criteria: |
48 | 1. A managed care plan has sufficient network capacity to |
49 | meet the need of members. |
50 | 2. The managed care plan or MediPass has previously |
51 | enrolled the recipient as a member, or one of the managed care |
52 | plan's primary care providers or MediPass providers has |
53 | previously provided health care to the recipient. |
54 | 3. The agency has knowledge that the member has previously |
55 | expressed a preference for a particular managed care plan or |
56 | MediPass provider as indicated by Medicaid fee-for-service |
57 | claims data, but has failed to make a choice. |
58 | 4. The managed care plan's or MediPass primary care |
59 | providers are geographically accessible to the recipient's |
60 | residence. |
61 | (k) When a Medicaid recipient does not choose a managed |
62 | care plan or MediPass provider, the agency shall assign the |
63 | Medicaid recipient to a managed care plan, except in those |
64 | counties in which there are fewer than two managed care plans |
65 | accepting Medicaid enrollees, in which case assignment shall be |
66 | to a managed care plan or a MediPass provider. Medicaid |
67 | recipients in counties with fewer than two managed care plans |
68 | accepting Medicaid enrollees who are subject to mandatory |
69 | assignment but who fail to make a choice shall be assigned to |
70 | managed care plans until an enrollment of 35 40 percent in |
71 | MediPass and 65 60 percent in managed care plans, of all those |
72 | eligible to choose managed care, is achieved. Once that |
73 | enrollment is achieved, the assignments shall be divided in |
74 | order to maintain an enrollment in MediPass and managed care |
75 | plans which is in a 35 40 percent and 65 60 percent proportion, |
76 | respectively. In service areas 1 and 6 of the Agency for Health |
77 | Care Administration where the agency is contracting for the |
78 | provision of comprehensive behavioral health services through a |
79 | capitated prepaid arrangement, recipients who fail to make a |
80 | choice shall be assigned equally to MediPass or a managed care |
81 | plan. For purposes of this paragraph, when referring to |
82 | assignment, the term "managed care plans" includes exclusive |
83 | provider organizations, provider service networks, Children's |
84 | Medical Services Network, minority physician networks, and |
85 | pediatric emergency department diversion programs authorized by |
86 | this chapter or the General Appropriations Act. When making |
87 | assignments, the agency shall take into account the following |
88 | criteria: |
89 | 1. A managed care plan has sufficient network capacity to |
90 | meet the need of members. |
91 | 2. The managed care plan or MediPass has previously |
92 | enrolled the recipient as a member, or one of the managed care |
93 | plan's primary care providers or MediPass providers has |
94 | previously provided health care to the recipient. |
95 | 3. The agency has knowledge that the member has previously |
96 | expressed a preference for a particular managed care plan or |
97 | MediPass provider as indicated by Medicaid fee-for-service |
98 | claims data, but has failed to make a choice. |
99 | 4. The managed care plan's or MediPass primary care |
100 | providers are geographically accessible to the recipient's |
101 | residence. |
102 | 5. The agency has authority to make mandatory assignments |
103 | based on quality of service and performance of managed care |
104 | plans. |
105 | Section 12. Paragraph (b) of subsection (5) of section |
106 | 624.91, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: |
107 | 624.91 The Florida Healthy Kids Corporation Act.-- |
109 | (b) The Florida Healthy Kids Corporation shall: |
110 | 1. Arrange for the collection of any family, local |
111 | contributions, or employer payment or premium, in an amount to |
112 | be determined by the board of directors, to provide for payment |
113 | of premiums for comprehensive insurance coverage and for the |
114 | actual or estimated administrative expenses. |
115 | 2. Arrange for the collection of any voluntary |
116 | contributions to provide for payment of premiums for children |
117 | who are not eligible for medical assistance under Title XXI of |
118 | the Social Security Act. Each fiscal year, the corporation shall |
119 | establish a local match policy for the enrollment of non-Title- |
120 | XXI-eligible children in the Healthy Kids program. By May 1 of |
121 | each year, the corporation shall provide written notification of |
122 | the amount to be remitted to the corporation for the following |
123 | fiscal year under that policy. Local match sources may include, |
124 | but are not limited to, funds provided by municipalities, |
125 | counties, school boards, hospitals, health care providers, |
126 | charitable organizations, special taxing districts, and private |
127 | organizations. The minimum local match cash contributions |
128 | required each fiscal year and local match credits shall be |
129 | determined by the General Appropriations Act. The corporation |
130 | shall calculate a county's local match rate based upon that |
131 | county's percentage of the state's total non-Title-XXI |
132 | expenditures as reported in the corporation's most recently |
133 | audited financial statement. In awarding the local match |
134 | credits, the corporation may consider factors including, but not |
135 | limited to, population density, per capita income, and existing |
136 | child-health-related expenditures and services. If local match |
137 | amounts collected exceed expenditures during any fiscal year, |
138 | including the 2005-2006 fiscal year, the corporation shall |
139 | return unspent local funds collected based on a formula |
140 | developed by the corporation. |
141 | 3. Subject to the provisions of s. 409.8134, accept |
142 | voluntary supplemental local match contributions that comply |
143 | with the requirements of Title XXI of the Social Security Act |
144 | for the purpose of providing additional coverage in contributing |
145 | counties under Title XXI. |
146 | 4. Establish the administrative and accounting procedures |
147 | for the operation of the corporation. |
148 | 5. Establish, with consultation from appropriate |
149 | professional organizations, standards for preventive health |
150 | services and providers and comprehensive insurance benefits |
151 | appropriate to children, provided that such standards for rural |
152 | areas shall not limit primary care providers to board-certified |
153 | pediatricians. |
154 | 6. Determine eligibility for children seeking to |
155 | participate in the Title XXI-funded components of the Florida |
156 | KidCare program consistent with the requirements specified in s. |
157 | 409.814, as well as the non-Title-XXI-eligible children as |
158 | provided in subsection (3). |
159 | 7. Establish procedures under which providers of local |
160 | match to, applicants to and participants in the program may have |
161 | grievances reviewed by an impartial body and reported to the |
162 | board of directors of the corporation. |
163 | 8. Establish participation criteria and, if appropriate, |
164 | contract with an authorized insurer, health maintenance |
165 | organization, or third-party administrator to provide |
166 | administrative services to the corporation. |
167 | 9. Establish enrollment criteria which shall include |
168 | penalties or waiting periods of not fewer than 60 days for |
169 | reinstatement of coverage upon voluntary cancellation for |
170 | nonpayment of family premiums. |
171 | 10. Contract with authorized insurers or any provider of |
172 | health care services, meeting standards established by the |
173 | corporation, for the provision of comprehensive insurance |
174 | coverage to participants. Such standards shall include criteria |
175 | under which the corporation may contract with more than one |
176 | provider of health care services in program sites. Health plans |
177 | shall be selected through a competitive bid process. The Florida |
178 | Healthy Kids Corporation shall purchase goods and services in |
179 | the most cost-effective manner consistent with the delivery of |
180 | quality medical care. The maximum administrative cost for a |
181 | Florida Healthy Kids Corporation contract shall be 15 percent. |
182 | For health care contracts, the minimum medical loss ratio for a |
183 | Florida Healthy Kids Corporation contract shall be 85 percent. |
184 | For dental contracts, the remaining compensation to be paid to |
185 | the authorized insurer or provider under a Florida Healthy Kids |
186 | Corporation contract shall be no less than an amount which is 85 |
187 | percent of premium; to the extent any contract provision does |
188 | not provide for this minimum compensation, this section shall |
189 | prevail. The health plan selection criteria and scoring system, |
190 | and the scoring results, shall be available upon request for |
191 | inspection after the bids have been awarded. |
192 | 11. Establish disenrollment criteria in the event local |
193 | matching funds are insufficient to cover enrollments. |
194 | 12. Develop and implement a plan to publicize the Florida |
195 | Healthy Kids Corporation, the eligibility requirements of the |
196 | program, and the procedures for enrollment in the program and to |
197 | maintain public awareness of the corporation and the program. |
198 | 13. Secure staff necessary to properly administer the |
199 | corporation. Staff costs shall be funded from state and local |
200 | matching funds and such other private or public funds as become |
201 | available. The board of directors shall determine the number of |
202 | staff members necessary to administer the corporation. |
203 | 14. Provide a report annually to the Governor, Chief |
204 | Financial Officer, Commissioner of Education, Senate President, |
205 | Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Minority Leaders of |
206 | the Senate and the House of Representatives. |
207 | 15. Establish benefit packages which conform to the |
208 | provisions of the Florida KidCare program, as created in ss. |
209 | 409.810-409.820. |
210 | Section 13. Subsection (4) of section 430.705, Florida |
211 | Statutes, is amended to read: |
212 | 430.705 Implementation of the long-term care community |
213 | diversion pilot projects.-- |
214 | (4) Pursuant to 42 C.F.R. s. 438.6(c), the agency, in |
215 | consultation with the department, shall annually reevaluate and |
216 | recertify the capitation rates for the diversion pilot projects. |
217 | The agency, in consultation with the department, shall secure |
218 | the utilization and cost data for Medicaid and Medicare |
219 | beneficiaries served by the program which shall be used in |
220 | developing rates for the diversion pilot projects. The |
221 | capitation rates shall be risk adjusted by plan and reflect |
222 | members' level of chronic illness, functional limitations, and |
223 | risk of institutional placement, as determined by expenditures |
224 | for a comparable fee-for-service population. Payments for |
225 | Medicaid home and community-based services shall be actuarially |
226 | equivalent to plan experience. |