HB 5023

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to state employment; providing for the
3resolution of certain collective bargaining issues at
4impasse between the State of Florida and certified
5bargaining units of state employees; providing an
6effective date.
8Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
10     Section 1.  (1)  Collective bargaining issues at impasse
11between the State of Florida and the Florida State Fire Service
12Association regarding Article 13 "Health and Welfare," Article
1320 "Training and Education," and Article 23 "Hours of Work and
14Overtime" shall be resolved by maintaining the status quo under
15the language of the current collective bargaining agreement.
16     (2)  Collective bargaining issues at impasse between the
17State of Florida and the State Employees Attorneys Guild shall
18be resolved as follows:
19     (a)  All collective bargaining issues at impasse regarding
20Article 7 "Employee Standards of Conduct and Performance,"
21Article 11 "Classification Review and Professional Practice
22Scope," and Article 22 "Prevailing Rights" shall be resolved
23pursuant to the state's last offer.
24     (b)  All collective bargaining issues at impasse regarding
25Article 8 "Workforce Reduction" shall be resolved pursuant to
26the state's last offer relating to "Section 1 ? Work Force
27Reduction" only.
28     (c)  All collective bargaining issues at impasse regarding
29Article 10 "Classification and Pay Plan" shall be resolved
30consistent with the consensus proposal on paragraphs A through E
31and a modified paragraph "F" reading, "Any salary adjustment
32shall be consistent with the Special Pay Increase criteria as
33set forth in the personnel rules. The Union shall be notified,
34in writing, of any salary increase."
35     (3)  Collective bargaining issues at impasse between the
36State of Florida and the Federation of Physicians and Dentists
37for Selected Exempt Service Supervisory Non-Professional Unit
38employees regarding Article 7 "Employee Standards of Conduct and
39Performance," Article 9 "Reassignment, Transfer, Change in Duty
40Station," and Article 14 "Review and Performance Evaluations"
41shall be resolved pursuant to the state's last offer.
42     (4)  Collective bargaining issues at impasse between the
43State of Florida and the Federation of Physicians and Dentists
44for Selected Exempt Service Physicians Unit employees shall be
45resolved as follows:
46     (a)  All collective bargaining issues at impasse regarding
47Article 7 "Employee Standards of Conduct and Performance" shall
48be resolved pursuant to the state's last offer.
49     (b)  All collective bargaining issues at impasse regarding
50Article 10 "Classification and Pay Plan" shall be resolved
51pursuant to the union's proposal on February 14, 2006, regarding
52notification of certain agency actions.
53     (5)  Collective bargaining issues at impasse between the
54State of Florida and the International Union of Police
55Associations for Law Enforcement Bargaining Unit employees shall
56be resolved by maintaining the status quo under the language of
57the current collective bargaining agreement.
58     (6)  Collective bargaining issues at impasse between the
59State of Florida and the American Federation of State, County,
60and Municipal Employees, Council 79, regarding Article 7
61"Discipline and Discharge" shall be resolved pursuant to the
62state's last offer on Sections 1 and 2, and consistent with the
63state's last offer on Section 3, modified to address the "level
64of discipline".
65     (7)  All other mandatory collective bargaining issues at
66impasse for the 2006-2007 fiscal year which are not addressed by
67this act or the General Appropriations Act for the 2006-2007
68fiscal year shall be resolved consistent with the personnel
69rules in effect on May 1, 2006, and by otherwise maintaining the
70status quo under the language of the current collective
71bargaining agreements.
72     Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.