Florida Senate - 2006                      COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
    Bill No. CS for SB's 528, 530 & 858
                        Barcode 130826
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1           Comm: 4a/FAV          .                    
       03/29/2006 10:47 AM         .                    
 2                                 .                    
 3                                 .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  The Committee on Commerce and Consumer Services (Klein)
12  recommended the following substitute for amendment (551560):
14         Senate Amendment 
15         On page 7, line 27, through page 8, line 7, delete
16  those lines
18  and insert:  
19         (5)  Pursuant to s. 212.099, a retail dealer of motor
20  fuel that chooses to participate in the Florida Disaster Motor
21  Fuel Supplier Program may receive a sales tax credit of up to
22  25 percent of the value of the cost to install appropriate
23  wiring and transfer switches required to meet certification
24  requirements established by the Division of Emergency
25  Management or by the director of the county emergency
26  management agency. The total tax credit for a single certified
27  location may not exceed $2,000.
28         (6)  In addition, a retail dealer of motor fuel that
29  chooses to participate in the Florida Disaster Motor Fuel
30  Supplier Program may receive a sales tax credit of up to 25
31  percent of the value of the purchase of a generator,
    9:43 AM   03/27/06                              s0528.cm30.0bb

Florida Senate - 2006 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB's 528, 530 & 858 Barcode 130826 1 permanently affixed to the site, required to meet 2 certification requirements established by the Division of 3 Emergency Management or by the director of the county 4 emergency management agency. The total tax credit for a single 5 certified location may not exceed $12,500. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 9:43 AM 03/27/06 s0528.cm30.0bb