Florida Senate - 2006                        SENATOR AMENDMENT
    Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB's 528, 530 & 858
                        Barcode 420776
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .                    
 2                                 .                    
 3         Floor: WD/2R            .                    
       05/02/2006 09:19 AM         .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senator Bennett moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         On page 17, line 9, through
15            page 18, line 20, delete those lines
17  and insert:  (v) of that subsection are redesignated as
18  paragraphs (u) through (y), respectively, and new paragraphs
19  (j), (s), (t), and (z) are added to that subsection to read:
20         252.35  Emergency management powers; Division of
21  Emergency Management.--
22         (2)  The division is responsible for carrying out the
23  provisions of ss. 252.31-252.90.  In performing its duties
24  under ss. 252.31-252.90, the division shall:
25         (i)  Institute statewide public awareness programs.
26  This shall include an intensive public educational campaign on
27  emergency preparedness issues, including, but not limited to,
28  the personal responsibility of individual citizens to be
29  self-sufficient for up to 72 hours following a natural or
30  manmade disaster. The public educational campaign shall
31  include relevant information on statewide disaster plans,
    7:22 PM   04/26/06                             s0528c3c-21-e0b

Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB's 528, 530 & 858 Barcode 420776 1 evacuation routes, fuel suppliers, and shelters. All 2 educational materials must be available in alternative formats 3 and mediums to ensure that they are available to persons with 4 disabilities. 5 (j) The Division of Emergency Management and the 6 Department of Education shall coordinate with the Agency For 7 Persons with Disabilities to provide an educational outreach 8 program on disaster preparedness and readiness to individuals 9 who have limited English skills and identify persons who are 10 in need of assistance but are not defined under special-needs 11 criteria. 12 (s) By January 1, 2007, the Division of Emergency 13 Management shall complete an inventory of portable generators 14 owned by the state and local governments which are capable of 15 operating during a major disaster. The inventory must 16 identify, at a minimum, the location of each generator, the 17 number of generators stored at each specific location, the 18 agency to which each the generator belongs, the primary use of 19 the generator by the owner agency, and the names, addresses, 20 and telephone numbers of persons having the authority to loan 21 the stored generators as authorized by the Division of 22 Emergency Management during a declared emergency. 23 (t) The division shall maintain an inventory list of 24 generators owned by the state and local governments. In 25 addition, the division may keep a list of private entities, 26 along with appropriate contact information, which offer 27 generators for sale or lease. The list of private entities 28 shall be available to the public for inspection in written and 29 electronic formats. 30 (z)1. In cooperation with the Department of 31 Environmental Protection, establish and maintain a vendor and 2 7:22 PM 04/26/06 s0528c3c-21-e0b
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB's 528, 530 & 858 Barcode 420776 1 price list for contractual services of disaster-relief cleanup 2 which will be available statewide for use by state agencies, 3 counties, and municipalities in times of emergencies. 4 a. Such contracts must require the establishment of 5 hauling rates and debris removal and reduction and must comply 6 with all guidelines of the Federal Emergency Management Agency 7 which are established at the time of the contract. 8 b. For purposes of this paragraph, certified minority 9 business enterprises shall receive first consideration for all 10 awards. 11 c. Purchases by any county, municipality, or other 12 state agency pursuant to this paragraph related to the 13 collection, removal, and reduction of disaster debris under 14 the provisions in the state purchasing contracts, are exempt 15 from the competitive solicitation requirements that otherwise 16 apply to purchases. 17 2. Evaluate all proposals for agreements for 18 disaster-cleanup services which proposals are timely submitted 19 to the department pursuant to a request for proposal created 20 by the department. The department shall identify the lowest 21 responsible and responsive vendor and all responsible and 22 responsive vendors who have certified that they are minority 23 business enterprises. In awarding a contract for 24 disaster-cleanup services, the department shall allow a 25 10-percent price preference to a responsible and responsive 26 vendor who has certified that it is a minority business 27 enterprise and an additional 5-percent price preference to a 28 responsible and responsive minority business enterprise that 29 is a Florida business. If no vendors are minority business 30 enterprises, the contract must be awarded to the lowest 31 qualified responsible and responsive vendor as ultimately 3 7:22 PM 04/26/06 s0528c3c-21-e0b
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB's 528, 530 & 858 Barcode 420776 1 negotiated by the department. If the proposal of a minority 2 business enterprise is competitive in accordance with the 3 criteria set forth in this paragraph, the department shall 4 negotiate first with the minority business enterprise for the 5 award of the agreement. 6 3. Establish guidelines and rules and negotiate such 7 proposals for collection, reduction, transportation, and 8 disposal of emergency debris by July 1, 2006, and annually 9 thereafter by February 1 to qualify for the division submittal 10 of an emergency preparedness plan and to establish guidelines 11 for price per yard of collection, price per yard for hauling, 12 price per yeard for disposal, and price per yard for reduction 13 of disaster debris. 14 4. Collect proposals for agreements for the temporary 15 storage of emergency debris at sites on a statewide basis for 16 use during times of emergency. 17 a. Such sites must provide a rate per yard for 18 materials delivered, a rate per yard for transportation to the 19 debris ultimate disposal site, and a rate per yard for 20 reduction of the volume of waste. 21 b. For purposes of calculating the collection rate for 22 the disaster-cleanup services, all proposals must assume a 23 15-mile radius for delivery to a temporary disposal facility 24 and must contain additional per-mile costs if the delivery of 25 the disaster debris is outside the 15-mile radius. 26 27 The purpose of this paragraph is to provide state agencies and 28 local governments access to agreements negotiated with the 29 division in times of emergency. 30 31 4 7:22 PM 04/26/06 s0528c3c-21-e0b
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB's 528, 530 & 858 Barcode 420776 1 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 2 And the title is amended as follows: 3 On page 3, line 17, after the semicolon, 4 5 insert: 6 requiring the Division of Emergency Management 7 to create a statewide vendor list for emergency 8 cleanup; requiring priority consideration of 9 minority business enterprises in the provision 10 of cleanup services; exempting certain 11 purchases from competitive bidding; 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 5 7:22 PM 04/26/06 s0528c3c-21-e0b