Bill No. 0535
Amendment No. 018343
Senate House

1Representative(s) Bogdanoff and Gottlieb offered the following:
3     Substitute Amendment for Amendment (541739)
4Remove line(s) 51-93 and insert:
5     8.  Sexual, religious, or racial harassment;
6     9.  Public humiliation; or
7     10.  Destruction of property.
8     (b)  "Harassment" means any threatening, insulting, or
9dehumanizing gesture, use of data or computer software, or
10written, verbal, or physical conduct directed against a student
11or school employee that:
12     1.  Places a student or school employee in reasonable fear
13of harm to his or her person or damage to his or her property;
14     2.  Has the effect of substantially interfering with a
15student's educational performance, opportunities, or benefits;
17     3.  Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly
18operation of a school.
19     (c)  Definitions in s. 815.03 relating to computer crimes
20and s. 784.048 relating to stalking are applicable to this
22     (d)  The terms "bullying" and "harassment" include:
23     1.  Retaliation against a student or school employee by
24another student or school employee for asserting or alleging an
25act of bullying or harassment. Reporting an act of bullying or
26harassment that is not made in good faith is considered
28     2.  Perpetuation of conduct listed in paragraph (a) or
29paragraph (b) by an individual or group with intent to demean,
30dehumanize, embarrass, or cause physical harm to a student or
31school employee by:
32     a.  Incitement or coercion;
33     b.  Accessing or knowingly causing or providing access to
34data or computer software through a computer, computer system,
35or computer network within the scope of the district school
36system; or
37     c.  Acting in a manner that has an effect substantially
38similar to the effect of bullying or harassment.
39     (4)  By September 1, 2006, each school district shall adopt
40a policy prohibiting bullying and harassment on school property,
41at a school-related or school-sponsored program or activity, on
42a school bus, or through the use of data or computer software
43that is accessed through a computer, computer system, or
44computer network within the scope of the district school system.
45The school district bullying and harassment policy shall afford
46all students the same protection regardless of their status
47under the law.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.