Florida Senate - 2006                        SENATOR AMENDMENT
    Bill No. HB 561, 1st Eng.
                        Barcode 413812
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .                    
 2                                 .                    
 3         Floor: WD/2R            .                    
       05/02/2006 10:09 AM         .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senator King moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         Lines 361-379, delete those lines
17         Section 13.  Subsection (7) of section 627.736, Florida
18  Statutes, is amended, and subsection (14) is added to that
19  section, to read:
20         627.736  Required personal injury protection benefits;
21  exclusions; priority; claims.--
23  REPORTS.--
24         (a)  Whenever the mental or physical condition of an
25  injured person covered by personal injury protection is
26  material to any claim that has been or may be made for past or
27  future personal injury protection insurance benefits, such
28  person shall, upon the request of an insurer, submit to mental
29  or physical examination by a physician or physicians.  The
30  costs of any examinations requested by an insurer shall be
31  borne entirely by the insurer. Such examination shall be
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Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 561, 1st Eng. Barcode 413812 1 conducted within the municipality where the insured is 2 receiving treatment, or in a location reasonably accessible to 3 the insured, which, for purposes of this paragraph, means any 4 location within the municipality in which the insured resides, 5 or any location within 10 miles by road of the insured's 6 residence, provided such location is within the county in 7 which the insured resides. If the examination is to be 8 conducted in a location reasonably accessible to the insured, 9 and if there is no qualified physician to conduct the 10 examination in a location reasonably accessible to the 11 insured, then such examination shall be conducted in an area 12 of the closest proximity to the insured's residence. Personal 13 protection insurers are authorized to include reasonable 14 provisions in personal injury protection insurance policies 15 for mental and physical examination of those claiming personal 16 injury protection insurance benefits. An insurer may not 17 withdraw payment of a treating physician without the consent 18 of the injured person covered by the personal injury 19 protection, unless the insurer first obtains a valid report by 20 a Florida physician licensed under the same chapter as the 21 treating physician whose treatment authorization is sought to 22 be withdrawn, stating that treatment was not reasonable, 23 related, or necessary. 24 (b) A valid report is one that is prepared and signed 25 by the physician examining the injured person or reviewing the 26 treatment records of the injured person or other relevant 27 information and is factually supported by the examination and 28 treatment records if reviewed and that has not been modified 29 by anyone other than the physician. Such a report may be 30 written by a physician who has reviewed the medical records of 31 the insured, even if the physician has not physically examined 2 3:41 PM 05/01/06 h056104e1c-08-e0a
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 561, 1st Eng. Barcode 413812 1 the insured. 2 (c) The physician preparing the report must be in 3 active practice, unless the physician is physically disabled. 4 Active practice means that during the 3 years immediately 5 preceding the date of the physical examination or review of 6 the treatment records the physician must have devoted 7 professional time to the active clinical practice of 8 evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment of medical conditions or 9 to the instruction of students in an accredited health 10 professional school or accredited residency program or a 11 clinical research program that is affiliated with an 12 accredited health professional school or teaching hospital or 13 accredited residency program. 14 (d) The physician preparing a report at the request of 15 an insurer and physicians rendering expert opinions on behalf 16 of persons claiming medical benefits for personal injury 17 protection, or on behalf of an insured through an attorney or 18 another entity, shall maintain, for at least 3 years, copies 19 of all examination reports as medical records and shall 20 maintain, for at least 3 years, records of all payments for 21 the examinations and reports. 22 (e) Neither an insurer nor any person acting at the 23 direction of or on behalf of an insurer may materially change 24 an opinion in a report prepared under this subsection 25 paragraph or direct the physician preparing the report to 26 change such opinion. The denial of a payment as the result of 27 such a changed opinion constitutes a material 28 misrepresentation under s. 626.9541(1)(i)2.; however, this 29 provision does not preclude the insurer from calling to the 30 attention of the physician errors of fact in the report based 31 upon information in the claim file or on new information that 3 3:41 PM 05/01/06 h056104e1c-08-e0a
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 561, 1st Eng. Barcode 413812 1 will become part of the claim file. 2 (f)(b) If requested by the person examined, a party 3 causing an examination to be made shall deliver to him or her 4 a copy of every written report concerning the examination 5 rendered by an examining physician, at least one of which 6 reports must set out the examining physician's findings and 7 conclusions in detail. After such request and delivery, the 8 party causing the examination to be made is entitled, upon 9 request, to receive from the person examined every written 10 report available to him or her or his or her representative 11 concerning any examination, previously or thereafter made, of 12 the same mental or physical condition. By requesting and 13 obtaining a report of the examination so ordered, or by taking 14 the deposition of the examiner, the person examined waives any 15 privilege he or she may have, in relation to the claim for 16 benefits, regarding the testimony of every other person who 17 has examined, or may thereafter examine, him or her in respect 18 to the same mental or physical condition. If a person 19 unreasonably fails or unreasonably refuses to submit to an 20 examination, the personal injury protection carrier is no 21 longer liable for subsequent personal injury protection 22 benefits. 23 (g) During the independent medical examination, 24 neither the insurer, the insured, nor the assignee of the 25 insured may have counsel, a court reporter, or a videographer 26 present. 27 (h) This section does not preclude or limit the 28 ability of the insurer to assert that the claim was unrelated, 29 was not medically necessary, or was unreasonable or that the 30 amount of the charge was in excess of that permitted under, or 31 in violation of, this section. Such an assertion by the 4 3:41 PM 05/01/06 h056104e1c-08-e0a
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 561, 1st Eng. Barcode 413812 1 insurer may be made, through or without expert testimony, at 2 any time, including after payment of the claim or after the 3 30-day time period for payment set forth in this section. 4 (14) FRAUD ADVISORY NOTICE.--Upon receiving notice of 5 a claim under this section, an insurer shall provide a notice 6 to the insured or to a person for whom a claim for 7 reimbursement for diagnosis or treatment of injuries has been 8 filed, advising that: 9 (a) Pursuant to s. 626.9892, the Department of 10 Financial Services may pay rewards of up to $25,000 to persons 11 providing information leading to the arrest and conviction of 12 persons committing crimes investigated by the Division of 13 Insurance Fraud arising from violations of s. 440.105, s. 14 624.15, s. 626.9541, s. 626.989, or s. 817.234. 15 (b) Solicitation of a person injured in a motor 16 vehicle crash for purposes of filing personal injury 17 protection or tort claims could be a violation of s. 817.234, 18 s. 817.505, or the rules regulating The Florida Bar and should 19 be immediately reported to the Division of Insurance Fraud if 20 such conduct has taken place. 21 Section 14. Section 627.7403, Florida Statutes, is 22 amended to read: 23 627.7403 Mandatory joinder of derivative claim.-- 24 (a) In any action brought pursuant to the provisions 25 of s. 627.737 claiming personal injuries, all claims arising 26 out of the plaintiff's injuries, including all derivative 27 claims, shall be brought together, unless good cause is shown 28 why such claims should be brought separately. 29 (b) In any action brought under s. 627.736 claiming 30 personal injury protection benefits, all claims arising out of 31 the claimant's injuries, including all claims resulting from a 5 3:41 PM 05/01/06 h056104e1c-08-e0a
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 561, 1st Eng. Barcode 413812 1 valid assignment of benefits that are, or with due diligence 2 could have been, identified must be brought at the same time 3 and consolidated into one cause of action or shall be deemed 4 waived. 5 Section 15. Section 627.7404, Florida Statutes, is 6 created to read: 7 627.7404 Interpleader.--An action for interpleader or 8 in the nature of interpleader may be brought against two or 9 more adverse claimants who claim or may claim entitlement to 10 benefits that may be available pursuant to a policy of motor 11 vehicle insurance. The claims of the several defendants need 12 not have a common origin or be identical but may be adverse to 13 and independent of each other. The plaintiff may deny 14 liability in whole or in part to any or all of the defendants. 15 A defendant may likewise obtain interpleader by way of 16 counterclaim or cross-claim. the complaint for interpleader 17 shall specify the nature and value of the benefits and must be 18 accompanied by payment or tender into court of the benefits 19 available. The complaint may request, and the court may grant 20 prior to the entry of an order of interpleader, appropriate 21 ancillary relief, including, but not limited to, preliminary 22 injunctive relief. Interpleading of policy limits is prima 23 facie evidence of good faith on the part of the insurance 24 company. This section does not limit the joinder of parties as 25 otherwise required or permitted by the laws of this state. 26 27 (Redesignate subsequent sections.) 28 29 30 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 31 And the title is amended as follows: 6 3:41 PM 05/01/06 h056104e1c-08-e0a
Florida Senate - 2006 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. HB 561, 1st Eng. Barcode 413812 1 Lines 48-51, delete those lines 2 3 and insert: 4 and liabilities; amending s. 627.736, F.S.; 5 revising requirements for the mental and 6 physical examination of injured persons and 7 reports relating to such examinations; 8 requiring insurers to provide certain persons 9 with notice of the department's Anti-Fraud 10 Reward Program and the criminal violations that 11 may be reported in pursuit of an award; 12 amending s. 627.7403, F.S.; providing that 13 certain claims must be consolidated or are 14 waived; creating s. 627.7404, F.S.; providing 15 for actions for interpleader; providing 16 procedures; allowing the provision of 17 appropriate ancillary relief; providing that 18 interpleading of policy limits is prima facie 19 evidence of an insurance company's good faith; 20 providing that the section does not limit the 21 otherwise lawful joinder of parties; 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 7 3:41 PM 05/01/06 h056104e1c-08-e0a