HB 57

A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to student assessment; amending s.
31008.22, F.S.; requiring the Department of Education to
4conduct concordance studies to determine FCAT
5equivalencies for high school graduation; deleting a
6limitation on the use of alternative assessments for the
7grade 10 FCAT; requiring the department to conduct a
8concordance study to identify alternative examinations for
9the grade 10 FCAT for students with limited English
10proficiency; providing an effective date.
12Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
14     Section 1.  Subsection (9) of section 1008.22, Florida
15Statutes, is amended to read:
16     1008.22  Student assessment program for public schools.--
18     (a)  The Department of Education shall conduct concordance
19studies, as necessary, to determine scores on the SAT and the
20ACT equivalent to those required on the FCAT for high school
21graduation pursuant to s. 1003.429(6)(a) or s. 1003.43(5)(a).
22     (b)1.(a)  The Commissioner of Education shall approve the
23use of the SAT and ACT tests as alternative assessments to the
24grade 10 FCAT for the 2003-2004 school year. Students who attain
25scores on the SAT or ACT which equate to the passing scores on
26the grade 10 FCAT for purposes of high school graduation shall
27satisfy the assessment requirement for a standard high school
28diploma as provided in s. 1003.429(6)(a) or s. 1003.43(5)(a) for
29the 2003-2004 school year if the students meet the requirement
30in subparagraph 2 paragraph (b).
31     2.(b)  A student shall be required to take the grade 10
32FCAT a total of three times without earning a passing score in
33order to use the scores on an alternative assessment pursuant to
34subparagraph 1 paragraph (a). This requirement shall not apply
35to a student who is a new student to the public school system in
36grade 12.
37     (c)  The Department of Education shall conduct a
38concordance study to identify alternative examinations for the
39grade 10 FCAT for students with limited English proficiency.
40     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2006.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.